
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

March/April 2015 Quiltmaker! Give-Away!

I am still unearthing myself out from under the huge stack of mail that has come in over the past couple weeks!

But this envelope I knew right away!

It’s the March/April 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine – the issue that has my Twirl Around blocks for my Addicted to Scraps column!

I’ve been working on these blocks over the past couple of weeks – I have a plan for them!

And while there are things I can’t show online because they are going in as a future magazine project, or book project, or video project – THESE I CAN!!


My stack is growing!

I worked on these while at retreat at Quilt Villa this past week!

And now you can work on them too!

Each issue of Quiltmaker also includes a link to my Addicted to Scraps page on Quiltmaker.com

You can also access the page for each block by clicking the block title under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog!  Clicking the title under the photo for the March/April Twirl Around block will take you HERE.

You will find sample layouts for quilts, or choose your own setting!  The Quiltmaker Staff chose this one:

Great big spaces, perfect for quilting designs!

I have my own plans for this quilt –and you won’t see it until it is done.  But nothing can stop you from stock piling blocks back in anticipation of a quilt I know you are going to want to make with me!  This way it’s a half-mystery and you are going to love the reveal!


Pick up a copy of Quiltmaker and get started on your own Twirl Around blocks today!

I’m feeling in the mood for a Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below telling me what colors you would choose for your own set of blocks!

I’ll be drawing for THREE lucky winners by random number generator on Sunday Evening.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.
When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!
If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!
Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly. The URL is HERE.  You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!

Good Luck Everyone!
I’m looking forward to Quilt-Cam at 9pm EST tonight!  I hope you will join me!  We missed it for all of January.  I was just GONE with no time to do it.
Make it an awesome Tuesday, everyone and I’ll see you tonight!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Anonymous said...

I love your block. I am about half finished with your Grand Illusions quilt and your colors helped me break out of my normal color box. For this block I think it would be pretty in the grey and yellows that I have been collecting.
Joyce Beenes

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful block, I can see it done in QOV colors and/or any spring colors. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Brenda Mc

RitaJo said...

Love it. Not sure what color. rrj1948@yahoo.com

Leavenworth Robin said...

What a chance to "work" out of the box! Tan background with royal blue and lavender. quiltnrobin@nwi.com
Thank you Bonnie

mardigrasgirl said...

love your block stay warm.

Cindy S. said...

I am thinking of red, white , and blue. This block makes me think of fireworks!

Anonymous said...

Love the block, I would do in red and black

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is blue. Anything with blue. With maybe a touch of yellow. Thanks for being such a friend to all of us.

Rita Mitchell said...

I love this block! My color choice would be a variety of 30's prints with their matching solids, although I do love the colors you are using. Please include me in your drawing... rmm11507@gmail.com. See you tonight during Quilt Cam!

Sheila in Wisconsin said...

Love the block! Looking forward to your next Quiltcam!

Verna G said...

I think everything looks great in yellow and blue! Would love to be a winner.

Debra Esper said...

I think I'll choose teal grey and lavender for my blocks. Tupperdebb@aol.com

Unknown said...

Love your use of neutrals! Still amaze me! Hope I win!

Sheila in Wisconsin said...

oops....forgot my email

Sheila in Wisconsin

mamagoose said...

this would be amazing coming off a five year hiatus from sewing. I love your projects. your mysteries have been my favorite projects to do. thank you.

Gill said...

I love your colours!
I'd use navy and green!

Thetamc said...

I'd go for warm colors - yellows, oranges and reds. I certainly buy enough of those to make this very scrappy. Wonder what would make a good contrast? Thanks for the opportunity, Bonnie. See you online tonight!

jofridsquilt said...

Turquise, grey and pink. Thanks for the oportunity to win😄

Unknown said...

Like the colors you picked, but I think I need to use up some of my purple and pink stash. It's been multiplying for a long time. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Love your neutrals Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Red, white and blue!

Anonymous said...

I loved the colors you gave for the GIMQ and now the pink and greens for the Twirl Around block. I know your layout for the block will be GREAT!I can't wait to see you later this month in Tampa. My guestroom bed is covered with fabrics for the classes!

Angelia said...

I'm thinking red(ish), white(ish), and blue(ish). :)


Anonymous said...

I love the blocks and the cute colors

Judy Dallner said...

I love the pink and green together. I don't quite know how you get your scraps to match so well.


Anonymous said...

I would use, blue, green and yellow. Dorothy Ragland

Becky said...

I would use turquoise & a lime green. Fresh & crisp for spring.

Jennifer said...

Since I have a stash of black and neutral bonus HSTs, this would be a perfect block to use them. I think I'll go with blue as the second color.

Denise said...

I would choose lime green and purple and make it for my best friend. Thank you for the chance to win. See you tonight! Denilayne@yahoo.com

Brenda Griffith said...

I love your scrappy designs! I would use blue, green and pink! If I am lucky enough to win anything you can reach me at ajsmother2002@yahoo.com

jennieb said...

Nothing says Spring like your green and pinks!! I'd dig in my stash and hope to find enough of those colors.

Anita said...

Gorgeous block! I would use blue and purple.

Unknown said...

Pinks and greens, looks just like appleblossom......roll on Spring!!! Thank you Bonnie :} Koobecaf2011@hotmail.co.uk

Grammy said...

I would have to make mine red, white, and blue.

Unknown said...

I would love to see it in red and turquoise! Thanks for a chance to win!! jwb1127@aol.com

Unknown said...

I am into red and white right now decorating my new STUDIO!!! I love this block and may do ONE and frame it for my wall with the red and white stash materials I have. I LOVE YOUR TALENT and am so fortunate you SHARE them with us!!!!

nstitches4u said...

Love that block! I love the pinks and lime greens, so I would probably stay with that color scheme. The brighter, the better! Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen (Misiz C) said...

Another lovely Bonnie block!! Fingers are crossed.

Sharon said...

I'd love to use blues in the HSTs and bright yellows in the corner squares, then sash it with navy!

Colleen in Alaska said...

So many blocks, so little time! Love your colors. I'm a bit undecided so may change my mind once I see what I have, but I'm thinking blues and greens with the neutrals.

Colleen in Alaska (cpedretty @ gmail. com)

Sharon said...

This is such a pretty block! So much to do - so little time. sthorp@chsd.us

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the quilt you design with the blocks! They are so cute!

Unknown said...

You're Twirl Around blocks are so cute, I could hug 'em! I think I would do a neutral, teal, coral combo.

Thank you!


Nancy H, http://gomomma.wordpress.com/ said...

I'd like to see it in Americana colors, red, blue & taupe.

Anonymous said...

I love the lime green, but I think I would use purple with mine and white


Anonymous said...

I'll make it pink and blue for a sweet baby quilt.

paulette said...

Yowzers...there are a lot of us wanting to win this magazine!! I know why...your block looks wonderful! Thanks for the chance!

goatsrme said...

I love blue, but red is running neck in neck...I may have to go Patriotic even though I'm north of the 49th.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Love your work and all you do for us.

Diane said...

You are my inspiration for getting things done. I wish I had your energy. I would pick red, white, and blue in time for July 4th. Diane C. Eculli1060@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

With over 40" of snow here in the past week, I've been doing a lot of quilting. I need some new inspiration (maybe a new magazine?!). I think I would use the same, pink and green, as a reminder that spring will come eventually.

Gwen said...

Thanks for the Giveaway! I love
your "Addicted to Scraps" column.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see it in creams, browns and turquoise.

Denise - ldbailey@mbo.net

Mary said...

I would use some of my 30's prints with the figures on them. All colors, scrappy to the max! My QM copy came and is torn, I NEED a New one. The mailman must have liked looking at ot a littel too much. Your Birthday mail is fun to see. Yea for QuiltCAM tonight!

Anonymous said...

I would probably go with red, black and white. Always like those colors together.
Jeanine at twowaals@mahaska.org

VA said...

I would use shades of blue, but I really like the pink with the green.

quiltynan said...

I would love to do this block in purples, grays, and teals!

Kathy Crofoot said...

I am grateful for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. I am more grateful for your talent. I see this in red/white/blue as another Quilt of Valor.

Diane said...

You are my inspiration for getting things done. I wish I had your energy. My colors would be red, white, and blue for the 4th of July. Diane from Patchogue.

MamMawJo said...

I would use lime greens and bright purples with cream neutrals. thank you for all you do. I know you don't waste a minute of time. How I envy you and wish I had known about years and years ago.


Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

I need to use up my stock of blue and green, these colors are in abundance, so they would be my colors of choice for the lovely block. Can't wait to see what you have in store. Mona in Melbourne, FL

F. Gloade said...

I would pick blues and Browns. Keep up the good work

Ocouss said...

Thanks for the Giveaway, Bonnie. I think I would choose either green and blue or green and orange. Though your pink and green is very tempting too. I just have too many pink things happening for my house of boys.

cgail said...

Thanks for this opportunity to win a copy. I would consider reds and light country blues with cream backgrounds. dulci8533@yahoo.com

craftygramma said...

HI Bonnie - can't wait for quiltcam tonite! I'd either go burgundy/gold/cream or pink/turquoise/butter yellow...thanks!

craftygramma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
janequiltsslowly said...

Hmmm . . . Yellow & Blue or Blue & Green. love your blog, Bonnie. Thanks for the chance to win. 😃

Carole D. said...

It is REALLY hard to narrow down colors! My stash seems to have a good bit of blue, purple, and creamy neutrals, so maybe I would go with that...or throw in a bit of green here and there! :)


GerryART said...

Turns out there seems to be lots of Pinks and Blue scraps in my Stash
This may be my first challenge this year.
You are heaven sent to our quilters' world ❤️
Would love to be picked for this newest issue!
Hugs 'n Smiles

Unknown said...

Love your column and magazine! Glad you came to Cordova and came up with "Orca Bay"! Its awesome! Tyvm Bonnie!
Laurie oneartist4u@yahoo.com

cgail said...

Thank you for this opportunity to win a copy. I would consider reds, light country blues and creams.

Kathi said...

Love your block & the setting Quiltmaker chose for the quilt! I would love to win! Pick Me!!!

Unknown said...

Different primary colors for children. I'd love a copy! Kathi.pauling@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win the magazine! Would love to keep adding to my bucket list!! LOL!!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking pink and orange. I like that combo lately and made a knit scarf in those colors.

Diane said...

I would love red, white, and blue. Just in time for july 4th. Diane from Patchogue NY

Brenda Goodhope said...

I love the block, I would use reds, blacks and whites, or purples and aqua's. I may even do both.

Linda H said...

Love this block Bonnie! And thanks for the chance to win a copy of this Quiltmaker issue. Being a blue lover, my main color would be blue, with either green or yellow. At least, that's today's plan.. lol

Sherry said...

Love your block! I think I might choose red, blue and neutrals. Thank you for the chance to win! Sherry

Mammie said...

I would like to make one with turquoise and browns!

Anonymous said...

Maroon and orange! Go hokies! Julie in ms, plutosmom@gmail.com

thimble said...

Fun block and I think pale blues as the "neutrals" would look like a spring day! Thanks for the opportunity to win a magazine.

Sheila said...

Looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight. I would like to make these blocks with colorful scraps : )

Anonymous said...

Love the block, I would use blue and yellow scraps. Would love to receive a copy of Quiltmaker and hope to win your drawing.

msmargie2 said...

Love the colors you are using . I would use red, neutral and blue. Thank you for all that you do !!

Unknown said...

My choice would be to use blues and browns, as many as I could get my hands on. Thanks.

Karen said...

Ooooh! I love this block and can't wait to see what you do with yours. Random generator, please pick me.....:-)

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I love your new blocks and can't wait to see the reveal of your quilt. I would use blues, yellows, and maybe throw in a tiny bit of a pale red as I have lots of those scraps that need to be used!

Sue ( sue @ asdfwordpro . com )

Anonymous said...

Patriotic - Red and Blue with neutral. Thanks for the chance to win. adeedrick@hbci.com

AnneP said...

Love the combination of lime green and pink - a fun block

christineschoon said...

Red, white and blue!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Like this block! I would choose darker teal and lime green. andreaatharlesdotcom

Colleenrb said...

Blues. So many blues!

Unknown said...

Love your colors and new block.Thanks for helping us grow . dianesinclair7x7@gmail.com

robin said...

I love this block! Thank you for all you do for the quilting community, Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Love your colors and new block.Thanks for helping us grow . dianesinclair7x7@gmail.com

Margaret B said...

I have the most scraps in my pink and blue and green bins. Maybe blue and yellow?

Unknown said...

I'm a whirling dervish thinking about your twirl around block! Love it!

Unknown said...

BLUE! Always Blue! Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do for us! Betty Anne Hightower

Anonymous said...

Would love this issue. Love your block!

Mary said...

Thank you for your give-away! I'd love to win a copy. Blessings. Mary Katharin - denebir at gmail dot com

JaNae said...

What a fun block. So springlike and definitely uplifting for those under the mounds of snow. thank you so much for this giveaway. Have a blessed, fun day!

Anonymous said...

Each new block is full of possibilities and that's what I like about your designs! I'm new to the "scrappy look" but definitely hooked. Love your work.

Shae Clairmont at shae_3@telus.net

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!


Shirl said...

Love this happy block and can't wait to see your take on it! QUIltmaker will do until then!

Quilting Tangent said...

Scrappy rainbow colors.

Janet said...

It's such a pretty block. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine!

Colleenrb said...

I hope this posts this time, blues!

Unknown said...

I just got a pretty shade of coral and spring grass green. I think I'd add white and teal.

doxiemom said...

Im thinking of muted aqua with salmon for the camper. As always, thanks for your generosity. You are so very appreciated! mssharp1@yahoo.com

Sandy L said...

All scrappy reproduction. Yeah!

imzadi said...

I would use brown, navy and maroon. Cute block to use up my scraps!

Barbara said...

Looking forward to quilt cam tonight. Love all your patterns. Thank you, Barbara

Diane Eden said...

I love the pink and green! makes me feel like spring time and putting winter behind us!

Robin B said...

Love to win! I would used red and gold. Looking forward to quilt cam tonight!

CheriB said...

I would do blue and cream quarter square block, blue with a touch of orange in the corners. I love the pattern!


kathy said...

Love this block. Thanks for the chance

PalmerGal said...

Oh gosh, i can't decide on colors, but i do love thid block. I have blues and browns pulled for Smith Mountain, and am still working on GI in bright colors. I have a lot of pastels in soft purples, greens and pinks, so maybe that.


s/v Flying Cloud said...

Love the colors will make the block with you!!!

Eileen said...

I would use some of my blue and yellow scraps that don't seem to ever go away!

Unknown said...

I'm doing this in paprika & not cheddar but cheetos oranges and yellow.
Gonna work on these during quiltcam tonight

Inge C said...

I love the pink and green, but with different colour bonus-hst's from several projects, mine would have to be scrappy perhaps with a constant colour in the corners. Thank you for all you give to your fellow quilters from my heart. For me it is only bonnie-style quilts from now on!
Inge from Denmark

cbott said...

Such a pretty block. Can't wait to see the quilt.

Lucy said...

I would totally use purple and gray :) but ill see whats in my scrap bins first :)

Lucy Wilsom

Linda said...

Nice block! I would us blues and whites, with a splash of purple and black thrown in here and there.

Anita Balgenorth said...

I would probably use pink and teal, but maybe red & blue. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

bluebonnet523 said...

I would be thrilled to win a copy of Quiltmaker.

Vanya said...

LOVE the block, reminds me of Spring. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Vanya in Texas

BlueRidge Quilter said...

This looks like a fun block. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

Susan Torrens said...

I'd love a copy! I have a stack of bonus half-square triangle blocks leftover from Grand Illusion, and this block would make great use of them.....

Anonymous said...

Bought a Fancy jelly roll pack about 3 months ago..will base my colors on that - pink, green, yellow, blue, red. francesm@wildblue.net

Idaho Donna said...

I have lots of gold, cream, green, orange, and black. Thank you for the opportunity to win.!


Anonymous said...

I have always wanted a black and white quilt with some red pop. This block would be perfect. The swirls in red with the rest being white on black and black in white patterns with a few solids. Great block, Bonnie!

Mary Jo said...

I love red and black quilts. But I love the pink and green you are using. Such happy colors.

Just Ducky said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine.


Vicki H said...

I am liking red and aqua lately.

Rachel said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I would use gray and soft pink.
Good luck everyone!
From Cantley Quebec, rachel.gagnon5@sympatico.ca

Barb said...

I think this block would look great in Red White and Blue. My son served in the Air Force so I do a lot of patriotic quilts

Thanks for the give away
Barb email: betcrawford at Verizon dot net

Deb said...

I just bought a lot of teal and purple fabrics and this block would show off those fabrics well!

Anonymous said...

Love your blocks and what you do! Mine would be in blues and neutrals or Turquoise and neutrals. . still trying to choose. I'd like a copy of the magazine please! Hugs.

Marj Smith

Anonymous said...

I love a giveaway,thanks Bonnie

Anonymous said...

Love your blocks and what you do! Mine would be in blues and neutrals or Turquoise and neutrals. . still trying to choose. I'd like a copy of the magazine please! Hugs.

Marj Smith

Anna brown said...

I would use scraps with main color blue happyness04431@yahoo.com

Tantie said...

Love your colors but think I would use earth tones. A newbie quilter here who joined your FB page just as the mystery quilt was being unveiled. Now I'm addicted to the Wild and Goosy blocks and have been making them from scraps and hand sewing. Even broke down and ordered a book and ruler. Looks like I am hooked. Thank you for all you do and give to the quilting community. (tanties@sympatico.ca)

Sparetime Quilting said...

Love your quilts. Would be great to win.

kathey Q said...

Love this block! I would like to try black prints with red prints, yellow prints and green prints intermixed. Would be lots of fun. Thanks for this offer! love your website.

Karen Nicholson said...

I'd like to try this block with some masculine colors - black, grey, and blue. When sorting my 2" strips by color, found that I have an abundance of blue ones. Have to use them up. Excited about quilt cam tonight and for the chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker!!

Sharon said...

One can never go wrong with red/green/cream. Everyone can use a new Christmas quilt!

sandi said...

Thanks you bonnie for all you do for us quilters. I luv your colors so thats what i would use.

Unknown said...

Always fun to read your posts! You are one busy lady! Please enter me in the giveaway, you are so kind! Maggie D.

Brenda Wilkinson, WL, BC said...

Hello. My name is Brenda and I am now addicted to Bonnie's Blog (thanks to Louise and Jean!) Quite frankly, I have no intention of becoming un-addicted, so now I would love a copy of the magazine. My colours will be white and 2 shades of blue. I also like the idea of a Christmas quilt!

ginkgokid said...

Bonnie, you amaze me with your super FUN ideas for the cutest blocks and quilt patterns. I want to make each and every one of your patterns! This is another super cute idea for using scraps, and the chance to win the magazine is awesome! I have a little stash of turquoise prints that would be fun to use, maybe with some bright yellow!

Anonymous said...

Here in the Netherlands I would use the colors, beige, brown and turqoise. Thanks for the give away.
Greetings Dini

Unknown said...

Always fun to read your posts! You are one busy lady! Please enter me in the giveaway....so kind of you! Maggie D.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a chance to win this magazine! Sarah Corporon scorporon@aol.com

Patti said...

I'd love an chance to win a copy. Thx and happy sewing!

Diana said...

I need a new magazine and I love your patterns. Glad you got to spend a few days at the cottage to decompress. welcome home and thanks for the giveaway .

Stoney said...

My color choices would be those yummy greens you showed, but with lavender as the second color. Lovin' the look of those blocks.

spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Cmon, Spring!!!

Unknown said...

Cmon, Spring!!!

Jen Ivey said...

I would choose turquoise for the pinwheel and brown for the corners. Keep the neutrals. Love this block! jbivey83@gmail.com

kmcallister said...

Thanks for the chance to win - that apple green is my favorite color. Painted the peg board in my studio that color and LOVE IT!

Cheryl L said...

I would choose purple and lime green. Love this block. Thanks for all you do!

Celeste said...

Pink and Green would be my choice. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jean C. said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway....
I would probably go with yellows and blues because that seems to be what I have the most of at the moment. I do like your greens though. My sewing room is painted in a pale green... it cheers me every time I go into it.

Pat V. said...

Such a fun block! I think I'd like to try pink and aqua.

Lyndalee said...

I love this block. I want to make them out of dark blues and pinks that are hot. I have tons of hot pinks left over from girls quilts. Love your blog.

Lee said...

Great block, I'm more aligned to less bright tones, so maybe blues, yellow golds, cream. Still over two weeks before I'm home and near my quilting room - I'm so lonely without them!

Anonymous said...

red white and blue


Linda said...

I love your colors , pink and green. I think the colors are what first attracted me to the blocks.

Linda W said...

I think this block would be lots of fun in patriotic colors. I have lots of red, white, and blue scraps!

Kim Andrews said...

I need something to inspire me to get sewing again. Quiltmaker or Quiltcam or both!!!

Debra Pugh said...

I think I would try to make it for a Christmas quilt. We don't have one for the living room so that would be a great project for next Christmas.


Kathleen Whipple said...

Glad you may it home.My spelling is not good, but I try. Would love to get the magazine, To do Wild Goose.

Unknown said...

Lovely block Bonnie and such a pretty colourway - wonder what it would look like in teal green/peacock blue, terracotta and neutral - hmmmmmmmm

teachpany said...

I love this block! It's just so sweet and fun. I have lots of purple and cream batik scraps. Maybe with a touch of teal? Thanks for all you do! I buy magazines if you are featured in them.

KatB said...

Would love to win a copy. Have lots of scraps from GI.

Deb Peterson said...

First of all thanks for the give-away. I've bee stopped in my tracks lately with cheddar and indigo. I'm thinking these would be fun to try in that combo. I think it'd be a different look. Can't wait to play around with some.

Unknown said...

wow such a cool block. I would make mine in purples, teals and creams.
Welcome home and thanks for the giveaway.
Nancy Vance

Andresa said...

I think I'd go with blues and grays for the block itself. Create 4-patch blocks similar to the Quiltmaker layout, with the solid fabrics being in dusty pink/mauve and sashing around the 4 blocks rather than around each block. Make it into a bed runner. Maybe matching pillow shams.

AndiRaeS at gmail dot com

Mac said...

I do Christmas all year long, so my colors are traditional red, green and white/gold

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker magazine. Thank you for the chance at a great win to have your pattern to play with.

BLJ-Design said...

Dejlige farver. jeg ville vælge lilla, grøn og rosa. Hilsen Birgith. DK

Unknown said...

Blue and cheddar!
Thanks for all you do!!!

Unknown said...

Blue and cheddar

sberrymom said...

Love these little pinwheels! Can't wait to pick up the magazine.

Unknown said...

I love purples of any kind but any of my scraps would look great. Thanks for sharing I had so much fun learning new things with GIMQ.

Shout4Joy said...

I would most likely use bright batiks with this block :) I'd love it if I received a free copy of the magazine!

Unknown said...

I always like the look of purple and turquoise. Have not made a quilt with those colors.... yet.

Sheppard said...

I,m going to do pink and green also. Will match my oncoming spring mood?

Sarah said...

As much as I like your lime green and pink blocks, I've currently got 2 WIPs in those colors. I think I would use yellow and black...
Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Now I have a good reason to shovel out the car--to get the March/April Quiltmaker. A quilt for GD Angela would have to be in orange, teal & cream but GD Robin would prefer purple, green (sage) & cream--decisions, decisions! Looking forward to seeing you 'live' tonight.

Diane Wood

Diana said...

Welcome home Bonnie! Does the work ever end? Lol thanks for the chance to win the magazine. Don't work too hard. Curtnty@sympatico.ca

Unknown said...

I would choose purple, black and white.

amy said...

What a cute block, I really like it! I would choose blues and greens for mine.

Ann said...

I'd have to go with red, white and blue, these blocks would make an amazing Quilt of Valor.

Barbb said...

Blues, lime greens and whites....great blocks!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to have a copy of this magazine. Thank you for always giving us opportunities like this.
So Cal Jackie


Tamie said...

Love your pink and green blocks.

OhioLori said...

LOOOOOOVE your Block..Quilt! ... so Gorgeous! Very Springy!

I have some great Blues & Greens I would use..possibly bits of yellow!

Mary Ellen said...

Someone else mentioned gray and orange. I like that. Think I'll steal their idea. I hope that I win, of course! Just got my Celtic Solstice back from the longarmer. Love it.

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