
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Vet, The Urge, and the Power-Purge!

Picture this: me and the vet tech walking Sadie around the grounds at the vet clinic, the vet tech following behind Sadie with a bowl in case she happens to have the urge to pee.

Me, the dog mom encouraging Sadie to please pee! Please pee!


But she sure did give us the look when we pushed a bowl under her bottom while she was in the midst of performing.

And then we waited.

And we waited.

Poor girl.

She is scared of other “BIG” dogs.  And when we were in our little exam room behind closed doors, she could hear all kinds of sounds of dogs howling, cats meowing, loud barking ---I have no idea what was going through her sweet little head, but I’ve never seen a dog shake so much.

Not sure it was because of how she was feeling, or if it was caused by the chaos outside of that little haven of an exam room.

More tests.  Xrays.

Good news!  She doesn’t have bladder stones like the vet first feared.  It’s a bladder infection, and she is now on a hefty round of pain meds and antibiotics.

We hope she will respond quickly.


I love you so much I’d lay my best quilt down for you!

Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in over night when she has a few doses into her.

When all the antibiotics are gone, we need another test to be sure the infection has cleared up.

It looks like there will be another bowl-positioning event in our future!

While this girl napped, I tackled a Power-Purge that needed to happen.


This antique dresser in the guest room!

The antique dresser in the guestroom is where I store extra bed linens and other stuff (EVIDENTLY!) that I was unsure what to do with.

Don’t know where to put it?  Put it in the guest room!

Until today when enough was enough and some of this stuff had to go.


Pile of purses and tote bags to be donated!

How many purses do I really need to keep?  I got rid of every single one that did not have pockets large enough to hold my cell phone.

I don’t like purses that are one huge gaping hole – I like them with different compartments to keep things organized – but not so many that I forget where I put stuff.

Many of these are in good shape, so I hope their new owners will like them.

And tote bags? Don’t even get me started.  The closet in the basement off the quilt room has TOTES full of TOTES..and I’ll eventually get to those too.


I’m much happier with this empty drawer space!

Are you keeping up with your own 5 minute power purge?

If you haven’t started, there is no time like right now.  Stop with the computer already and go do it!  5 minutes.  Come on!  What’s stopping you!

If you’ve slacked off due to the holiday and the next holiday coming up – 5 minutes!  Come on, it can make you feel so much better.  Do it for YOU!

My next biggie…the linen closet in the upstairs bathroom.  I’m almost afraid of it.

But I’m going to do it!

Maybe not this week – but it’s on the list.

When the rest of the house has been completely gone through…THEN there are some drawers and places in the sewing studio that really REALLY need some help.  But I want the living spaces in the house taken care of first ---

2 more days until Clue #2!  Can you stand it??

Have a great Wednesday evening, Everyone!

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lourixe said...

What a relief to know that Sadie Jane is better off than you feared! Maybe next time you should collect the urine during her usual morning walk previous to going to the vet? My 12 yo shepherd mix has just had several tumors removed, crossing fingers that all bad cells are gone.

Myrna said...

I also want purses with pockets including an outside pocket for my phone and reading glasses. When I get one I like, I carry it til it's worn out! We went thru a similar "watch" with our dog Jake last summer when we thought he'd eaten something he shouldn't have. After giving him some meds we followed him around hoping something would pass through...and it did. Yay Jake! No surgery needed. He was fine after that.

Deanna W said...

All the things we do for our furry friends!!
Power purging will happen when Christmas decorations come out. I know there are many in those boxes I don't use so out they will go to a new family. My only plans for tomorrow are getting the first clue cut and sewn! I have been lagging a bit as I wanted to use fabric from my stash and had to find just the right combination! I think I have. Blues, reds, hearts with stripes and golds with the black and cream!!! Very different from yours, I hope it will work!

Caro said...

Oh man, I'm glad that Sadie has a uti and nothing worse. I checked your blog twice for an update and each time there was no news, my mind took me to the worst scenario. Whew!! So glad for you:)!

Unknown said...

i know an old metal soup ladle works well for collection from my male dog he has diabietes so you see me chasing him round with the soup ladle quite a bit glad that the antibiotics is all
you need

Sharon said...

So glad your girl will be feeling better soon. I would have been curled up on that quilt with her…
Now I will get off the computer and purge something!

JoJo said...

Whew....I was so worried this morning when I read about Sadie. I hope the medicine makes her feel better quickly. Poor baby. I know you must have been a wreck because that is the way I am when my baby gets sick too. And, I've done the bowl thing as well and it was funny looking cause he is only 7 inches tall. I had to get w.a.y. down on my knees. LOL I'm sure folks driving by the outside of the vet were laughing, but I didn't care. :)

lynneinMN said...

so glad it was not TOO serious w/Sadie Janer. My little furball had a vet visit today as well, with 8 teeth pulled...she is getting some much deserved lap time tonight. Power Purge...happens every year before our annual rummage sale :-)

Material Girls Admin said...

What'a sweetie and so pretty

Debra in Ohio said...

So glad sweet Sadie Jane is on the road to recovery. I'm sure she doesn't realize it yet, but she will definitely feel better tomorrow morning. And that antique quilt - yes, you must really love her! I could tell that things were going well with Sadie when I read how upbeat you were in the first sentence of your blog today. Glad to hear that it isn't anything serious. Take care, Mama; Sadie will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

I love purses and totes!! The purses must close, not just be open.

Linda said...

Happy for Sadie (and for you) that it is curable.
I have been wanting to make a tote bag for years. Don't really know why, I guess just because it's something I haven't tried to make yet. I don't need another tote bag, and I don't know anyone else that does either, so there will be no tote bags made by this woman. I simply can't imagine all the totes bags you have collected from different shops and events. WHEW! Glad I'm not dealing with all of those!!

Jane said...

So happy that Sadie doesn't have something really awful, though it sounds like this is bad enough. Bowl positioning. Amazing the skills we can develop!

Heidi said...

An ice cube tray is easier than a bowl when collecting a dog's urine sample. Low and narrow so it doesn't get in their way plus it's long enough that your hand doesn't accidentally get splashed. Of course mark it well with a sharpie or throw it away when it's no longer needed.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hope@Acworthga said...

I'm so happy Sadie Jane has UTI and not anything horrible. Bet she was in so much pain and outside noise was stressing her. Thank you Bonnie for loving Sadie enough to lay down your quilt! I honor those that love fur babies!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Burgess said...

I love Sadies quilt, I love that she will have a speedy recovery (hopefully) and I love your encouragment for the 5 minute purge :) Off to the cutting table. PS I take my totes to the food bank for helping folks with transport , they seem to like them... but of course thrift shop is good too ... Now really I am off to the cutting table :)

Unknown said...

Yeah for Sadie!! The pee story reminds me of once when a friend dropped my dog at the vet for me. He wanted to keep her for the day and run some tests. My friend picked her up that afternoon and when I got home, I was told that she didn't pee all day - no matter how much water they gave her - she refused. Well, I put a little cup that I had cut down to a couple of inches high on the end of a paint stirrer and took her out to the yard. I said, "Pee, Folly." She peed in the cup. My friend almost died laughing. She couldn't believe I could actually get her to go on command!

crazy quilter said...

Glad it is something the antibiotics can surly fix. I know how hard it is to see our 4 legged children in pain to acting out of sorts. I wish her a very fast recovery, and running in the sunshine soon. Hugs to you as well.

Feathers in my Nest said...

I was tearing up reading about Sadie in the Vet's office..poor girl. When I saw your post on Google I was very much relieved...She'll be fine in a few days & a good nights rest will help her..Gentle hug for Sadie...

Debra in Ma.

Jess said...

I so glad to hear Sadie is okay. My Willow has had many UTIs and other infections, plus has gone blind and had to have an eye removed. I have made her, her very own quilt. Though her brother loves to steal it.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...try getting a sample from a CAT sometime... It involves a plastic plate + good timing + a LOT of trust on the cat's part!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

get well soon Sadie!

Unknown said...

Glad your girl is on the nend. Excited for second clue. Worked on getting my 1/4" right tonight. Cut some pairs and got one block finished!

Kelly said...

Glad Sadie is on the mend. I hope she feels great quickly!

TLC said...

Poor Sadie. I feel her pain just reading about her ordeal. She looks very comfortable on your gorgeous quilt. "Puppy Love" to Sadie.

cityquilter grace said...

whew glad to know she'll be her old self soon....and my power purge? it's my franklin planner, i went thru and tore up all pages not needed or out of date...getting ready for the new year!

Bev said...

Poor Sadie! And poor you for the vet bills! I've been through so much of that with Charlie! I'm selling everything I can think of to cover his bills. I hope you aren't in that position! Doggie cardiologists are expensive! Lola had a bladder infection a while back and it cleared up quickly. So bless your hearts! We're thinking of you! XO

Anonymous said...

Nothing like the internet to catch up on the various ways to obtain urine from a dog... Who would have thought of ice cube trays and soup ladles but imaginative quilters!! Too funny. I am so glad that Sadie will overcome this infection, she is such a beauty and I believe she is your most faithful friend, am I right? Power purge to max. taking place in Southern California. Went through a cabinet that had my Kitchenaid mixer and wrapping ribbons and made 3 boxes of ribbons. Gave 15 plastic project boxes away from my sewing room to my quilt members working on Grand Illusion on Sat. and got rid of many pitchers and odd serving pieces in my buffet to the thrift shop I feel like I have lost 20 lbs! Can't wait to sew and purge tomorrow! Carolyn Barnett

BonnieE said...

Hope that sweet little Sadie is feeling better soon and that one round of antibiotics does the trick!

Cindy said...

What a huge relief to hear that Sadie will be fine and only antibiotics will be needed to take care of the problem. Bet you are breathing a lot easier tonight. I too love Sadie's quilt. What a treasure. Can't wait for Friday to get here. Still have to finish sewing up my half square triangle units, but am anxious to get clue number two.

Havplenty said...

After two overnight stays at the vet to be able to collect urine for testing from my cat, I started feeding Samson water before I took him to the vet. I used a sports water bottle and would feed him doses of water to make sure he had a near full bladder by time we got to the vet. Presto, urine sample available soon after we got there.

I hope all gets better for Sadie.


Unknown said...

Glad Sadie is doing better, I have a dog name Pepsi. She had that problem before, she had to have special food. That was a lot of money for the food. Good night Bonnie, good night Sadie, praying for you. Good night John boy and everyone!

Ros said...

So happy your fur baby is going to be Ok. I had to laugh at you blog as I 'purged' all of my old hand bags only yesterday. What a joy. I actually tidied my walkin wardrobe, I can see the floor :-).
It has been so horribly hot and humid here in Sydney Australia I haven't been able to go in my sewing room. But there is a light at the end of my tunnel. Husband had to go in there. Airconditioning man is coming on Sunday VBG. will have a lot of catching up to do.

margaret said...

good to know that it is not stones and hope the infection clears up quickly. Like you my spare room is stuffed I have a visitor. Bathroom cupboard on my list to sort out later today not towels etc but lots of embroideries that are framed but no wall space for which I should get rid of

Helen in the UK said...

Love to Sadie - hopefully the meds will soon have her feeling her old self again :)

Ginny said...

I agree with the soup ladle..works like a charm!

Unknown said...

I hope that Sadie feels better soon. I have been busy with the 5 minute purge! Except 5 min turned into a whole day! Working in closet, 2 and a half bags of stuff. I am happy to announce that you can see the floor now! I could still do more....I thank you for your encouraging it helps to have the motivation! I am also embarking on weight loss. wish me luck. I'm going to need it.

Unknown said...

Hoping Sadie is back to herself and helping you sew in no time what so ever. I know how terrible it is when one of your fur babies are sick And not knowing what is the matter.Hapalea (my pug) is sending you pug hugs☺️

Mary said...

A blessing that you are at home when Sadie needs you most! Hoping she is feeling better this morning! We have a 14 year old rescue Rotti; and worry about her when she doesn't want to get up until 10 am.

Jeanie said...

Get well soon, Sadie! I'm so glad that it looks like she'll be feeling better soon. Bless her little heart!

Vic in NH said...

Hooray for Miss Sadie Jane! So glad that she's on the road to recovery now!

Pat said...

I'm so glad Sadie wasn't more seriously ill. It's so hard when they can't tell you what's hurting. Kind of like babies. How liberating it is to get all that "stuff" gone. You go girl!

AddieNCE said...

Phew! I am so glad to hear that it's nothing too serious with Sadie... hope she will be fine soon!

Your picture of the purses made me smile today.. and it kinda reminded me how long it has been since I discovered your blog and started "following" your life...
That green purse... http://quiltville.blogspot.de/2012/04/iphone-o-gram-i-won-i-won-i-won.html

How "addicted" to Quiltville am I that I remember stuff like that??

Josie McRazie said...

So glad to hear it was something as easy as antibiotics!!! I am a nut and decided since this year was a little less intense I would (gulp) do another QAL! so I am doing Grand Illusion AND Orange Crush!! Silly me!! Thanks so much! I do so love your QALs!!

Unknown said...

Love the pic of Sadie on "her" quilt! I am going to make one for each of my two girls so they each have their very own. My Mom told me that we spend the first half of our lives accumulating things, and the second half getting rid of them! So true! It seems getting rid of is much more difficult than accumulating them! Keep up the good work - purging feels so freeing.

Me and My Stitches said...

So, so glad that Sadie is ok and that it's nothing serious - you have to be very relieved! Loving the power purges - organization is my friend! :)

Roberta Oliver said...

So glad Sadie is on the road to recovery. Our quilts are the cats' quilts as well.

Power purge - my guest room became the storage room for my scrapbooking and paper crafting items when my husband began a virtual job and needed my space for his "office". During Christmas break, I plan to get all those items sorted and donate the things needing a new home so I can get the tax deduction. Time to let go of some things.

SisterOfTheDivide said...

You are inspiring me to do some 5 minute power purges at my house! So glad your pup is okay. I wish they lived forever! It was fun to see everyone's quilting buddy pictures. And I loved someones comment that the site went to the dogs...LOL They are angels in wooly clothing. Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Donna Endresen said...

I, too, am glad Sadie only has an UTI, but that can be oh so painful That in itself would make her not to pee. I am hoping that by tonight she will be feeling much better.

This power purge thing is helping me to get more organized after moving, so I can also sew a little bit each day; except for DRI and SAT, I have to work, so no more sewing until Sunday. BUT, I must say I was confused at first about what it was all about.

I am excited to see what the next clue will be. I just love the colors of this GIMQ!

Thank You so much, Bonnie!

QueenB said...

Glad you Fur baby only has a UTI as much as hey can make us all feel bad, it's good news. Hopefully the meds will make her feel more comfortable. I am inspired with the 5 min power purge, bedroom side drawers here we come.

Kathleen said...

I hope Sadie is better by today. Poor girl. But you're lucky you had the vet tech to help you catch the pee. I remember doing that by myself, in the wind!!

Betty said...

Our terrier mix had the same problem last year only he (porthos) was filled with stones he underwent surgery and back a few days later with the same symptoms and more surgery he no longer pees through his penis it has been rerouted and he squats like a girl now but we have him with us He will be 10 this year on christmas day and i hope for many more years

Jean C. said...

I'm still doing catch up reading on your blog. Hope Sadie is alright.

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