
Friday, November 07, 2014

Studio Day 5, Meet Marlene!

Today up on deck we have MARLENE who hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!

She has eagerly agreed to send me photos and share her sewing space with us.

Don’t you find it inspirational to see where others sew?  I know I do!

She writes:
Hi Bonnie.....love the idea of sewing room tours !!.....so here is mine.....it is the second bedroom in my little house and i have filled it to the brim !!.....my name is Marlene and i live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


This is the annex to the sewing room !!....when i need to spread out, i set up my table used for layering in the living room.....have task lamp handy that i use when hand sewing in the evening......on the table are pieces of flannel for a quilt for my son-in-law.....red, grey, black.....very manly....:))


into the sewing room...!!..on the ironing board is heaped ONE of the works in progress waiting for more FMQ..bag is hanging on closet door.


Inside the closet....where i have been keeping fabric of 1 meter or larger in length....am in the process of transferring it to shelves so i can see it more easily.....also contains the usual assortment of scraps, do dads, finished quilt tops etc


Design wall and regular cutting table with two blocks of Quilted Village - another work in progress


The largest part of my stash, plus books magazines, etc


Another work in progress - remember the days pre internet and you could order fabric thru the mail..??.....the company would send out tiny fabric samples to choose from...i have been trying to clean and organize and found several envelopes of these tiny bits.....1 1/2 inch square....and all different !!.....could i throw these away...???......NO of course not.....so i am turning them into 4 patches and not sure what will come next....clearly the cat has walked thru them.


The central action centre!!.....i have a new Pfaff 4.2 and love love love it !! office chair with lots of pillows, old CD player, empty cubby hole where the cat sleeps and an awesome window that i had put in that looks onto my back garden.  I need natural light and could not sew facing a wall.  My sewing room contains photos, pictures and things that mean the most to me because someone whom i love has given them to me....To anyone else, it might look like junk, but they fill the room with warmth and love, complimenting the positive energy from all the colours and fabrics.

Thanks for the opportunity of allowing me to share my space and i am so looking forward to seeing the sewing rooms of others....!!
Thank you for sharing your home and sewing space with us, Marlene!  I loved it!  It looks so cozy and inviting!

I also love how it seems to creep from one room into the next into the next into the next…a girl after my own heart!

Today our cruise has us in Cozumel, Mexico!  Be watching for tonight’s evening post to find out what the Williams’s got up to on THEIR Cozumel stop!

Our photos will post when I return home to the land of internet!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Amy Laura said...

I absolutely love seeing these posts of where people sew! It feeds my nosy side, without being creepy :-)

Thanks for sharing!

Linda said...

Your pictures resonate with me. My sewing room is the bedroom my son had and I use his CD/ radio when I am sewing in there. I call it his Ghetto Blaster, a lovely reminder of my lovely son who died in a car crash over 18 years ago. When I am sewing in there I am in a different space, enjoying creating and sometimes thinking of him too.

Anonymous said...

"My sewing room contains photos, pictures and things that mean the most to me....To anyone else, it might look like junk, but they fill the room with warmth and love..." I love these words from Marlene. How true, how true!!

Ness said...

Looks inviting Marlene (my Mom's name also!) :) My sewing has things from loved ones also and I love the homey mish mash of it! Is like my favorite scrappy quilts! Has memories attached. :) Special to only me but that's ok. Thanks for sharing. My space migrated all over the downstairs family room...I love it! :)

Barbara Mead said...

I love seeing these. But I realizes that my sewing area has run amok. My sewing area is my downstairs. I don't use that are so my huge sewing taple is set up in the dining area. If I have company over, which is seldom, the sewing table can be used as a dining table. So imagine what you sewing room looks like when you are busy working on a quilt. The clutter, the mess. Yep that is my downstairs. So if someone comes to visit me, they walk right into that. SIGH.

Unknown said...

While my sewing room is made up of a hodgepodge of items and furniture... it does the job for me :) My dream is to redo it using IKEA modular furnishings! dream on Julie :)
Thanks for the peek into other's spaces.
Smiles, JulieinTN

Judy H. said...

Love the peek into Marlene's room! I spy a Teresa Wentzler cross-stitch!

Anonymous said...

These photos of others sewing spaces are forcing me to get back to my resolution to "get organized". It should not be necessary to clear off one's bed in order to get into it at night. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love the peeks into all of the various sewing studios; they are so inspiring! Marlene has even made the cat a special place! The natural lighting is a huge bonus too!

quiltmom anna said...

Looks like a very happy place to quilt. I quilt in the gabled bedroom in the house too- like you the fabric and other parts spills out to other areas of our home. Such is the nature of some of us quilters.LOL
Happy creating and best wishes from another Edmonton quilter,

gibbygoo56 said...

It's lovely to see where the magic happens!

Rosie Westerhold said...

Marlene and everyone else,

I had tons and TONS of 4.5" squares that I got every month for years. They were samples of what that shop got in every month. I kept them all stashed somewhere, in the original baggies, in the original envelopes! Came across them several years ago, and separated them into lights and darks on a road trip with quilt friends. Then I had 2 large plastic totes full of all of these squares. They were mostly reproduction fabrics so I decided to use my Go! and my 3.5" tumbler die to cut them into tumblers. I had seen a quilt in a mag that I wanted to make. Little by little I got many, many tumblers cut. Now I am sewing those tumblers into pairs, then into 4s, then 8s, etc. Just work on it about 15 minutes at a time. I think of it as my "free" quilt! HA! I remember paying a pretty penny for those fabric samples way back when. But they were doing no one any good sitting in plastic bags. At least now I see them and work on them every once in awhile.

Love, Love, LOVE seeing everyone's work space. I have a large space, but it's really yucky right now. I've been saying I need to clean it up for years, though. I started this past summer, but ran out of time and ambition before I had to get back to my "real" job. I'm hopeful that someday it will look "pretty." Well, maybe after I get rid of lots and lots of things, I can get it more organized. When I retire? Could be next year!!! WooHoo!!!

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