
Thursday, November 06, 2014

Hello, Belize City!

Today we spent the day exploring Belize!

Being a lover of history, I have it in my mind that we will spend this day touring something along the line of Mayan ruins.  I did the same thing in Cozumel the last time I was there, don’t want to repeat that tour but would like to do more exploring here.

From Wiki:

The history of Belize dates back thousands of years. The Maya civilization spread into the area of Belize between 1500 BCE to CE 1200 and flourished until about CE 1200.

Several major archeological sites including Cahal Pech, Caracol,Lamanai, Lubaantun, Altun Ha, and Xunantunich reflect the advanced civilization and much denser population of that period. The first recorded European settlement was established by shipwrecked English seamen in 1638.


Mayan Ruins in Belize

But as much as I love history and discovering the lifestyles of ancient peoples…I think I may have to twist arms to go with me!  What we actually do remains to be seen until we return to the land of internet and wifi and I can post about it!

In the mean time – let’s follow the Williams’s and see what Terri & Daryl got up to on THEIR tour of Belize City!

I must add that I am charmed with how these videos are put together, and I appreciate the work that went into them! 

I also wonder how Daryl & Terri feel as their cruise videos go viral via Quiltville!  Ha!

Love from the lands of the Mayans!

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Mary Ellen said...

I agree, their videos are great. Plus how does Terri keep her lipstick perfect all the time?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie, love their videos!

HoltonHacienda said...

Oooo I better dig out my bathing suit. I'll be there in January and am really looking forward to it. Thanks for the preview. Love the colors too.

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