
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Winner Winner Winner–QUILT SHOW GAME!

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My week is all kinds of out of whack!

Do you know that for a week I’ve been fretting about flying out TOMORROW, Wednesday?

I went to do my online checkin, and it told me I had 16 hours before I could check in ---WHAT?

Yeah.  That’s me.

I don’t fly out until Thursday morning ---HA!

AND THEN…because I was so giddy with an extra day to catch up on things this week…nearly forgot that we are drawing for the winner of Quilt Show, the GAME this evening!

I caught it just in time…and fired up the random number generator.

Here we go!


Our of 488 entries, the Random Number Generator drew # 271!


The Queen Bee!  Yeah!

Okay Ms Queen Bee – I have sent an email to your listed email address.  Please get back to me with your snail mail so I can pass it on to Judy Martin & Steve Bennett so they can send you your game!

The rest of you….put this game on your Christmas list ((Or Halloween list for that matter!)) because you are going to want it for upcoming game nights.  Click HERE for more info!

As for my day – before I figured out that I HAD an extra day this week…I went crazy doing this:


Book orders are all caught up!


Boxes of books and tools and notions are sent to Ketchikan for next week’s visit!


My cute little one window post office.  I am on good terms with the postmaster, Sherry!

I hit the chiropractor ((Not literally!)) and went for a massage….it wasn’t until after when I grabbed a bite to eat and checked on my flight that I realized I didn’t need to rush so hard.


And this cracked me up:


Where were YOU when Peter Frampton was wearing these curls…and lace…and pink satin pants?!

I was looking for a head board for a queen bed for the cabin – didn’t find anything, but I enjoyed the browse and got a giggle out of this.

With my extra day tomorrow?  I called my hair place and wonder of wonders and lo and behold – my stylist has an opening tomorrow morning!  YAY!  Brows will be tamed too.  Hooray for girly pamper time.

Tonight?  Picture me here:


Piecing more Box Kite Blocks!

Tomorrow morning I’ve also got something you aren’t going to want to miss, so be sure you come click by and see what’s up!

Have a great evening, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Unknown said...

Love that you have an unexpected breather day. Enjoy the break and the hair appointment. :)

Debra in Ohio said...

What a better poster to show on Quiltville - Peter Frampton in curls and pink satin pants with a patchwork jacket. Yes, patchwork! So fitting for your viewers!

Karen said...

I happen to see Peter Frampton at a state fair in Naperville,Il more than ten years ago. He is totally bald now, but he still could sing.

KathyinMN said...

Can't wait to see your pics/take on Alaska. I was just in Ketchikan a few weeks ago. Was pleasantly surprised by the quilt store I visited there.

Brenda said...

Peter Frampton - wasn't he just the hottest thing!!!! ;-)

It would have been about 1975, my sister played his music and we were grovin' to the tunes when we did housework!!! Oh the memories!!!

Look at you with an extra day to just breathe and play at home - well, after you go get pampered a bit and treated like a queen!! Love it!! Enjoy your day and love every second of this unexpected gift!!!

Cheri Dawn said...

It's such a great surprise to get a gift of time like that. It's almost always the other way around. Have fun sewing!

mgquilts said...

I'm flying off early Thurs morning too, but to Seattle to see granddaughter for a while. And I managed to get in for a haircut in the morning too. I think Monday being a holiday has thrown off our sense of time. But I got more done today than expected, and my tomorrow to-do's are falling into place. So it looks as tho both of us will be ready to leave Thurs morning. Safe travels.

mascanlon said...

A free day!! I love when things shift in a good way unexpectedly!

Linda said...

I have never heard of a Peter Frampton but his "look" had 70s written all over it! A definite blast from the past. Sad to think he is now bald though and that those luscious curls are no more. Pleased you had an unexpected day to catch up, go shopping, have a haircut etc. it must have been a wonderful surprise. Happy travelling!

JuliAnn Craver said...

It is wonderful you have a play day. I also got a play day on Thursday one of the other managers asked me to switch nights. Now I can go to our church's Quilt Ministry and sew. This is one happy quilter.

Anonymous said...

I HAVE that Peter Frampton album! When my son was about two he would start dancing around the room every time it was playing and if we heard it on the radio he would wiggle and dance in his car seat. Now he's 38! Fun memories. The album is still in a pile in the cupboard.

Karen said...

Forget the satin pants and lace.....His shirt looks like a crazy quilt! LOL

pattiespea said...

It is great that you have that exttra day! Enjoy yourself to the max. I have to work this afternoon but I think i will sew with you tonight, quilt-cam or not!

Dorothy Hodged said...

I don't care what year it was. He is just too cute and I'm going to be 80 next year. Bring him on. Love you Bonnie. Trying to get last years mystery quilt done before this year is here. Dorothy Hodges in Argyle TX

TiffanyLAJ said...

My uncle was the designer and sewer of the "I'm in You" shirt that Peter Frampton wire on his album cover. It was in a boutique in San Fransisco, CA. My uncle was quite the tailor and decided to have fun with something different than his usual tailoring. The owner of tge boutique called my uncle to tell him it was going to be on the album. I was so excited since I was such a Frampton fan!

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