
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Quiltmaker’s QUILTS from 100 Blocks GIVEAWAY!

QMMS 140048 cover 375opt 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Guess what came in my mail while I was up at Quilt Villa??

The Fall 2014 issue of QUILTS from 100 Blocks by Quiltmaker Magazine!  Wooot!!

If you love the block issues, you will LOVE seeing the 19 quilts in this issue using those blocks – it’s perfection and full of ideas for great settings, terrific borders, lovely quilt colors and more!

What will you find inside?

Page after page of gorgeous quilts that will have you itchin to get stitchin!

After all, September IS National Sewing Month.  Did you know that?

Want to see what's inside?

Take a look!

Photo: Win a copy of Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks during our big QM Rocks the Blocks giveaway on Quilty Pleasures. It features Dancing Pomegranates by Jo Moury in RJR Fabrics and wool from Weeks Dye Works. http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Dancing Pomegranates by Jo Moury in RJR Fabrics and wool from Weeks Dye Works.

Photo: Donna Benham's Winter Waltz in Marcus Fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Donna Benham's Winter Waltz in Marcus Fabrics!

Photo: Caribbean Crossing by AnneMarie Chany in Riley Blake fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies today on Quilty Pleasures: http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Caribbean Crossing by AnneMarie Chany in Riley Blake fabrics

Photo: Shabby Chic by Lerlene Nevaril in Moda fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win a copy today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Shabby Chic by Lerlene Nevaril in Moda fabrics

Photo: Ahead of the Curve by Brigitte Heitland in Robert Kaufman fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win a copy on Quilty Pleasures today: http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Ahead of the Curve by Brigitte Heitland in Robert Kaufman fabrics

Tuscany by Martha Walker of Wagons West Designs in Studio e fabrics

Photo: Christmas Lattice by Patti Carey in fabrics from Northcott Fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 copies today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Christmas Lattice by Patti Carey in fabrics from Northcott

Photo: Adorable wool applique graces Snow Days by Paula Stoddard from our new Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Adorable wool applique graces Snow Days by Paula Stoddard

mahoneytulipopt1 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Tulip Tango by Nancy Mahoney. Fabrics by Northcott.

And my favorite of all ---I WANT this for my Sewing Studio!

dianesewfulopt 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Sewful Things by Diane Harris!

Of course, there are more quilts than this in this idea packed volume!  Check out the blocks that have been used!

These make such great quilts!

You may recognize some of them from the quilt previews above, but wait until you see ALL the quilts!  In fact, Quiltmaker has some giveaways going on over at their OWN blog.  Click HERE to check them out as well! You have until Midnight on Weds Sept 3rd to enter there!

And if you LOVE Quiltmaker's 100 blocks, you just might want to pick up a copy of 200 Blocks from my online bookstore:

200 Blocks From Quiltmaker Magazine: Original Patterns from Today's Top Designer

Now in one value-packed book, find 200 quilt-block patterns from Quiltmaker magazine's popular 100 Blocks collections. Full-sized applique and foundation-piecing patterns are included on the bonus CD.

Click HERE to order!

But for the Quilts from 100 Blocks, Fall 2014 --Leave me a comment in the comments section below ONLY to be entered.
No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be here, in the comments section on THIS post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you. More information on how to KNOW if your email address shows or not is explained under the Blog Helps tab at the top of the blog. Read the No Reply Blogger article!
If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!   This goes for some blog reader services too.  Click to open in a new window.
I return home from Illinois on Sunday Evening, let’s draw for our winners THEN!
Good luck, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Looks like a nice magazine issue. Elaine - ekquilts@gmail.com

Kucki68 said...

Ok, I am in, the quilts look great.

Kathy in FL said...

Christmas Lattice caught my eye. It's the first one I'd like to make!

Anonymous said...

Every month is sewing month in my world! I would love to win, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this issue. I have the nine previous ones.....so then I will have an even 1000 blocks to choose from! lol kukec@sault.com

Jacqueline said...

WOW so much creativity in one book. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

this would be a fantastic book to win as i have been told that quilters never stop learning i have only been quilting for nearly 2 years and i am in awe of the beautiful work people do :)

Unknown said...

I'm interested! Would love to know what's inside.

Teatime Creations said...

Would love to win. Cute quilts.

Dana said...

Very nice! I'd love to win!

Unknown said...

I would love some eye candy! Thanks Bonnie!

Therese said...

Love these quilts!

Stitchin At Home said...

Oh they look great. I would love to win!

Myrna said...

Beautiful quilts! Great magazine! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Deborah H. said...

So many great blocks to get the creative juices flowing! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kathy said...

Would love to do the Christmas Lattice for this year. Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win!

Kathy S. said...

I love the snowman/trees quilt. It's back to school time. I need more projects!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Love the spool and buttons jdkugel@sbcglobal.net

lynneinMN said...

thank you for the giveaway! blocks look like fun :-)

Barb said...

Wow....beautiful quilts!! Thanks for the chance to win.


Rebecca said...

Lovely quilts. I would like to do Christmas Lattice, Patti always comes up with some nice ones too. Since I apparently am a no reply commenter here is the winning address: rhoystevens@gmail.com

Janet said...

Whoa! My fingers are itching already! Some of those quilts really "float my boat"! Thanks for the opportunity!

Cathy Melancon said...

Hey Bonnie!!! Loving the samples you showed!!! Thanks for the give away and formall you do!!!! xox

JuliAnn Craver said...

I hope I'm drawn, would love to get started on a few of those quilts.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Love that Ahead of the Curve quilt. Ordinarily I don't like entire quilts of solids, but that one caught my eye.


Anonymous said...

Big fan of yours, & of course, love the magazine as well :)

cityquilter grace said...

so many gorgeous possible projects! tuscany and ahead of the curve are calling MY name...LOL

Unknown said...

I can always make more quilts!
Nancy nepesons@gmail.com

Pascale said...

I would love to win the magazine, there is a lot of inspiration there.Pascale.

JaNae said...

How fun! Another giveaway!

delch81@gmail.com said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I looked for this @ local store, no luck. delch81@gmail.com

Joy D. said...

Looks like a great issue...I'm in! Thank you for sharing with us! Jdraughon4 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I just put a couple of new quilts on my bucket list. Have fun in Illinois. Marsha - dimondquiltworks@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

would love to win a copy of magazine. lots of inspirations. cathy w

Anita said...

Ahead of the curve is just stunning!

Anonymous said...

Love the samples you posted. Would love a copy. Thanks Bonnie Robyn Barnes (rlbrph@aol.com)

crafty said...

Nice quilts, would love to win.

Lynn C. said...

Looks like lots of inspiration in this issue. Wish me luck!
Lynn1599 at Verizon dot net.

Annette said...

Wow.....more beautiful quilts, love Shabby Chic! Thanks for a giveaway opportunity!

KathyinMN said...

Wow, talk about something to get the quilt juices flowing!

Unknown said...

I love the simply beautiful I'm Sew Happy. It really makes me happy just to look at it. I think once started, it would be hard to stop until you finish!
Judith Dembowski

Mary W Quilts said...

Great quilts. Love above the curve and shabby chic.

Eileen said...

Looks like lots of fun is on those pages. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way half square triangles have been used to create borders as depicted in Dancing Pomegranates. Great variety of inspiring ideas. A generous prize. Helen . . . .......helen@helenfox.org

Gail Dillon said...

Would love to own this! I am new to quilting and I'm trying to build a library of books and information as well, as my stash! Love your blogs, I have learned so much.


Becky Clay said...

Love this magazine!

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I need to see the blocks used in designs sometimes to appreciate their versatility.

Leigh the sewing diva said...

I think you're amazing and I'd love to win.

tyme2blog said...

Oh, they all look like so much fun to create! My "to do" list is getting so big, I'll never be able to complete them all, lol. But it is just as much fun looking through the patterns :-)


Unknown said...

Looks great. would love to make snow days. I collect snowmen.

Marcia said...

Photos are wonderful. Always fun to study the 100 Blocks.

JanetG said...

Love these quilts!

Anonymous said...

Would Love To WIn It Is Said,You Can't Win If You Don't Enter... So Here Goes... Hope I Win. :) Melanie Melaniejtc2008@Gmail.com

Charlene S said...

Great quilts! Please enter me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful show of quilts my first would be sewful things. Thanks for the chance to win.

Bev I


Anonymous said...

Great magazine to peruse for more ideas!

Calicojoan said...

Wow, so many pretties so many choices! Another must have!

Peggy Klock said...

I love these magazines, I get great ideas for my "free" time.

Anonymous said...

"These are a few of my favorite things!" Would love for my library,

Mary said...

Always a Great Issue to have! Can't wait to see it. Thanks for the Giveaway!

Judy D in Upstate NY said...

Love to do wool and cotton. Snow days would be fun to make.

Ellie said...

Wow! Love to win a copy of this issue. Great blocks!

chipstir said...

Great magazine to peruse for new ideas in design and color variations.

Laura said...

I like to see so many different styles of quilts in one publication.

Anonymous said...

I like the quilts in this magazine. I think I can!!! Thx.

Tracey said...

I'd love to win this book!

MNPennyQuilts said...

Inspirations galore! The wheels are already turning. Glad you had a wonderful August catching up with friends, and family. Enjoy IL, and safe travels these next few weeks. MN Quilter - Penny penbrown59@gmail.com

patriciasews101 said...

As a faithful member of the peanut gallery I would love to win this collection. Safe travels.

Anonymous said...

More quilts to add to my "Bucket list"! Thanks for the chance to win.

Barb Tazelaar

Anonymous said...

ok, I will give this a try. The magazine looks like one I would like.

Roxy said...

I would love to have this!!

Debbie said...

Some awesome patterns in that magazine! Thanks, Bonnie.

Andrea H. said...

Looks like a great issue! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Rike Busch said...

Dear Bonnie,
thanks for sharing. Would love to discover the other quilts and pattern.
Greetings, Rike

Unknown said...

I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Another good issue. Would love to win!

Quiltgirlie said...

The Christmas lattice is so gorgeous. Love it.

Anonymous said...

One can never have too many
sources for block ideas. Thanks
for the opportunity. Susan

Caro said...

What a wonderful collection of quilts!

Jeanie said...

I'm with you... love the Sewful Things block. Thanks for the giveaway!

Material Girl said...

Wow, I love the Shsbby Chic and the sewing theme quilts. So cute!

Anonymous said...

yes please. Pauline(morgan2p@telus.net)

stitchinpenny said...

Another great magazine.

Unknown said...

Count me in. The magazine looks lovely!

Marlene said...

This looks wonderful as all your giveaways do.

Peggi said...

Would love to have this issue - such inspiration!

cbooth said...

Another great magazine and giveaway. Thanks!

QuiltyGal said...

Ohhh Winter's Waltz or Ahead of the Curve ... decisions decisions! I would love the chance to win, thanks so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great issue! Renee S.

Lakegaldonna said...

Enter me in and thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great quilts! Thank you for the opportunity.
Donna Thomas

Renata S said...

This would be a great issue to have. thank you for hosting the giveaway.

Christie said...

Looks like a GREAT issue. So many quilts, so little time!

Anonymous said...

Getting something quilty in the mail is like Christmas morning.. count me in... Maria grandysquilts@gmail.com

by Laura McFall said...

I love seeing the quilts made from the blocks - especially when they do something unexpected - really challenges the creative process. Thank you! I followed your instructions to fix the "no reply" problem - we'll see if it works! :)

Sherry said...

These are lovely! Thank you for the chance to win. Sherry

Kathy in NH said...

I do love the one with the buttons and spools. Pick me

Kathy said...

Fun Fun fun!! Thanks for giving this away Bonnie! I hope I win! :)

magnoliasntea said...

Amazing blocks! Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I see three quilts already out of the book I would love to do.


Anonymous said...

I would love the 100 blocks Quiltmaker issue!

Anonymous said...

Love the snowflake but not ready for winter to come. Darlene dhoctor@sbcglobal,net

Rainy said...

Yes please, I want to ake Sewful Things too!
Lorraine in Oz
Rainy.s (at) BigPond.net.au

swooze said...

Pick me! Pick me!! LOL

LindaKy said...

Looks like the perfect magazine to help me finish deciding "what to make for who" for Christmas. I would love to win. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Tulip Tango is gorgeous! Would love to win this magazine. Thanks for the opportunity. Carol

Rina Mason said...

Quiltmaker is my favorite magazine and I always look forward to their 100 blocks and quilts from 100 block editions. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

hope you have a safe and fun trip. looking forward to get magazine.

Allison in Plano said...

Such a great magazine!! Thanks for the chance to win this great resource!! Hugs, Allison in Plano, TX allon0711@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I love this magazine. Winning it would be wonderful, but if I don't win it I will buy it!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this magazine so full of blocks.
Thank you for the chance to win one.

Tsmetofsh@yahoo.com said...

Love the magazine

Anonymous said...

I love the sewing themed quilt, too. It would look awesome in my sewing room!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book. Gorgeous samples.


CindyB said...

Beautiful quilts! I would love to win, thank you for the chance.

Unknown said...

My favorite was the Sewful Things, too~~I entered on the QM blog yesterday but might as well here, too. Thanks~

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd love to be the lucky winner of this issue! Diane's Sewful Things would look so good hanging in my sewing basement! Thanks for the giveaway!

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

So many beautiful quilts. Throw my name in the hat and then pick me please. :-)

Unknown said...

Looks like a great issue.

Jen Barnard said...

So many beautiful quilts, I really like snow days.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Unknown said...

So many pretty quilts! Sewful Things and Snow Days are calling my name! Hope the random number generator picks me. ;-) Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Would love to win!!

Carol Sc said...

What quilt to make? What quilt to make first? They are all terrific! Have a great trip!

isa13 said...

Thanks for the chance to win ! Hugs from France

Marcia said...

Pick me, PLEASE! I'd love a copy.

DianneB said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for another chance to win a magazine. I enjoy looking at all the quilts, but re-color them scrappy. I don't make a quilt from a designer line, one of the reasons I love your patterns so much.

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

What a fun issue! I would love to win this.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!

Unknown said...

Wow! Such Awesome quilts. I'd love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.

Charlotte Taylor said...

I am thankful for you giving us a chance to win this magazine. Looks like a winner.


Melinda said...

Love your give always & hopefully one day I will win! Safe travels!


Kathryn said...

I love seeing the blocks come to life in a full quilt.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Lisa said...

Oh! I love that Sewful quilt too. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Lisa (nrthwds2scrap@yahoo.com)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!

Linda said...

The magazine looks great. I'd love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Not a blogger but I would love to win! Thank you for sharing so much with us. Trina...trinahinsa@yahoo.com

Tabatha said...

wow those look great! Thanks for the giveaway. Love following your adventures on fb as well. :)

Janie Steele said...

Beautiful quilts

Anonymous said...

Great quilts, thanks for the chance to win. northwindquilting@yahoo.com

Charlotte said...

I saw several ideas I really liked. Oh for more hours in a day! I would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.


Patty said...

Love these magazines.mthanks for the chance to win a copy!

terriquilts said...

What great variety! I would love a copy of this. Thanks for offering it.

Sharon said...

Wow! So many quilt ideas in this to add to my bucket list.


Karen said...

Wow, those are beautiful quilts.
Thanks for sharing some pictures, and I would love to win a copy. Pick me!

Donna said...

I really like several of these quilts so I NEED this magazine. (lol)

Material Girl said...

There are some beautiful quilts in the issue, thanks for the opportunity to win one of the magazines.
Have a safe trip today Bonnie.

Patti S. said...

The quilts are beautiful! Thank you for a chance to win a copy of this magazine.

Cheryl Griffin said...

Can't wait to get the new issue

Melissa said...

Sewful Things is so cute. I'd like that for my wall too, if I had enough room.

Valerie said...

Uh-oh. "Ahead of the Curve" just might force me to practice some curved piecing. LOVE that quilt. Love you, Bonnie, for all you do and for this chance to win. Thank you.

Unknown said...

What fun it would be trying to decide which Quilt to make first!

Valerie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darling Jill Quilts said...

Looks like another great issue!

Mandy L said...

Beautiful ideas to play with! Mandy L.


Sher said...

I like these quilts. I am in. Thanks for the chance to win!

GoGo said...

Oh boy! Ideas galore - enough to keep a girl busy all winter. Thanks Bonnie! Have a good trip.

Andresa said...

Love how Christmas Lattice spins the block to give the quilt more movement. Thanks for the chance to win, Bonnie.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Wow another fantastic Block Magazine. Always love Quiltmaker.

Mary said...

Awesome book! Would love to win! Can't wait to meet you in Amherst NY in a few weeks!

Unknown said...

Your pics show so many new ideas and techniques that would be fun to try .. Thanks for the giveaway. Cathy

Donna1111 said...

You warned that you had a great surprise to offer this morning! I hope my number comes up on this one!

Unknown said...

Fall is my favorite time of year to sew, the colors are awesome!

denisew said...

What beautiful quilts. Would love to have this magazine. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Amber said...

Great quilts - I would love a chance to win.

Melody Moore said...

Love the inspiration this would give! ms.mel@shaw.ca

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

I LOVE to scan pictures of beautiful quilts and get inspired. Thanks for sharing.

Lilac Joan said...

I would love to win!

MaryBeth said...

There are some really cute quilts in this magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Connie said...

It is just oozinggggg with inspiration.

DJ said...

that Tulip Tango is the top of my list. Would love to win. Thanks for doing all these giveaways.
sewlady003 at YaHoo dot coM

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Looks like a great issue to while away a few hours drooling over. Thanks for the chance to win, Bonnie.

Janet Beyea said...

What cute quilts! I love the block issues, but sometimes it is hard to imagine how to use them for a quilt. This issue is full of inspiration.

Unknown said...

I love the sewing room quilt too! I would love a copy of this. Julie.

Lisa England said...

I have enjoyed all the 100 Blocks issues and it's nice to see some ideas for putting the blocks together. Thanks for the chance to win!

Terri said...

I love Cosmic Blast! Thank you for the opportunity.

bunbear said...

100looks like fun!

Kathy said...

Hi, thanks for the chance to win the magazine. Looks like a lot of possibilities for neat quilts.

doxiemom said...

Looks great...would love one in my collecion.
Thanks...S. Sharp

doxiemom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
adebose said...

The quilts you showed were great & yes, I'd love to have the last one in my sewing room too! Thanks for the chance to win.


Mary Lee said...

would just love to win this. great quilts!!!
Mary Lee

SewLittleToSay said...

So many fantastic patterns and so little sewing time. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Claudia said...

Love the quilts and blocks you showed. Want to see more!


Cathy44647 said...

This is so much fun! Can't wait to get a copy! Thanks Bonnie!

Frog Quilter said...

Include me in on the FUN! frog2quilt@gmail.com

Lewjacks said...

I would love to win this new issue.
Leslie Williams lewjacks@suddenlink.net

Jittina said...

Beautiful quilts and blocks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Patbrown25@gmail.com said...

Count me in! Patbrown25@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Love the blocks issues, would certainly bring lots of inspiration :)
Thank you for all you do! I'm a big fan of your Addicted to Scraps articles :)
Inge C, Denmark

Pam H said...

I've never purchased one of these but the Shabby Chic caught my eye,and I'm thinking I sure would love this one. Thanks for the chance :)

Mary Dowell said...

I would love a copy. Looks like a lot of fun quilts to make.

Unknown said...

I love making blocks and learning new techniques!!! Thanks for a chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts! I just love the 100 Blocks magazines. Thanks for a chance to win.
sandi1100 at yahoo dot com

pojo said...

all of those quilts are beatiufl.
thank you

Pat V. said...

I always love seeing the blocks set in quilts -- I get so many ideas!

TcMay said...

Me Please!!! I already have my Shabby Chick fabrics picked out for one of those quilts.Lou in Michigan

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