
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Quiltmaker’s QUILTS from 100 Blocks GIVEAWAY!

QMMS 140048 cover 375opt 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Guess what came in my mail while I was up at Quilt Villa??

The Fall 2014 issue of QUILTS from 100 Blocks by Quiltmaker Magazine!  Wooot!!

If you love the block issues, you will LOVE seeing the 19 quilts in this issue using those blocks – it’s perfection and full of ideas for great settings, terrific borders, lovely quilt colors and more!

What will you find inside?

Page after page of gorgeous quilts that will have you itchin to get stitchin!

After all, September IS National Sewing Month.  Did you know that?

Want to see what's inside?

Take a look!

Photo: Win a copy of Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks during our big QM Rocks the Blocks giveaway on Quilty Pleasures. It features Dancing Pomegranates by Jo Moury in RJR Fabrics and wool from Weeks Dye Works. http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Dancing Pomegranates by Jo Moury in RJR Fabrics and wool from Weeks Dye Works.

Photo: Donna Benham's Winter Waltz in Marcus Fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Donna Benham's Winter Waltz in Marcus Fabrics!

Photo: Caribbean Crossing by AnneMarie Chany in Riley Blake fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies today on Quilty Pleasures: http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Caribbean Crossing by AnneMarie Chany in Riley Blake fabrics

Photo: Shabby Chic by Lerlene Nevaril in Moda fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win a copy today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Shabby Chic by Lerlene Nevaril in Moda fabrics

Photo: Ahead of the Curve by Brigitte Heitland in Robert Kaufman fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win a copy on Quilty Pleasures today: http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Ahead of the Curve by Brigitte Heitland in Robert Kaufman fabrics

Tuscany by Martha Walker of Wagons West Designs in Studio e fabrics

Photo: Christmas Lattice by Patti Carey in fabrics from Northcott Fabrics is featured in Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 copies today on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Christmas Lattice by Patti Carey in fabrics from Northcott

Photo: Adorable wool applique graces Snow Days by Paula Stoddard from our new Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Fall '14. Win one of 25 giveaway copies on Quilty Pleasures! http://bit.ly/1w2wh8n

Adorable wool applique graces Snow Days by Paula Stoddard

mahoneytulipopt1 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Tulip Tango by Nancy Mahoney. Fabrics by Northcott.

And my favorite of all ---I WANT this for my Sewing Studio!

dianesewfulopt 25 Giveaways: QM Rocks the Blocks

Sewful Things by Diane Harris!

Of course, there are more quilts than this in this idea packed volume!  Check out the blocks that have been used!

These make such great quilts!

You may recognize some of them from the quilt previews above, but wait until you see ALL the quilts!  In fact, Quiltmaker has some giveaways going on over at their OWN blog.  Click HERE to check them out as well! You have until Midnight on Weds Sept 3rd to enter there!

And if you LOVE Quiltmaker's 100 blocks, you just might want to pick up a copy of 200 Blocks from my online bookstore:

200 Blocks From Quiltmaker Magazine: Original Patterns from Today's Top Designer

Now in one value-packed book, find 200 quilt-block patterns from Quiltmaker magazine's popular 100 Blocks collections. Full-sized applique and foundation-piecing patterns are included on the bonus CD.

Click HERE to order!

But for the Quilts from 100 Blocks, Fall 2014 --Leave me a comment in the comments section below ONLY to be entered.
No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be here, in the comments section on THIS post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!
If you are a blogger user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you. More information on how to KNOW if your email address shows or not is explained under the Blog Helps tab at the top of the blog. Read the No Reply Blogger article!
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I return home from Illinois on Sunday Evening, let’s draw for our winners THEN!
Good luck, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 515   Newer›   Newest»
~Kris~ said...

I love the Snow Days quilt. It is just so darned cute. Thanks for sharing.

Laura said...

I love Ahead of the

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am just finishing the binding on a quilt and need to find my next project. I'm sure it is in that magazine somewhere.

B J Chaplin said...

The thimble, button and spool quilt would look great in my sewing room too.

Unknown said...

I would love to have a chance to win this magazine! Thank you for all you do for your fans Bonnie!Tressa Young

Avon said...

Love the quilts, anxious for the mystery, love your blog and generosity. I would love to have the book. Thanks. A Bingham at avonbi@gmal.com

Unknown said...

I would love to have a chance to win this magazine! Thank you for all you do for your fans Bonnie!Tressa Young

Unknown said...

I would love to have a chance to win this magazine! Thank you for all you do for your fans Bonnie!Tressa Young

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Me please!!!


kt said...

Those quilts look great--thanks for a chance to win a copy of this issue!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this chance Bonnie & I agree with you love the last quilt. Hope I win, its so hard to find the magazine over here in Australia. Allison allisone63@optusnet.com.au

Greg said...

Love looking at the quilts made from these blocks. So inspirational!♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Wow, I like those quilts. Maybe I win and can start sewing.
Thanks for the give away.
Dini Kuijer

PalmerGal said...

Love yhis magazine. Hope your random number generator loves me!

Jennifer said...

Love these editions of the magazine, so great to see the different variations. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Another fun giveaway from Bonnie! Thanks for the chance to win this magazine!! --Connie
chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com

Unknown said...

I want one of those for my room also. It looks like a great one to have on hand. Thanks for sharing with us.....cricktig24@yahoo.com

Kathy MacKie said...

Yep, add me to the list and I'd be happy to take this off your hands Bonnie.

Heather said...

I look forward to 100 Blocks every year...where else can you get a collection of so many points of view? What a fun concept!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! !
Kvmq2003@ yahoo. Com

Anonymous said...

Would love to make that sewing stuff quilt with you! auntderanged@hotmail.com

Edwina Annette Parsons said...

What a great mag cover. Please enter me for this great give-a-way

Annette Parsons

Unknown said...

It would be really hard to decide which one you should do first!

Anonymous said...

just what I need to focus on during my knee replacement recouperation.


A Rose in Texas said...

Love the quilts in this issue
Thanks for the opportunityto win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy, have already made 2 from the 100 Blocks..
Donna at dmccain7174@yahoo.com

Aileen said...

What a group of lovely quilts! Would love to win a copy.

Mac said...

I would like a chance to win.
Thanks for offering the mag.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to make that Sew quilt also. Wonderful wallhanging!!
Thanks for the chance!!
Diane Murphy

Jennifer Dyck said...

thanks for another chance to win! Would love to make so many of these quilts.

Anonymous said...

HELLO, looks great-neat blocks!
Thanks for sharing!


Sewing So Slowly said...

I would love to win a copy.

Linda said...

This would be great to win. Please count me in!

Mama Spark said...

Would love this book!

Mary said...

Can a girl have all the magazines? No! But this one looks like I need it! Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Would go great with the 100 block magazine I bought. Thanks for the chance and the blog. Karen. abmask@tbwifi.ca

Susie Jensen said...

Giving me lots of ideas.

Unknown said...

Pick me! Pick me! I think I need to try my hand at curved piecing next!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I'd love to have a copy of this. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Mary Kauffman

kt said...

These quilts look great--thanks for a chance to win a copy of this issue!

Auntie Clark said...

I love all of the Quiltmaker magazines. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Unknown said...

Love quiltmaker and their 100 block issues!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to decide which quikt I like best. I'd love to win.
Susan L.


Anonymous said...

Would love the book! nancyaaho@yahoo.com

Joye with an e said...

I don't have one of these books and would love to add one to my library. Thanks for sharing.

QuilterLaura said...

Just lovely quilt, thx so much for sharing.

Gill said...

Count me in please Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win...count me in!! c_schilling@sbcglobal.net

Unknown said...

What beautiful quilts. Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

What beautiful quilts. Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.

Debra in Ohio said...

If you pick me, I'll make "Ahead of the Curve" in scraps. Wouldn't that be pretty! Thanks for the opportunity to win. crumbakerdebra@gmail.com

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

This looks like another great issue. Yes, enter me to win a copy!

Melanie said...

Oh the possibilities! These Block Issues put my brain in hyper drive!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing. thanks

Peggy said...

This would be my first issue! I would love to win! I like the Wagons West! Love the colors! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Nice quilts, but I am more drawn to your scrappy quilts, as that is what I like to make. I am working on two of yours right now. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

My to-do list keeps getting bigger and bigger...if only I should live long enough to get them all done! Thanks for the chance to win this magazine. Elaine SamsWeAm@yahoo.com

colleen said...

Pick me me me oh please pick me
Thank you for this give away

Angelia said...

Yes, please! :)

Robin B said...

Would love to win! Thanks for all the great chances to win.

Evelyn said...

Such a great variety of beautiful quilts. I would love to win. Have a good trip.

susiefloozie said...

Pick me! Pick me! I'm sure I could find a quilt or two or three .... Love quilty inspiration!

Sally Trude said...

Randomly count me in! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love these 100 block magazines! Will either win or buy one

Carole D

Anonymous said...

Wow...what a great magazine. Would love to win this copy!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love these magazines. Will either win or buy this one.

Carole D

Unknown said...

wow great magazine issue.

Nancy Vance

Patti said...

I love these! Please enter me in the giveaway & thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love these magazines - so many ideas and would love to win one


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Hope you're having fun in Bloomington. Yes, please enter me for a chance at the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great magazine to have. Love the sewing one.


Anonymous said...

Would love to have this book. What fun. I loved your "giveaways", quilt cam, books. Oh heck, let's face it, I'm a Bonnie Stalker.

SoCal Jackie


Linda H said...

This looks fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win. All those quilts are so colorful.

Quilting Tangent said...

Would like to check out a new magazine. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts. Which to stitch first. Thank you for the give away and please select me. :)

Safe travels.


Anonymous said...

not a blogger but I follow you most days. I love quilt cam and the book would be awesome
Myra @ kandmy@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win I always need to expand my reference section in my studio.

krazycat6@gmail.com said...

Would love to win, looks like a great magazine. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

All the quilts are beautiful, but Sewful Things really caught my eye...it would be PERFECT in my sewing room!

msmargie2 said...

Looks like some great blocks !Would love to win !

Diane said...

I would love to have this. Love the quilts.

Unknown said...

These look beautiful would love to make a few of them.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog! Thank you for a chance to win this issue from Quiltmaker.

Brenda in VA. Bbbuck@verizon.net

crazy quilter said...

Oh la la! What wonderful works of art! I sure hope Mr random number generator picks my number! Thanks for the opportunity!

happefam said...

Love it and hope for an idea for reducing my stash!!

Anonymous said...

would love to win this!!!

susan - suejean64@q.com

Cindy Gardner said...

I love following your blog. I would love to win this magazine. rsgardner@frontiernet.net Cindy Gardner

Anonymous said...

I love the bright circle quilt. I don't think I would survive making one of my own but I love them. Maureen

Barbara said...

Wow what a great publication. I loved your preview and know which quilt I would like to make already.

bluenines said...

I like to see how others use the different blocks, thanks for the chance to win,, happy sewing to all and safe travels to you

Elaine said...

I love Winter Waltz!

Lynne in Hawaii said...

The prevue quilts are gorgeous! Count me in!

Carol said...

great for so many ideas!

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonnie for letting us partake is the giveaway! I would love to win this one!!!
Smiles, JulieinTN

Anonymous said...

So many wonderful blocks to choose from please count me in for this giveaway. Julie. tornado_alley@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Looks like another great issue. I would love to see the blocks come to life in a quilt. Thanks for all you do Bonnie. Please enter me in the drawing.

Diane in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Always good to see how others use the blocks to make quilts. I appreciate your giveaway.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Great Magazine Thanks Bonnie

Debi said...

Everything looks so nice. Count me in .
Debi from California

Mary Jo said...

Some great quilts in this issue!

Anonymous said...


Would love to win!!! Thanks for the chance!!


Anonymous said...

hingic neverWould love the opportunity.
Thank You!
cstoo13@aol.com Cindy in Pa.

Anonymous said...

Would love the opportunity.
Thank You!
cstoo13@aol.com Cindy in Pa.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie! Would love to get these patterns.

HelenMarie said...

Love the pomegranite quilt! I'd love to win a copy! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! forgot my info

Unknown said...

Would love to win this magazine. Love the wall sewing quilt.

Amy said...

I just love these magazines! Would sure love to win one! Thanks!!

Sewgirl said...

So many beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing.

Jeannie Gan said...

Already inspired by the few photos of the quilt you posted. I would love to see the rest.
jchiagan at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Pick me-- Pick me! Thanks for the chance to win. I love all that you do Bonnie.
Sandy Royal

Anonymous said...

Yum! Lots of great ideas. Thanks for the opportunity to win :)
Juls in FL mathrun1 at yahoo . com

Deb said...

Looks like lots of inspiration in this issue. Would love to win and browse through it.

Cathy said...

Sew many beautiful quilts! Would love to win the magazine! Thanks for the giveaway!

JoyceLM said...

Thanks for the chance to win - love the quilts.

Unknown said...

Pick me! Pick me! I would love to have a copy!

Shannon - QuiltyKS said...

i'm ready to put my feet up with a cup of tea to dedicate uninterrupted viewing pleasure :)


Shannon - QuiltyKS said...

i'm ready to put my feet up with a cup of tea to dedicate uninterrupted viewing pleasure :)


Gale said...

There are three that I want to make right away. Can't wait to get this magazine. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Gina in Missouri

Ellen in Arkansas said...

I would love to win that magazine. my email is eterry@centurytel.net just in case it does not show in here.

ashley said...

Love some of the blocks, alway nice to win something.

Sandy Garrett said...

You know what I want. Thanks in advance, Ha!

Sharmond said...

Would love a copy of the magazine. Just can't get enough of quilting ideas!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Love the view! Pick me, please! Sally, richter@wcta.net

Anonymous said...

I would love to add this issue to my collection.

Linda Highbarger

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win. All the quilts you have shown us are beautiful.

wild.zinnia said...

Looks like an interesting magazine.

Kitties and Quilts said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance. Debbie in WV delitfull@aol.com

Dody said...

It's got to be me! I need a new project. Thanks Bonnie.

Lynn Czar said...

Beautiful magazine, great quilts!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I love Tulip Tango! Please pick me.

Leavenworth Robin said...

I am a NEW reader of Quiltmaker. I would love a copy of the many patterns.
Thank You for everything Bonnie,

Lynda said...

Oh, this could keep me busy for months. Ahead of the Curve looks like a lot of fun.

Gretchen quilts said...

Hope the random number picks me! Would love to win this magazine!

Anonymous said...

Just starting to quilt and this looks like a great issue to have on hand to study and learn from. Thanks for the chance of winning it.


Anonymous said...

Lots of fun ideas! Love to win a magazine!

betz2u said...

Nice. Would love to win but Mr Hunky Random Selector does not seem to have my number. Oh well. He is probably a hairy beast anyway. Have fun in your travels.

94Quilter said...

There are two quilters at our house, we could make great use of it!!

jane nj/wi said...

As always you and the Quiltmaker Block issues are generous. The magazine is chock full and it is grand you are doing a giveaway....I already have a few ideas in the quilts....I have a great nubby off white wool that would look great as small snowmen....

Jane Modjeski

Karen said...

I agree about the quilts -- there are definitely some that have jumped to my to-do list!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bonnie for the chance to win this magazine!

Sue Ann Manlief

Shirley said...

Thanks for the offer, I don't have any of those books, but would love one...

Anonymous said...

Pick me, please...love all the quilts, especially the last one...Sharon Powers, ncshagger@hotmail.com

Christine Gardner said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the chance Bonnie!

Maureeneh said...

Looks like a great magazine, I's love to win it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win this magazine - there are so many lovely quilts and ideas that I would like to try.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Janarama said...

Love the Ahead of the Curve and the Sewfull Things quilts. Thank you for the chance to win!

PJ said...

Really cool quilts! pastyjune@gmail.com

ruthsplace said...

The quilts look fabulous!

mgquilts said...

Ahead of the Curve is just calling my name. I have been wanting to tackle a curvy piecing task; need to work on those skills. There were three other quilts that caught my eye too. Would love to win. Wish me luck!

nankc said...

Another wonderful book of great patterns! Love to win it!
nankc at comcast dot net

Lorene Holbrook said...

this just might be the best one yet!!! thanks for the chance....

qlt7scrap at gmail dot com

Carolyn said...

Beautiful quilts.... Would love to have the magazine and make some of the projects!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win 100 Blocks.

Unknown said...

I sew hope you pick me. I love looking at new ideas and can't wait to see these. Thanks for the chance.

AnOkie said...

Can one have too many such sources of inspiration? Would like to win a copy.

Denny1600 said...

I see some that caught my eye! I would love to win!

Linda said...

Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win this wonderful magazine. Great blocks! Have a wonderful time in Illinois.
"Cookie" in Mandeville, Louisiana

cutet_tx_chicks said...

I would love to win! I use the 200 Blocks book all the time! bennie0755@yahoo.com

MissPat said...

So many great ideas. I love these issues.

Farm Quilter said...

Oh my, such quilty goodness...I see several I would love to make!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine!

betz2u said...

Well thanks for the blog helps. Mine was screwed up I believe, and I bet that hairy Radom number generator has selected me every time, and my email was not sown IKES!!! Trying again. bettyharden at charter dot net just in case, but I believe I am Fixed now. Thanks for the blog helps, I printed it for my Bonnie Hunter notebook, which will need a crane to lift here in the near future. Happy trails to Bloomfield.

Anonymous said...

Love the bright colored circles quilt. Can hardly wait to see them all. Hope I am the lucky number. ;)
Karen. robren5272@sbcglobal.net

Unknown said...

Way cool! Thanx for the opportunity to win a copy of this fabulous magazine :) Juanita-jmbaker3051@gmail.com

Jennifer said...

I wasn't going to put my name in until I saw the pictures of those quilts....and then I thought "I sure hope she picks me!" Thanks for hosting the giveaway Bonnie!

Marilyn said...

I would love to win this magazine as there are a few that I would love to make.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having this giveaway. Looks like lots of great Ideas. we are not getting this mag. here on Kauai. Laverne


Anonymous said...

Pick me, please
I would love to win.

Meril mchaplin@fidnet.com

andifar said...

Thank you for considering me for this drawing. Paula in Omaha.... andifar@gmail.com

Donna W said...

Looks like a magazine that I would use alot. Thanks

Fran T said...

Oh, this looks great. Thanks for the giveaway. franandrick@bigpond.com

Anonymous said...

Love the quilts. Hope I win. cindyhwhite@yahoo.com

csstexas said...

What wonderful variety in beautiful quilts!


Deborah said...

I would love to win this magazine. It sounds awesome!! Thanks for the chance. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

Edie said...

These issues are always fun. Thanks for the draw.

Joey said...

I also want Sewful Things for my sewing area! Can't wait to see all of the quilts! Hope I win!

Aby Dolinger said...

Wow, what creative and gorgeous quilts. Thanks for the chance to win! aby.quilts@gmail.com

Carla G said...

Looks like some fabulous new quilt patterns! :)

Aunt TC said...

Looks like fun!

Nancy S. said...

I would love to win "Quiltmaker's 100 quilts" series. They are all beautiful quilts. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

Jess said...

I'd love to win my first online random contest, especially with this fun prize


Debbie said...

Wonderful blocks and the quilts are fantastic ~ such a great addition to any quilters library

Judy said...

What beautiful quilts in this issue, love them all. I want to win!!!

Judy in Michigan's lower peninsula

Sheila said...

I would love to win this issue! So many great new blocks to make. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Karol H said...

I would love the book. I want to make the Christmas Lattice quilt.

Lois M. said...

I would love for you to make my day by pulling my name for this magazine.

Agneta Ekholm said...

Oh dear, already time for another issue of this lovely series. Love the inspiration they provide and would LOVE to win a copy.

Agneta in Sweden
agnetaquiltar at gmail dot com

Cheryl said...

I always enjoy a new magazine with new ideas.

teachpany said...

OMG, too much inspiration!! My bucket list keeps growing! Thanks for preview! That Quitly stuff is so cute!

Ness said...

Yes Please!!!

Anonymous said...

Forse sono la numero 201..... bellissime trapunte ma quella con le curve eccezionale. Grazie per questa opportunità.

CA Bobbie said...

I'd love to win this, can't wait to start pulling fabrics from the stash closet. Thank you for the opportunity. rjc2cam@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love the new ideas!


cinzia said...

What a great magazine. Would love to win it too!

Unknown said...

I so want this issue!!! I love the two tone blue quilt and the green two tone too very much!!

Kathi Cappellini said...

This issue looks fun. I love the 100 block issues and seeing the blocks used. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

sandrarumsey said...

Yes please enter me. Thanks for the chance.

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