
Monday, September 01, 2014

Happy Labor Day 2014!

Happy Labor Day!


And there has been loads of piecing going on this week…lots I couldn’t show you as it is mystery related, but I am so tickled with how everything is coming together.

The way I work though – I never decide on things too soon, they kind of evolve, and I’ve already had to make one change  -- switching THIS color for THAT color in a certain area that makes things flow better so I am at a standstill with as far as I can go until I can get home and get into the stash. 

That’s okay with me!  We are right on schedule!  And in about 6 weeks, on Oct 15th, we’ll be releasing those colors and yardage requirements for this year’s Winter Mystery that will start in November!  Whoowhooo!

I’ve also gone as far as I can on this…I need setting triangle and border fabrics:


Carolina Chain is now BIG ENOUGH!

I may get as far as sewing rows today and add the setting triangles to the ends of the rows when I get home – but this is as far as it goes with what I can show!  This quilt is going in my next book, so I won’t be able to show you the finale until then.  Take a good look, commit it to memory – it’s now going OFF radar!


Sadie and I have spent plenty of deck time enjoying the quick rain showers --


And she’s also been found sunning herself when it wasn’t raining.

We call this taking a “Dirt Nap!”  LOL!


Another glorious view from Buck Mountain!


Dinner on the Grill!

Last night about 10 of us gathered at Tim & Ambers for a BBQ fest ---oh---these boneless ribs were melt in your mouth fantastic and the chicken was so tender as well – we left after peach cobbler, totally stuffed!

This afternoon we are headed back down the mountain toward home and work will ramp up again.  Tuesday I’ve got several boxes of books to be sent to Alaska va Priority Mail for my visit there later in September.  Lots of desk work awaits, and I fly to Illinois on Wednesday ---

Thank you for the respite, August!  I’m sad to see you go, but excited about new adventures to come!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

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Anonymous said...

LOVE the on-point setting, I was hoping that would be your choice. As ever, thanks for sharing your journey with us. I so appreciate your generosity. From Dawn in Portland.

Ellie said...

Love the Carolina Chain! I've been sorting thru my 2.5 inch squares thinking about this for Leaders and Enders for a retreat I'm going on next week. I love the way the dark chains wink in and out, kind of like raindrops on a window!
Enjoy you Labor Day! Happy quilting and safe travels!

Linda H said...

Can't wait for next month when you release your info on the mystery. This will be my first one so I am eager to get the colors right.

Hope all goes well with your travels this month, you are certainly going to be busy.

KathyinMN said...

I almost didn't recognize that as the quilt you've been working on. Hard to believe that putting it on point changes the look so much. Love how it's coming out.

Anonymous said...

This quilt is so cheery, reminds me of an argyle sweater. Will be nice to snuggle under on the sofa watching a good movie eating popcorn. Have safe travels, can't wait till the reveal of the mystery quilt ! Janice in Western PA

quilter746 said...

I pulled fabrics from my stash yesterday for your Cathedral Stars workshop this coming weekend in Bloomington, IL...Happy that my stash had all that I need for the quilt top, and happy that I'll be in my FIRST Bonnie Hunter workshop. See you Saturday!

Sherry Meyer said...

Beautiful and very yummy! Happy Labor Day. Sew ON!!!!!

Unknown said...

Love theCarolina Chain on point! Glad you had your down time at home.

Sarah Martin said...

Oh, wow! It really looks great on point! I love how you still get a nice diagonal thing going on in the background.
I couldn't even tell that when there were less blocks : )
lol I made the same mistake when I was messing around with eq the other day, by not laying it out with enough blocks to get an idea of the scale...I guess if I supersized my Carolina Daisy Chain it would have worked with just 16 blocks showing : ) Thanks, as always, Bonnie! <3

Donna Fisher said...

Thanks for the suggestion (and warning that its gone from view). I made up four ubits and joined so I have a reminder. Turns out the hardest thing to figure out is how th press so joining to the next blocks make sense (or at least are not bulky). But this is a good start for me.

This WOULD make a super leaders/enders project!

But I just cut and marked a gazillion squares for the lozenge ends for leaders and enders. Let's see if I can coordinate two L/E projects at once lol.

Love the dirt nap! She is so sweet, but I'd swear that I occasionally see a "not pictures again, Mom" expression. She's a patient girl. Have a safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Quilting Season!! It's been 4 weeks since my total knee replacement, and I'm finally able to sit and sew at my machine for 30 minutes at a time. I consider it part of my therapy since I have to bend my knee to keep my foot on the foot pedal. That may not sound like much, but did you ever try to bend a fat hot dog in half? That's about how my right leg looks! LOL!

Happy Labor Day!
Blue Collar Longarm Quilting

Janny said...

Love the layout of the Carolina Chain, and you are so right about all those scraps working together. (I love scrap quilts but seem to do more "planned" projects) The quilts you do all have a lot of depth and very pretty under currents-not sure how to describe it, but I love how the pieces all seem to "like each other"!
Thanks for letting us have a glimpse.

pattiespea said...

I love your Carolina chain1 I did not think it could be much prettier until I saw it set on point, wonderful!

Mary said...

Happy Quiltin Season to YOU! The Carolina Chain looks great on- Point. I'm glad you take time to go to Quiltvilla as much as you do. It's been worth the hut of finding just the right place to escape and sew.

Brenda said...

Since it is now officially quilting season, I spent part of my day buying fabric, thread and things I need to make this season flow easily!!! ;-) I am so glad it is finally here - no reason to do housework or cook anymore!! Quilting season only last so long!!
I am waiting for the new book!! And I put the date for the info on the mystery being released in my date book - a few friends and I are going to be doing this together. I got Orca done on time, I plan to do the same with this new one!!!

Love to sew with you - you are my inspiration. Happy Quilting season Bonnie!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! For a minute there, I thought you had a "quilted" recliner over in the corner! :)

Leavenworth Robin said...

Interesting to see that you decided "on point" for your 9 patch setting. Like the look.

Lewjacks said...

That is going to be a lot of setting triangles! I don't envy you having to do all of those. It looks great, though.

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