
Saturday, September 06, 2014

Camera Snafu! My Blue Heaven Class!

We had the best day yesterday in My Blue Heaven class in Bloomington, IL!

I was taking photos left and right and planned on a super slide show…..I  got up this morning to unload photos over to the lap top, prepping to edit them down for inclusion in a great slide show…and poof…most of the photos are NONEXISTENT!  Where did they go?  this can’t be all of them?


I’m not sure what I did ---I checked all other folders, but then why would SOME of them be in the correct folder, and then not others.  Who knows.

It’s the wonder of our digital toys….but I did get SOME good ones, and it was a great day!


Blocks were coming together by lunch time and gals were making great progress!


Colors and fabrics were varied and wonderful!  Love the pink and brown ones!


How about some Kaffe on a navy/teal tone on tone?


Scrappy Everything also works to clear out the scraps!


What’s on YOUR Quilt Rack!?

Again. I’m so NOT happy that the photos went AWOL!  Everyone did such a great job, yet when I uploaded them these were the only ones left on my camera from class!

Our class sample!

The free pattern for My Blue Heaven is found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.  Have you made one, in any color combo?


Last evening as storms menace!

I took THIS photo when we were on our way to dinner at Biaggis….why would this photo be there and not the others?  We got hit with a doozer of a storm, the kind that whips you wet and silly, and blows your umbrella inside out on the short run between the car and the restaurant entrance.  Luckily most of the storm was over by the time we left ---


Hello Hexies!

Of course, the camera also got THIS shot of the bathroom tile….but where are the other class photos??

I hope I have better luck today!  We have Cathedral Stars back up on deck, and it’s going to be another full ruler-tutorial day---can’t wait!

This trip has flown so fast, I head home tomorrow!

Love from Bloomington ---

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leu2500 said...

The dk. blue/kaffe colorway is something I'd never think of. Thank you & your students for sharing your work; there is so much inspiration in your classes.

Ness said...

My android about dumped all my pics of my new grandson...!!!...I now have the auto backup checked and turned on...maybe that will help in the future? I thought it was on but it was not so maybe check there. I can't help with the missing photos...not techy enough when there is a problem like that. Sorry for the missing photos. :(

Deanna W said...

I like the neutral backgrounds but have made a few quilts with brown or navy backgrounds and like them too! I really like the one with the blue background. Sorry you lost your pics...with a little work you might find them on your device...I can't help not techie enough either!!

Mary said...

Do you have an auto sync on your Galaxy S5. My Pics get synced with my FB and I can always find them there. I love all the colorways. The dark background just sparkles!
Have fun with the Tri-Recs! I'm heading down to quilt on this 6th Day of Nat'l Sewing Month.

Cory said...

Bonnie, Did you try doing a document search by date? I have found files that seem to have disappeared that way before. Good luck finding your missing photos. Take care and God bless, Cory

lorna said...

Love the kaffe & navy, great combination!

Lois M. said...

Wow, that bathroom floor made me dizzy. But it would make a great quilt.

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