
Friday, July 11, 2014

Quilting at the Cabin!

Remember my Treadling Photo from the deck the other day?

I ran into a small snafu.

Not on EVERYTHING I had pieced…but on quite a bit….

The squares of phone book paper I had cut were NOT 8.5” square before cutting them in half on the diagonal. 

Somehow they ended up too small, and my pieces wouldn't fit together.  I had a whole handful of block quarters that were the WRONG SIZE and I was so frustrated I threw them in the trash and walked away.

The next morning an idea hit me, and I went back down, pulled them out….and CUT  the string pieced parts off of the kites.

I can still use these ends! 


New kite on the correct paper size.

I just have to add a strip up next to the kite, and then I can sew these “wrong size” de-papered and un-thrown-out ends on and I’m good!


Strip added, end ready to be reclaimed and sewn back on!

This might have been a no-brainer to some of you, but to me it was like….WOW!  I really was going to throw these wrong size units in the trash.


6 pink centers, and two yellow sides…

Sadie doesn’t look too interested at this point, but at least she is staying OFF of my blocks for the moment.


Next row of yellow ready to go on the top.

When the yellow round is done, the green one will be the next to work on.  I’m still undecided about the final row color after that…this is evolving as I am working on it.  We shall see!


The cheddar Sampler is FINISHED!!

I took this photo on the front porch while it was raining yesterday.  I’m so happy with this finish.  Not sure what to do with it, or where to put/hang it ---but I’m happy with it!


Bottom edge and perfect binding from a shirt!

We’ve also had some front porch improvement since there was lots of guy-help here this past week:


Front Porch Fans!!  Move that humid air, baby!!

Myron and Pam are heading out back toward Dallas, Texas today.  It’s been great having them here.  The cabin will be very quiet, and I know that Sadie will miss them too!

Today is for resting up, putting things back in order after a busy week, sewing some, napping some, enjoying the front porch some ----

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Ellie said...

Brilliant solution!

Enjoy your lovely cabin! Time away with family and friends is just the kind of refreshment we need to spark creativity.

Thanks for all you share with us. You are unbelievably generous with your time and creativity.


Ness said...

Sorry but your mishap made me chuckle...only because I know all too well and was thankful I wasn't the only one who had an oops moment. :)I have un-thrown plenty also...always seem to find a use for it. LOL! :) The sampler is just lovely...it really is a OO-AH quilt. The kites are really coming along nicely too...very cute!
Have a good day...I am sashing wonky wishes stars this morning for a bit and then have to go tame the weeds in my garden.

Gena in Dallas said...

Your post made me giggle. Love your thinking!! Your newest quilt turned out beautifully! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.

Gena in Dallas said...
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Amber said...

I love both the quilts. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has those oops moments. Thank you for sharing your "human" moments and the rest of your quilting journey.

Old quilter said...

Ah Sew ! The pro's make mistakes too! Do you realize what a great boost you gave to the egos of the rest of us this mornin'? Thanks for posting the boo-boo's as well as the perfect stuff.

Sewing Sue said...

Sometimes it takes a while for the creative part of the brain to come up with a solution. I can't tell you how many times I've walked away from a frustrating project only to 'dream up' a fix when I'm not thinking about it. It's magic! And it's nice to know it happens to others once in a while, even experts... It's a good save and a beautiful project.

Jess said...

Not sure if my last post posted but I think purple would be an awesome color to use for the next round. Makes me think of the popular neon colors. It's awesome.

Suzy said...

I don't know if you're a Project Runway fan...but as Tim Gunn would say, "Make it work."

Glad you were able to salvage all that piecing. :o)

Mtntop Quilter said...

Great save. Whoop Whoop!!

Helen in the UK said...

I really like the way you are using the coloured kites. Fantastic save with the string pieced sections, would have been nearly criminal to just throw them out :)

Bev said...

I've been meaning to leave a comment. Your quilts and blocks are gorgeous! You are so lucky to have the cabin. You know, that stone you found in the woods is used as a headstone for a dog's grave. Maybe someone had a dog that spent time roaming the woods with its owner... At any rate, love that cheddar sampler! XO

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Good save! Your brain just couldn't handle throwing away perfectly good fabric so it came up with a solution. Funny how that works sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Talk about making a silk purse out of a sows ear..... You're a genius!!!!!

Betty said...

Glad you rescued those ends. I could not imagine you throwing them away! I like how you are using a different color in each round. I'm with Jess, purple would be nice to add to the mix.

Karen said...

It is such a great feeling to finish a project that you have worked so long on (cheddar sampler), isn't it?
I like your spider web string quilt, but my eye is draw to the pink and yellow and not the string webs. All I see is plain yellow and pink stars, the strings get lost. I think if I made this I would use white or snow for the kite shape and let the colored scraps sing.

Nancy said...

You don't know how many times in my life the frustration thinks first, and then when I cool down the 'duh' moment sinks in. Glad you could use them girlfriend. Wish I could be with you sewing down there in the mountains.


Mary said...

You are turning Lemons into Lemonade for sure! The Fans are a nice addition to your Porch. You can just cuddle up with your new Finished Quilt on a comfy chair. Use it over the Longarm to hide the new Mystery for November. That way we can see it more.

Brenda said...

Love your new addition on the porch - I would have never thought of fans!!??!! Guess living where the wind never stops, fans are not needed outside - but love your solution - they look good up there on the ceiling!!! AND that would create a perfect place to sew outside, which I LOVE to do!!!! And your new blks - they look good. I am not a big fan of strings (I am working a couple projects with them and ..... well, they are an interesting thing to create!!!!) so I understand the throw them out, feelings - and yet, I also understand the "hey!??! would this work????" vibe! :) I am having this thought process to as I ended up cutting some jelly roll strips the size the pattern called for but, it is on the small size as far as I am concerned (so, the rest are cut to 'my' size...) now what to do with the smaller ones..... I will figure it out, they will be used, even if in the backing!!!!

This hobby of ours is not only a fun process - it does require a sense of adventure and willingness to explore different paths to get to the goal of being able to call something "DONE!!!!"

Love to read what you are up to and thanks for the gifts you give everyday by sharing your adventures and including us on the journey. Have a fantastic weekend and Bonnie, go have a cup of tea on your porch and take a moment to just breath in that mountain air. ahhhhhh. Life if good!!!! ((hugs))

Andee said...

I knew you would come up with a way to use those messed up parts! I have spider web on my to do list (I made a baby one about 12 years ago and it is what got me to your site and addicted to quiltin!) and I am excited to see how yours looks with the different colors. LOVE your cheddary sow-a-long too. I have something like that in mind for the future too--you just have too many awesome quilty ideas!

Sheri in Iowa said...

Oh Bonnie, I had to laugh when I read your post about throwing your pieces in the trash and then later retrieving them. We just can't do that really!!! There is always a Plan B. I would probably have done the same thing and in about the same time frame. I may not come up with it immediately, because I am mostly irritated that I did something dumb. But a little later, I go digging in the trash and move on and MY fabric doesn't get thrown away! I think we are all basket cases!!!!

Unknown said...

Love the quilts! I am noticing that Sadie was a good girl and didn't mess up the photo shoot ... give her a doggie treat please!

Smiles, JulieinTN

94Quilter said...

Good news for you is that it wasn't 'garbage day' at your house!! Here's a hot quilting tip...never ever ever throw quilting garbage in the kitchen garbage...much easier to rescue later! :) I'm so happy for you!

GabiP said...

Smart girl! I never would have thought to do that. This pattern is what Jenny Doan of MSQC calls spider web - I am in the process of making one for Halloween using fall colors. Your colors are bright and fun...as usuall. Love your blog, love your leader and ended book. A gal in a quilt class told me about it when I asked what she was doing! Thank you - like I said, you are a smart gal.

ajsgramie said...


I'm so glad to see you change your mind. I now know Bonnie Hunter is human and not a sewing robot(LOL). I do have a solution for the green spider web blocks though. You could gift them to me :)
Upstate NY

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Did that keep you awake untiol you thought of what to do? Looks great. How about blue for the next round?

Linda C said...

I did that very same thing this week!!! But I started out too small not realizing it! I had over 40 triangles made when I realized my error. My ever optimistic son said it will make a great "white elephant" for family reunion. So that was what I was going to do until the next morning I woke up with the same idea as you. So, I am on the road again. I now have corrected the boo-boo and have even more triangles completed. Between this spiderweb and the basket weave I completed, I've got to get some more strings going....Thanks for being so real to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Did you try putting the green in the center?

Anonymous said...

kristine gallina

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