
Thursday, May 01, 2014

100 Blocks Vol 9–My Day!!

***Note*** This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our 3 lucky winners!

Hello Quilters!

Welcome to my day on Quiltmaker Magazine's blog hop kicking off volume 9 of 100 blocks by 100 designers!

Who knew when this all started that they would go this far beyond volume one? And that the volumes and collections of blocks and ideas of what to do with them get better and better.

If you know me as a fan of small pieces, scraps and asymmetrical designs, you probably can pick my block right off the cover ---

Can you find it?


Look Closely!  Which one is most like me….

Your BIG HINT was the word Asymmetrical!  

Check the upper right of the cover just below Vol 9!


This is my block, Hovering Stars!

There is a funny story behind this block….or not so funny ---the deadline crept up on me and before I knew it, my block was due and I had no block!  

I had been working on a quilt that I was teaching in Plano, Texas at Fabric Fanatics over New Years while up at our cabin, Quilt Villa, and in a panic I sifted through some left over bits from that quilt --- small flying geese, squares in a couple of sizes, and the ever abundant half square triangles.  

Good news too – you’ll get to see the quilt these units came from in a soon-to-be-released regular issue of Quiltmaker, so stay tuned--

What a fun mix of fabrics in this block!  Batiks and shirtings and even old calicoes and florals and stripes – they all play happily and scrappily together in this block.

You will find Hovering Stars on page 62 of volume 9 and I hope you have fun playing with it.

Remember, while the magazine focuses on “regular rotary cutting methods” so that everyone can make these blocks with simple tools, you can follow my lead and use the Easy Angle ruler for your half square triangles and wing triangles for the flying geese.  I also used the Companion Angle for the large triangle on the flying geese.  Once you learn to use specialty tools they are always there to help you.  You just need to do some simple math, and the more you use it, the more it sticks in your brain!  This block came completely out of all the sizes of strips I keep in my Scrap User’s System – not a single fat quarter was harmed in the making of this block!

I had big plans of having quilt layouts for you ---but once again, a crazy schedule and packing for a flight early this morning to Michigan meant that I will have to save that for another day.

Let’s have a giveaway!

Studio_April2014 154

I’m going to be drawing for THREE winners! 

One winner will receive a copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 directly from the folks at Quiltmaker Magazine!  One winner will receive a signed copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 from me!  And our GRAND PRIZE winner ((Because I am on my way this morning to teach at the Needlework Seminar at the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinac Island, Michigan!)) will receive signed copies of both 100 blocks vol 9 AND a signed copy of my brand new book, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders from me!

Things you need to know to enter:

Leave me ONE comment IN THE COMMENTS SECTION on this post only.  We will be using the random number generator to draw.  Email entries, guestbook entries or facebook entries will not be included.  You must comment on this post.

To comment on this post, you MUST NOT be logged in through facebook or some blog reader sites on a mobile device.  It is best to enter on a real computer directly on this post.  Or make sure that you open the website in a new browser or safari window if you are accessing us by clicking a facebook link on your phone or tablet.


I plan to draw our winners on Sunday Evening, May 3rd from Mackinac Island!  Be watching for that post.

If you are new to Quiltville, welcome!  I hope you’ll give my blog a bookmark and come visit often.  There are always fun and quilty things happening here, with updates being posted twice a day, and sometimes more – like live from the workshops that I’m teaching all over the country, and out of the country.  And it isn’t ALL quilting.  Sometimes it’s vintage sewing machine related, or just relaxing at the cabin related.  Quilting happens around life ---and we get a bit of everything going on in here.

Be sure to poke around the tabs at the top of the blog where you will find our Quilt-Cam archives, Free Patterns, Tips & Techniques and all manner of goodies!

If you are a facebook user, you’ll want to Like our Quiltville Friends page by clicking the link under my signature below.  And join our Open Studio group where you can share photos of what you are working on and meet other quilters – we are a global group and there is always something fun to see in the Open Studio.  That link is below as well.

Be watching for my regular column in Quiltmaker, Addicted to Scraps.  There is something fun for you to make out of your scraps in every issue.  You can click the Addicted to scraps tab at the top of the blog and see what blocks we've shared previously!

And once you are done commenting here…head on over to Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures, to see who else is in the line up for today. 

It’s a great blog tour, and I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

And with that – I’m off to catch a plane ---

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Would love to win this. I love everything that you are a part of - thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Simply love your ideas. I have referred back to several of them. Thanks for adding links to your ideas when you mention them. I really find that helpful. Looking forward to Vol 9 and vol 2. Pick me please...


Charlotte said...

Your posts are wonderful - blocks even better! Would love to win!

Jan said...

Love your blog. Pick me, pick me :-)

Kathy in WI said...

Thanks for sharing, Bonnie. I love your books and the 100 Blocks magazines. Looks like you are having a great time at the Grand Hotel!

Anonymous said...

Your quilts inspire me, Bonnie! So glad I found you here on the web. Would love to win your give-away. Edna eddielouwho@ruraltel.net

Pat S. said...

Thanks sew much for this chance to win, Bonnie. I love Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks issues! :-D


Anonymous said...

oh time for another wonderful 100 blocks magazine.

Merry said...

Front page, above the fold!!! Awesome block!

Denyse said...

What a happy way to use up scrappy blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.
Denyse Eisenhardt

Anonymous said...

Robbin Golden, bobbini@sc.rr.com

Your scrap saver system is my go-to for children's charity quilts that I am coordinator for. I would love to add to my autographed book collection.

Unknown said...

I have been going to the library ordering every quilt magazine available lol. Bonnie love seeing your posts and others they give me so many ideas. As a new quilter I have so many things I want to try. Thanks for the chance to win this magazine and your new book :)

Anonymous said...

Your blocks and quilts are always so interesting and full of life. I enjoy reading everything you write. I wish I had half of your energy. Thanks for all the inspiration.


Unknown said...

My Sister and I are awaiting Vol 9!!! So exciting...but hard to wait...

Karenl said...

Thanks for the opportunity Bonnie !!! I have been following you for awhile now and cannot figure out how you always come with something new and different !!!

Sue said...

Looks like you are having a wonderful time at the Grand Hotel! Love this blog tour and your block in the new volume. I'd love to win one of your giveaways.
Keep on designing and sharing with us <3

Heartsdesire said...

As always, Bonnie, your block is fantastic. Would love to win a copy of volume 9, or your new book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Char from MI said...

Love your books and the leaders and enders (which I use all the time). We are leaving FL on Monday for home in MI so I can be back to see you in Bloomfield Hills on Thursday! Hope you enjoy Mackinac even though it's cold up there. You should see it when the lilacs bloom in spring!

char from MI said...

Love your books and always use leaders and enders. We are leaving FL on Monday for home in MI so I can see you Thursday in Bloomfield Hills. Enjoy Mackinac even though it's cold. You should see it when the lilacs bloom!

Linda Bailey said...

Thanks for all you do and this giveaway , would love to win

Unknown said...

I love your site, your quilts, ideas and giveaways. I gave up on winning your book, and ordered it! You signed it and I got it, last week. Yipeee! I still hope I win, and maybe, just maybe I get a different book? lol

Rita said...

Luv to win this new magazine. Thank you for sharing!!!! Luv to follow you on facebook.

Rita said...

Luv to win the magazine. Thank You!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway Bonnie! Would love to win this :-)

Anonymous said...

I really love your blog. I feel I and going on all these trips,Germany,Tenn.,Mackinaw Island,
and not costing me a thing, Thank you for all your comments. I like your block and would really like to win these books.

Florence Daly (grandmafdaly@yahoo.com)

Lauriejo said...

Love your block Bonnie! Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway.

Farmgrl said...

Adding these books to my library would be an honor as I love the scrappy look for quilts.

Unknown said...

nice block, and yes I could guess .

Michele Meacham said...

I knew which was your block as soon as I looked ... thanks for all you do ... I would LOVE to be the winner of the magazine ... & of course I would LOVE to be the BIG winner & get the magazine & your book !!

Unknown said...

Fantastic giveaway!

Edie said...

I was just looking over the photos from Mackinac Island, how beautiful!!!! Thanks for the draw for the magazines and your book.

Carol said...

I love your quilt patterns and blog and would love to win the book and magazine. I always look for yours in those magazines and Quiltmaker's magazines as well.

Carol said...

I love your blog and all your quilt patterns. I would love to win the magazine and your book!

Karen said...

Couldn't quilt without the scrap user's system. You are such an inspiration to us all.

Hands Sew Full said...

I love watching how you just whip up a little magic when you reach into your bins! Thanks for all the great blocks!

pharmgirl75 said...

I always look forward to see what you come up with. Thank you for sharing your talent.

bcquilts said...

I love the 100 blocks magazines & would love to win one of your Leaders & Enders books! Have a great weekend!

bcquilts said...

I love the 100 blocks magazines & would love to win one of your Leaders & Enders books! Have a great weekend!

Marlene said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for this opportunity to win a copy. I'm such a fan of yours on line and in Quiltmaker, but haven't had a chance to make a quilt yet, so here's hoping that it will be soon!

Peg said...

I would love to win these books.

Ramona Johnson said...

Love your travels. I feel like I'm packed in your suitcase and go with you. Thank You for all you do for us 'scrappys'. :-)

Created by Kathi said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I have always wanted Quiltmaker mag just to see your column :) And for a chance at your signature too just rocks! Kathi

wvhoneysuckle said...

Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Love reading what you've been up to, and which blocks and quilts you are working on now! I'd love to have one of your books!

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of 100 Blocks.

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of 100 Blocks.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog every morning! What I have learned about blocks by making the last two mystery quilts you shared is that I especially love the play of apparent movement between the different squares. It would be exciting to win a copy--thank you!

jan in AR said...

Love all your quilts and would love to win a copy of your book!!! Thanks for the chance!!,

Debra G said...

Every day is your day. :) Thanks for the chance to win such a great gift!

Kaye said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I spotted your block right off. Can't wait to make it.

Anda W said...

Really enjoy your blog and the wonderful inspiration you provide me with! awolk at rogers dot com

Patsy Martin said...

I also would be VERY happy to win any of the prizes. I recently learned of your blog and plan to FOLLOW it. I am almost 80 years old and have recently began quilting (actually learning to piece by machine as I've quilted a little for years). So, as a novice I look forward to(hopefully) hearing I am a winner!

Patsy Martin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa E said...

Congrats on getting ANOTHER block in the magazine. You are amazingly prolific!

Unknown said...

Love the block - it's a mini quilt.

Amber said...

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Unknown said...

Bonnie = brilliant!

Jamie McClenaghan said...

Bonnie, Really wishing I was there with you! Life happened and I didn't make it. Looks like too much fun!
Fingers crossed that I win!
Jamie McClenaghan

DianneB said...

Bonnie, I love your new block - I did pick it out right away! Thanks so much for your generous giveaway. Enjoy your time at the Grand, looking forward to all the photos.

Cece said...

Great block- picked it out immediately! Thank you for the chance to win the book.

Kristy said...

I love your block! :) And the blog tour has been so much fun!

Regina Harris said...

Wonderful block - thanks for the giveaway.

drowland said...

You are such an inspiration, Bonnie - I so enjoy reading your updates and would love to be a winner today!

MMorton said...

Love your block-again! Can't wait to see the magazine.

janelle said...

I love your site. You have inspired me to use my stash. I'd love to win one of these prizes. Keep up the good work!

Lynn W. said...

Having fun following your trip and enjoying the blocks! I would love to win either the magazine or the book. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful books

Anonymous said...

What a generous heart from such a great quilter!!! I hope I'm the lucky lady chosen... Carolyn Barnett

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!!! Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

What a generous heart from such a great quilter!!! I hope I'm the lucky lady chosen... Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com

Suzanne said...

I would love to win! Looks like a great block for a leader and ender project!

Pam Gimnich said...

I enjoy your posts and a chance to win thank you.

Dayquilt said...

Ooooooh, I hope I'm not to late - I'd love to win a copy of your book!!

Dayquilt said...

Ooooooh, I hope I'm not to late - I'd love to win a copy of your book!!

Krista said...

Hoping I'm not too late for a chance to win!

Lisa said...

Love your block! Great magazine. I'm enjoying your time on Mackinac Island!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Germany! I would love to win!

Johanna said...

Love this block because it is a block made up of smaller blocks. I think this would give the quilt a lot of interest.

QuiltyGal said...

Mackinac Island is on my bucket list Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing!! Every class where you show pictures of what you all are making are such inspirations!!

QuiltyGal said...

Mackinac Island is on my bucket list Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing!! Every class where you show pictures of what you all are making are such inspirations!!

Colleen in Alaska said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Love the colors your students are using at the Grand Hotel. In Alaska we had green up (you can see the leaves pop out and the change almost hourly) this past weekend. Today it's snowing at my house! Looking forward to you being here next year!

Unknown said...

Thanks for a chance to win this magazine. Looks like you're having a great time on Mackinac Island...it's not too far from where I live and I hope to get back there again one day.

Robin M said...

I love reading your blog everyday. I am enjoying the blog tour. Thanks for the chance to win!

Vanya said...

Thank you for the chance to win. Was sitting at the Dallas guild the other night and the lady behind was telling her friend that she is only doing scrap quilts and using patterns from Bonnie Hunter! Hugs from Texas, Vanya

Diane said...

Diane dnoles54@gmail.com
I love to see and sew all the new blocks and would love to win a copy.

cynthia said...

Under the wire! Better late than never! Your block is distinctively Bonnie!

Faula said...

I would love to be the lucky winner. Thanks for sharing your love for scrappy quilts.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bonnie, Looks like so much fun at the Grand Hotel! Thanks for the chance to win. Sally (richter@wcta.net)

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