
Thursday, May 01, 2014

100 Blocks Vol 9–My Day!!

***Note*** This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our 3 lucky winners!

Hello Quilters!

Welcome to my day on Quiltmaker Magazine's blog hop kicking off volume 9 of 100 blocks by 100 designers!

Who knew when this all started that they would go this far beyond volume one? And that the volumes and collections of blocks and ideas of what to do with them get better and better.

If you know me as a fan of small pieces, scraps and asymmetrical designs, you probably can pick my block right off the cover ---

Can you find it?


Look Closely!  Which one is most like me….

Your BIG HINT was the word Asymmetrical!  

Check the upper right of the cover just below Vol 9!


This is my block, Hovering Stars!

There is a funny story behind this block….or not so funny ---the deadline crept up on me and before I knew it, my block was due and I had no block!  

I had been working on a quilt that I was teaching in Plano, Texas at Fabric Fanatics over New Years while up at our cabin, Quilt Villa, and in a panic I sifted through some left over bits from that quilt --- small flying geese, squares in a couple of sizes, and the ever abundant half square triangles.  

Good news too – you’ll get to see the quilt these units came from in a soon-to-be-released regular issue of Quiltmaker, so stay tuned--

What a fun mix of fabrics in this block!  Batiks and shirtings and even old calicoes and florals and stripes – they all play happily and scrappily together in this block.

You will find Hovering Stars on page 62 of volume 9 and I hope you have fun playing with it.

Remember, while the magazine focuses on “regular rotary cutting methods” so that everyone can make these blocks with simple tools, you can follow my lead and use the Easy Angle ruler for your half square triangles and wing triangles for the flying geese.  I also used the Companion Angle for the large triangle on the flying geese.  Once you learn to use specialty tools they are always there to help you.  You just need to do some simple math, and the more you use it, the more it sticks in your brain!  This block came completely out of all the sizes of strips I keep in my Scrap User’s System – not a single fat quarter was harmed in the making of this block!

I had big plans of having quilt layouts for you ---but once again, a crazy schedule and packing for a flight early this morning to Michigan meant that I will have to save that for another day.

Let’s have a giveaway!

Studio_April2014 154

I’m going to be drawing for THREE winners! 

One winner will receive a copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 directly from the folks at Quiltmaker Magazine!  One winner will receive a signed copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 from me!  And our GRAND PRIZE winner ((Because I am on my way this morning to teach at the Needlework Seminar at the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinac Island, Michigan!)) will receive signed copies of both 100 blocks vol 9 AND a signed copy of my brand new book, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders from me!

Things you need to know to enter:

Leave me ONE comment IN THE COMMENTS SECTION on this post only.  We will be using the random number generator to draw.  Email entries, guestbook entries or facebook entries will not be included.  You must comment on this post.

To comment on this post, you MUST NOT be logged in through facebook or some blog reader sites on a mobile device.  It is best to enter on a real computer directly on this post.  Or make sure that you open the website in a new browser or safari window if you are accessing us by clicking a facebook link on your phone or tablet.


I plan to draw our winners on Sunday Evening, May 3rd from Mackinac Island!  Be watching for that post.

If you are new to Quiltville, welcome!  I hope you’ll give my blog a bookmark and come visit often.  There are always fun and quilty things happening here, with updates being posted twice a day, and sometimes more – like live from the workshops that I’m teaching all over the country, and out of the country.  And it isn’t ALL quilting.  Sometimes it’s vintage sewing machine related, or just relaxing at the cabin related.  Quilting happens around life ---and we get a bit of everything going on in here.

Be sure to poke around the tabs at the top of the blog where you will find our Quilt-Cam archives, Free Patterns, Tips & Techniques and all manner of goodies!

If you are a facebook user, you’ll want to Like our Quiltville Friends page by clicking the link under my signature below.  And join our Open Studio group where you can share photos of what you are working on and meet other quilters – we are a global group and there is always something fun to see in the Open Studio.  That link is below as well.

Be watching for my regular column in Quiltmaker, Addicted to Scraps.  There is something fun for you to make out of your scraps in every issue.  You can click the Addicted to scraps tab at the top of the blog and see what blocks we've shared previously!

And once you are done commenting here…head on over to Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures, to see who else is in the line up for today. 

It’s a great blog tour, and I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

And with that – I’m off to catch a plane ---

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Suze said...

How fun! Thanks for the chances to win. I'm a big winner - hint England. I can hardly wait, now. My bestest friend and I are going. My paternal grandfather was a Brit. See you in Aug.

Cheryl said...

I love all the wonderful blocks, thanks for the chance to win this issue. Enjoy Michigan.

Unknown said...

Since you gave me an official title the last time we saw you I hope I can win both books and you can sign it to me your "quiltvillian"...lol


Potpourri said...

Thanks for the oportunity to win. Enjoy The Grand Hotel and enjoy Lucy Neatby She belongs to my guild and is an awesome knitter

Potpourri said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. Enjoy The Grand Hotel and enjoy Lucy Neatby She belongs to my guild and is an awesome knitter

CoalTownQuilter said...

immediately spotted your block!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

CoalTownQuilter said...

Immediately spotted your block......thanks for the opportunity to win!

Cathryn said...

Love the scrappy look - my mind is abuzz at the scraps I could use on this and get them into something fun and usable. Thanks!

Kelly Grace said...

I'd love a chance to win, thanks!

Becky said...

I so (sew?) enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for a chance at these fantastic prizes!

Kelly Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quilt lover bag lady said...

What a great block! I'd love to win!

c said...

bonnie, over a thousand comments!!!

i sure wants this magazine giveaway-lol

aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

Alexa said...

Yet another wonderfully scrappy block and another giveaway as well! Thanks Bonnie, I'd really love to win!

beckye665 said...

Bonnie, Hope my comments do not appear twice. Am not sure I fully
understand how I need to do this & my 1st attempt disappeared when I was trying to post. Have never read a Quiltmaker book & would love having one featuring your work. Thank you for all you do.

Lorraine B. said...

I have a bench full of scraps just waiting!

Lorraine B. said...

I have a bench full of scraps just waiting!

Colleen M said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. Mackinac Island is a fun place. Too bad that we are having this bad luck with global warming...or you could rent a bike and pedal around the island. The family took a vacation to the UP a few years back and the kids still talk about riding bikes around the island. Have a great time:)

Mary Carole said...

You are my guru! Thanks for a chance to win.

Hanke said...

Thank you for the chance! Love your block.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all the patterns and the time that you share with us, Bonnie. I have been so motivated since I started following your blog and watching quilt cam this past fall.

jquilter said...

Always look forward to your blogs--thanks for all your help and ideas.

Sue SA said...

Not sure if your posting overseas, but if you are, I would love a copy of the magazine as I cannot find it here in South Australia! You look cold, we are being sooky here as it went from 30C Monday to 15C forecast from today. Which although cold for us, still looks a lot warmer then where you are right now! Happy quilting, Sue SA.

Jen said...

Hi Bonnie, Have fun in Mac! We were there last year on vacation. I would love to win vol. 9!!

jan in AR said...

I am a definite Bonnie fan and love all your quilts!!!!! Picked your block out right away. Would love to win - thanks for the chance!!!!!!!

bizilady333 said...

I love the block! It is happy and scrappy... Have fun in Macinaw. I hope you have great weather and don't forget to watch the greatest 2 minutes in sports....The Kentucky Derby on Saturday.... Your friend in Ky - Busy Lady

Audrey said...

Thanks Bonnie for EVERYTHING you do in the quilting world!!! I enjoy reading your posts every day. You have kept me going in using up my scraps...I've told myself that I can not cut into any "new" fabric until my scraps are all gone...little did I know that it would take SO long!!! I've even be able to use some of the scraps using your patterns...(my scraps are REALLY small for the most part!...yes, I am a hoarder of scraps...trashcan diva and all!!!) I would LOVE to win one of the magazines and your book to add to my library. quiltingaud@gmail.com

Apples1942 said...

Mary from Liberty. I just joined your group yesterday and I can't get over all the beautiful quilts that are made from scraps. Thanks. You are one artistic lady.


jackiet said...

Bonnie,I love your blog & quilts. I would love to win a book. Thanks, Jackie

maggie said...

I love your posts and love hearing about all of your travels in the quilting world. You are the queen of scrappy quilt blocks in my humble opinion! I want to be you when I grow up!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Beausoleil Quilts said...

Gosh you sure do get around. Love these magazines.

Chantal said...

Wow, would really love to win your book. Thanks for the chance.

Ellen said...

Thanks for a chance to win just make sure you send the announcement to luvtoquilt2@gmail.com. Hope to see you in So. Cal. in the fall. Hugs, Ellen

Nancy said...

Ok, I'm one of 1000+ responders here LOL... I'm feeling lucky. Would love a copy of the magazine.. I've never bought one of them.

Pat said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of these great magazines. Already have your new book and love it. Your block is so pretty!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Hi, Bonnie! Love your style! Pick me!
Sylvia in Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win...I have 2 of your books would love to have another!!!

Karen in Maine

Tantie said...

Bonnie i learn something new from you every day. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Linda in Montreal

JoJo said...

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Louisa said...

Love the block. Would be thrilled to be a winner.

Donna said...

Wow I am very excited about this new magazine and your newest book! Thanks so much for the chance to win but most of all Thank you for all the enjoyment you bring into my life

Cindy P said...

Bonnie, You are a DOLL !! Thanks so very much for the chance to win this great book !!

Sharon said...

Stars are my favorite and I'd love to win a copy.

Diana Breed said...

I love it but then again I love all your blocks and patterns. I have made a few and am working on more. Would love to win!

horsegal88 said...

Bonnie, your block is really cute! I look forward to seeing it in a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!

GodissCreations said...

I love your columns in Quiltmaker and I have purchased several of these 100 Block issues in the past I am trying to get the whole collection together soon...

Liz Sampson said...

Love the block. Picked it out right away.

Sharon said...

Love your block! Can't wait to get a copy of the magazine. Thank you for all you do, Bonnie!

Hope@Acworthga said...

Thank you Bonnie for helping me to get a hold on my scraps. Look forward to winning a book.

Marie said...

Looks like a great issue. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie, love the opportunity to win!

Annie said...

I hope you are enjoying Mackinac Island!

Marie said...

Looks like a great issue! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Ginny said...

What neat blocks. Would be great to win

Carol (Eccles) Tudor said...

I Love Following you Bonnie, have a wonderful time*

Quilting mom said...

Got my first two of your books last Christmas. I am more than ready for my third!

quiltalot2 said...

Star blocks are one of my favorites. Love your block. Thanks for the chance to win.

VickiT said...

Wow. The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island is a beautiful place. That entire island is a memory of my childhood when our family went there and we rented bikes and rode all the way around. I'd be lucky to get three blocks on a bike now. LOL

Your block is awesome Bonnie.
I hope you have a grand time this weekend.

Unknown said...

Always looking for new blocks and I love following you and your adventures. Would love to win a copy.

Dorothy Hall said...

Would really love to win the new 100 blocks. Thanks for all you do.

farmerswife said...

love the fabrics in the block! Wish I had your scraps

Diana said...

Woo woo, I love a chance to win a copy of both your book and the magazine. Always looking for more inspiration. Diana

Carol said...

Such a neat book!! Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How exciting. I would love to have the magazine or the book. I have some of your other books and finally had to spiral bind them because they were coming apart. I'd love a copy of the newest one.

Pat V. said...

What a fun block! It is so totally you, Bonnie!

Quadra-polar Chronicles said...

You are such an inspiration!

Pat V. said...

What a fun block! It is so you, Bonnie!

Linda V said...

Love your block! Been watching your quiltcams and enjoying them. Thanks for all you do for us.

Ilona said...

I've lost count of the number of Celtic Solstice Quilts I've seen in the past few months...it's amazing, but not surprising, how many quilters follow your blog! Thank you for inspiring so many of us, Bonnie :)

Anonymous said...

Love your hovering stars! Jonnienottingham@aol.com

Wendy said...

Wow Bonnie you are so generous. I guessed which block was yours . Good luck to everyone!! Thanks again Bonnie for everything you do, you inspire me, just wish I had half your energy. Fibromyalgia steals mine. :( Have a fantastic weekend.

Wendy Bradley
Alliston, Ontario, Canada.

Unknown said...

Thank you for having another great giveaway! Fingers and toes are crossed!

Judy said...

What a neat block! I have become a scrapaholic. Thanks for enabling my addiction! LOL!

Katieee said...

I want to win something good. Pick me!

Dianne Koehne said...

Bonnie - I have been following you for a while. The energy!! Wish I had half as much! You are a joy. And I love your techniques.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the fun instructions and fantastic ideas. I've been inspired to cut and organize all my scraps, to start hexies, etc. Always love reading about your adventures and seeing the pictures of all the wonderful quilting friends. Enjoy your time in Michigan.

Barb S. said...

Barb in AR

Love your scrap quilts!

Centergranny said...

Oh I love this edition I hope my random number is chosen!

Hydrangeas to Hollyhocks said...

Love these 100 block issues and always go looking for the Bonnie Hunter block.

Hydrangeas to Hollyhocks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy M said...

Welcome to Michigan. I really love all of your books and would love to win your latest creation. Also the magazine looks great too!!

Debby said...

I really enjoy your posts. Would love to win one of the prizes. Keep up the great work

Pam said...

I have had so much fun reading all of the blogs. I am excited to start my own Scrap Savers (Users) System. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Love your block and your books and
would love to win. Clara

Calicat54 said...

I would love to win your newest book!!! Your patterns are wonderful!! Thanks for this opportunity!!!

Calicat54 said...

Oh I hope I win your book!!! I love your patterns, so intriguing!
Thanks for this opportunity!
Cindy in MN

Anonymous said...

This is an adorable block! Love the stars and flying geese. Perfect!

Kim R said...

Hi Bonnie, I embraced my scraps because of you! Thanks for the givaway!

Unknown said...

It would be wonderful to own this.

Unknown said...

I love your ideas and the facebook group, the sharing is wonderful. I am eager and ready to win!!!

Christie said...

I'd love to win, but love your blog even if I never win. Great ideas, great pictures just a heck of a lot of fun!

Paula H said...

Thanks for having the giveaway. You are the best!

YankeeQuilter said...

Great new block! Looked for the magazine today locally and no luck!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for another contest....hope to win one of these days. Love reading your posts everyday!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would love to win this.

Sandra Jacobs

Unknown said...

I'd love to receive a copy thank you.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

At a glance i thought the stars were yours :)

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

At a glance i thought the stars were yours :)

Shirley said...

Bonnie, I love all your books and patterns. I would love to meet you at the Sister's Quilt show in July.

Unknown said...

Love your block! I really enjoy reading your blog and watching quilt cam.

Jan said...

This block is fantastic. Can't wait to see it in a full quilt. Thank you for all you do for us.

Lovay said...

Love all your quilts, and would like to try this new block. Thanks for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

I'm new to you web site and facebook but I've already made a lap quilt from sisters choice and I'm working on one from split nine patch. Having loads of fun trying to use up my scraps but they seem to be multiplying. I would love to win.

Caryn said...

Would love a copy of either book! Enjoy the Grand Hotel and thanks for letting us "travel" along with you.

Mandy L said...

The blocks you design are marvelous. They inspire me to use up all those bits and pieces leftover from my quilts.

Ellen said...

Love the blog tour. Went to Mackinac Island when I was in Jr High. It was lots of fun. Enjoy.

Connie said...

You are such a talented and generous quilter. So many wonderful ideas and giving away your new book also. I feel privileged to have you and take your class. Thank you.

Connie said...

You are such a talented and generous quilter. So many wonderful ideas and giving away your new book also. I feel privileged to have you and take your class. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I am new to your site but so far I love it, all the new ideas and seeing I am not the only one with too much fabric and not enough time. I do not have your books but I would love to get one and try out your patterns. Thank you for having this wonderful blog!

Joanie s said...

Hi Bonnie, I would like to win one of these. Have fun this weekend at the Grand Hotel. Thanks for all the things you do for us to.

Kerrie said...

Love all the fun quilts and blogs! Enjoy MI and stay warm.

Mary Finch said...

I was at the Grand Hotel last weekend enjoy your stay. Would love your book.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win anything that you have written. You are an inspiration.

Paula H said...

Thanks for the giveaway. You are the best!

Judy Hutchens said...

Love the block and your blog!

Judy Clay, a quilter at heart said...

Thank you, Bonnie

Ann Flower said...

Would love to win one of the vol 9 books. antiques@eoni.co0m

Judy said...

Love the new block and these magazines are just so full of ideas! Hope your stay in MI is wonderful.

Unknown said...

Oh Please pick me!!! :) I love reading your posts and blogs. Have a great weekend from Nicky in Painted Post NY. pinwheels@stny.rr.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!! I love reading your post daily. Awesome inspiration!!!!


Unknown said...

I have some of your books and would love more. Thanks for the great blog.

Unknown said...

I love your block! Congratulations!

Cajunbelle's said...

Yaay, another genourous giveaway, thanks Bonnie and Quiltmaker Magazine for a chance at winning one. Bonnie love your block it was easy to pick out. It's so Bonnie.

Linda said...

I would love to win a copy. I love your blog!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! I would love to add another one of your books to my library. Thanks for the great blog. You've been an inspiration to me.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Gorgeous blocks like usual. Keep up the great work Bonnie.

Unknown said...

I love your block! Congratulations!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the chance to win - I love your block! It is stunning - as usual. :)

Unknown said...

Would love to win. Don't have one of your books yet.

Nancy Benoist said...

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win another great giveaway! Love your blog and the Quiltville Open Studio!!

Donna said...


Sharon h said...

Love your quilts and books!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested on your new adventure to Mackinac Island. I'd love to travel there. I don't know how you keep up with all the travels, shows and the things you share for all the world. Your patterns are wonderful. Thanks!


Chris Cowan said...

Born in Michigan, moved to Texas at 16, 41 years later Mackinaw Island is still on my want to go to list!! Would love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested on your new adventure to Mackinac Island. I'd love to travel there. I don't know how you keep up with all the travels, shows and the things you share for all the world. Your patterns are wonderful. Thanks!


Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of either magazine. I hope you enjoy you visit to Michigan . Sorry it's so cold. :(

Anonymous said...

Love the new block! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy McCarty

Anonymous said...

Love to win your book and the magazine. Love your attitude towards quilting.

Anonymous said...

Love your block! I would love to be the winner of your giveaway! Janice

jofridsquilt said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine.:-)

JeanieG said...

I picked out your block right away Bonnie! It is sooooo you!

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with the Grand Hotel when I watched the movie with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymore. I hope you have a wonderful stay. I really look forward to your blog posts - and the amazing ideas you have for storing your stash!
Karen Gifford

Unknown said...

I really enjoy all of your posts! Thanks for the chance to win.

Gretchen said...

I am new to Quiltville. What a great way to be inspired.

Britt-Inger said...

I just love your quilts. Made two this year. Hope to win.

Dorothy said...

Thanks Bonnie for your inspiration and enjoy your time in the north. How I want to go to Mackinac Island. Enjoy and keep warm and I will keep following your adventures.

Dorothy said...

Thanks Bonnie for your inspiration and enjoy your time in the north. How I want to go to Mackinac Island. Enjoy and keep warm and I will keep following your adventures.

Dorothy said...

Thanks Bonnie for your inspiration and enjoy your time in the north. How I want to go to Mackinac Island. Enjoy and keep warm and I will keep following your adventures.

Nancy Aughinbaugh said...

Thank you for all you do!! So inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you sure fly often! I love to fly! Love the block you did for volume 9 and want to say that your patterns are what I turn to when I need a change of pace in my quilting journey. Teresa D. jacetti1019@hotmail.com

Susan said...

I'm using your recommended sizes for organizing my scraps. Thanks for that and the opportunities to win the giveaways. Enjoy your blog.

Susan said...

I'm using your recommended sizes for organizing my scraps. Thanks for that and the opportunities to win the giveaways. Enjoy your blog.

Shirley in Canada said...

Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! I so love watching your work during quilt cam! Thanks a bunch, Bonnie!!

Unknown said...

Hi. Thanks so much for all the help and information you give us on your blog, and through quilt cam which I love! I would live to win the give away, and try some of the amazing ideas they contain. I hope you have a great week.
Sarah in UK.
sjperry 21@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I love QuiltCam. Have learn so much from you. Thank You

Unknown said...

Wishing I was with you on Mackinac. This would be lovely to play with instead. Enjoy our crazy cold Pure Michigan! Joan Doezema.

Unknown said...

I love your scrappy block. Thank you so much for everything you do - I love reading your blog.

Jan VanDeWalle said...

I love your block, and the travel stories.. Thanks for a chance to win. Jan VanDeWalle

Unknown said...

Bonnie = Internationally the BEST!!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie = Internationally the BEST!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie = Internationally the BEST!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie = Internationally the BEST!!!

Laura in IN said...

Would love to win a copy, and hopefully the bonus copy of your book too. That would be great.

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!!


Anonymous said...

I just love your Blog and your quilts and your methods! Would love to win

Unknown said...

Would love to win! Anxious to make a dent in my "scrap heap".

Andrea Jeppson said...

I love reading your blogs. I so hope I win and can enjoy it.

Michela said...

I would LOVE to win! I love your ideas Bonnie, thank you for sharing your love of quilting with everyone! =)

Elaine Hamman said...

Since I will be moving within the next year, I have put myself on a "buying" restriction. "Winning" would be a way around that. Always enjoy your posts, blogs and quilt cams. Thanks.

Caroline in NH said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I do not yet have the new book in my collection - would love this magazine too!

Anna brown said...

happyness04431@yahoo.com Howdy Bonnie love your work keep it up ..anna brown.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generosity :) would love to win this one. I have been a fan for a couple of years, and enjoy you inspirational and positive posts every day.
Inge C, Denmark
inge39 (at) live.dk

Marsha A. Black said...

Oh how I would love to win this! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt, thanks for the inspirations

Julia said...

Hi Bonnie, Love following you in all your travels,teaching,posts,
Please stay safe and happy! Julia in Missouri. calnjul@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Since seeing your presentation in Williamsburg, I've become a huge fan. Your methods rock and I'd love to win:-)

Anita Balgenorth said...

Love the 100 Blocks magazines - wish I had discovered them sooner. Only own #8 and would love to own #9 and what a bonus to win one of your books too! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie -- Hope you enjoy your time on Mackinac Island. Sorry about the cold weather, but as you can see it is a fabulous place.

Thanks so much for all you do. Love your work.

Penny Bouman

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie -- Hope you enjoy your time on Mackinac Island. Sorry about the cold weather, but as you can see it is a fabulous place.

Thanks so much for all you do. Love your work.

Penny Bouman

Julie S said...

You are a scrap lovers inspiration, and this block reflects that perfectly!

Unknown said...

I love your posts and would love to win a copy

Janet Brown said...

OH.MY.GOSH!!!! I LOVE that new block!!! I can just see it in a beautiful new quilt!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win either of the prizes. Love your patterns Bonnie and also Quiltmaker magazine.

MickeyT. said...

Bonnie -- when I see all that you create and write, and all the traveling you do, I feel like the woman in "When Harry Met Sally," -- I want what you're having! Keep it up! thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Hope you enjoyed visiting us here in Michigan. Mackinaw is a beautiful place, even more when the lilacs are in bloom.

Bonnie mcdaniel said...

Bonnie McDaniel

Would love to win, thank you for the opportunity and for all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope I win! I am just starting to love scrap quilts. I usually make distinct patterns. Can't wait to start!

Pam H said...

Thanks for the chance to win these books Bonnie! I've been a huge fan and followed you since before facebook. You just keep getting better and better. Loved the first Leaders and Enders book

Helene said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, your blog always puts a smile on my face - you are one busy lady!

Thanks for the steady supply of inspiration!


Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

Another great block, as always. I admire your energy and dedication to your craft as well as your generosity to your fans.

Lynda said...

What a nice giveaway. I'd love to win, but will be happy for the quilters who do.

Sweet Caroline 44 said...

Just what I need. More ways and ideas to tame the stash and scraps. Thanks for the give away.

Charlotte in MO said...

Enjoying your trip to Mackinaw but know its cold!!!! Love reading all the daily things that are going on in your life. Sounds way too busy for me.

Unknown said...

I guess by now my chances of winning are very slim but I do love reading your blogs and wonder how in the world you were able to morph into such a quilt guru! Sounds like to me you have the perfect job...quilting and sharing your enthusiasm!

Carolyn said...

I am enjoying your poists about Mackinac Island. Spending the weekend with friends not too far from there. Have fun and just go with the weather like we Michiganders do.

Unknown said...

Since I learned how to piece quilts and found you, scrap quilts are all I do. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for all you do.

orchardquilter said...

Love the block and love that stash-bustin'. Thanks, Bonnie.

Ocouss said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I like your patterns so much, that my quilting to do list keeps getting longer.

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