
Thursday, May 01, 2014

100 Blocks Vol 9–My Day!!

***Note*** This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our 3 lucky winners!

Hello Quilters!

Welcome to my day on Quiltmaker Magazine's blog hop kicking off volume 9 of 100 blocks by 100 designers!

Who knew when this all started that they would go this far beyond volume one? And that the volumes and collections of blocks and ideas of what to do with them get better and better.

If you know me as a fan of small pieces, scraps and asymmetrical designs, you probably can pick my block right off the cover ---

Can you find it?


Look Closely!  Which one is most like me….

Your BIG HINT was the word Asymmetrical!  

Check the upper right of the cover just below Vol 9!


This is my block, Hovering Stars!

There is a funny story behind this block….or not so funny ---the deadline crept up on me and before I knew it, my block was due and I had no block!  

I had been working on a quilt that I was teaching in Plano, Texas at Fabric Fanatics over New Years while up at our cabin, Quilt Villa, and in a panic I sifted through some left over bits from that quilt --- small flying geese, squares in a couple of sizes, and the ever abundant half square triangles.  

Good news too – you’ll get to see the quilt these units came from in a soon-to-be-released regular issue of Quiltmaker, so stay tuned--

What a fun mix of fabrics in this block!  Batiks and shirtings and even old calicoes and florals and stripes – they all play happily and scrappily together in this block.

You will find Hovering Stars on page 62 of volume 9 and I hope you have fun playing with it.

Remember, while the magazine focuses on “regular rotary cutting methods” so that everyone can make these blocks with simple tools, you can follow my lead and use the Easy Angle ruler for your half square triangles and wing triangles for the flying geese.  I also used the Companion Angle for the large triangle on the flying geese.  Once you learn to use specialty tools they are always there to help you.  You just need to do some simple math, and the more you use it, the more it sticks in your brain!  This block came completely out of all the sizes of strips I keep in my Scrap User’s System – not a single fat quarter was harmed in the making of this block!

I had big plans of having quilt layouts for you ---but once again, a crazy schedule and packing for a flight early this morning to Michigan meant that I will have to save that for another day.

Let’s have a giveaway!

Studio_April2014 154

I’m going to be drawing for THREE winners! 

One winner will receive a copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 directly from the folks at Quiltmaker Magazine!  One winner will receive a signed copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 from me!  And our GRAND PRIZE winner ((Because I am on my way this morning to teach at the Needlework Seminar at the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinac Island, Michigan!)) will receive signed copies of both 100 blocks vol 9 AND a signed copy of my brand new book, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders from me!

Things you need to know to enter:

Leave me ONE comment IN THE COMMENTS SECTION on this post only.  We will be using the random number generator to draw.  Email entries, guestbook entries or facebook entries will not be included.  You must comment on this post.

To comment on this post, you MUST NOT be logged in through facebook or some blog reader sites on a mobile device.  It is best to enter on a real computer directly on this post.  Or make sure that you open the website in a new browser or safari window if you are accessing us by clicking a facebook link on your phone or tablet.


I plan to draw our winners on Sunday Evening, May 3rd from Mackinac Island!  Be watching for that post.

If you are new to Quiltville, welcome!  I hope you’ll give my blog a bookmark and come visit often.  There are always fun and quilty things happening here, with updates being posted twice a day, and sometimes more – like live from the workshops that I’m teaching all over the country, and out of the country.  And it isn’t ALL quilting.  Sometimes it’s vintage sewing machine related, or just relaxing at the cabin related.  Quilting happens around life ---and we get a bit of everything going on in here.

Be sure to poke around the tabs at the top of the blog where you will find our Quilt-Cam archives, Free Patterns, Tips & Techniques and all manner of goodies!

If you are a facebook user, you’ll want to Like our Quiltville Friends page by clicking the link under my signature below.  And join our Open Studio group where you can share photos of what you are working on and meet other quilters – we are a global group and there is always something fun to see in the Open Studio.  That link is below as well.

Be watching for my regular column in Quiltmaker, Addicted to Scraps.  There is something fun for you to make out of your scraps in every issue.  You can click the Addicted to scraps tab at the top of the blog and see what blocks we've shared previously!

And once you are done commenting here…head on over to Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures, to see who else is in the line up for today. 

It’s a great blog tour, and I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

And with that – I’m off to catch a plane ---

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Thanks Bonmie, for a chance to win. Thank you for all of the stuff you make available to us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for a chance to win 100 Blocks Volume 9 and I would love to have your new book!


Anonymous said...

What a neat block! Thanks for the chance to win a great magazine.

BonnieE said...

Great block for scraps, Bonnie. You have so many tricks up your sleeve! Thank you for the giveaways.

Anonymous said...

Block is awesome. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Love the block! and thanks for the chances to win!
Marie Sagers
mcmsagers @ comcast .net

Anonymous said...

Love to read your quips and snips, can't go to bed without reading them! Would love to win a copy
Carolyn in Minnesota

Cat said...

Great block. I've got scraps that are calling this blocks name. Thanks for the opportunity to win such wonderful goodies. Can't wait to see who wins.

Cat said...

Great block. I've got scraps that are calling this blocks name. Thanks for the opportunity to win such wonderful goodies. Can't wait to see who wins.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win.

Beth said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Be safe and have fn on your travels!


Unknown said...

Really enjoy your blog posts! Watch for them every night.
The amount you produce is so amazing and a big encouragement! Thanks Wendy in Quebec

WhoMom said...

Wonderful blocks! Love your blog and enjoy reading it all the time. Have a wonderful time at the Grand Hotel and it would be GRAND to win one of your books. Our local library doesn't have either of your Leader & Ender books.

MaryKay said...

Scrappy, scrappy, scrappy -- what a way to go! Thanks for the giveaway.

Ann D said...

How could I miss your block, Bonnie. What a great block, you needn't have mention it was a last minute situation but it's good to know that various types of blocks can co-exist together. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

MaryBeth said...

Wow - where's you "no whining" sign? Lots of little pieces, but what a great quilt it will make!

Unknown said...

I so enjoy your blog posts! Your block is wonderful and scrappy! Would love to win a copy of the magazine and your book!

Yvonne said...

I picked out your block on the cover of Volume 9; it is so "you" and would made a glorious quilt. Your site is the first one I check every morning; it is so full of inspiration. I have 3 of your books so far and would love to add Vol. 9 to my collection of 100 Blocks! Thanks for sharing your ideas, tips, and advice.

Unknown said...

My, what a busy lady you are! :) And still have time for a great giveaway. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I enjoying reading about your travels. I hope my number comes up because I would love to win a copy if the book.


Unknown said...

Love your 9 patch - and many of your other "scrappy" patterns. Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

I'm an old quilter new to leaders and enders. It is fun just to see the pile starting to grow! Thank you.
Libby J.

Rose of Sharon quilter said...

Would love to win any of the offerings - I do so enjoy your blog!

James P said...

Throwing my hat into the ring; would love to win! Thanks for the chance.

scrappy; said...

Thanks for the chance to win big. Love your block, will see it when my copy of Quiltmaker arries.

travlr99 said...

Great block, and sooo many comments, much more that all the other sites! Thanks for your great blog, pictures and stories.

Unknown said...

I picked out your block, first post, first try! Honestly, (pinky swear), it was my favorite. :-D

Karrie said...

Welcome to Michigan! Mackinac is very pretty :) COngrats on your block! It looks like a fun one!


Kathleen said...

Love your blog. And your patterns!

Anonymous said...

Gosh Bonnie I would love to win your book and the 100 blocks book. Love all your scrappyness, hope that is a word. Maureen

crazy quilter said...

Hi Bonnie, hope you are toasty warm at the Grande Hotel . Sure would love to win!

Lorene Holbrook said...

Love your block bonnie! awesome as usual. thanks for the chance.

MOM said...

Would love to win your book and the 100 blocks book. Thanks for all your efforts to educate us.

Nancy in IN said...

Love Grand Hotel! May 1 was my 50th wedding anniversary. Would love to get any of the prizes. Have a 'Grand' time.

SherryWhy said...

Hope you are staying WARM! Love your block, I am proud to say I was able to pick yours out of the crowd! Ha ha!

Wilda Kruzinski said...

Oh Bonnie, I would so love to win the 100 Blocks Vol. 9 and especially your new book! Thank you for the opportunity.

Walter said...

these blogs are great fun; thanks.

Lewjacks said...

My day is not complete without reading your blogs every day. You are an inspiration. I would love to win any of your prizes. Leslie Williams, lewjacks@suddenlink.net.

swakins said...

I picked yours out right away, the give away was the HST and the stars. Looks really great, can't wait to try that one.

Anonymous said...

It's a great block with so many pieces for so many different fabrics.

swakins said...

I picked yours out right away, the give away was the HST and the stars. Looks really great, can't wait to try that one.

AnOkie said...

Would be a treat to have Vol. 9. I just spent an hour sorting/trimming scraps using your system, so it's time for new ideas from the pros!

Rachell said...

you know I love stars!
I'm having fun trying your Triangle Buddy method for bonus HST., and it would be fun to try this block with them.

Farm Quilter said...

Love your block!!! Scrappy desperation at it's finest!!! Thank you for the fabulous giveaway! Hope you are staying warm way up north!!!!!

Mom said...

Will luck go my way? I hope so. But we have already won the best prize--you generosity to the quilting world.

Gale said...

Oh Bonnie, I just love you and all my quilts from your patterns. I follow you religiously and I'd really love to win any of these wonderful prizes. Thanks for offering them.

Moumoune said...

Hi Bonnie ! Thanks for the chance to win ! I adore all you do...
Kisses from Toulouse France

hevemi said...

I would love yto get your new book, thank you for this chance to win.

Unknown said...

Love your scrappy techniques Bonnie

Judy1522 said...

Nice block, yes it was easy to figure out which one was yours on the cover. Your block turned out very pretty.

BizyStitches said...

This is a fun tour, thank you for putting my name in for the drawing.

u keep sewing said...

Wonderful block from a great lady. Thanks for all your ideas. Crossing my fingers :-)

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan of your scrappy style since before you quilted two of my tops. You seem to be able to make any scraps look good together. I was glad when you finally started putting your patterns in book form. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Sharon - sjsauser@gmail.com

Janet Beyea said...

I just made my first quilt from one of your free patterns, My Blue Heaven. Now I am hooked and would love to win!

Agneta quilts said...

Wow! More than 800 quilters are participating, trying to win one of your lovely blog tour gifts. I am a regular reader of your blog and I always begin with your section in Quiltmaker, a magazine that you can subscribe to even here in Sweden!

best regards,

Unknown said...

What fun it looks like you are having! Your time at Mackinac should be fun and exciting......hope you enjoy all of it as much as we do watching your travels. Would love a chance to win Vol 9! Thanks Bonnie for all you do.way

Trudi said...

What fantastic prizes! I would be thrilled to win any of them.

Dar said...

Your block looks like fun and a great way to use up more scraps that are unrelated. Fun. I would love to win a copy of your book and of course this issue of 100 blocks. Thanks for all you do.

Unknown said...

love the block. Have fun at my favorite island. thanks for all your hard work.

sandrarumsey said...

Yes please. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance.

Granny Lyn said...

Welcome to Michigan!! We hope you and the hubster love the "Grand" the island is so wonderful, you'll want to come back every year!

Anonymous said...

Aloha Bonnie, congrats on your new book. I am sitting
I am sitting here de- boning plaid shirts. I am very happy I found you on line. You says you can,t teach old dogs new trick. Thank you for all you share with us. I would love to win your book.

Laverne. Bluemoon@ hawaiian.net.

nicolesender said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicolesender said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicolesender said...

Love your scrappy block. have a great trip.

Pam said...

the new block looks great

GloJean said...

Thanks for being part of the giveaway!

Sally said...

Love your block. congrats on making the cover (and yes, I guessed correctly!)

grammygwendolyn said...

I love reading your blog every day. Thanks for having a giveaway.

Freerose said...

I like everything you make from scraps. I got the virus too. Thank you for the chance to win.

Flamingogirl said...

Love the block. Will have to check my stash of scraps and try it.

Jane said...

Have fun on Mackinaw Island! It is beautiful! Don't forget your warm clothes...

Anonymous said...

I picked out your block on my first try. Love your scrap system and your quilt patterns! Would love to be a winner!

Anonymous said...

I picked your block on my first try. Would love to win today.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win today. I picked your block on my first try.

Anonymous said...

I picked your block right away. Love your scrap system and the patterns you create.

Anonymous said...

Another success story ofletting the fbri tellyouwhstitwnts tobe,

gtcoursey said...

Love this block Bonnie. Thanks so much for giving us such great ideas.

Unknown said...

Love the block! Have fun at Mackinac Island. Sorry we're having such cold weather!

Unknown said...

Love your block! Have fun on Mackinac, sorry we're having such a cold spring.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win any of these great prizes. Thanks for the opportunity. scarlet3894@yahoo.com aka Holly

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love all your designs. You have changed how I quilt, no need to shop, I use what I have at home. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of 100 Blocks and your new book.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love all your designs. You have changed how I quilt, no need to shop, I use what I have at home. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of 100 Blocks and your new book.

Sally Langston Warren said...

I picked your block on the cover! it is lovely! I really appreciate it even more when you give a close-up view of your blocks because we can see the details of the scrappy fabrics you have used. Inspiration! I would love to win a copy of either the magazine or quilt. thanks Bonnie! jspwarren at aoldotcom.

Anonymous said...

I just ordered Adventures with Leaders and Enders, it would be fun to have the "sequel". Have a great time in Mackinac.

Anonymous said...

The new magazine and book sound great. I need something quilt related as my sewing machines are currently packed away due to painting.. Thanks for making this latest offer.


Susan in FL said...

I just love your blocks and quilts. Thanks for all your inspiration and a giveaway. Maybe I'll win :-)

Susan G

Margie Seaside said...

Let it be me !!! Please. Margie Adams, Sunny South Africa

Anonymous said...

I love Flying Geese and this block is sew different! Can't wait to try it!!! Linda Hartman lhartman1@comcast.net

Odyssey Quilter said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I want to be you when I grow up, but since I'm older than you, that's not gonna happen! =( Love all you do.

Unknown said...

I would love to win the books. I love what you do and have a bundle of scraps to get working on your system. Just cutting them up and then good to go. Have fun in Michigan.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Can't wait til you get back and have quilt cam again. I watch it in the living room while DH is watching some inane show on TV. I use the ear buds. LOL Have a safe trip, Bonnie.

Unknown said...

Creative Ideas ! You've always have something new and innovated to share. Carol Spencer

Cathy Melancon said...

Hey Bonnie!! To say I love your blog is an understatement!!! Thanks for your fun posts, great ideas, patterns, and fabulous pictures!!! xox

FancyNancyQuilts said...

beauty! THanks for sharing.

Carol said...

What a beautiful block--and to be able to use scraps is a real bonus. Thanks for sharing and for the give-away!

Unknown said...

The background for your block was my biggest 'clue' to guessing which was yours! Love your style!!!

Carol Gillette said...

I love reading Quiltville every day to see what new adventure you are undertaking. I know you will enjoy your time in the Grand Hotel!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful block! I enjoy you work, Bonnie, and have learned so much from you! I'd love to win a copy!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this giveaway. I am getting very interested in using up scraps and using shirtings for neutrals.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your energy and fun scrap quilts! I would love to win something!

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog, books, and the magazines. A daily dose of inspiration without having to swallow a pill! Stay warm in MI.

cpup40 said...

I love these magazines, but I can't ever seem to get my hands on one. I love your blogs & patterns.

Millie said...

Love to win the magazine,, Love your patterns and quips and quotes.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I would love to win this! Have a wonderful time on Mackinac Island---glad you were able to make it to the island....

susiefloozie said...

Happy travels to you in icy Michigan!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Yep, I had picked the right one when you challenged us to find your block on the cover! Had it down to possible of three and figured the one with the most little pieces had to be it! Love it!

KatieQ said...

I love when you post about your adventures in the many places that your teaching/lecturing take you. It's almost like a Travelogue. Great block, as usual.

Brenda said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

quiltinggrammy said...

Hi Bonnie, Enjoy Mackinac, it has some lovely spots to visit. I would love to win one of these books. Your scrap saving system has helped tame my sewing room. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Just love following you on your adventures Bonnie!

Tina said...

Looks like another great bunch of quilt blocks. Your blocks always insprire me with such a sassy mix of fabrics. Thank you for all you do for us.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh so late to post! Stars are one of my ALL time fav! I love that you have give aways too. i hate that I'm so late on the posting.

Lorraine said...

Wonderful block!! And a wonderful story to go with it!!

Charlene said...

Your block was easy-peasey to pick out! Thanks for sponsoring the give away.

Mary Lee said...

Good Morning Bonnie, I have recently found your blg an you have given me inspiration for all of those scraps just filling my scrap box. Thank you ever so much for sharing your creativity with us. May God keep you safe I all of your travels, as you seem to constantly moving. Thanks for the chance to win these books.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day, and I learnt a lot. Sure, I would not choose : I would received the TWO books.
Thank you for the chance to win.

Donna T said...

I can hardly ever find this magazine in stores. I wqould love to win it so I don't have to go from store to store looking...

Lorette said...

Love this! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lorette said...

Love this! Thanks for the chance to win!

Fran Russell said...

Would love a chance to win one or both of these books!

Ele said...

A happy day indeed, when we get to have a chance to win anything quilty from our favorite "scrappy coach"!! Thanks for the chance, Bonnie, and yours are the only ones I actually try for. Love you and all you do for us!!!

gbahlf@gmail.com said...

Would love to win. Enjoy your daily writings and pictures. Spent one day of our honeymoon on Mackinac Island in 1968. Barb

94Quilter said...

Oh my, a chance at both? You are wonderful Bonnie!!! Have fun, can't wait to hear about this next adventure.

Angeliasue said...

Bonnie have a great & luxurious time in MI. I hope I'm a winner in this contest. I so LOVE your leaders/enders concept. Angeliasue

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bonnie for your endless inspiration. Enjoy Mackinac Island! Judy jandjpaullet@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your quips every day. I'm amazed at how much you get done.

Janice said...

It was easy to pick your block. Love your work and generosity. Pick me..lol..

Lin's Quilts said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for the chance to win! I am enjoying seeing Mackinac Island thru your eyes. Love the Grand!
lin3841 at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Love such great giveaways! Your block rocks!

Unknown said...

I would love to win. Enjoy your blog and looking at all your quilts. When I am able to cut up my deceased husband's shirt, I will be using your video on cutting up shirts.

Unknown said...

I would love to win. Love looking at all your quilts. When I am able to cut up my deceased husband's shirts, I will be using your video so I can make a memory quilt

Mimi said...

I am very thankful for you and your service to all quilters - beginners like me all the way to the most advanced quilters!

Blessings to you!


Kathi Cappellini said...

I love the block! Thanks for a chance for the magazine and your new book. Have a great time on Mackinac Island. Can't believe there's still snow!

Karen said...

I just love all your scrappy quilts you make.

joyce taunton said...

What a great chance to win something really awesome! Sure hope my name is one of the ones picked. all the blocks are really great.

Debra B said...

I picked your block off the cover right away! Fingers crossed on the win.

Jacklynn Grimm said...

What wonderful prizes, I would love to win a copy of your book. Hope it's not snowing up in Michigan! Thanks for the give aways!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy Machinac Island. Usually at this time of year, the lilacs are all blooming and fragrant. This year we are still having winter. I would love to win your book and/or magazine. I hope you will be impressed with the evening dining experience at the Grand Hotel.
Gail W.

Sheri in Iowa said...

I hope you are staying warm up....I am sure it is cold, it is cold here in IA still!!!! Wonderful drawing and would love whatever comes my way!

quiltgal56 said...

Love your block that made the 100 blocks magazine! Beautiful colors. A good scrap buster, of course.

Pat Z said...

Love your site and the give aways. Hope to win!

butterflythreadsquilting said...

You've done it again Bonnie. love the story behind the block in this latest copy of "100 blocks Vol 9"
would love a copy of the magazine

Sandi said...

Great block. Thank you for all the hard work you do to promote our mutual passion.

she said...

Thx for the opportunity to win a copy. Can't wait to see it and be inspired.

she said...

Luv watching and reading your blog. You are such an inspiration. Can't wait to retire in a few years and have more time to create.

Michaela Williams

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bonnie for the opportunity to win one of the prizes.

Sue said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I love your scrappy blocks.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful addition to my collection that would be. Thanks for the chance.

Judy said...

I too picked your block right away, there was never a question in my mind which one was yours. Have a great time on Mackinac Island, it is a FANTASTIC place to visit. The last time I was there we were lucky and stayed at one of the homes on main street overlooking the water. What a wonderful time we had watching people come back from dinner at the Grand Hotel and watching people walk up and down the street. Can't wait fo see more pictures.

Paule-Marie said...

Like the block. have fun on Mackinac island.

by Laura McFall said...

I guessed the right block from the cover! Hurray! I have recently purchased an easy angle and LOVE it!! Thank you for everything you do to help us learn!

Cheri Clement said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win these prizes. Love your blog!

doxiemom said...

Would be soooo happy to win a copy! Thanks for opportunity!

M Stewart said...

Would love to be the winner!

Mary Stewart

Anonymous said...

Love your block and the fact that all the different fabrics just work!

All8 said...

I've been deboning shirts and sewing up mini double hourglass blocks with them Blocks are 4.5 inches. All because of you. Thank you so much for all the inspiration and support that you give to your readers. You're awesome.

KathyS said...

Can't wait for the new issue. Would love to win.

KathyS said...

Can't wait for the new issue. Would love to win.

cripskid said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these great books. Have a great trip. Looking forward to the next Quiltmaker's issue to see what you are up to. :-)

Josie McRazie said...

I love the 100 block books! so many possibilities! Mix match! Thanks for the chance ti win

Quilts4fun said...

I would love to win, Your Quilts fill my bucket list.

Elaine M. remills@amtelecom.net said...

What a wonderful blog...I've bookmarked it so I can come back regularly. Thank you so much.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'd love to win both! Cute, how you came up with the block. Have fun on the island. Thanks for the chance.

mumbird3 said...

I love these 100 block magazines...like finding treasure!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Enjoy your time in Michigan-a beautiful state. ekbogen@comcast.net

carol bryan said...

Bonnie I love everything you do!
Carol Bryan

Unknown said...

Would love to have both of these! Thanks for the opportunity

Carolyn said...

Really enjoy your blogs. Would love to win a copy.

Carolyn said...

Really enjoy your blogs. Would love to win a copy.

Carolyn said...

would love to win a copy

Dayjilly said...

I would love to win one of these prizes. I'm always looking for ways to use up my bins of scraps and leftovers ~ I look forward to your nightly blog postings as part of my evening ritual.

Sher said...

I love reading your posts. Have a wonderful time at the Grand Hotel and hopefully it won't be too cold. Thanks for the chance win. ;-)

Anna Marie said...

I have followed your blog for quite awhile and I saw you in person at the Bloomington Indiana Quilt show last year.
Anna Marie

Susie Jensen said...

I'm late, but would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Once again a great block. Hope your random generator likes me this time.

Miss Eva said...

I just knew your block. Love it and thanks for the opportunity to sign up for the giveaway.

tealeafquilts said...

I read your posts every morning! Its my go to thing to start the day! Would love to win!

tealeafquilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Always looking for new ideas for all the great fabric out there. Always look forward to your posts and seeing your new creations!

Anonymous said...

Love your work, and welcome to Michigan dress warm! Thanks for a chance to win! It would be great to win!

Loris said...

Well, I'm the lucky almost 1000th commenter :-) Your block is fun with all its scrappiness! I hope you are able to keep warm and enjoy that beautiful hotel. Those porches look amazing.
Volume 9 has some beautiful blocks from all the designers...and oh, how I would love to win that and a copy of your new book! Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

how to i stop these annoying comments from coming to my mail box. I have unsubscribed at least 5 times, but they are still coming clogging up my mailbox. Anyone know how to stop them? Please help

Joni said...

Great pics of your flight to Mackinac Island! Enjoy your stay and have fun. I can't wait to get Vol 9. I asked for your new book for Mother's Day and I can't wait to get it. I look forward to every post you make.

Hell's Bells said...

I've been following your blog for a couple of years now, and found your quilt cam delightful company while I sew away on whatever quilty project I'm working upon; your free patterns have inspired me to tackle my hoard and finish several tops. You have shown me quilting doesn't have to be anal-retentive following of millimetres, instead it is FUN. Your scrappy system was a revelation when I first saw it :)

Hell's Bells said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda Enneking said...

Another beautiful scrappy block that offers lots of possibilities.

JWhite said...

I've just started cutting my scraps to the Scrap User's System...Must finally get this mess under control!
Just received your More Adventures With Leaders and Enders and really looking forward to playing!

tac73 said...

Love the block and am looking forward to seeing the quilt in the magazine.

Peggy said...

Hi Bonnie, I love following you around the world and sewing with you on quilt cam. Thanks for sharing so much with us !

Peggy said...
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Anonymous said...

Would love to play with block arrangements and of course, the book would be a treasure.

janie said...

Love the idea you are going to Mackinac Island. would love to be with you.
Your blog is a part of my everyday routine, thanks.

WeedyMama said...

Love those "flying" pics. I always get excited when I'm "just about there". Love all the travelogues. Count me in.

Sherry said...

Have a great time on Mackinac Island! I love your blog and I am working on an Ocean Wave right now. Thanks for a chance to win! Sherry

All good things said...

Please let me win, I need your last book to complete my collection!

Dar W said...

Love the mix of fabrics in this block! I've been afraid to mix batiks with other styles, will have to try it now! Thanks for the inspiration!

All good things said...

I would love to win a copy to complete my collection of your books!

Lori L said...

I just knew that was your scrappy block in the corner. You amaze me what you do with scraps. I have been following you for a few years now and am using your patterns to use up my scraps and the scraps from others. Thanks for all you give so willingly.

Nrhaller said...

Oh Bonnie, that magazine looks awesome. I am a fairly new quilter, and have never seen this QuiltMakers magazine yet. I'm sure I would love it. I also know I would love your new book. I adore you blog, and watch quilt cam over and over. Thanks for this opportunity.
Rae (nrhaller@aol.com)

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