
Thursday, May 01, 2014

100 Blocks Vol 9–My Day!!

***Note*** This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our 3 lucky winners!

Hello Quilters!

Welcome to my day on Quiltmaker Magazine's blog hop kicking off volume 9 of 100 blocks by 100 designers!

Who knew when this all started that they would go this far beyond volume one? And that the volumes and collections of blocks and ideas of what to do with them get better and better.

If you know me as a fan of small pieces, scraps and asymmetrical designs, you probably can pick my block right off the cover ---

Can you find it?


Look Closely!  Which one is most like me….

Your BIG HINT was the word Asymmetrical!  

Check the upper right of the cover just below Vol 9!


This is my block, Hovering Stars!

There is a funny story behind this block….or not so funny ---the deadline crept up on me and before I knew it, my block was due and I had no block!  

I had been working on a quilt that I was teaching in Plano, Texas at Fabric Fanatics over New Years while up at our cabin, Quilt Villa, and in a panic I sifted through some left over bits from that quilt --- small flying geese, squares in a couple of sizes, and the ever abundant half square triangles.  

Good news too – you’ll get to see the quilt these units came from in a soon-to-be-released regular issue of Quiltmaker, so stay tuned--

What a fun mix of fabrics in this block!  Batiks and shirtings and even old calicoes and florals and stripes – they all play happily and scrappily together in this block.

You will find Hovering Stars on page 62 of volume 9 and I hope you have fun playing with it.

Remember, while the magazine focuses on “regular rotary cutting methods” so that everyone can make these blocks with simple tools, you can follow my lead and use the Easy Angle ruler for your half square triangles and wing triangles for the flying geese.  I also used the Companion Angle for the large triangle on the flying geese.  Once you learn to use specialty tools they are always there to help you.  You just need to do some simple math, and the more you use it, the more it sticks in your brain!  This block came completely out of all the sizes of strips I keep in my Scrap User’s System – not a single fat quarter was harmed in the making of this block!

I had big plans of having quilt layouts for you ---but once again, a crazy schedule and packing for a flight early this morning to Michigan meant that I will have to save that for another day.

Let’s have a giveaway!

Studio_April2014 154

I’m going to be drawing for THREE winners! 

One winner will receive a copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 directly from the folks at Quiltmaker Magazine!  One winner will receive a signed copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 from me!  And our GRAND PRIZE winner ((Because I am on my way this morning to teach at the Needlework Seminar at the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinac Island, Michigan!)) will receive signed copies of both 100 blocks vol 9 AND a signed copy of my brand new book, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders from me!

Things you need to know to enter:

Leave me ONE comment IN THE COMMENTS SECTION on this post only.  We will be using the random number generator to draw.  Email entries, guestbook entries or facebook entries will not be included.  You must comment on this post.

To comment on this post, you MUST NOT be logged in through facebook or some blog reader sites on a mobile device.  It is best to enter on a real computer directly on this post.  Or make sure that you open the website in a new browser or safari window if you are accessing us by clicking a facebook link on your phone or tablet.


I plan to draw our winners on Sunday Evening, May 3rd from Mackinac Island!  Be watching for that post.

If you are new to Quiltville, welcome!  I hope you’ll give my blog a bookmark and come visit often.  There are always fun and quilty things happening here, with updates being posted twice a day, and sometimes more – like live from the workshops that I’m teaching all over the country, and out of the country.  And it isn’t ALL quilting.  Sometimes it’s vintage sewing machine related, or just relaxing at the cabin related.  Quilting happens around life ---and we get a bit of everything going on in here.

Be sure to poke around the tabs at the top of the blog where you will find our Quilt-Cam archives, Free Patterns, Tips & Techniques and all manner of goodies!

If you are a facebook user, you’ll want to Like our Quiltville Friends page by clicking the link under my signature below.  And join our Open Studio group where you can share photos of what you are working on and meet other quilters – we are a global group and there is always something fun to see in the Open Studio.  That link is below as well.

Be watching for my regular column in Quiltmaker, Addicted to Scraps.  There is something fun for you to make out of your scraps in every issue.  You can click the Addicted to scraps tab at the top of the blog and see what blocks we've shared previously!

And once you are done commenting here…head on over to Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures, to see who else is in the line up for today. 

It’s a great blog tour, and I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

And with that – I’m off to catch a plane ---

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I love your posts and I would love to win. Hope you have a great time in Michigan. Mackinac Island is beautiful.
Rita Arnson

wendy said...

Great block! Enjoy the Island...sorry the weather isn't more agreeable.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these magazines and can't wait to see this issue!...thank you....marta....martamanole@yahoo.com

Sue Halter said...

Would love to win! Great block!

JanetD said...

Thank you for the chance to win, and congratulations on being a "cover girl".

Sandra said...

You are one talented and busy lady. I just love all of your books and your patterns. I so look forward to visiting your blog as well as your Yahoo Group. I knew you would design a star block for this blog. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Of course, winning a block to make this block into a quilt for me would be awesome. It's a chance you just have to take.

Sandi TImmons

Regina said...

It wouldn't be a truly scrappy block if it weren't designed in true scrappy fashion! Great job!

Lyn said...

Neat block; love the scrappiness of it!

@lutzcats said...

Finally! I knew you had to have a block published. Yay!!!!! I follow you constantly and use many of the things I've learned frequently...thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Wish I could be with you on Mackinac Island..I'm about 2 hours away from there in the central Upper Peninsula....would be so nice to met you. Maybe next time!

Kerry Grose said...

Lovely block and just perfect for my not inconsiderable box of scraps. A quilt from this block and my scrap box would be able to tell lots of stories

GrrannyH said...

Thank you for a chance to win. You are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your energy is amazing. I would love to stitch something from those prizes. Thanks for all you do. Angela Messmer

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you've done it again! Fabulous block. And you are being soooooo generous. Would love to win the mag and your new book. Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

So much fun as usual. Hope I win

Sharon said...

Would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

You rock, Bonnie! Thanks for the give-away!

Connie Hendryx
chendryx(at) nctv(dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! Your block would certainly use a wide variety of small scraps!

Barb in Mi said...

As always; fabulous scrappy block! Issue #9 sounds like yet another winner. Thanks for a chance!
Enjoy Mackinac Island - and see you later downstate.

jrt14 said...

I love how no fat quarters were harmed in the making of your block. It is great to see how you can take a group of scraps and create such a great block, even when under a deadline. Have fun on your trip and thank you for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your new book! Everything you create is so beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity! Janet

Susie said...

Bonnie you are just amazing! How you do all you do is beyond me. Hope I win the grand prize.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Awesome - this looks like a great issue - I have my fingers crossed!

Mary K said...

First I want to say thank you. I picked your block out right away.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
The name of your block is very clever. I smiled when I read that. As always, thank you for all you do! Mary

Quilt Monkey said...

Another great block! Can't wait to add this issue to my collection. I have them all so far! Thanks for the chance!

MargaretH said...

I love your square, lots of small pieces. I have to give this a try.

lisa shenk said...

Here's hoping I win your new book~

lisa shenk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rina Mason said...

Love these blog tours and always have so much fun on your site.

Sharlene said...

I remember Mackinac Island when I was about 15 and travelled to Sault Ste Marie! I loved it. I would love to receive any of these gifts being offered. Congrats on being featured.

Robin M said...

Great block Bonnie. I am enjoying the blog tour! Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your trip!

Unknown said...

Another great block! Congratulations on your block being selected. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I follow. you ms Bonnie on fb love all the things you do. imabank@aol.com

Unknown said...

Would love to add Volume 9 to my collection.

Thim3 said...

Bonnie I was so excited to see it was you day on the tour. I love your scrappy quilt patterns and you inspire me so much. Thank you Bonnie Hunter for doing all you do with quilts. I love your block for the magazine...can't wait to sew one up.
Thank you for the chance to win.

Jo said...

What a great giveaway. I love your block. I am really enjoying using scraps this year. I have done so much with them

Brenda J. said...

I love your other books and volumes of the magazine. Enjoy your trip! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sue said...

Thanks for everything you do. Enjoy your weekend. I would love the opportunity to win a prize.

Cindy said...

If I don't win a copy, will certainly be picking up one just as soon as possible! Love the 100 blocks series. Also had guessed the correct block as yours, Bonnie! Can't wait for my next issue of. 'Quiltmaker' to arrive in my mailbox to see your next quilt. Am sure it will be at the top of my list to make.

Unknown said...

I love the compilation of all the blocks in these magazines! Who knew it would get to #9! Enjoy Mackinac, remember go again in June when the Lilac bushes are in full flower!

Anniedar said...

Thanks for the opportunity Bonnie!

Unknown said...

My nickname used to be the "Energizer bunny", but I'm put to shame by your schedule. Don't know how you do it!

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance Bonnie! I cannot believe I didn't guess the blocks with the most pieces in it to be yours! It is a beauty! Cannot wait to see layouts down the line as always!

JanineMarie said...

Welcome to Michigan. I'm down in the lower peninsula, so it might be slightly warmer here than where you are (but maybe not) Sorry about that. Usually the weather is spectacular this time of year. But I'm sure you'll have a great time anyway. I enjoy all of your wonderful blocks and patterns.

Cathy said...

I knew that was your block! Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathleen said...

Love your block! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Cotton Pickin Scraps said...

You out did yourself again. Keep up the great work. Love all your quilts. Love scraps

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie--was able to pick your block correctly. Thank you for your generosity and hope the book finds its way to me!!!!!
Matilda J.

Cotton Pickin Scraps said...

Love scrapy quilts. Keep up the great work.

Gweneth said...

Thanks for the opportunity to be a winner. Keep the scrappy creations coming.

Unknown said...

thanks so much for all you do.


Marcia Mahoney

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your blog!
Alice M

Gloria said...

What a cute block!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win and the great blog.


katybell said...

Bonnie thanks for letting us live vicariously through your quilty life!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the sharing you do, Bonnie - hope I'm a lucky winner!


Anonymous said...

I would like to win the book so I can see your block and the construction. Of it. The book looks like a lot of great sources for some quilting fun Thymewpvp@verizon,net

Anonymous said...

Another "love the block"! Looks like it will make a great quilt!

Unknown said...

Be sure to trysome ofthe famous fudge up there! Thanks for the giveaway.

Melissa said...

Thanks for all the great scrap busting ideas you put out there, Bonnie!

Oma Ruth said...

I really look forward to Vol-9 and being able to try some new blocks. And you new book is awesome. Thank you

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, you've done it again. Another wonderful block.

Andresa said...

I picked out the right block from the cover! Great block for a leader/ender project. (not like I need another project, but...)

Rita Haverman said...

Wow what a post today! Thank you for the opportunity to win the 100 block book. You rock!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all you do! I hope I'm one of the lucky winners.

Kim said...

Thanks for the chance to win :0) I just love how you keep coming up with these fun blocks.

Happy Sewing and safe travels.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Your block is awesome. I'm adding it to my to-do list. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

i'm throwing my hat in the ring for the drawings.

Beth French said...

Nice to visit your website again, I always enjoy it. Loved your lecture when you came to Maine!

Cherry said...

LOVE the block you made. The batiks are so fun mixed with everything else. Scrappy at its best! Hope you have a great time on Mackinac Island. Thanks for all you do!

jean said...

so trying to get into one of your classes this fall in Buffalo, NY!

Kathy H said...

Enjoy your visit to Mackinac. It is such a fun place to visit. Great block, love the half square triangles.

Penny said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for all that you do! I love your blog and that's actually how I stumbled upon this blog hop back on Monday. I love your scrappy style and I really appreciate the chance for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Please random generator land on me! I would sew love to win! teyoung1949@hotmail.com

Robin McGuire said...

I wish I was at Mackinac Island with you! Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda H said...

Hi Bonnie
Hope you are having a "grand" time on Mackinac! Please count me in for the giveaway! Thanks!

Chris said...

Thanks for giving us a chance to win. Welcome to the north. I'm from Wisconsin and we have had a very cool spring here. Just north of us the ice is not off the lakes yet. Enjoy Mackinac Island!

Quilt Bug said...

Dear Bonnie - thanks so much for this opportunity to win either the 100 blocks or your new book AND the 100 Blocks! I loved how you pulled a block together from the "leftovers" - fabulous.

frosew said...

I love your block!Congratulations! Thanks for all you do for those of us that quilt!

Betty said...

I hope you are having a great time on Mackinac Island. That place is on my bucket list! Looking forward to seeing all your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Great block Bonnie! Thanks so much for a chance at the give-away
mgw070 at shaw dot ca

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed to see if I win. Thanks Bonnie for this chance.
Sherry in NY

JoyceLM said...

Love your blocks - love your books - thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Still working on the last mystery, need to cut more pieces and can't decide which fabric lol however it will be lovely

LeAnne said...

So many pieces. Yikes!

Beth said...

Enjoy your time on the Island, Bonnie! I'm having a pretty good time on the blog tour; it's not Mackinac but it's a nice way to "visit" lots of nice folks.

LizA said...

Another great way to use all those scraps I can't bear to part with! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Can't wait for you to come back to Dallas. Loved your class.

Madeline said...

I am another scrap lover, and so glad you made your block from "real"scraps, not just newly cut up small pieces. Thanks for the opportunity to win something.

Linda S Jones said...

Would love to get a copy of the magazine. Just love your blog and quilt cam. Thanks again


Darlene Marie said...

Fingers crossed, I hope it's my lucky day! Thanks Bonnie!

Elizabeth said...

Lovely way to use up those inevitable squares that don't make it originally.

Deborah said...

So many beautiful blocks and I really like your block. Have fun in Michigan.

Diantha said...

I look forward to your column in each issue of Quiltmaker. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

Charlene S said...

You converted me to a scrap lover when you came teach at our guide.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the release of Volume 9! Keep creating those awesome inspirations for us!!!

debbie said...

I would love to win this giveaway. I have 3 of your other books after a broad hint to my husband before Xmas. I would also love to win vol 9 of 100 blocks. Thanks for the chances, Stay warm on the island, lol. crazy weather for May!

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely block, Bonnie. Thank you for the chance to win. Enjoy Michigan!
Best wishes,
Brenda B. In VA


Anonymous said...

Love the block. Wish I could sling something together and it look like that. Have a great time in the frozen north. It was lovely inNC today. Would love to win your book and/or the vol.9 Quiltmaker's block magazine. Missed you quilt-cam last night. bettyharden@charter.net

Rosemary Stieg said...

Hi Bonnie,
love your scrappy block! I too would love to win a copy :+)
Rosemary in Pa

QueenB said...

May your glass of life be always mostly full. Your enthusiasm and love of scraps always makes me want to try your patterns and tips. I'd love a prize.

Suellen said...

Oooh yeah! I need these books.

Unknown said...

I faithfully follow you daily and love reading your blog. I am currently working on Smith Mountain Morning and could probably make all your patterns with the scraps I have accumulated.I love anything you create.

Cindy said...

I love that you stayed true to your roots and used scraps for your block! I love your scrap quilts, and would love any book by you.

Holly NY said...


What a wonderful block! I would love to win this giveaway. Thank you for all you do for all of us!

Holly in NY

NanaTo8 said...

Biking around the outside of the island is really fun in nice weather. Nice and flat. I picked out your block with no trouble. Love your style. Hested9@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love your work Bonnie.


Marcia said...

Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Stay warm!

RosieGma said...

Love the way you quilt, Bonnie. Have been working on my stash bins to get them set up to sew some of your quilts, my way....Thank you for the great giveaway.....

heidih44@verizon.net said...

Thank you for the give away and all of your fun ideas.

Melinda said...

Hope I win. Have fun !

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Mackinac Island is a place I hope to visit one day. How wonderful staying at the Grand Hotel! Your messages every day are such a joy and inspiration to all us quilters. We journey along with you as you travel and teach. Winning a prize would be AWESOME. Thank you for the opportunity. Have fun! email: liketwostep@yahoo.com

Kelly said...

I guessed the right block! Safe travels to my state!

Gwen Wehner said...

Love your block! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog entries each evening. I have used some of your patterns and plan to use more of them as I love to make scrappy quilts. A bonus for me would be to win a book! Thanks, Bonnie.

Unknown said...

Love the block and the magazine. Lots of blocks to look at and blocks to use in planning quilts

Steph said...

You have been busy lately! I found your blog during the last blog hop, and have been having a great time following you since. I aspire to adopt some of your scrap organizing techniques. It amazes me how much you can do with the cast-offs from other projects!

Anonymous said...

Love the way you use stash fabrics - batiks to shirtings - very effective! Thanks for sharing.

Barbara said...

Love the new block! Would love to win, especially the book/mag combo.

Barbara in MD

SCStephquilts said...

I am down to the last two piano key borders of Hopscotch Butterscotch. My current leader and ender project is for Tulip Fields. Congratulations on your block on the cover of 100 Blocks.

SCStephquilts said...

I am down to the last two piano key borders of Hopscotch Butterscotch. My current leader and ender project is for Tulip Fields. Congratulations on your block on the cover of 100 Blocks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a chance to win. I have just recently found your web site and am enjoying it. Thank you!

Lynda Clelland said...

Stay warm on this teaching escapade Bonnie. Love the way you teach as you're so upbeat and happy all the time. Would very much like to win your More Adventures of Leaders and Enders.
Lynda Clelland in Ontario, Canada

GretaMom said...

WOW! What an interesting block. I like making half square triangles so this will be a fun block to make. Thanks Bonnie!

Laurielyn said...

Love your black, Bonnie. A colorful and cheerful.

Laurie Anders

CA Bobbie said...

Picked right for your block and again a winner! Hope I'm a winner too. Thanks for the giveaway. Bobbie at rjc2cam@gmail.com

Ann Holland said...

Please pick me!

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for this volume to come out in a shop close to my home but so far no one has it. Would love to win a copy of the magazine. Have a great trip Bonnie.

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for the magazine to come out in a store in my area but so far no one has it. Would love to win a copy though and hopefully I'll get lucky.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the giveaway; I'd particularly like a copy of your book! Thanks. sarah@forrussia.org

scottylover said...

Now that is what you call a "make it work" moment! Love your block, especially the little stars.

Sandy A

debbees1999 said...

Love your blog, love your quilts even more.

Anonymous said...

Another winning block. schroeppelr at yahoo dot com

Carol LaPorte said...

What a great give-away! I LOVE your patterns. Am sending safe travel wishes.

Judy Currie said...

I love your blog. Just recently discovered you. Great. Would love to win a copy this book.

Unknown said...

Your blocks are beautiful!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Neat, neat block. I got lots of stuff to use in this one. Hope I win copy of leaders and enders 2

Barby MH, ARK

Joyce Carter said...

What a fabulous block you came up with, Bonnie! I really love it. Congratulations and thank you so much for the giveaway.

heath said...

I think I could have fun for a LONG time with this magazine and your book. Will be fun for someone to win!

Unknown said...

I love your new block, Bonnie, and I love that you were so completely honest about how your block came a out. I tell my readers when I make mistakes, or when something doesn't work out, and yes, if I ran out of time, I would admit it on my blog. Thanks so much. I would love to win the book and the Vol. 9 but would be happy with one or the other for sure! Marsha

Unknown said...

I did pick the block out love the books that have your blocks in them

Unknown said...

love the magazines and your blocks

Caryn S said...

I love your block. It does reflect your style! I would love to get the new issue.

Enjoy Mackinac! I was there once when I was a kid and hope to go again.

Unknown said...

Love your block Bonnie...but then I love anything with stars and you do them so well!

Deb said...

Have fun in Michigan!!! I've always wanted to go to Mackinaw Island. i'd love to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

I love your blocks. Would love to win your new book. Thanks for the chance.

Quilting Corner said...

You have the best quilters blog on the internet and I'm addicted to it and Quiltcam.
I would enjoy winning.

Kathy said...

I always look forward to seeing what you are up to, quilting, antiquing adventures, sewing machines you lead the most interesting life... I'd love to have a chance to win your book or the magazine.

Linda Lubke said...

I met you at Quilt Fest in Pigeon Forge! I was 'closed out' of all your classes but still was able to meet you & get you to sign books for me! Thanks! Would LOVE to win! Just discovered 'Quiltville' Quips N Snips and have become addicted! Have a wonderful trip and stay warm! Linda

Linda Lubke said...

I met you at Quilt Fest in Pigeon Forge! I was 'closed out' of all your classes but still was able to meet you & get you to sign books for me! Thanks! Would LOVE to win! Just discovered 'Quiltville' Quips N Snips and have become addicted! Have a wonderful trip and stay warm! Linda

Lynne said...

Love your blog - thanks for a chance to win!

Sue Y said...

I'd love to win the new 100 block book and/or your new Leaders and Enders book. Love all your patterns. Soo many patterns, so little time!

Sue in OK said...

You have wonderful blocks & quilts. Love using your scrap users system, although fairly new at it :) Have fun at Mackinac Island.

Momkat said...

Ooh ooh Pick me! Pick me! Pretty please with a fat quarter on top?v

Unknown said...

very cool block,and the story...well it sounds like my life always playing catch-up. Have a great time on Mackinac, it's on the bucket list for sure.

martha said...

Bonnie: I promise I will not complain the cold spring we are having in TX Cold in MI for sure!! and anyway . . we should hit 80 this weekend! Enjoy your adventures and time in the MI quilters. I am finishing up a Cathedral Stars (with a twist of course) and hope to show it to you in Mineola this fall. Would love to win - of course - just like everyone else

Angelia said...

Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

I love this magazine and I love making your blocks. If I don't win it I am hoing to buy it. Thanks for giving us a chance. Lauren Mattison ballerina_babe73@yahoo.com

Quiltfan said...

Wow, this is really a BH block. perfect for using lots of craps.
Love it.

Ann B said...

Love the block. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Mary Ellen said...

I picked your block out right away. It's a good one, too! Cover girl worthy! I would love to win. Got my fingers crossed.

martha said...

Stay warm in MI!! I promise not to complain about the cooler temp in East TX. Finished a Cathedral stars today - can't wait to bring it with me to Mineola this fall

sonofkettle@maqs.net said...

I would love to win one of these books. They all look so inviting.

martha said...

coeduseStay warm in MI!! I promise not to complain about the cooler temp in East TX. Finished a Cathedral stars today - can't wait to bring it with me to Mineola this fall

jenn said...

my day is not complete without a visit to your blog jenngabai@yahoo.com

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Another great block---thanks for the chance to win!

Pat D said...

WooHoo! More blocks! Thanks

Linda (Petey) said...

Would love to have a copy of Vol. 9 and it would be super to win it. Keep having fun!

Karen said...

Enjoy the Island.
Your pictures from the plane were great. Have Fun! and pick me for your giveaway please.
Love your book.

Quiltfan said...

Absolutely a BH block. Perfevt for using a lot of scraps.
Love it.

Rickie said...

Love the hundred block books and your books. So far I only have one of each so I need more. Hope I win another of one of them! :-)

Saydea said...

Hard to believe you are in my home state and on the Machinaw, great place to be, wish I could have come. I would love to win, but more then that I would like to meet you someday.

Jeane said...

I love your new book More Leaders and Enders and would be thrilled to win any one of the books.

Rea said...

More goodies!!!! Hope I win so that I can browse through those lovely pages!!!

Rea said...

More goodies!!!! Hope I win so that I can browse through those lovely pages!!! Thank you for the chance!

Janofmn said...

Love your block--it's so you!

Kathy said...

Love your books and blocks... I'm currently trying to tame my scrap pile and swear it's growing as I cut! Hopefully, I won't let it get this out of hand again...

Judy said...

Love your block! Those little stars are adorable.

Kathy said...

I'll give this another shot... Love your books and blocks. I'm currently trying to tame my scrap pile and swear it's growing as I cut!

Unknown said...

I love reading about your quilty adventures around the country. Thanks!!!! Janel kiztom@hotmail.com

Christie said...

I love your scrappy block. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the ways you teach us. I would love to be a winner of your drawing.

Karen in Kentucky said...

I would LOVE to win this!!


Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

I love everything scrappy, and yes, I did pick out your block. I always enjoy seeing your creations, and would love to get to be in one of your classes sometime. I am looking forward to the new magazine.

Carolyn A S said...

Bonnie, Love the story behind the block. Just finished my Lazy Sunday top; now it is off to the quilter. Thank you for all that you do.

Carolyn Shea

Unknown said...

I have to read your blog every day. So interesting.

Nancy said...

It wasn't hard to recognize your block Bonnie. I must say...it was fun reading about your ride in that small plane along with your landing and ride upon arrival. Sounds like such a fun adventure! Three chances to win, how nice!

Linda King said...

Thanks Bobbie for giving me a chance to win the 100 block magazine. I love your beautiful block, you have gotten me to save all my scraps from the tiniest to the ugliest!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I would love to be one of your winners. Thanks
Sandi in Vermont

Donna Joy said...

You have given me freedom to use any color of fabric to make a block. Thank you for setting me free of color anxiety. I would love your new book and of course I haven't missed an issue of 100 blocks. Thanks.

BettyC said...

Love your enthusiasm for quilting. Hope I am lucky enough to win.

Unknown said...

Hope you have a wonderful time on this trip. I am looking forward to winning the books. Can't wait to see who does. Thank you for everything!

Audrey said...

Bonnie. How exciting to read that you are at the Grand Hotel, what a beautiful place. Being a Michigan girl who grew up in the UP we crossed the Mackinac bridge many a time. We now live in Texas. so thank you for all the great pictures. Thanks for updating us with your blog. I love to read it everyday and see where you are each day. Have a wonderful time, the movie "Somewhere in Time" was filmed at the Grand Hotel. Audrey

Cloud 9 said...

Nice block. Enjoy your stay on the island, hope you have good weather and can either bike or take a carriage ride around the island.

Diane larson said...

Love your designs. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine!

Leavenworth Robin said...

oh Pick me please. Please Please any one copy thank you thank you

Anonymous said...

I love your quilts and have enjoyed several of your classes. Would love to have a copy of the book.

Patti said...

I don't know where you get your energy to do all that you do. But keep it up! You make a lot of us happy with your blogs and books.

sara said...

hi bonnie, what a great block and all from leftovers. i wish i was half that imaginative with my scraps!
thank you for ll you do

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