
Thursday, May 01, 2014

100 Blocks Vol 9–My Day!!

***Note*** This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our 3 lucky winners!

Hello Quilters!

Welcome to my day on Quiltmaker Magazine's blog hop kicking off volume 9 of 100 blocks by 100 designers!

Who knew when this all started that they would go this far beyond volume one? And that the volumes and collections of blocks and ideas of what to do with them get better and better.

If you know me as a fan of small pieces, scraps and asymmetrical designs, you probably can pick my block right off the cover ---

Can you find it?


Look Closely!  Which one is most like me….

Your BIG HINT was the word Asymmetrical!  

Check the upper right of the cover just below Vol 9!


This is my block, Hovering Stars!

There is a funny story behind this block….or not so funny ---the deadline crept up on me and before I knew it, my block was due and I had no block!  

I had been working on a quilt that I was teaching in Plano, Texas at Fabric Fanatics over New Years while up at our cabin, Quilt Villa, and in a panic I sifted through some left over bits from that quilt --- small flying geese, squares in a couple of sizes, and the ever abundant half square triangles.  

Good news too – you’ll get to see the quilt these units came from in a soon-to-be-released regular issue of Quiltmaker, so stay tuned--

What a fun mix of fabrics in this block!  Batiks and shirtings and even old calicoes and florals and stripes – they all play happily and scrappily together in this block.

You will find Hovering Stars on page 62 of volume 9 and I hope you have fun playing with it.

Remember, while the magazine focuses on “regular rotary cutting methods” so that everyone can make these blocks with simple tools, you can follow my lead and use the Easy Angle ruler for your half square triangles and wing triangles for the flying geese.  I also used the Companion Angle for the large triangle on the flying geese.  Once you learn to use specialty tools they are always there to help you.  You just need to do some simple math, and the more you use it, the more it sticks in your brain!  This block came completely out of all the sizes of strips I keep in my Scrap User’s System – not a single fat quarter was harmed in the making of this block!

I had big plans of having quilt layouts for you ---but once again, a crazy schedule and packing for a flight early this morning to Michigan meant that I will have to save that for another day.

Let’s have a giveaway!

Studio_April2014 154

I’m going to be drawing for THREE winners! 

One winner will receive a copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 directly from the folks at Quiltmaker Magazine!  One winner will receive a signed copy of 100 blocks, vol 9 from me!  And our GRAND PRIZE winner ((Because I am on my way this morning to teach at the Needlework Seminar at the GRAND HOTEL on Mackinac Island, Michigan!)) will receive signed copies of both 100 blocks vol 9 AND a signed copy of my brand new book, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders from me!

Things you need to know to enter:

Leave me ONE comment IN THE COMMENTS SECTION on this post only.  We will be using the random number generator to draw.  Email entries, guestbook entries or facebook entries will not be included.  You must comment on this post.

To comment on this post, you MUST NOT be logged in through facebook or some blog reader sites on a mobile device.  It is best to enter on a real computer directly on this post.  Or make sure that you open the website in a new browser or safari window if you are accessing us by clicking a facebook link on your phone or tablet.


I plan to draw our winners on Sunday Evening, May 3rd from Mackinac Island!  Be watching for that post.

If you are new to Quiltville, welcome!  I hope you’ll give my blog a bookmark and come visit often.  There are always fun and quilty things happening here, with updates being posted twice a day, and sometimes more – like live from the workshops that I’m teaching all over the country, and out of the country.  And it isn’t ALL quilting.  Sometimes it’s vintage sewing machine related, or just relaxing at the cabin related.  Quilting happens around life ---and we get a bit of everything going on in here.

Be sure to poke around the tabs at the top of the blog where you will find our Quilt-Cam archives, Free Patterns, Tips & Techniques and all manner of goodies!

If you are a facebook user, you’ll want to Like our Quiltville Friends page by clicking the link under my signature below.  And join our Open Studio group where you can share photos of what you are working on and meet other quilters – we are a global group and there is always something fun to see in the Open Studio.  That link is below as well.

Be watching for my regular column in Quiltmaker, Addicted to Scraps.  There is something fun for you to make out of your scraps in every issue.  You can click the Addicted to scraps tab at the top of the blog and see what blocks we've shared previously!

And once you are done commenting here…head on over to Quiltmaker’s blog, Quilty Pleasures, to see who else is in the line up for today. 

It’s a great blog tour, and I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

And with that – I’m off to catch a plane ---

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Anonymous said...

I read your blog first thing every morning with a good cup of tea and I enjoy every word!!

Joyce said...

ME!!!! Have a wonderful weekend. We are on retreat this weekend and really do miss seeing you.

Unknown said...

Love the block, can't wait to see your newest quilt. susiejayneburket@yahoo.com

Sue Ann Manlief said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! BTW I picked the correct block on the cover! ;)

Johanna said...

Love your new block and the story of how you came up with it. Sometimes great things happen at the last minute!

Dorothy G said...

You're right, I could have picked your block out right away. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Martina said...

Just love your block! So great for all those scraps in my baskets.

JoyceT said...

I have been following your blog for several years now and always try to win one of these give-aways. Maybe I will get lucky this time!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy reading your blog!

Julie in GA said...

Great looking block! I would love to win the magazine and your book.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Your block is wonderful as always! I'm a steady reader of your blog and enjoy hearing all that you do. Thanks for all the tips, free patterns and your mystery quilts.

Manley or Norma Orum said...

I am most happy to be able to read your comments, view your quilts, and just see what a good teacher can teach. Happy day to you. Norma

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do for quilters. Safe travel.

Linda said...

It would be great to win the Guveaway. As a scrap quilt fan it would be a lovely resource.

Linda said...

Great Giveaway. As a scrap quilt fanatic this would be a lovely resource.

Renea said...

Of course I love your block. I am a big fan of your quilts because I love scraps of fabric. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Sharyn Hutchinson said...

I love your block, as usual. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of volume 9.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog first thing every morning with a good cup of tea and I enjoy every word!! grandysquilts@gmail.com

Go For It Creations and Designs said...

Your block is beautiful. You are so talented. It must be so wonderful to enjoy visiting all the many places you go to. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.
Have a blessed trip!

Anonymous said...

I picked the right block. You do wonderful stuff! I've been a huge fan ever since you did a presentation to our quilt guild in Columbus, Ohio!

Dee Roth
deerothgarden @yahoo.com

Debbie said...

Love your block as usual. Your blog is the hi light of my evenings

Sondra Kendall said...

Hello from Sondra, I love reading your blog always so interesting and entertaining. Have a great time in Michigan. This is my first time doing this hope I'm doing it correctly. smkendal@swbell.net

Unknown said...

Love your blog and would love to win this!!!

Cathy said...

I'd love to win!


Dee said...

Love you, love your block - love scrappy

Unknown said...

I love scrappy quilts! Pick me!

Kim said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Robyn said...

Looks like another winner from Quiltmaker and you. The book and magazine look awesome. Thanks for a chance to win.

Purl Buttons said...

These tours are so much fun. I have to set my alarm extra early to visit all these places if I am to get any sewing done on Tour Days!

Ellie said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this issue! Love your blog a and find so much inspiration and information here. You are a wonder an an asset to the quilting world!

Linda in CT said...

HI Bonnie,
Have a great trip. We're trying to keep warm in CT too although we don't still have ice on the water!. Thanks for the giveaway and the opportunity to win.

Amy said...

Just love your block! I love these 100 Blocks issues, would be nice to win one. Thanks for sharing your block with us!

Allison said...

Great posting! Love to hear that others have deadlines that creep up on them. Thanks for the giveaway--I could really use your book.

Glenda said...

Love to follow your adventures. It's hard to keep up with you. You are inspiring. Thanks

Unknown said...

I'd love a chance to win a copy of your book and magazine. You are such an inspiration to all of us who follow your blog. Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Would love to win but enjoy all your posts non the less. Have a great time in the north. Be warm LOL

Kim said...

I love your block! I am so glad you made the deadline. Sometimes the best work comes at the last possible moment.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your comments, lessons and watching quilt cam so much! Thanks for all the free entertainment. You always give us something to look forward to. Enjoy your time on the Island! I would love to win a copy of your book and the magazine.

Marly said...

I love your hovering stars block. I enjoy reading your posts, and have learnt so much from you in the last year.

Missy said...

I picked out your block right away! Looks just like something you would make. Can't wait to see the magazine

Anonymous said...

Great block, Bonnie! Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda J.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would love to win the magazine and your book but will settle of course for whatever I get (if I get) thanks for the chance

Quilting Revolution said...

LOVE that you can throw it all together and still be FABULOUS. :-) Would LOVE your book!

Diann said...

Interesting to see all the blocks in the tour. You certainly came up with a creative way to make yours!

Nancy said...

Would love to have a chance to win. I love your blog and follow it daily. Have fun in Mackinaw.

Beth said...

You block design is awesome, love how you find ways to use all the bits and pieces that are left over from other projects. Totally appreciate all the hard work you do.

Laura said...

Of course I could pick out your block on the cover: it was the one with the most little pieces!

Working on Celtic Solstice still. I started out making the king sized quilt, but decided to make 3 smaller quilts instead. Two tops are done, one to go.

Havplenty said...

Bonnie I love your site and this block so represents you. I love all the inspiration I get from your site.

Joye with an e said...

I would love to have any of these great prizes. Nice block, too. Happy travelling and teaching. Thanks for all you do for quilters.

Freda said...

Love the block, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Such an exciting give-a-way! Hoping I'm one of the lucky ones! Thanks for all your subtle quilting techniques, Bonnie. You're a gem!

Denise Goulet

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance. Love your block and your blog.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Love your block. I can't wait to make it. Thanks for the opportunity.

Jackie said...

I would love to win a copy. Always need ideas to get rid of the scraps!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these fabulous giveaways, Bonnie. You're a gem!

Denise Goulet

Unknown said...

Love the block as I never see a star block I don't like!

Bonnie58 said...

Gorgeous block as usual, Bonnie. Thanks so much for sharing.

Betty Woodlee said...

Bonnie, you are quilter my grandmother would have been proud to say was one of her own! You used what you had on hand and made a great block!

Sharmond said...

I check your blog several times a day to see what's going on. It's my latest addiction! Love the 100 blocks magazine, it is amazing. Thanks for all the quilt inspiration you provide, keeps me up for quilting!

Shelley said...

Would love to win. Safe travels!

Tinliz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello Bonnie - Welcome to the northern part of the country. MN - MI all the same! Sorry the weather outside couldn't be better, but I'm sure the rooms inside are filled with rainbows galore with all the colorful scraps everyone has brought and are swapping. Thanks for sharing and give away opportunities. Quilt-On - Penny - MN Quilter

Anonymous said...

Love blocks hope I win Robyn( rlbrph@aol.com)

Debra in Ohio said...

I just knew that block was yours. Very nice and would be easy for me since I have the Easy Angle and Companion Angle (purchased on your recommendation) and use them quite regularly. Definitely a good choice to purchase. Can't wait to see the block in an entire quilt.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win! I hope you enjoy our northern "not so much like spring, yet" weather. I have always wanted to stay in the Grand Hotel - it is so magnificent looking. I can't wait to hear how you like it.

Lisa (nrthwds2scrap@yahoo.comm)

Anonymous said...

Pauline form northern BC, Canada: I would love to win these books. (morgan2p@telus.net)

pattiespea said...

I love your blog and yes, it would be wonderful to win the magazine. Have a safe and fun trip.

Desi said...

Knew immediately which block was yours, Bonnie. Love it!! Thanks for the opportunity.

cbooth said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

MissPat said...

Thanks for all you do for quilters everywhere. Your blog is the best.I have learned so much from you. Hope it's not too cold in Michigan.

Deb said...

Love the block and fun to make! I was a tester for Volume 9 and lucky enough to test your block! I will be using it in a project.
Have a wonderful time at Mackinac, one of my favorite places and that it is not too cold.
Thanks for the chance.

Tinliz said...

Wish I were with you on the island this week. I was there on a day trip over 50 years ago. It was summer and warm enough to cycle around the entire island. Your blog is inspirational. Thanks for all you do for quilters. Take care of yourself.

Debra in Ohio said...

Very nice block. Would enjoy seeing it as an entire quilt. Since I have the Easy Angle and Companion Angle (purchased on your recommendation), cutting will be fun. Loved the comment about no fat quarters were harmed. You're a hoot! Thanks for a wonderful block.

bairdmtn said...

Once again, you did not disappoint! I love your approach to quilts, and I try to use every little scrap I can, too! I hate to waste any beautiful fabric! Isn't that what quilting is all about anyway!! I am like you in so many ways! I am very busy with work, so if it wasn't for the last minute sometimes, it just wouldn't get done! It always works out!

Bonita Fletcher said...

Thank you for all you to do inspire quilters everywhere. Love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Another nice block and way to use up scraps.
Thanks for the giveaway an a chance to win.
Andrea. Wilburkeith@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie
I start my day with your blog.Thanks for all your inspiration .

scrapinlinda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would love to win. Love your creativity.
Peggy Record

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed when you combine batiks with regular scraps and make it work! The idea used to give me the heebee geebees! But I'm getting braver thanks to you :) Love the square, love your new book..come on lucky random number generator, pick ME!! Chris Gray, Augusta GA chrissybluebird@hotmail.com

CountryGal said...

Love your block and would love to win a copy of the magazine!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Bonnie, Hope a am one of your winners on Saturday!

Linda Carpenter

SandraB said...

I can't wait to have Vol 9 in hand to look at.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including me in your giveaway. I love your blog and can't wait to read it every day.

bellecon said...

Thank you for this chance. I learned to quilt from you

Gill said...

Great block Bonnie!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine!

lhelming@hotchkiss.org said...

Hi Bonnie--Love your blog--visit it several times a gay--would love a chance to win! Stay warm in MI!

scrapinlinda said...

Thanks for the chance to win Vol 9, thanks for all you do for us quilters.

Maxine said...

Love your blocks! Thank you

roberta mill said...

I enjoy your blog posts and creativity. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love your work, thanks so much for sharing so generously. I am joining the rows of my Easy Street with Celtic Solstice pieces as my leader/ender. My piecing precision has gotten so much better through the years while doing the mysteries with you! Thanks for that!!
Have fun on your trip!
Melissa in Texas

krazycat6@gmail.com said...

I read your blog daily. I love your patterns. Thanks Bonnie.

Connie said...

I would love to win this give-a-way! Have fun in MI.

Unknown said...

I really like this block. You have a great knack for combining different fabrics. Will look for whole quilt in Quiltmaker.

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo, Bonnie! Please throw my name in the hat - I already have the book (a second copy would go to a friend) but I'd love the 100 Blocks magazine - haven't bought that yet. Love what you do!

Heather said...

Fabulous block, Bonnie! Such a fun mix of fabrics and units...I love it!

Vicki said...

Have a fun trip. It sounds amazing. When you get back I would love to win. Seems like everything I quote in a quilt club comes from you. Thanks for all you do.

Sharon K. Jack said...

I would love to win one of these prizes. love the 100 block magazines I have them all need to find this one. thanks so much for all you do for us. have a safe trip

Sharon K. Jack said...

I would love to win one of these prizes. love the 100 block magazines I have them all need to find this one. thanks so much for all you do for us. have a safe trip

Sue OC said...

I love the block! Would love to win! Thanks for all the great ideas and patterns.

Kathy L said...

What a great block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love the new block, thanks for the opportunity to win!

Gina in Missouri

Claudia said...

Good Morning,
read your blog every day and love all the scrappy quilts. Made the CSMQ.
Wish you a save trip.

Dana Gaffney said...

Perfect block, scrappy and stars!

stitchinpenny said...

I was so happy to see that you made a mistake - or almost did, by forgetting when something was due. I would have been clueless not just late. Thanks for the giveaway.

bountiful quilter said...

I would love to win a copy of your new book, thanks for sharing your life with us!

Ivy said...

Hi Bonnie,
Your blog is my all time favorite quilt blog. Thanks for the give-away!

Diane said...

Love your blocks and quilts... working on one of your quilts now.

Jennik71 said...

Love your patterns, web page and facebook page. There is just so much info and I appreciate you sharing it with us!

Eileen said...

Your blocks are always so much fun! One look at the cover andI knew right away which one was yours. Thanks for everything you do.

Unknown said...

I'm very new to quilting and I look your sites. I can not wait to make a quilt inspired by uou. Thank you for what you do.

Diane said...

Love your block... and quilts!!!! Working on one of your quilt patterns now.

sklinn62 said...

Looks like a great way to use small scraps

linda said...

You have done it again, another wonderful scrappy block

CindyB said...

I would love to win, thank you for the chance to win your book. I enjoy your mystery quilts and reading your blog.

Debra G said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the chance to win! Have fun in Michigan.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, Thanks for the chance to win! You will have a ball at Mackinac in spite of the cold! Enjoy!!

Debra G said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the chance to win! Have fun in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

I love your block. I have the Easy Angle ruler but not the Companion. It looks like I should invest in one. The right ruler sure makes projects easier. Have a safe trip.

Darlene Johnson said...

Happy May Day Bonnie!!
I would love to have a chance to win any of the books you are giving away.
I live in MI and must admit that our weather is not "tropical" by any means, but Mackinac Island is lovely and relaxing any time of year.
I hope you and hubby get time to soak up the atmosphere of a bygone gentler time.
Thanks for all you do.

linda said...

You have done it again, another wonderful scrappy block. Love your post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for chance to win. Love your blog and following your travels.

Barb Johnson said...

Hi Bonnie, I think it's a tribute to you that it is only 9:30 in the morning (Eastern US time) and there are already 318 comments on your blog hop posting! You always have great blocks, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You have done it again, another wonderful scrappy block. I also love your blog.

Lisa said...

Have a "Grand" time on the island. :) What a fabulous block!

denisew said...

Great block as always. You are my inspiration to think outside the box. Love all you do to keep us quilters going!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

This is a great block with a wonderful mix of fabrics.


Mary said...

Love your block, as usual. Have a safe trip! I'm looking forward to your pictures as I've always wanted to go there.

Emily C said...

Love that you have multiple winners, always a nice touch that gives everyone an extra chance or two.

Stoney said...

May Day wishes to you, Bonnie!
I'd love to win the magazine and/or the book. I am so thankful for your generous spirit because on a fixed income, I can still quilt, using my aging stash and your free patterns. Your practical nature is linked with an amazing creative vision and your work ethic has brought all of this goodness to the quilting world. Thanks for being you!

spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love everything you do... would love to win...

Anonymous said...

Love your approach to quilting so much and have been lucky enough to attend a couple of your classes. Any of these prizes would be great to win. Paula ploveofc@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love every thing you do..
I would love to win a copy.

Linda in PA said...

I read your blog every day. I pick up new ideas and techniques all the time. Your blog post about how you hold a quilt to bind it was wonderful. I tried it and I couldn't believe how much easier it is. Thank you for all the sharing you do.

Judy said...

Love these magazines. Can't wait to try your block.


Allison in Plano said...

Wooo Hoo and Whoop Whoop . . . love the new block. Thanks for the behind the story too. Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity. Thank you for all that you do to keep us happy scrappy quilters busy, busy, busy. Hugs, Allison in Plano allon0711@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win vol 9

Pat in Texas said...

Sure hope to win.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat in Texas said...

Sure hope to win.

Anonymous said...

Love you would love a copy.

Kristy said...

I thought that was yours! I love it though. You are awesome to have such a great giveaway with your book being included as one of the prizes. Stay warm and have fun! K-

Laura M said...

How fun - the give-away, your blog and your trip. Have fun - stay safe. I so enjoy reading your blog daily - helps me go to a happy peaceful (or is that pieceful) place. I feel like I have found a kindred scrappy spirit in you.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, and your approach quilting. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

cooneen said...

I loved your comment that quilting happens around life. After waiting two and a half months I have finally got our house in the market and I have moved six hours from what in my heart is still home. (sniff) The cool part of that is, with the inspiration of friends and my two quilt guilds I finally got my collection of three quilt tops quilted. I allowed myself to accept them being machine quilted or else I would never get to use them in my lifetime. One of them is 30 years old, like my first daughter. :-) woops. I had just received three half and quilted quilts from my children's great grandmother and I thought about how no one in all this time got to enjoy their beauty and warmth. That made machine quilting much more acceptable in my eyes.

Hope you really enjoy the retreat!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, Just bought a set of tubs for your scrap users strips system so you may draw my name to get it going. I need to sew down the surplus. Karen. rkrunge@gctel.net

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bonnie, I am a long time fan of yours and am excited for a chance to win one of your books especially the leaders and enders book. I already have the first volume. Thanks for all you do! Anonymous

Rebecca said...

Love your site I check it every day.. and I wanna play with your new block

Anonymous said...

I often enjoy reading your blog. I hope to make a few of your patterns once I get my scraps organized. Tks,Karen. abmask@tbwifi.ca

Barb said...

Thank you for all you do. This is a great give away!

Frieda said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Your block is so much fun. Thanks for doing this and have a great time on Mackinac Island.

VA said...

Wow--there are a lot of pieces in that block! The star blocks remind me that I need to finish my Sister's Choice quilt!

tandlcarp said...

Beautiful block Bonnie!

Wanda said...

I love your block. I saw the cover and knew right away I wanted to make that block, didn't know it was yours! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Diane said...

Great block. Thanks for the giveaways.

Mary Bolton said...

Thanks for all you do Bonnie. Love to follow your blog.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Great block! I'm glad I am not the only one who hits deadlines with no plans for the final product! :)

amoras e pitangas said...

Gosto muito do seu blog e adoraria participar do sorteio do livro. Meu nome é Denise Vaz e meu email denisevaz00@gmail.com.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

I want to win so bad! these are some fantastic blocks!

Tandemjane said...

A MUST HAVE resource for my quilting library!

Dianne Alley said...

Love anything with Bonnie included.

amoras e pitangas said...

Obrigada pela oportunidade de aprender tantas coisas com voce e ainda poder concorrer pra ganhar o livro.

Anonymous said...

I have the original 8 volumes and I love the variety found in these. I will have volume 9 and I have all of your books so far so one more would be great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I love your blog read it everyday with a cup of coffee. I would be thrilled to win this give away. If I don't I will purchase your book when I see you in September in Sault Michigan. Thanks for all your inspiration I was not a scrappy quilter until I happened onto your blog and now can't get enough. You will love the Grand Hotel!
Colleen colpow@shaw.ca

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Another great give-away....you are just too generous! I'd love to win!
Hope you're having a great time on Mackinac Island with a fun bunch of quilters.

GranChris said...

Love the block but it does look a little hard. I really love the island. Wish I were there.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the books. I wish I was retired so I could sew more of you quilts.

DebraKay Neiman said...

Congrats on another great block. I just love keeping up with your travels on your blog. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do Bonnie! Love your quilts and patterns. Judy. John.bowring@sympatico.ca

OzarkCajun said...

I really enjoy your blog and check it daily! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

My eyes went straight to your block on the cover. Thanks for the chance to win - hope I get lucky!

DebbieMac said...

Would love to win the books. I wish I was reitred so I could sew all of your quilts. Enjoy the month of May.

Old Quilter said...

Would be great to win this one ! Thanks for all you do for us.

Sharon said...

What a "grand" give-away! Thanks for the opportunity to win and my stash thanks you, too.

Anonymous said...

My eyes went straight to your block - I love it! Thanks for the opportunity to win and I hope I get lucky!

Lilac Joan said...

I would love it if you picked me!

Unknown said...

I really like your block and I would love to win.

Nancy Anne in the Finger Lakes said...

Bonnie - thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Would love to have either, both would be great.

Just in case:(m3reyna@gmail.com)

Becky H said...

Oh! Oh! Pick me, pick me!!!

Margaret said...

love your block. thanks for the give away

Lisa England said...

I always enjoy your patterns and your blog posts. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful prize!

Anonymous said...

I'm becoming a big fan of the 100 Blocks series - love those scraps! Kathy Meek meekkatatc@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

I've only been following you for a couple of months but am totally hooked on scrappy quilts. Where as before I just didn't understand how to make true scraps look good with very very little planning aside from placement of lights and darks.
It is way too much fun.
New fan.
Jean jefarley@charter.net

Anonymous said...

Safe travels--and thanks for the chance to win--I really NEED these! Sara

Anonymous said...


I a a scrappy quilter also. I have so many of them. I've been sewing for almost 50 yrs. I have kept the scraps all along. My grandmother was a big quilter so I got a lot of her scraps.


Mac said...

put me in for a chance to win.

Joyce in Nevada said...

I enjoy your travels and try to keep up. Also like how you can put a quilt together from scraps. I would love to win a copy of both.

Jittina said...

Your block looks stunning as always. I would love to win a copy of both the magazine and your book. Save travels and have fun in the snow ;-)
Greetings from Sweden

carla said...

HI!!! Very pretty block!!!! I would like to see it in a full quilt!!! Thanks for the wonderful give away!!!

Carole said...

I enjoy all that you do, thanks for the chance to win. I love Your block in the magazine.

Ness said...

I want the Grand Prize Soooooooooo bad!!! :) Happy Con Trails to you Bonnie! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, was able to pick your block out right away! :)Thank you for all your inspiration, free patterns, tips, techniques, travel adventures, blog posts, open studio and your overall generosity!!Would love to win

Dorothy Hall said...

Love that new block! Would love to win the new 100 blocks issue. Just got my new Bonnie Books and trying to decide which to try first!

Elaine said...

I picked out the right one the first day that I saw a picture of the cover! Would love to win one of the magazines. Love all your quilts and you are so generous with your talents. Thank you.

Lotte said...

I really enjoys your travels, allmost like travelling myself :-)

Dinah said...

I have already purchased your latest Leader/Ender book, but I would love to win a copy of the 100 Blocks book! Thank you for the chance to win!

acoelke said...

I've actually begun cutting my scraps into strips and blocks and organizing them. And I've used those pieces in several projects. You've made a believer out of me!

Sherry said...

I have been having fun running the block tour.

Congratulations on making the cover with your block.

kath in ohio said...

Love the block, and one more idea for my rulers!! kmfosnaugh@gmail.com

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