
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Tale of a New Shower!

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This is not a quilty post.

This is the tale of how a long awaited bathroom makeover has begun with the installation of a new shower!

We bought our house here in North Carolina just over 6 years ago ---knowing that it would be in a constant state of flux as we tackled one area at a time, turning it from a 1970s bungalow to a place we could call home – with more modern conveniences.

The very small master bath has always been functional, but a bit on the dated side with shiny gold-edged mirrored sliding glass doors on a very “needing to be replaced” fiberglass tub/shower combo.

I’m sure it was great in its day ---but I really missed the simplicity of the large walk in shower that our previous house had --- so I dreamed.

The day that Tonya arrived – so did a big truck with a huge pallet of STUFF – a shower kit that The Hubster had ordered, he was going to tackle this job HIMSELF!

((Oh boy…insert more Tim-the-Tool-Man Grunts!!))

And then the ice storm hit.  And the power outage happened, and effort turned to clearing the fallen trees that had come to their demise across our driveway and in our yard ----

And I left for Kentucky and Tennessee.

I’m kind of glad for that!  I didn’t have to see THIS happening:

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Oh my!  Demo-Man at Work!

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Emmy Lou isn’t sure what to do!

We were very lucky – there was no water damage to the wall area behind the tub/shower or to the floor – the sub floor is in great shape – so I am on the look out now for what we want to replace it with.

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New tray going down ---

He even had to do a b it of re-plumbing – this pan is about 4” wider than our old tub was, so the drain hole was a little bit to the left of the old one…amazing what you can learn to do on Youtube!

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New backer board going in ---

All of these photos came one by one to my phone as this was happening while I was out of town….No water mishaps either!  Whew!

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Walls going in!

There is a rug on the floor of the shower to keep it from getting scratched and dirty from shoes and tools ---

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All surrounded!

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Doors in place and calking done!  YAY!!

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Every new shower needs a new caddy!

I’m so pleased with this little improvement ---and mostly how it happened while I was gone! LOL!

Re-Bath wanted $10,000 to do our  small bathroom, converting the tub to a shower.  NO WAY --- Dave found the tub to shower conversion kit on Amazon.  It wasn’t cheap-cheap, but it was in our budget and I am so happy we did it.

Next up – a new toilet that sits a bit taller.  A new vanity and sink top  that stands a bit taller.  A new mirror to replace the old one that has silver coming off of the edges.  Bye bye to shiny gold and hello to brushed nickel accents….a new coat of paint and a new floor should give me a completely new bathroom.

It will always be a small master bath, but with the tub gone, the mirrored shower doors gone, it feels more open and airy all ready – besides, I don’t have time to clean huge bathrooms!  I’ve got sewing to do!

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

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coversquilter said...

Nice Job! Kudos to your hubby!
I love small baths. When we built our home, I told the contractor I wanted to be able to clean all the baths completely while standing in one spot! I had much better things to spend time on. I got away with it too because I had only boys.
Glad you are home and pleased with the bath progress. Love all you get done and the inspiration you keep sharing.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

how neat! we need to do this too and haven't gotten around to it yet. Nice to know that you can order on Amazon

susiefloozie said...

Gotta love a handyman!!!

Audrey said...

What was the brand and model and what ever else I need to find your shower head? I wanted one with the hose that removes and didn't stick up really high - Haven't been able to find one and this looks exactly like what I am looking for! Love the surround. Your husband did a great job!

Me and My Stitches said...

Isn't it nice to have such a handy hubby? And really nice that he did it all while you were gone! We are tall and opted for the taller, handicap toilets - and boy they sure are nice (that is what happens when you get old...you are excited about tall toilets - lol!!).

Myrna said...

Beautiful! Will your hubby hire out to do this? I've been wanting to replace our tub with a walk-in shower for awhile and make sure we make it to that aisle on every trip to Lowes. No luck so far. :-)

Anonymous said...

We have that same shower head and we love it!

Linda H said...

Lovely job, just what I need for my bathrooms. Unfortunately, my hubby is absolutely useless at DIY. He's very clumsy and doesn't know his own strength when he gets hold of things (including me). Still, we will get round to doing the jobs sometime. As you say, sewing time is precious, everything else can wait!Linda

Unknown said...

I only have one bathroom and want to replace the tub with walk in shower but am worried about resale value. Does it affect it much you think? amber1059@charter.net

Anonymous said...

Handy husbands are GREAT !!! And being gone during the chaos was even better!! Love that you won't have to scrub grout!!! Wondering if those auto spray cleaner things really work??? My hubby is tall and insisted on a "comfort height toilet"...and I insisted on one without the plumbing rings showing, got a SLICK SIDED one at Lowes..much easier for cleaning.

badputts said...

Wow! It looks GREAT, Bonnie! Your "hubster" did a fantastic job!! Sounds like your bathroom will be wonderful when it's all done! I wish we could do those projects ourselves….. I would be afraid of causing major problems!
Keep us current on the next project!
I really enjoyed our Quilt Cam last night….such fun! I don't know how you do all that you do…… but please keep on doing it!!!

Pauline said...

Looks wonderful! I know you'll enjoy it. And isn't it wonderful to have a husband that "can do" so many things. I'm 5'9" Ken is 6'3" and we built even the kitchen counters 4" higher as well as the bath room sinks. Nice adjustment for tall people.

Kim said...

Wow! what a difference :0).
You know you have to be brave to take that on...you never know what you are going to find underneath the old stuff. So glad it went well and you missed the mess, the swearing and the whole drama. Perfect!

Happy Sewing

dianak said...

The first thing I replaced in my new home was all the toilets: low flow "high boys". They are great for the elderly--planning on getting there someday (LOL). And then grab bars everywhere in the bathroom. Just planning ahead.

Jan said...

Can I borrow handy Hubster for about 6 months. Wonderful job on all the updates you/he have done to home and cabin.

Mary said...

You had one of those PINK tubs! Brought back memories of my Childhood home I posted on FB about last night. Glad your Hubby had fun being Mr Fix-It while you were gone.
Good Job!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie - when getting your new toilet try to get one with an oblong vs round bowl. We replaced our short round with a taller oblong and boy what a difference!

Deanna W said...

A new bathroom is in my future too! Only we are moving it across the hall from where it is now...so more work involved. Loved how your bathroon turned out very nice!! Extra bonus I think that you didn't have to be there during the mess!!!

Miss Carol said...

We just finished converting our smallest bedroom into a very nice sized bathroom. We have a separate shower and tub, put in a taller vanity and chose the higher commode. No regrets. I am thinking into the future as we age and find mobility difficult. The new bathroom (Yes, that is what we call it) has room for walkers, wheelchair or whatever else we may need as we decline in years.
But, on a happy note, I am the healthiest I have been in years and continue to improve everyday. I love my personal trainer, running, kick boxing and yoga. I'm a beast :)
Enjoy your new bathroom :)

Unknown said...

Don't you just love our "getter done men"?! We have been in our home 3 years and have yet to get started on remodeling. I am in the process of painting master bedroom, as life lets me, buts that's it so far. Lots of barn remodeling done first, you see who counts around here;)
Hugs, Chris

AddieNCE said...

Wow! Great work! Seems like your hubby has found yet another justification to buy more tools at Lowes next time ;)
I really love the fact that he did it all alone while you were gone and that he kept you posted with photos... what a great husband you have! (guess I need to get me a handyman as well to give my 1970's mint green bathroom a well needed re-do...) ;)

Josie McRazie said...

I need your Hubby! LOL. Mine could save hour life or put out a house fire.... but for the life pf you do NOT ut a power tool in his hand!
My Mother (who was an AMAZING seamstress) would have said its like alterations tow wedding dress ... most brides would die of they saw the in between process when it is in 6 pieces! ;0)

LizA. said...

Yeah for Dave! Being tall, you will really love the taller toilet and counters. We did that in all the bathrooms when we built this house last year. My knees really love the extra height.

Mary-Kay said...

Isn't it great to get the work done without having to hire somebody. It looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

WOWOW... that is a great job Bonnie! And I am sure you both will love it, worth the work.

Isn't nice to do something like this and have the pride that comes from it being well done! Congratulations.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue G said...

Isn't a handyman in the family great!!LOL!! We did the same. Hubby wanted rock flooring in the shower I said ok, wasn't thrilled but it looks really nice. I prefer small bathrooms too!! Easy to clean!!!!

Gloria said...

Very nice. A great job well done. It is quilt an accomplishment!!

regan said...

How nice to give a man a sledge hammer, and end up with something beautiful! LOL This new shower looks awesome! That's a good hubby! :o)

Vicki K said...

Congratulations! I'm jealous of your new shower... my entire bathroom needs to be replaced and I'm not that handy yet. Someday!!

Nancy said...

A: Can I borrow Dave?
B: Can he start Tub Cam?
C: Can I borrow Dave?
D: All of the above

Awesome!! I have a feeling that, even though we did bath fitter, we ware going to have to take it all out and re-do

Kathy in WI said...

You'll love your new TT (taller toilet) when you get that far with your project. My husband put one in for us a few years ago. When I first used it I said "Wow! It even came right up to meet me!" DH will never let me forget that one. Happy renovation.

Wilda Kruzinski said...

Bless your DH's heart! He did an outstanding job. I am so impressed! And he has impeccable timing. Very thoughtful and talented gentleman! I think you will appreciate your new bathroom all the more knowing that Dave did all that work himself. Enjoy!

Jan VanDe said...

Boy I have been begging for this is my bathroom, the older I get the harder is is to step over the tub and get into take a shower. The tub hasn't worked as a tub for years. Maybe I need to take a trip;) But I would need to order the new shower before I left so He would not have that excuse;) Then he might get a round to it:) Love him but procrastination is his motto;)

Carolyn Sullivan said...

It is really nice! However personally, I LOVE A LITTLE DEMO WORK!!!! that sledge hammer can be fun, poking holes in the wall..... I like it! specially if some one else is going to fix it up.

Sherry Meyer said...

Wonderful, wonderful job on you bathroom. We purchased a new house several years ago, but the toilets were awful. Last year, after much research we replaced all three toilets with American Standard Champions (the one that show you flushing a bucket of golf balls). The best purchase we ever made. Never clog and are "ever clean" Love, love,love our toilets. Boy do I need a life, LOL

Unknown said...

So wonderful to be done while you were out. Does Hubster know he has a cameo in the shower doors lolo

Unknown said...

Your hubster is a good, good man! The bathroom is beautiful!

sao said...

The new bathroom is divine


Jean C. said...

Nicely done... ahem, we need one in our basement... if he's hiring out! LoL... One of these days we will get it done. Our problem is finding a kit with a window. It sure turned out great. Tell him good work! My DH isn't allowed to do plumbing anymore. We won't go there. Let's just say we are both happier when he doesn't do it.

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