
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Backing in Blues…

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I was going to just seam two pieces of fabric together and call it good.

But that doesn’t help me use up a lot of the older “Deep Stash” that has been lingering a long time – I want to clear out the blue “use it up” cubby!

There are pieces from a half yard up to two yards in this pile….and I want them gone.

The Wonky Wishes quilt Measures 80 “ X 94” so I think I can use up quite a bit, right?

I’m thinking of piecing in columns…..maybe brick style..large chunky pieces and maybe even throw in some “blue” orphan blocks from the orphan bin for interest.

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The top near my blue pile…I like how the blue looks with it!

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How OLD are some of these pieces anyway? Time to go!

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I think this is going to be fun!

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And here’s another hint for you….

This is the outside edge of the string sashing – can you see how I stay stitched it, just a bit narrower than 1/4” all the way around?  This will keep any pesky seams from coming undone in the layering and quilting and binding process ---it’s worth the time it takes to stay stitch.

I do this with all my quilts that have pieced borders, be it a checkerboard, triangles, piano keys, or strings…..stay stitch those suckers into place so they do not pop open!

I’m off to the airport to meet The Hubster…he is coming home from his business trip and returning a rental car ---I missed his birthday while I was gone to Kentucky and Tennessee – so there is a birthday dinner in store tonight, and then I’ll be figuring out what I am going to do with this!

Stay tuned ---

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Deanna W said...

Love the blues for a backing...I am partial to blue, it is the one colour I have more than one box of!!!

jean said...

the blue windowpane in the top center of the top picture would make a great bias cut binding!

Roberta Oliver said...

OMG! I recognize some of that fabric a the same as I have in my stash.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Blue is my favorite - so that's a good choice. However, that Green Bay Packer fabric in the picture is NOT good for a Bear's fan. GET IT OUTTA THERE!!!

Maureen and P.D. the Pet Dog said...

Woo hoo! I love creativity! Have the same fabrics in my stash, and yes, I used the old stuff up on the backs of my quilts, but my stash of old fabrics is unending! Love your blog Bonnie! My friends and I are going to start a cheddar bow tie! I just bought 5 yards of cheddar! Were a little behind your challenge but just as much fun anyway!

ana s. said...

My friend just choses one measurement like 11 inches, and pieces everything she has that has one side cut to 11 inches. They could be 2 x 11 inches or 20 X 11 inches or anthing else. She makes rows 6 or 8 inches wider than quilt. Then these rows are sewn together and soon she has a back. They look great.

Sharon said...

I'm laughing at how many of those fabrics I have in my stash…..

susiefloozie said...

Pretty sure that blue starry fabric has made its way into my stash too. YIKES!

Mandy L said...

Old or not I envy you for your stash of blues!

traditional_quilter said...

I love your wonky wishes top. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your backing with the blues. Enjoy your time with your hubby!

Judy said...

I went to a day retreat lastvweek and did a table runner with all my scraps. Even the backing and binding were from my stash. Felt good not to buy any new fabric.

~Trish~ said...

I serge the edges of all my tops waiting to be quilted. It also helps keep them from raveling.

Unknown said...

Blue columns with some extra blocks sounds really good for the quilt. Make sure to post of photo when you get it done, ok?

Have a great evening
Smiles, JulieinTN

CathyQuilts said...

I see some of MY fabrics!

Unknown said...

Love the quilt & the variety of fabrics,but I agree that the Packer fabric has got to be removed!! Ha ha

janequiltsslowly said...

Just so you get balanced comments: Love the Packer fabric bits in this quilt "Go Pack Go!!" (born & raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Cheesehead for life!)

Donna said...

Thanks for the tip about stay-stitching around a pieced border! I always have had trouble with those seams popping open!

cityquilter grace said...

oh some of those blues look familiar....memories of quilts past i'd say....

The Millboro Quilter - Brenda said...

So you did your wonky wishes blocks by putting 4 of them together and then how many 4 patches of wonky's do
I need to make? I did 34 singles and it I do 40 that will make 10 four patches. but I don't know where to find the info on how wide the sashing strips were? or how many wonky's to make? YIKES... I'm lost....

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