
Friday, March 28, 2014

Not a Backing Yet ---

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It’s not quite a backing yet – but it is getting there!

These are the panels I’ve built so far….I’ve been digging in the orphan bin, trying to find things of “like size” so I can easily build them in panels…but I’ve rummaged through this stuff enough that there is not a lot in common in there..which means, I’ll start adding strips and pieces parts to the sides of blocks to true them up to some kind of column width.

Things are not laid out in their permanent order right now, I just wanted to show you what’s come together so far.

Yes, I did spend a bit of time taking donated leftover chunks of strip sets and sewing them into long piano key lengths.  It was an easy job at the treadle machine  while watching Doc Martin last night.

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To the left…left over string strip set from Talkin Turkey!

There is also a donated length of Jinny Beyer border print, you can see an orphan Celtic Solstice Star and the star from Christmas Lights ---some leftover string units and donated “My Blue Heaven” stars ((in scrappy everything)) More piano keys ((I like how these bright ones liven up the backing!)) and a couple other blocks that found their way to me at some point, unloved and unwanted.  There is a place for them!

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One Gone Awry!

I’m not sure how this block came to live with me, but someone thought it wasn’t worth picking out and fixing – so it is mine!  I like it!  It’s perfect just as it is.

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And THIS?!?  Millennium Y2K Fabric Bonanza!

I’m not sure who these string pieced sets belonged to either, they are ALL Millennium fabrics!  So I sewed them end to end – and yes, it will be used up in this quilt.

50 years from now I hope someone is really stumped as to the age of the quilt.  I hope it drives the OCD folks over the edge.  I hope they shake their heads in wonderment – all the while I’ve had a great time working on this and clearing unwanted stuff out of the “get rid of it” blue cubby and the orphan box.

I’ll be working on this more this afternoon ---More pics to follow!

And while I’m dealing with strips here, I have a reference chart for you, sent to me by Kathryn.  She has made a spread sheet of all of the free patterns, by strip size!  Thank you Kathryn!  Click HERE to view and print.  I’ll be adding this to the Tips and Techniques tab above as well for reference.

It’s FRIDAY!  Woot Woot!  Let the weekend begin!

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Sandy Garrett said...

I think it looks good as a quilt top - Gee's Bend style. Use what you have, make it work. Scrap Beauty!

Debra in Ohio said...

Your Wonky Wishes backing is wonderful! So full of life! Thanks to the gal who put the listing of quilt patterns by strip size. For the last two months I kept asking myself why you didn't do that. It would be simple to look to see which strip size one had the most of. Then, one would just have to look for a pattern. Glad someone else has done the work. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Nettie Sebastian said...

Bonnie your scrap bin backing looks better than my wall hanging I am working on so many miss haps but I am not letting it turn into a UFO.

Anonymous said...

Wow! At first glimpse, my thought was what a neat quilt top! Love it!

GeeMa said...

Many thanks to Kathryn for the chart. I love reference charts like this one.

Backing looks so good. Inspires me to do the same on a quilt for my granddaughter

cahquilter said...
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cahquilter said...

I spy some Y2K quilt in there. Way to get to the bottom of the bin Bonnie!!

Beth in TN said...

Thank you to Kathryn for the work on the chart. It sure makes it easy to select which pattern to work on based on what's at hand!

mary e said...

if i tried to make a back with fabric bits and orphan blocks it would look like crap!! beautiful work bonnie!!

Nikki said...

Love, love, love your back, particularly the gone awry block. What fun to enjoy both the front AND the back of a quilt! Hope to see it at VCQ!

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

thank you Kathryn, what a work of love, printed and appreciated!

Bonnie, I'm doing same as you today, piecing a back. I've been doing this for at least 20 years, maybe more, love 'em.

I put a chunk of 2X4 wood on the bottom of my thread stand...

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE your backing that is coming together! Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.
Hugs, Chris

Donna Gies said...

I have so much admiration for you. This is as beautiful, if bot more so, than the front!

Jennifer Thomas said...

I love the way this backing is coming out, especially the string pieced strips. I've done a few pieced backings, too. They are fun and really add some extra character to a quilt. Have a super day!

Carla said...

Looks great. And a big Thank You to Kathryn for the chart. I had been getting a sense lately that many of your patterns use 2.5" strips. Our Binky group has usually delegated those to binding strips, but now I have easy confirmation that we can do so much more with those!

HoosierKitty said...

You're inspiring me. I'm giving my Texas Braid (giant size) as a wedding gift. This will be a great way to use fabric and make room for new.

Mary said...

I printed off the spreadsheet and shared it on my Guild's FB page. Rounding up more BONNIE fans. Thanks to OCD qulter's who know how to create these spreadsheets and share them!!! I am currently fussy cutting for a Sampler and wonder what future quilters will say?? Love the Y2K stuff, I didn't get much when it was out.

TcMay said...

Katherine, thanks you so very,very much for such a wonderful Chart,gosh I love the Simplifying Life among Quilters. I wish you tons and bushels of scraps to use.One Question ?,Spools ? has nothing in the boxes,is that just random sized scraps? I've never made Bonnie's Spools pattern.

Thank you Bonnie,love the backing coming along nicely,it is like making another quilt.

sbh said...

Love the backing!! I am trying to use up odd-ball blocks and fabrics for backing too! Sometimes mine don't work as well though!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the spreadsheet, and will put it in plastic sleeves in the front of the 3 ring binder I have dedicated just for your Quilts - Bonnie :) THANK YOU Katherine. Quilt On! MN Quilter - Penny

Ness said...

Bonnie you are just a part of my morning now, LOL! I needed a break this morning and my first thought was I wonder what Bonnie is up to this morning. :)
I like the pieced backs...and the orphan and misfit blocks. Oh and the oopsy block...that made me laugh...I have one in my wonky wishes stars...left it cuz it's funny. Isn't it the Amish that put in a oopsy and call it their humble block...I like that thought. :). have a good day...I'm spring cleaning and finishing up some baby gifts for my daughter and her hubby. :)First Grandbaby on the way, due in May. Can't wait! :)

Teatime Creations said...

Love your idea of joining orphan blocks in a row and building from there.

Cathy said...

Love to see how the backing comes together!
Cool beans!! I love the spread sheet! I was wanting to get a chart around for that very same idea! Saved me lots of time! I love your blog so many ideas, helpful tips, wonderful stories, awesome quilts, laughter, tears,and you take me places to visit, via internet, that I will never be able to travel to! Thank you!

Valerie said...

"50 years from now I hope someone is really stumped as to the age of the quilt."

I think they will just enjoy the variety and age range of the fabrics, but they will know it's age because you will put your label on it, right, Bonnie?? LOL!!

LOVE the way the back is coming together and LOVE Kathryn for sharing the spreadsheet. THANK YOU, KATHRYN!

Valerie said...

To TcMay, I thought the same thing for a moment, but the Spools pattern is really "Hidden Spools" and the name is split between two pages. Look at the last line of the page above Spools and you will see the word Hidden and the stars to tell the strips sizes. ;^)

farmhousequilter8 said...

really nice of Kathryn to make the chart. I printed it off and will put it in "My Bonnie Notebook"
Paula in KY

Linda said...

So pleased to know you piece backings too. I always feel it is such a waste of new expensive fabric to use as backing! Aren't I a miser? I like to use up small lengths, piece strips much how you have sone, in order to make a large enough piece of fabric to back a quilt. Yours is looking very jolly!

Linda said...

Several of these comments refer to "Kathryn's Chart". Sounds interesting and useful. Where will I find it, Please?

Susie Jensen said...

Thank you to Kathryn for the chart. It was wonderful for you to make this chart. Love the back so far. In 50 years, they will know because of the label you put on the quilt, right?

Leavenworth Robin said...

What would we do or how we would sew without friends like Kathryn. Thank you. Robin in Leavenworth,WA

TcMay said...

To Valarie comment #25 Thank you,that should help.I sure appreciate Katherines Chart and your insight.May

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Very nice that you are putting "memories" into your quilt. That is what I try to do too. I was wondering....how are you going to FMQ the front, with all this "activity" on the back?

Ramona said...

If you sign it and date it no one will wonder, just sayin:)

Gram999 said...

You make my mornings along with a cup of Chai Tea. I love your backing. I made a BOM Quilt that was color coordinated scrappy. I'd had some fabrics for a long time, so I made a scrappy backing along with some blocks. Very time consuming, but it's my favorite quilt.

Thanks, Kathryn, for the chart.

I bought some waxed paper squares from Sam's, but I can't find your post about them. Would it be possible to put that in your Tips Section?

Thanks for making my mornings very enjoyable & all the tips and free patterns for some great quilts.

Lisa said...

Too funny...I made a similar chart of the quilts that I want to make. Now I just have to decide which one to start with! Thanks Kathryn for doing all the quilts.

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

your back is going to be beautiful!

Amy said...

Thanks to Kathryn for the chart! I've been meaning to do this but hadn't done it yet. Great resource.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Kathryn for the chart. Love a lot of these patterns and this will make it easier to remember to use them!


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