
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Heavy Duty Thread Stand Love!

I’m tired of wimpy thread stands.

Cheap plastic, bendable upright pieces that wave and snap into cheap bits…

What did I even buy these things for?

When I bought one MANY years ago, the base was plastic, but the spindle that holds the spool and the tall arm that lifts the thread were METAL.

I went to buy one of these for the cabin ---and EVERYTHING is plastic.  CHEAP.

So cheap that when I opened the package to get the pieces out, the tall upright piece was already cracked.  I returned it.

I’ve been looking for a solid heavy duty thread stand since.

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Whopper of a Thread Stand! YAY!

I found these on Connecting Threads – These are AWESOME!  Even the base is heavy metal – all metal parts, ZERO plastic.  And the price was good.  About $11.00

I bought TWO --- one for here in the basement studio, and one going up to the cabin.

Did I mention that these are HEAVY!??

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I like how high it lifts the thread…nothing interferes with the wheel of my treadle!

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I’m still piecing columns for the blue backing –

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Leftover blue borders will be thrown into the mix --

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And some odd orphan blocks for fun here and there….

See my one left over Celtic Solstice Star?!

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Now this is something I am definitely saying NO to-- This is one fabric I do not think has been cut SMALL ENOUGH – it’s still way to ugly to even look at…..Oh geeeze….can I just cut this whole lot into narrow strings? *Shudders*

I’ll be spending my evening treadling parts together into this back….I might have something to show you tomorrow! 

And Just for fun – I’ve got a hysterical story to share from Shelley B ---

She writes:

My family was skiing at Sugarloaf in Maine this weekend.  I don’t ski, I just go for moral support and to watch the dog.  On our way back home to CT, we stopped for lunch in Farmington.  Trying to find the McDonalds, we passed Pins and Needles Fabric and Yarn store.  Near the McDonalds was Gifford’s Ice Cream.  I thought I remembered that from your blog a while back.  hmmm
After lunch, my husband and daughter left in their car.  My son was with me in the van and I said, “sorry Jake, we have to go back to the quilt store”!
So I choose my fabrics, the store lady cuts them and I’m paying. I give her my Visa card which I have had customized with a photo of my Lazy Sunday quilt.  This is the conversation that ensued...
shop lady (SL from here on out):  “ooohhh, nice card”
me:  “Very few people appreciate that but I knew you would.  That’s actually my quilt top.  It’s called Lazy Sunday and was a Quil...”
SL: “It was in Quiltmaker!  I LOVE Bonnie Hunter quilts!  I saw this but didn’t make it yet”.
She proceeds to show me pictures on her phone of quilts she’s made from your patterns.  My ipad is in the van so I go get that and we have a small digital Show and Share.
SL:  “Do you follow Bonnies blog?  She was here teaching a little while ago”.
me:  “Yes I remember that.  I thought I remembered Gifford’s from her posts about being here”.
SL:  “Did you see the post about Mary who makes stilettos from turkey lacers”?
me:  “Yes, I saw those.  They were so pretty.  I printed the directions to make one but never did”.
She runs down the stairs and comes back up and gives me my very own turkey lacer stiletto.  We are both laughing.
OMG, how funny is that?
Bonnie, you’re bringing us together all over!
Hahahaha!  Thanks for making me laugh today, Shelley!  This was a riot!  ((Wish I had been there!))  And how awesome of Mary -- Love her to pieces, lacers, stilettos and all!

However you spend your Thursday night, enjoy it!

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Dana said...

Bonnie, to get better tension using that kind of thread holder, run the thread through an old bobbin and place on the thread pin on the way to the needle. I do this all the time and have perfect tension!

Tracey Honig said...

Thank you for the tip on the thread stand... I currently just use the small rolls... You know, the cheap W-M ones... ☺️ I have an old White, and it favors that size. Anywho... Thanks for the chuckle on the ladies in the quilt shop!! What a small world! Back to those chevrons for this evening... Y'all have a great one!

Andee said...

This cracks me up! I too have a credit card with a Bonnie quilt I made on it! LOL it is Carolina Crossroads....wonder how many of us are out there Bonnie!

Melissa said...

I think your ugly fabric is cute. It's got some great colors in it and I'm sure it'll find a home in a quilt somewhere.

I've cried tears for the families in Washington state. Prayers for you and the family of your friend.

Unknown said...

I love that you are treadling even though you are not on quilt cam! My singer treadle is still hard to treadle. I have cleaned, oiled and changed the belt but it is still hard to treadle.

QuiddityRox said...

I am so happy to report that I stumbled upon a wood craftsman on ebay who created quilting supplies. I have a wooden thread holder which I'm quite pleased with. I just left it natural wood, but it might be cleverly decorated by an artist of another kind! Roxanna

Unknown said...

when I seen those plastic thread stand I said no way I was buying that so I found my at connecting thread also and love it.

Unknown said...

The only thing that would have made the story better, is if SL (Mary) had spilled the beans about how often you visited Giffords. Great story Bonnie!

Mary Ellen said...

I have had one of those very same thread holders since forever so I was really perplexed when you mentioned cheap plastic ones. Glad never to have come across them. Superior Thread carries the best stuff. Great customer service, too.

Elizabeth said...

Oh Bonnie, I love your ugly fabric pieces! If you don't want them I will take them! I think I have a home for them already. And the blues will look fantastic as a backing!

Momkat said...

Bonnie, you can cut that ugly fabric into strips and make clothesline bowls!

Darline from New Brunswick Canada said...

I just found my very first vintage sewing machine and it is a 1924 Singer threadle machine with a "parlor" cabinet - I didn't even know they came in these types of cabinets!! I am in love with it, can't wait to clean it up and start using it. It is only missing the top thread holder - you post was perfect timing as I just happen to have one of those thread holders - although it is the cheap plastic ones it will due for now until I get the better one you mentioned. Thanks so much for sharing - you are AWESOME!!

Unknown said...

I also have the metal thread stand and it is the cat's pajamas. I did attach mine to a small wood plaque so it couldn't scratch my cabinet and gave it a little more stability. You will love this thread stand.

gmp said...

Great story! You could really just see that whole story come to life! I loved it!

Tinliz said...

As it is said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I made a cute "snap-it bag" with light blue brushed denim and the fabric you think is ugly.lol

Dora, the Quilter said...

Just so you know, Long Creek Mills in Gastonia [much, much, closer to you] sells the heavy metal thread stand for $7.99.


Dorothy Matheson said...

My machine store has had the metal thread stands for a long time and I never had a plastic one. One and done and it is still perfect. I collect cheater cloth fabric prints so I like your ugly fabric.

Unknown said...

I got my heavy duty thread stand for $8 at Long Creek Mills in Gastonia, NC. Kathy

mimijost said...

Clothilde's - now part of Annie's Attic has the heavy (cast iron base) thread stands on sale now for $7.48 (reduced from $8.48)here: http://www.anniescatalog.com/list.html?q=thread+stands&go.x=11&go.y=6 I've had one for years - love it.

Shelley said...

OMGosh, what a riot to see my story here! And do you know today at Goodwill I found a package of 8 turkey lacers for a dollar! What a coincidence on the same day you posted the story? Thanks for the thread holder info. I had a plastic one i threw away. I just ordered one of these. I can't wait to see your blue backing, it looks wonderful!

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

Oh yeah. Bought one last month. LOVe it!!!!

Alberta said...

My favorite thread holder is one made by my sewing machine repair man. You can check it out at his web site at theuniversalthreadholder.com
I love it because it is compact and use can use any thread with it. It is designed to accommodate thread that comes off the spool from the top or the side.
I used to have trouble with metallic thread especially coming off the hook on the metal ones like you have but no problem with this one.

Frog Quilter said...

The thread mill in Gastonia NC carries the heavy metal stands. I have one and love it. No plastic crap here. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

PAUL'S METAL PETALS thread stands are wonderful!!

I have 2 of them. He advertises at the back of most of the quilt mags.

Google it, he has a website.

Katie in AZ

Cindy said...

I have the Celtic Solstice. quilt on the backs of a deck of cards (digital game on my phone). Also on my thread stand (Connecting Threads as well) I use one of the biggie green binding clips just above the bend where it feeds. Keeps the thread from getting accidentally pulled out off the bend. Yeah, finally got my new phone programmed correctly and can again post and be back in touch with everyone and, most importantly, follow your blog! I go through withdrawals when I can't keep up with you. Happy stitching. I am hand beading some thread painted flowers tonight .

Feathers in my Nest said...

nice thread stand, I also have a cast metal one...BTW, I love that fabric! It's not ugly..

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

I purchase one of thos plastic cone thread stands a while back and was not pleased. I have had my Superior Thread Stand for over a year now and LOVE itI Thinking about a getting a second.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

that is too funny !


tealeafquilts said...

Thanks for the note about The quilter from Maine. I can just see her son rolling his eyes while she plays with the saleswoman. My husband's grandfather worked on the trails at Sugarloaf and had a gravel pit there. We've been to Farmington and to the ice cream stand there. They have the best ice cream in Maine and New Hampshire. Must be the cows. Thanks for the stories!

Deanna W said...

Well it is indeed a small world! I have seen thread holders here in Canada that are very heavy and pretty too. The one that I liked best looked like a coneflower with a hummingbird on it. But the price was very high so I settled for one similar to what you got but not as tall and mine has room for two cones of thread.Have never used both but the choice is there!!

kynomi said...

My thread holder was made for me for Christmas by my dad. My sister had seen one and Daddy built it using a block of wood as a base, a dowel rod for the upright, and twisted wire for the thread carrier. My dad has been gone for over 20 years now, so this thread holder is very special to me, and as a plus, it works great!

Pam McDonald said...

I love this kind of thread holder. Also, thanks for that tip, Dana!!

bunbear said...

i used to use those lousy plastic ones myself, but finally got totally fed up with them about a year ago! when i went to paducah for the quilt show last year i bought two heavy duty metal ones! and i might just buy another one this year when i go. they are so nice, i know i won't use the plastic ones again if i don't have to.

i did make a turkey lacer stilleto and love it! i use it all the time.

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