
Monday, March 17, 2014

Dancing Nines in Oliver Springs!

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Yes, I know – this post is late this morning.

I stayed up way too late sewing last night, and enjoyed a quiet Monday morning sleep-in since the noisy guests in the next room had checked out and there was no one staying in that room last night! HA!

((Talk about wild romance past 1am the night before?? I’m way too old for these kind of shenanigans!!))

I still have 50 some flying geese strips to finish before I can call this project DONE and start assembling, so that is my goal over the next week while in Pigeon Forge.  I’ll get as far as I can on these!

As for yesterday’s half day workshop – what a FUN quick project to work on!

When Anna said they wanted to do Dancing Nines as their workshop, I got really excited! That would be so fun and so easy, everyone could get so much done in just a little bit of time..and then it hit me…I didn’t have a class sample on hand.  Uhoh.

Both of the quilts I made are living with my 9 month old nephews out in Utah – and I didn’t have time to whip up another sample.  Anna to the rescue!

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Anna’s Dancing Nines!

She said “Don’t worry – I’ll sew up like 1/4 of the quilt so we have an example to go by.”  When I got here, she had the WHOLE THING done – stating that it was so fun, fast and easy that she couldn't stop and before she knew it, it was together.

She’s used all batiks and a crisp solid white as her dancing sashings…isn't it great?

You’ll find the free pattern for Dancing Nines under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.  Print it, and get started!

There was a bit of learning at the beginning of the class.   These 9 patches need to measure 5” unfinished.  Not 4 3/4”  or even 4 7/8”  So we did a test.

Sew 2 2” strips side by side.  The height of this strip set needed to measure 3.5” before going any further.  Adjust the seam allowance until it does.

Now add a 3rd strip to the strip set and press.  3  2” strips sewn side by side need to measure 5”.  If they do, you are good to go on and chain piece yourself into oblivion.  If not…FIX THE SEAM until you can sew three strips together and get a 5” strip set.

We heard whoops and hollers of gladness when those who had always struggled a bit with units coming out just “that much” too small found where the ‘sweet spot” is for their desired 1/4 inch seam and 9 patches could then be sewn easily and happily and come out the right size.

Click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Dancing Nines, Oliver Springs TN 2014

I am packing it up and headed to Pigeon Forge in about an hour!  I hope to be seeing many of you there -- it promises to be a great week at Mountain Quilt Fest!

Tonight I'll be drawing for the 2 winners of my new book release, MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders!  Did you leave me a comment yet ON THAT POST ONLY  to enter yourself into the drawing?  

Remember to leave your name and email address if it is not visible in your profile, especially if you are commenting as anonymous.

You also have to click yourself OUT of Facebook and open the link in a new browser window to comment.  You can't comment via your Facebook profile, and that goes for those reading us through blog lovin' or any other reader.  You have to be directly on the post to comment.  Make sure you are. :)

Good luck everyone!

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Lilac Joan said...

Love Dancing Nine or whatever other pattern you want to use. So fast!

Linda H said...

Dancing nine patch is so quick and easy. Love it.

kwiltnkats said...

This design is one of mine to do. Not close to starting, but soon! My quilter is working on my Split 9-Patch, Kwiver, right now! October is right around the corner. Sandi

Tinliz said...

The combinations your class came up with are inspirational.

I used this pattern for some 6.5" nine patches and turned them into a quilt short order.

Dana Grigonis said...

I hve many nine patches accumulated in swaps about 14 years ago when I was first learning to do patchwork. Dancing nine patches look like a good option for using them up. I will need to check measurements first though.

Unknown said...

I'm working on a Dancing Nine Patch as a baby quilt. I love it and does go together so nicely.
Thanks for a great pattern!
Hugs, Chris

Ness said...

Lilac Joan and LindaBee...I never heard back yesterday (more Lucille Ball crying...whaaa!) I will let you know if I do. :)

Myrna said...

I love the Dancing 9 Patch. Safe travels today Bonnie!

New Quilter in Texas said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm sorry we kept you up so late last night...but if you knew how great of a time we were having, you wouldn't have minded losing a bit of sleep!

Brenda said...

I have made two of these with my leaders and enders - they are now my go to baby quilt gifts. Thanks for sharing all that you do. You are a treasure.

Ness said...

LOL!! those Texan's...they are a hoot! LOL!

Mary said...

I used the sashing idea from the Dancing Nines to set some Swap Blocks. Thank for a great idea. Have a Happy St Paddy's Day in Tennessee!

Julia said...

Bonnie, I have made three of your DNP quilts, the last one with Dancing Dollies holding hands around the border, they go together beautifully. You can see it on my blog now.
Thank you for your inspirations

Julia said...

Ooops meant to say post is on February 22. 2014
for a future great grandbaby.

Ebony said...

How fun to see all the different styles of DNPs that were made! Love the variety that comes when people are unafraid to use their creativity.

Pat said...

I love all the different color combinations. Looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I was in a real hurry to get a baby quilt done so I did 7" solid squares in place of the 9 patch. A lot less sewing and still made a pretty baby quilt for the new baby.
People always love getting handmade baby quilts. I like giving a gift that is different from all the rest.

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