
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hello, Houston!

Houston_Feb2014 007
This was the view as I landed in Houston about 2:30pm this afternoon.

Did you know Houston had this much water?

We descended lower and lower through the overcast sky until I could clearly see what was down below….loads of green and lots of wet!

I know we tend to think of Houston as big city – but there are a lot of out lying areas that are chock full of trees and beautiful nature.

Check out this shot not far from the airport:

Houston_Feb2014 008


There are ship channels and waterways that you might just not think about when HOUSTON comes to mind.

My luggage arrived, my ride was here to pick me up, and off we went in search of some place to eat.  It was now after 3pm, and I hadn’t eaten since breakfast…..HUNGRY GIRL!

When I am visiting places away from home, I love to visit “local” establishments, and a plan was hatched.  If you want Tex Mex and you are near Pasadena, Texas – you need to go HERE:

Houston_Feb2014 014

Don’ Key!

Houston_Feb2014 018

I loved the feel of the place from the moment we pulled up.

Houston_Feb2014 009

Don’t drink the WATER?!

Houston_Feb2014 010

Drink the Don’Keyritas! LOL!

((I settled for an unsweet tea with lemon, thank you!))

Houston_Feb2014 019

Love the cactus!!

Houston_Feb2014 015

And a fun front door!

Houston_Feb2014 017

And look! You can pay for your meal in Pesos! LOL!

I’m sparing you from the food photos – but it was very very very good.

Good enough that I felt like I ate too much ---

Last night Dad and I were out to dinner and a movie, and I was telling him about how hard it is traveling like this and having to eat most meals out, and that I want a way to be more motivated to watch what I’m doing –staying more active.  There was some time to kill, so we ended up at Walmart ---which can be dangerous at best.

During my time in Tucson, a couple of gals had told me how they are watching how many steps they take during the day by using a fitbit.  Dad and I checked them out, and we each left with one.  I charged it over night, and today was my first day using it.

This is the fitbit ONE, and it tracks your steps, your stair climbs, your calories burned, and so much more.  You can wear it while you sleep and it will record how you are doing while you sleep. 

When I got to the hotel – I only had about 3300 steps taken today.  NOT VERY MANY!  Of course, I sat on my butt on a plane from Phoenix to Houston.  Still, I knew I was going to have to hit the pavement if I was going to do any good today.  It took me a bit over an hour ----I was out the door with running shoes on and kept a good steady pace. 

When I got back to my room, this was my count for the day:

Houston_Feb2014 022
11, 589


This let me know that I need to get in about a good hour of steady walking if I’ve had a basically sedentary airplane kind of day.

It also syncs by bluetooth to my phone, and will keep me updated on my progress.  This was my report when I clicked into the app:

Houston_Feb2014 024

6.01 miles?

That takes into consideration all the steps I’ve taken since I woke up this morning. I know I didn’t do that many this evening – it’s cumulative through the day.  But I’m happy!  And I feel good.  The question is…did I burn more calories than I consumed?  There is a place on my online dashboard where I can put in what I ate, but after the visit to Don’ Keys ---I bet not. LOL!

Click HERE for more info.  No affiliation, just a hopeful user with goals to meet!

So here I am back at my hotel.  And there is NO PBS on this tv.  Sigh.  Just what is a girl supposed to do when she wants to be watching Downton??

Blue Ridge Beauty class in the morning!

Have a good night, all!

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colleen said...

Please keep commenting on the fitbit I'd like to buy one but money is tight and well I'd like to know more about it before buying
I was born in a 6 bed hospital/clinic 60+ years ago father was in Air Force stationed in the area at the time
Colleen in dry California

colleen said...

In Pasadena tx

Gretchen quilts said...

Bonnie, I have been wearing my Fitbit since November and love it! I notice that I have to take my dogs for a nice walk to get over the 10,000 steps per day. I love tracking my sleep as well. I was doing very well with the steps until the snow came...and deciding to finish CS....so now I have to step it up and get walking again now that the snow has melted. For a girl that loves to read, sew and bake, it is a nice reminder to move!

Unknown said...

You probably know this, but you can watch the latest episode of DA on PBS Online. Im not sure how soon it is available online after the airing, however - but it is up for a week.

CountryGal said...

I LOVE my fitbit! I have moved my iron and cutting board to a different room from my sewing machine so I am able to get in extra steps on days when it is too cold and/or snowy and/or icy to go for a walk! Enjoy!

Janet said...

In Australia, one of the university's started a health and well being program called 10.000 steps. Basically your minimum activity level should be 10,000 steps to maintain your health and well being. As a consequence lots of people wear pedometers to count their steps.

If you wear one you soon notice those days when you don't get up and moving

Jana said...

I have been addicted to my Fitbit for 3 years and still love it. Hope you enjoy it too!

mascanlon said...

I am so interested in how you like the Fitbit. Its on my list of things I think I want but I have been on the fence.

Nora said...

I have a FitBit but am afraid to activate it until Spring.

Dar said...

Way to go Bonnie. I bought a FitBit just like that 2 years ago, and I LOVE, LOVE LOVE it. I even wear it to bed. I've been trying to get many of my friends to get one so they can be on my circle of friends to encourage each other and a little friendly competition. I'd lose to you just from the looks of your one day. Let me know if you want a cheerleader on your dashboard.

happyjax said...

Bonnie, the fitbit was recording each bump and vibration on the plane as a step. I was on the motorcycle yesterday for 8 hours and logged over 13,000 steps. I only WISH I walked that much!!! Just keep it in mind. I am testing to see where I need to wear it when treadling to get a somewhat accurate reading... I will let you know what I come up with.

Nancy said...

I have been using a fitbit for a couple of years now. It does help. I am not very good about inputing my foods, I was better doing that in the beginning. This little gem really helped me rehabilitate after an injury. I knew I needed to move and it kept me honest and lose the weight I put on while in a wheel chair. When my first one wore out I upgraded to the fitbit one.

Beth in TN said...

Like others who've posted, I'm a longtime Fitbit wearer. (I'm on my second one, as they discontinued the model I formerly had!)I do best when I log my foods. Just a note to anyone thinking about buying one: Fitbit is having issues with the Force and Flex models--evidently the wristbands are causing some sort of allergic dermatitis.

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Hi Bonnie. Love the color of the door to the restaurant. I have a Fitbit and have only made "close" to 10,00o steps. Your first day, keep up the good work. Do you have any Fitbit buddies yet?

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Maybe call the desk and find out how you can get PBS on the TV?

shelleyjwilliams said...

My husband and I both got fitbits for Christmas. He has lost close to 30 pounds and is doing so well. Me--not so much, but I am not trying as hard as he is. I am lazier than he...lol. If you would like to be in a circle with all the fitbit'ers out here, please post. I can use all the encouragement I can get!

Kathleen said...

I love my fitbit. I, too, am suffering from the winter and a lack of movement but boy is it a great motivator.

Karen in Kentucky said...

You can watch Downton Abbey on your laptop on the PBS website!

joycita said...

Hi Bonnie, love that photo! I think it is the San Jacinto river which runs from Conroe, past Kingwood and then into Lake Houston. Yes, this area is very watery and woodsy. Not so much in far west Houston, or towards the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks for posting -- I love to see my area from the sky.

Anonymous said...

I love my Fitbit. I joined a facbook group for 10,000 steps everyday for 2014. Keeps me motivated to get my steps each day.

Kelly said...

I'm another fibit user. One thing I'll share is to clip it so that if it were to fall out of the rubber holder, it will fall into your pocket. There are clips like for kids mittens being sold for the Fitbit. I once found mine which had detached itself from my waistband onto a tree's twiggy branch while I was chasing after my cat, by using my computer (or if you can use your phone) to try and sync it. It gave me a range within where to look for it.

I do like my Fitbit. I ended up replacing the list one via eBay where I could buy just the Fitbit One since I still have all the accessories.

Also, good for you that you used the information to get yourself up and moving! It is too cold & snowy by me to go out and walk, so my numbers are down. Here's hoping spring comes soon!

Carla said...

I may have to consider a fitbit. I've been wanting something like that but wasn't sure which or what kind to get. Thanks for sharing.

When my husband and I travel we hit the local eateries too.

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