
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

At News Stands Near You! Quiltmaker Give-Away!

The November/December issue of Quiltmaker is out and about!

And guess what? I have an EXTRA copy to Give-Away to a lucky reader!

It feels kind of weird having a magazine with a Christmas quilt on the cover showing up in my inbox, when I haven’t gotten used to the fact that it is now October – it was 83 degrees here yesterday!

But the holidays will be soon upon us, and this issue is packed with holiday quilty goodies…

Here’s one that cracked me up – and broke me out into a full sweat:

quiltmaker 036

Pardon the bad  iPhone photo!

Okay, guys –I want to know if that is a fake backdrop, or is winter and snow covered trees really as perfect in Colorado as I’ve heard?  Did I mention it’s still in the 80s here in North Carolina?  Seeing you Christmas-Card-Perfect and all wrapped up in coats and scarves has be breaking out in hot flashes…but don’t they look great?

quiltmaker 033

Check this out!  See the left hand issue?  It says FREE INSIDE!

quiltmaker 035

What’s the Bonus?  12 star blocks from 100 blocks – including my Winston Ways block!


Also included – my Addicted to Scraps Column, featuring Dakota Farmer blocks using all those bonus triangles!

Look what the Quiltmaker team did for a suggested layout:


You can find the details for this quilt variation on the Quiltmaker website HERE.

Leave me a comment below in the comments section.  Do me a favor and re-read the post I wrote earlier this week about leaving comments HERE.  Please exhaust ALL possibilities and try to leave your comment ON the post, instead of emailing it to me or leaving it for me in the guest book – it makes it harder to be sure all are included in the drawing when there are so many entries from everywhere, and all in different places.  If you can’t comment on the blog, find out why.  Chances are the post linked above will have your answer. 

Remember to click OUT of facebook before commenting – don’t comment through a reader service either..make sure you are actually on the original post and give it a shot.  Try it for me. Maybe try a real computer rather than a phone or other mobile device or iPad.

**Important** PLEASE check to be sure your email address is visible in your profile, or leave your address on your comment.  If I can not reach you via email, you can not win.  I'll have to draw someone else if your email address is not included.

How do you know your address is included or not? In Google+ or in Blogger, click your profile image at the upper right of the page.  A drop down card will appear like this:

If you can SEE your email address listed, you are good to go.

If your email address is NOT  there, click view profile and add it by clicking the blue people peg at the upper left of the page that opens.  Scroll down to settings, click that and add your email address.  Be sure settings are saved.

Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to comment back to you but being unable to because of no email address linked to your profile --- especially when I have drawn you as a winner!

I’m leaving for Illinois this morning.  Sunday I leave Illinois for Texas!  I’ll draw for the winner Sunday evening from there.

Good luck!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


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Judy said...

Never to early to think Christmas if you are making gifts. Would love to win this one but if I don't I will have to break down and buy one. Love the Winston Ways pattern. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world, I hope you realize how much you are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Already have two Christmas quilts done, so I am in the mood for Christmas quilts. ...also looking forward to your mystery quilt. Deb

Rea said...

I can't imagine having to pull out my winter stuff just to pose in a winter scene when it's hot!!! Boy, oh boy, that magazine is loaded with goodies!!! I love your Dakota farmer blocks (I'm a big fan of star blocks)!!! Hope I can win this one!!!!!!!

Linda said...

Oh I would love win this magazine! I have been enjoying you blog for several years and love it when you have the QuiltCam night!!!

Donna said...

Thanks for this opportunity. Love your work.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Would love to be a winner! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

dwil23 said...

I LOVE Quiltmaker magazine!

Janarama said...

Love the Christmas issues of magazines. So many fabulous ideas.

Farm Quilter said...

Oh my, those star blocks would be so fabulous - exactly what I need right now!!! I bought a kit that pictured a quilt with 12 different stars in it, but there were six individual stars and then one pattern for the other six stars :( this would fill in the other six stars perfectly!!

Cindy W. said...

Looks like a good magazine. Winter will be here before you know it. Thanks for a chance to win.

Cat said...

I need some new projects to work on since I just finished a bunch of baby quilt tops for my church's quilting group. Now it is time to sew for me. Love your Dakota Farmer block. It would be perfect for my scraps.

Linda said...

Oh I would love to win! Just love to listen to you during Quilt Cam and I have been working on getting my scraps together!

Anonymous said...

Gosh; how nice to get two features in one month!! That is pretty special. I would love a copy of this issue. Thanks for the chance to win.

Nancy said...

You have another great block there. I have yet to make myself a Christmas quilt. Would love to win this magazine,as I sacrificed all magazines to save money while hubby is out of work for health reasons, only buying Quilt Sampler twice a year now. It was 81 here in Maine today!

patmmm said...

Sure wish I was there in Illinois. I had so much fun in Medford, OR. My grandma's treadle is a red eye. Two red eyes. I'm so happy about that. I'd love to have the latest edition of Quiltmaker. Take care.

Andresa said...

Those blocks are so fantastic. Until I discovered you, Bonnie, I never enjoyed doing scrappy quilts. Now I'm letting go of my perfection matchy matchy. While it'll probably never go away completely, thanks to you I'm getting more relaxed about the process.

DBrez said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Have a safe trip!

Tamie said...

I'd love to have a copy of this magazine. Thanks for sharing. Safe travels.

KQ Sue said...

"Home" - Illinois is my home by birth, North Carolina is home in my heart.
Enjoy your time in both of my homes. Would love to win the give-a-way!
Really want to know how I ended up in Florida, again! ;-(

u keep sewing said...

Thanks for the chance on this giveaway ! I am from Montana and it is 35 degrees and the top of the mountains are WHITE and more is predicted . Holidays are just around the corner . Enjoy

Scrappyendings said...

Wow. I love everything about Christmas. I love the quilt magazines, the extra projects to make gifts for friends and family. Fun quilt blocks. It would be wonderful to win this magazine.

Jan said...

I am likely to have shoulder surgery in November and need inspirational materials to keep me in the loop with my love of quilting. janmccoy@hotmail.com

Joyful Quilter said...

Love star blocks! Thanks for the giveaway.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Love your site thanks Bonnie.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie, Lisa in IL, yeah you are coming here. Love all you do for us, you are amazing. Would love to win so I could share the magazine with my Mom, we quilt together. She taught me to sew while I was growing up, and I got her quilting. Thanks for everything, love quilt cam!!! Safe travels to you.

andifar said...

Thanks Bonnie for all you do for us. 10 more strip pieced blocks finished this evening. The Dakota Farmer's Blocks are awesome. Paula in Omaha

Sally Langston Warren said...

Love the patterns you have in this issue! Would love to win a copy! I am thinking of colors already. I bought a yard of cheddar this week....not sure what I will do with it, but plan to cut it up soon! Think I will use it for sashing like you had on the quilt that you showed in the background of a recent photo of Sadie (in the car....quilt was behind her). jspwarren at aol dot com is my email.....oh pick me!:)

Unknown said...

Bonnie I love quiltmaker mag and also all your quilt patterns you share. I enjoy your blogs and have learned much from you. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I just finished piecing Autumns Glory aka. Jared Takes A Wife, with my four patch leader/enders. Love the scrap savers system and the leader/ enders ideas. Anything that helps towards more efficiency. Thanks for what you share.

Agneta quilts said...

I totoally know what you mean, when the winter/christmas issues arrive - although I am a lover of both - I also get a bit warm just by looking at the pictures of quilts with winter/christmas fabric and ideas for the colder time to come. But I am getting used to it - as soon as we reach the month October all stores bring out the decorations for the seasons, and really, when Christmas finally arrive I find myself a bit fed up with Jingle Bells, as I have listened to it for months already!

Love your blog!
Agneta in Sweden (only a few days into fall yet!)

Cece said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

mabear said...

I love Christmas quilt magazines!! Thanks

colleen said...

Hi I don't have any trouble posting a comment I have never been chosen but there are so many of us trying to be selected that's not surprising !!
Benicia calif

Emma Watson said...

There are a lot of lovely women dress boutiques in which you should try to present your designs I am sure you will get many oppertunities because you have awesome talent in quilts.Thanks

Anonymous said...

I would like a copy of the magazine. I'd like to think they took that picture last winter, but they probably did it in July and the people were very hot instead of cold!

Have a great trip!

Janet R said...

Have a great trip! The new issue looks like fun :-)

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

I would be thrilled to win a copy of this Christmas issue. I love to make as many of my gifts as possible, so I have to start early. Thank you for a chance to win.

Helen in the UK said...

I would love to be included in a chance of winning the magazine, even thought it does feature Christmas and I'm not ready for that yet!!!! Have a great trip :)

christineschoon said...

I'm getting in the holiday mood by seeing this issue!! Thanks for a chance to win!

VA said...

What a great block! I'd love to win this one, thanks for the chance.

Julie said...

That picture had me breaking out in a sweat, too !!!! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Anita said...

I would love to get a copy of the magazine!
You design such lovely blocks!

Julierose said...

Would love to add this to my collection...thanks Julierose

Unknown said...

If this non techy girl can figure out the comment thing- anybody can! Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie!

Julie said...

I'd love to have this magazine zipping over to my house. So many pretty patterns - so little time! And again, thanks for all you do and share with us!

June said...

Love the Winston Ways quilt pattern! Gotta make me one! Thanks for the opportunity at the give-away! Hugs, June

tealeafquilts said...

I've been busy scrapping using some of your patterns! Would love to win!

Kathy Little said...

would live a copy to get me settled in for fall and winter quilting.

tropicslady said...

I am loving star blocks lately, and am making many versions that will be put into a big scrappy quilt!

ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

Edie Edie said...

I would love to have a copy of Quiltmaker magazine. My subscription has run out and I wouldn't have to go buy a copy elsewhere. LOL

Sally said...

I'd love to win the magazine. It is fun looking at patterns and fabric choices. Thanks for the opportunity to win a Quiltmaker issue.

Unknown said...

Christmas? You're scaring me. :) Always love Christmas ideas, though, even though it does seem to be coming way too quickly!

sao said...

How nice of you to have a GIVEAWAY. I love the layout QUILTMAKER made for Winston Ways. I NEED to add that to my LIST!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonnie
Becky Wilson

Linda H said...

Oh, would love a chance to win this magazine. I would love to see all the seasonal things that I could make. Thanks for the chance.

Dana Gaffney said...

I haven't seen the magazine yet or I would have grabbed it, anything with a Christmas quilt on the cover always comes home with me.

mere6sews said...

having trouble signing in

mere6sews said...

Can't post comment on mobile but can post on laptop...would love to win a copy of the magazine

Shebandowan said...

Would love to win a copy of this magazine. Love all the stars. Thanks for the chance to win.


claire said...

What a beautiful block you have designed once again. Love Winston Ways.

Beth said...

Thanks for another chance to win a great addition to my quilting life. I guess there is always a chance! Can't believe it is almost the holiday season upon us.


Bjwalsh101 said...

Thanks for the chance to win the extra copy!

Marilyn said...

Love your quilts, Bonnie and love the magazine that publishes them! Would love the bonus booklet too.

HelenMarie said...

My copy arrived in the mail a couple days ago. Love the Dakota Farmer block!
But I didn't have the bonus blocks!.... hmmm... you only get bonus blocks if you buy it at the newstand????

RoseofSharonStudio said...

Hi Bonnie
thank you for the generous give~away. I would love to win!
Thank you sew much for sharing your art with all of us.

Gill said...

I would love to win a copy - it's hard to find in the UK!

bunbear said...

woohoo! ramping up for Christmas sewing! i'm one of those crazy nuts who likes to have more than one project going at a time and that's what always happens during the holidays.

tammy k. in illinois

GoGo said...

I'm addicted to your scrappy blocks! I've been working on having a scrappy year and have inspired my Stitch & Giggle group to do so as well. Thanks for all your patterns & fun blog posts. I would LOVE to have your extra copy of Quiltmaker. An autographed copy would be even better!

Elaine said...

Good time to start making gifts for Christmas. It is as warm here in Maine today as it was when I left FL on Mon.

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

I'd love a free copy of the magazine. As a new follower, this would be a good way for me to use some of my new scraps, and knock out a few Christmas gifts at the same time.

Lori said...

good luck on your travels. right now in Chicago Illinois it is rainy and in the high sixties. I love your stars. Thanks for a chance to win.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance! Love the new block too!

CindyFromAston said...

Hi Bonnie, I would love to win this magazine, thanks for offering it to your fans.

Anonymous said...

Guess I'll buy an issue if I don't win this - looks like a good one! I both love and hate the countdown to Christmas - grrrr!!!!! But sewing is so soothing - I love it.


sewspeciallady said...

Love the Cover quilt- thank you for your work for blocks inside.

Karen said...

Awesome! Please put my name in "the hat".

Unknown said...

Yeah!!!! More Bonnie blocks to add to my ever growing pile. See a Bonnie sampler in my future!

Mrs MomMegan Craftsalot said...

This magazine looks super! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sherry said...

Bonnie, I love getting Quiltmaker in the mail. My one gripe is that they never send the free leaflets with the subscription. Only in the newstand copies and not even in all of those. I think some stores take these out of the bag and keep them. Sorry for the rant. I do really love your Winston Ways block.

Kelli F said...

Love the Winston Ways pattern. Would love a copy of this issue.

Kelli F said...

I'd love to have a copy of this issue - and your Winston Ways blocks look like fun. I'd like to give them a try!

Lavonna ZWB said...

Looks like a fun issue!

Unknown said...

Pick me please!

Unknown said...

Me me me me me please please please please

Kay said...

I would love to win this, thank you so much for sharing. I can never get too many Christmas deas!

Kay said...

I would love to win this, thank you so much for sharing. I can never get too many Christmas deas!

Kay said...

I would love to win this, thank you so much for sharing. I can never get too many Christmas deas!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine.

Barb H said...

Of course I's love to have a copy of the mag. I love all your blocks and the 3 or 4 quilts of yours that I've made have been stunning. Winston Ways looks like another winner!

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Just catching up with the last week or so.
Am looking forward to fall weather, the paint chip reveal ;0
Sharyn in Kalama

Linda said...

Love your Winston Ways pattern. Thanks for everything you do for all the quilters of the world. You are truly appreciated!! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this great quilting magazine!!
Cookie in Mandeville, Louisiana

Sophisticat Studio said...

Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Thank you for this great opportunity!

Sallie said...

Welcome to Texas! Thanks for the giveaway!

Suzanne said...

I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the offer.

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

haven't known you for long Bonnie, but love your enthusiasm and energy and brain teaching me to just tear right in to my scraps I've been hoarding! Anything you offer helps me! Thanks!

barblr said...

Would love this issue. Hard to find the Quiltmaker way up here in the North Land. :)

Anonymous said...

I am trying to finish their treasure hunt and cannot without the magazine. :( It would be amazing to win an issue!!!

The Calico Quilter said...

I already have my issue so no need to enter me in the giveaway but thanks a bunch anyway for the chance - I just have a comment about Quiltmaker. I like Quiltmaker magazine and have subscribed for years, but it irritates me that my subscriber issues never include the freebies that they package with the newsstand magazines. I got my Nov/Dec issue two days ago and didn't get the extra blocks addition. I actually contacted them in the past about this and the response, to paraphrase, was that the freebies were to entice new buyers only. I guess they didn't worry about treating their current subscribers equally, which is pretty crass in my book. It almost made me drop my subscription but I wanted to get your scrappy blocks and your mystery. Even so, I would have loved to buy the 100 blocks issues that Quiltmaker produces but can never find them on local magazine racks. I'm not sure why that is.

Charlene S said...

Quilt maker Magazine is the best! After all they include a page from you each month

Anonymous said...

Another chance to win a great magazine. Thank you so much!

Studio Beis said...

Would love to win a copy!! Thanks for all your sharing :)

Jackie said...

Usually by now I am knee deep in inspiration for Christmas sewing and well on my way! This year is another story!! I would love to open this issue and find my mojo!! Fingers crossed!!

Jane said...

Quiltmaker AND Bonnie - the best of the best.
I love to win.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win the magazine. Would love to attend one of your classes someday!

Batiklvr said...

Wonderful pattern,but I'm not ready to thinK Christmas either

Lovay said...

Love your quilts, can't decide which one to start with. Thanks for all the inspiration and great tips.

Karen L. said...

Yes please. I may be last in line here but no matter. Even if/when I don't win I am seriously thinking about using your pineapple blossom pattern for a scrap quilt. Love the looks of it.

Debbie said...

I would love to win the newest Quiltmaker magazine-thanks for the chance!

NancyB85374 said...

I always intend to start making Christmas gifts early.....but; oh well. I would love to win the magazine. You are the best, Bonnie.

Pam said...

Thanks to you and to Quiltmaker for the opportunity to win. What a great way to begin my subscription as I have just discovered you both. Where have I been these past years---jeeshhh. You both are a great asset to the quilting world, thanks for your selfless sharing.

Unknown said...

Bonnie. I would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker magazine. Who knows, I might be inspired to get to working on a Christmas quilt. I need another one so I'll have one for both my grown sons. I love how you are so willing to share yourself and your talent with your many followers. Please know that we appreciate you.

Unknown said...

It really enjoyed your classes so much. I would love to have this magazine. My friend Moira usually has a block included also.

Helen said...

Love the magazine, but cannot afford to buy many. I love the chance to win one, Helen

faceted said...

Looks like a great issue. Lots of neat ideas.

tealeafquilts said...

One of the first things I do everyday is check your blog! Love scrapping!

CA Bobbie said...

I'd love to win. Also hoping to see that I'm able to comment. rjc2cam@gmail.com

StarofMoonDancer said...

Absolutely love the magazine and holiday, Winston Ways is a beauty. Thanks for everything you do for the quilting world. You offer so much to so many...Thank again. Winning would be Christmas and Birthday all in one. A December baby here...

Alexa said...

Thanks for all the wonderful ways you keep helping us quilters worldwide. Your patterns are such an inspiration to us all. Love ya!
Alexandra from the Netherlands

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