
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Necessary Shopping ---

I’m a bad shopper.

Meaning, I really HATE extensive shopping.

I am not a fan of just wandering a mall, unless it is an antique mall searching for great old kitchen stuff, linens, fabric, quilts and anything sewing related including vintage machines.

I hate trying on clothes, shopping for shoes, looking for handbags, buying jewelry or any amount of other foo-foo stuff.

I am “NOT” into fashion.  I am into COMFORT.

I can’t stand Project Runway!  ((Don’t be offended at this declaration, it’s fine with me if you do – but I’d rather be sewing quilts!))

I am happiest in my jeans and running shoes, a comfy tshirt and my hair in a pony tail.  This is living for me.  I like things simple.

Today found me out doing some NECESSARY shopping ---but luckily it was all at once place.  Sam’s Club.

samsclub 002


Necessary shopping….one vacuum for the cabin.  Necessary.

One printer for the office.  Necessary.  The old printer has some life left in it, and it is going to go to the cabin to live there.  But this way the new more powerful one will be at home where I need it most.

Mailing envelopes.  Necessary.  I was just about out!

Not shown: Printer ink cartridges.  Necessary.  BUT EXPENSIVE!!

I think I spent more in this one necessary shopping trip that took about 15 minutes total, than I
would-have-could-have if I WERE into fashion and cute clothes, and cute little shoes, and cute little jewelry and cute little whatever ----

And all this big spender shopping makes me think I need a nap.


But I WILL be ready for Quilt-Cam at 9pm Eastern time tonight, won’t you?

Hope to catch you then!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Check to see if 123Inkjets.com has the ink cartridges you need. They're usually quite a bit cheaper than any place else. I use their re-manufactured cartridges with no problems.

Jennifer Thomas said...

I agree with you. I don't like shopping, either, but I do enjoy treasure hunting at thrift shops, flea markets, yard sales, etc. I wish I could join you for quilt cam, but sadly 9 p.m. is my bedtime. I have to get up at 5:30 to get the kiddos off to school. Have fun!

Karen in Kentucky said...

I watch Office Depot, Staples and Walmart ads to see when ink is on sale. I stock up then. Helps a bunch!

Unknown said...

I love shopping for almost everything; especially at places like Marshall's and TJMaxx for all kinds of cool things. Love Sam's Club as well....can have lots of fun there as you did! But shopping for fabric at a quilt shop...especially one I have never been to before...really sets my heart a flutter. Enjoy all your new stuff!

Lori Huffman said...

I'm with you totally Bonnie. Give me a tie dye t-shirt some comfy capris and bare feet and I'm good to go. No fancy hairdo's, no makeup...sometimes I remember moisturizer- haha, should have remembered more!

***I wanted to know if you save your ink cartridges and if you have a Staples near you? If you do, sign up for their rewards program and you watch for their double rewards for ink cartridges. You will get $4 ( I think) for each cartridge. I have a check here for $30 for rewards that I get to spend any way I want at Staples. Needless to say I save up my cartridges for the double days. They I can get more ink free or whatever I want.

Mary Ellen said...

Woo, hoo! Quilt Can tonight. I was SO hoping for it, but didn't want to say anything in case you had something else planned!

Tammy said...

Always nice to read that you have your priorities in order. I'm with you on dressing for comfort and shopping for fabric, thread and/or vintage machines.. looking forward to your quilt cam tonight. I love, love the photo of your grass hopper Elna complete with two feline assistants. Life is fabulous! Oh Happy Belated 32nd Wedding Anniversary to you and your hubby. Continue to Cherish Each Other.

BrendaLou said...

I'm with you, I hate shopping....but I LOVE "Exploring" antique shops, etc.

Unknown said...

agree can't stand to shop for cloths.. jeans and a shirt and I am fine. Have a grandsons wedding in my near future so will have to bite the bullet and go.. so glad we got my computer connection fixed so I can join in the fun tonight. see you tonight.

Quilter Kathy said...

Quiltcam is the highlight of my day...can't wait!!!

Lori Huffman said...

I'm with you totally Bonnie. Give me a tie dye t-shirt some comfy capris and bare feet and I'm good to go. No fancy hairdo's, no makeup...sometimes I remember moisturizer- haha, should have remembered more!

***I wanted to know if you save your ink cartridges and if you have a Staples near you? If you do, sign up for their rewards program and you watch for their double rewards for ink cartridges. You will get $4 ( I think) for each cartridge. I have a check here for $30 for rewards that I get to spend any way I want at Staples. Needless to say I save up my cartridges for the double days. They I can get more ink free or whatever I want.

Unknown said...

I buy a black & white ink jet printer every Thanksgiving at Walmart for $25-$30. You can't purchase the ink for that amount!

AmyR said...

I, too, have never been a shopper. When I was younger and thinner and clothes looked better on me, I'd occasionally enter "browse mode" to see if there was something I could find. Nowadays, simple chinos in the winter, capris in the summer, and tops that can work all year round is enough for me. However, I do like Project Runway, though I could do without all the theatrics. I'm more interested to see how they interpret the challenges and what they make and how. The unconventional challenges are often my favorite episodes.

quiltyVal said...

Looking forward to QuiltCam, going to go cook supper and then get myself ready :) Need to do a bit more work on getting stuff ready to move my youngest back to college Friday first, though. Sigh. I hate back to school, always have since they were little. Quilt Cam will cheer me up :)

Diane said...

I couldn't agree more about fashion and shopping. The think I like best about shopping is crossing items off the list! It means I'm that much closer to sewing time!!! lol

Steffi´s Candy Quilts said...

How nice to read that there are other women like me out there. I hate shopping for clothes etc and try to do it all online, if necessary. Love my jeans and t-shirts!
Of course, fabric stores are a whole different story! ;-) Last saturday I spent hours in dutch thrift stores and found lovely men's shirts for a shirt quilt. That was fun!

Kathleen said...

You made me laugh with this one! I too am most comfortable in jeans and tshirts. The other day I was looking at my honeymoon pics and I told my daughters, 'you know, I've been a jeans and tshirt girl for a LONG time!!' -- yes, I even wore them on my honeymoon! And you know what necessary shopping is for me? Undergarments!

Christelle said...

Ok you got my attention with quilt camp, but a girl needs her beauty sleep so no way I set an alarm at 4 AM but, now I do know what I 'm doing tomorrow morning.... while you will be sleeping :)

I didn't like shopping in the States (except for the coupons... I miss those!) too big and too many cothes chain,I find it more enjoyable here in Europe with small boutiques and small downtown... but even with that twice a year is enough!

starflash quilts said...

casual and comfy all the way. I haven't owned makeup since my early 20s and I'm in my 50s now. High heels, why inflict that on myself! If they were conformable, certainly, I could be outrageous, but they're not and they make me walk like a cowboy crossed with a chimp, so no thanks! Shopping? It what the internet was made for! catch you on Youtube tomorrow. xx

Carole Y. said...

Happy Anniversary!

Hope you are going out for dinner, before the quilt cam.

See you later at quilt cam.

Carole Y from Canada

Carole Y. said...

Happy Anniversary!

Hope you are going out for dinner, before the quilt cam.

See you later at quilt cam.

Carole Y from Canada

CindyB said...

I stick with one brand of clothing, Westbound from Dillards. The pants look nicer then jeans and much more comfortable. The tops are casual to dressy and just as comfortable as the pants. I walk in buy my size and walk out. Takes just a few minutes.

TLC said...

I LOVE retail therapy. It's just too bad that health insurance doesn't cover it. Tomorrow, Soma's panty raid starts! It's always nice to have sexy lingerie under the jeans and t-shirt. Soma, so much better than that secret stuff. The secret is you can only wear it before childbirth. Hope to stay awake for quilt-cam tonight. First day of school tomorrow. Have not been back since my senior year of college 31 years ago! Last class is not over till 10:30 pm. WAY PAST MY BEDTIME! Happy anniversary!!!

TLC said...

****Bonnie, Do you know about Alycia's work with QOV?
Kevin the quilter and I have linked our blog posts to Alycia. Thought you might be able to get the word out for 1000's of blocks. There are prizes too if that motivates people.


Karen said...

I love shopping...clothes, shoes, fabric, antiques, vintage, new..I love it all!

Judymc said...

I DO love designer handbags just as much as fabric--true confession! LOL

Unknown said...

RE: printer ink. Last winter, when I was in S. Carolina, I went to Sam's club to exchange a wrongnset of printer ink. The woman at the service desk told me that a lot of people just buy a whole new printer instead of the ink cartridges!! And she was right--I paid just a few dollars less for the cartridges than I sid for the printer the previous winter.


Anonymous said...

I don't share your sentiment on shopping. I love it! But I do have that same printer, and I love it too. It was a great improvement over my last one.

Joni said...

Oh Bonnie
I totally could've written your blog post! I care not an inch about fashion, haven't been to a mall in years! I have a "Don't Make Me Go to Town" sign on the fridge warning anyone who makes a request that it may happen within the month! I look forward to your quilt cams! Thank you for all of the inspiration.

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