
Monday, August 05, 2013

Love Shack Day in Soldotna!

Tonight I’ll be on a redeye flight home to North Carolina out of Anchorage, Alaska ---it’s been a fabulous trip.

One of the highlights of course was getting up close and personal to the mama moose and her twins ---what an experience!

But the best part of all was spending time with the quilters here.  They have spoiled us rotten in every way possible.  We were given the use of a beautiful cabin for our stay, all of the comforts of home were present, including goodies for us in the fridge.  It’s been a working vacation for me ---there was plenty of time to curl up on the couch and work on my hand quilting which I have enjoyed very much.

The Hubster made friends with the other men folk around and spent two days on boats on two different rivers ---it couldn’t have been a better fit, and fun to see him make friends with the hubbies of the quilters.

This was our birthday girl, Bridget!  Fun lady, and I hope to see her again the next time I come back!

Alaska1_2013 193

Oldie but Goodie!

Maiwa (spelling, sorry if I botched it!) brought in this old New Home machine to see what I thought about it.

It moves freely, the shuttle is there and there are bobbins.  She needs to find a manual to find out what sizes of needles it takes – that’s the hard part.  I prefer machines that use parts that are readily available, and singers take standard size needles – New Homes? I’m not so sure.  But if she can find out the needle size, I think we can find her a source.  She can get the motor re-wired or simply attach a new/used motor that works and get it working if she wants to.  I don’t know if she could find a hand crank mechanism for this machine ---but that is another option, or find a table and treadle it!  Her hubby picked it up for her for $10 at a yard sale….cool!

It was a busy crazy day with many many parts.  The smallest quilt in my class line-up, the greatest variety of units to cover – so we kept changing them up about every 30 minutes!  And the students were troopers…they kept up and made some gorgeous blocks!

Click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken directly to the photo album.
Love Shack, Soldotna AK 2013

Thank you, Soldotna and the Kenai Peninsula for the AWESOME time in Alaska! I can't wait to come back!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Kim said...

Looks like everyone enjoyed their classes with you Bonnie........enjoy your time at home and your next adventure in NC :0).

Happy Sewing

AKmamaOf7 said...

OMG, how did I miss that you were coming to Alaska?! I clearly have not been keeping up with your blog during this amazingly warm and beautiful summer! I need to get on a list so I know when you come back, I'm in Wasilla but I'd travel where needed. :)

Unknown said...

LOL, honestly the speed at which Bonnie globe trots AND teaches makes my head spin. So I can easily understand not catching the Alaska info!!!

WASILLA, as in ALAKSA/SARAH"S WASILLA? OH mercy, and you could have been at a class......

HUGS for you...

Lisa said...

I love the purple and red Singer machines! Especially love the red one! I'm amazed women in AK own these...what an expense from the cost of the machine to shipping to the lower 48 to the actual painting. But that just goes to show how much we love (dare I say LOVE) our hobby! Glad you and hubby had a great time in our wonderful state!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

There is an adaptor to fit a regular Singer hand crank to New Home machines. I converted one a few years ago. I don't think I have a manual, but, there are people online (TO) that do have the manual. I could check for her.

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