
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Little Touches---

Mickey and I are just about packed up and ready to head back down to civilization.

I am leaving behind a few little touches that make this lovely cabin feel more like home to me….

When we bought the place furnished, we inherited quite a few antique pieces ---A bit of color to this Duncan Phyfe style sofa makes all the difference in the world of beige 1930’s style floral upholstery.  The floral fabric on the border of this simple quilt is of the same era.  Good fit!

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A faded bear’s paw, a gift from a reader –is now living over the bannister to the upstairs bedrooms.

Cabin_August2013 034

Pardon the motion of the ceiling fan!

This sweet pieced hour glass quilt is also living on the other railing – what you can’t see is where Sadie chewed holes along the edge on the “behind the rail” side –reminders of when we adopted her and almost sent her packing – she chewed through so many quilts, both my own, and my antiques!  We still love her, and now those chew marks still make me smile ---

Cabin_August2013 031

I have filled the gifted ladder with scrappy quilts of color, adding a softness to the bare pine walls on the right side of the stone fireplace.  These quilts are not perfect either, most have stains, holes, edge wear, and fabric deterioration – but they are perfect folders.  I love seeing them here!

We hope to be back over labor day – my sewing projects will stay here as there will be no machine time to really work on them until labor day rolls around.  I’ll let them beckon to me, and can’t wait to be here with them again --

The only thing missing will be Mickey!

Another shout out if you missed this morning’s post – There WILL be Quilt Cam to night at 9pm Eastern! Bring a project – I’m on a roll and don’t want to stop sewing yet!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Glad you were able to unwind and have fun with Mickey......sweet touches look lovely Bonnie, and wow, never thought about how to use/display older 'well loved and chewed' quilts like that...yikes, now I wish I'd kept more of mine (instead I used some for 'fillers' in quick scrap quilts when Bob started learning to longarm...haha).

Mary said...

Nice touches to the cabin. I need a ladder! Do you have an actual count of your gifted and personally made quilts??

Unknown said...

Nice additions to the cabin :-)) But all good things must come to a end sad to say!!!! Welcome back to real world enjoy quilt cam!! Save travels:-))

Andee said...

Working hard today...hoping to get my butt in the sewing room tonight and watch quilt cam..I need to start the last clue for Lazy Sunday!

Loris said...

Little touches...Lovely touches :-)
Yeah for quilt cam! I'll see ya there!

Unknown said...

Making the cabin HOME is so important. The quilts look like they are a perfect fit.

julieQ said...

So glad you had a few days for fun and sewing!! I love that old bear paw quilt...it looked like you the second I saw it!!


LOVE THAT BEAR'S PA@W quilt--it belongs right there and the other quilt add warmth and coziness to your cabin! love it all! *~*CAROLE*~*

Tami C said...

I just love your ladder with scrappy quilts and the bear paws is lovely! I've told my hubby I want a ladder and he just doesn't understand! lol Your quilts really are softening up the pine walls. Glad you had a great time with Micky and I'm looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight!

Jenny Watson Blogs said...

All of these quilts are looking so adorable thanks for the sharing.

Homes in Tuscany

tealeafquilts said...

Bonnie, do you ever make a new quilt with new fabrics and patterns? And where do you get all of your scraps? Just wondering!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thanks, Julie!

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