
Friday, March 22, 2013

Midnight Flight Day!!

This is Carmen!

And of course there is no mistaking that these are her kids ---the whole family came from Alberta, Canada to escape the mounds and piles of snow covering their house and yard and escaped to come play in Portland Oregon for the weekend.

Mom ((Carmen)) is enjoying a weekend of classes, and while she is in class, her hubby and the kids are out exploring and playing, visiting museums and other sights the area has to offer. 

It’s the best of both worlds!  Mom gets her therapy, and the kids get to play, discover and learn and everyone is happy!

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This was our view from our class room window today!  The hotel/convention center is right there on the edge of the Columbia rivier…..so fun to watch the fishing boats float down ----and then motor back up and float down again!

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This block is tougher than it looks SO SIMPLE!  Even if there are 88 pieces in each 12” block!

Midnight Flight is found as a block in a past issue of 100 blocks, and the pattern for the full quilt will be featured in my next book in the pipeline, due out in Spring of 2014.  Be watching for it then.

As the day wore on something happened as we sewed and sewed and sewed, and broke for lunch, and sewed some more ---and dang it if we didn’t have the hardest time getting those triangles to turn the right way, and getting the block quarters to pinwheel around in the right direction!  It was getting hilariously comical…….I think we really did sew our brains out!  Laughter is indeed the best medicine.  And we had LOTS of it!

The students were tough, and they persevered….and along with one “road map” block to take home there are piles of parts just waiting to be put together.

Scrap quilts are about variety, and it takes a lot of time to build the units with varying fabrics so you don’t end up with the same thing next to the same thing next to the same thing……

Here’s what we got ourselves up to in class:

Today we do it again with Talkin’ Turkey!

And tonight?  I’m looking forward to a presentation by the marvelous Debbie Caffrey!

Stay tuned for more fun from Portland!


Anna said...

I'm sooo jealous wish I could be there to join in the fun!!!! Have a great time Bonnie!!!!

Terri said...

So excited to see more of this quilt. I've been working on mine for almost a year now since I was able to go to a nearby quilt guild class in Joliet, IL. It's been my leader ender. Bonnie - I'm down to the LAST 8 quarter blocks!!! I even have all the up/downs done for the border. I think I'm going to try to make a shrunken James Town Landing with the PILE of purple and blue hst's I have from this WONDERFUL quilt. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pattern. (But...seriously trying to make this quilt from the 100 blocks directions would be crazy!!! The class made the project realistic and manageable.) Wish I could be in Portland!

laquaqltr said...

Looks like lots of fun! Nothing like family being able to each enjoy their own activities while finding ways to be together! Tell Carmen to stay put, weather in Alberta has been nasty!

HelenMarie said...

I know you are having so much fun! I loved taking your classes in Williamsburg and I WILL finish those three... eventually!

Deanna W said...

The light bulb went on as soon as I saw that block...I loved it and remembered seeing it in Quiltmaker 100 blocks book. I even earmarked it as a good block to use in a mystery quilt at a later date. So many pieces which is what makes it so terrific.

Marj said...

Your students did it again, wonderful color combinations.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

This is such a beautiful design - there is so much movement from what look like pretty simple blocks. I finally took the plunge and bought three of your books. I am waiting for you to get back home!

Crystal Medley said...

Awesome,,a must do for me. Looks so very cool, interesting.

Deborah said...

Carmen is a very wise woman. We have SO MUCH SNOW here in Alberta. Would never guess it is to be spring! I love the quilt and your classes look like so much fun.

Carol B said...

Wonderful class!! Terrific instructor!! Chance of a lifetime to be able to take a class with Bonnie Hunter!! Don't laugh I was able to finish one block in class yesterday!!3

Anonymous said...

What a great block! Everyone's colourways are terrific.

Grayson Nelson said...

I MUST make the Midnight Flight quilt! My machine is finally out of the shop, so I can quilt my Easy Street, but Midnight Flight will be next on my To-Do list!! I'm intrigued by the subtle movement created by the quilt, and I just love scrappy quilts. I'm a big fan of yours here in Austin, TX!

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