
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Jamestown Landing, All Day Long!

I love quilts with repetition in the units --- LOADS of repetition.

The units themselves aren’t hard, but it does take a lot of time to build enough units to start seeing the desired effect when the repeated units are placed, twisted, turned to form a pattern.

We spent the morning having a great time with the string blocks…….swapped, traded, told stories and laughter about the fabric and how long it has lingered as part of the stash – it was amazing how many pieces had connections to items made for children……who are now adults, and here is the fabric looking as new as the day it came off the bolt in 1990 something!

We moved on to half square triangles in the afternoon, turning them into broken dishes units and playing with layouts.

Here is a picture of my Jamestown Landing quilt:

IN_Mar2013 125
Jamestown Landing is featured in my book String Fling.
Take a peek at what we got up to:

Busy day ahead today.  First off is moving all of my stuff out of the hotel room before class this morning ---After class today the teachers will be shuttled closer to the indianapolis airport for our flights out on Sunday morning.  We will stay in a place that has hotel shuttle and go our own ways --- That is of course AFTER being sure to set our clocks forward ahead an hour tonight!

My feelings exactly!
I love that it will be LIGHT later! Yay! It’s just going to take a couple days to get on track with it all ---

At lunch time all left over books and class supplies will be boxed up and we will drop them to fedex so they will be out of my hands and on their way home, leaving me only with the two duffel bags, my suitcase and backpack.  It's going to be a very full day!
Off to teach a Texas Braid class!  Have a great Saturday, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thought you were in Indiana. Not Illinois.

Bj said...

Looks like another fun class, when I was looking at one of the photo's, I was envious, I thought someone had fabric that looked like phone book pages, then went back and looked and realized that was her foundation, whew, I thought I was going to have to go on a seek and find to find some of that, how cool would that be, fabric that was phone book pages or even yellow pages with ads, if you know someone who could design this, I'd be interested in a yard of each :) Happy Saturday Bonnie!

Luann said...

I noticed a quilter was using an eye brow trimmer as a seam ripper! YEAH for her. I use the same thing!!! Purchased at the $ store! 2/$1! Lovely quilts in the making.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, every time I see one your blue and tan or blue and brown quilts, I want to run in and start sewing more and more.

The old Revolutionary War patriot question was "Buff and blue! And you too?" (Are you for the Revolution or not? )--- If you really pay attention, buff (tan)and blues are still America's favorite combo! Buff and Blue were the colors of the patriots uniforms, those that had a uniform. lol


Jenniffier said...

Beautiful quilt.

Nora said...

There is a website that will print fabric for you of any image you like - your own photos, whatever. I'm pretty sure it is called Spoonflower.

sewnsew said...

Can't wait for my class on this quilt in May. I am doing mine in all repurposed shirts.

Elaine Adair said...

OMGosh - what a coincidence! I started this quilt yesterday at our AllDaySew (246 HSTs made so far), I did it in blue/white as well, and you are in Bloomington -- I went to college in nearby Normal!!! AND better yet, today I can SEE the slides of all you happy gals have FUN!

Wish I was there!

Lilac Joan said...

What good eyes you have. (All the better to quilt with! lol). I had to search it twice to find the phone book pages.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Wow! For a minute there I got really excited because I grew up on a farm just outside El Paso, Illinois about 20 miles from Bloomington, Illinois, and then I realized you were in Indiana, and the caption was a typo.
Okay, I still love the quilts and photos.

Irene Onderweegs said...

Summertime - daylight saving time... - will come over here the last weekend in March. Still two weeks ahead. Then we can have our evening sips outside again 8^} when the weather works fine.... I always kind of jet lag a bit, both forwards and afterwards. Has been reining all day, and some frost lurks from beneath the horizon, bit of winter again. Love the light for quilting, and the smile of the Easter Bonnies!
From a dark Amsterdam, Love, Irene

Mary said...

Ya, I agree it cuts into my quilting time tonight, but I'll probably be quilting/stitching right up to the stroke of Midnight anyway. That's how most Saturdays go. Yea, you're almost done with this trip and a few days closer to coming out to teach in my neck of the woods- almost. 4.5 hours away. My Easy Street is at my Quilt Buddies getting quilted so I can show it at the Block Party in Portland. Gotta love that friend with a quilt machine who helps me out when my Midarm system isn't working!

Beverley said...

We don't spring forward until the end of March.
I love your blue and brown quilts Bonnie.

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