
Saturday, March 09, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! So fun I nearly forgot!

Today's class is Texas braid!

We have been having such a rip roaring outrageous time that I forgot to send the class photos on my lunch break! :-)

I guess I'm allowed to be a little bit ditzy at this stage of the game – I've been on the road a week with activities every day :-)

This class is so fun – we even broke into song singing "doe a deer a female deer" all the way through After Nola showed us a piece of fabric that she had made costumes from for a production of the sound of music back in the day –

We had lookers coming down the hallway to see what all the singing was about :-)

The photos alone will show you what a grand time we are having!

PS – the gal I am posing with shares the same name with me – we are both Bonnie Hunter! Isn't that cool? :-)


Quilter Kathy said...

Looks like a fun class, and your braid sample is stunning...makes me want to start sewing one right now!

Shanna said...

What a neat quilt! Can you tell me is it from your site or one of your books? Either way do you have a special name for it?? Thanks a bundle you are so inspiring to watch (cam) and read (blog)

Kim said...

Too fun!

Happy Sewing and safe travels

Lisa said...

Look like everyone is have a great time sewing! Another Bonnie Hunter resides in western WA. When she lived in my home town (in another state) I would refer to your blog and someone would say "I didn't know Bonnie had a blog or quilted that much." and I would have to explain,
"No, the other Bonnie Hunter."

Beth said...

Looks like an especially happy group of quilters.

Unknown said...

Would love to make that one !!

Carla said...

What are the odds? Same first and last name.
Looks like a happy and productive group. ;o)

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