
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wandering to Wilkesboro!

Yesterday didn’t turned out like I planned.

But let’s look at it this way --- if I start the day with a pair of broken glasses, it can only get BETTER from there, right?!  And it did!

I got a phone call from my friends Marti and Deb who were on their way from Western North Carolina back home up to Delaware.

 “We are passing through Winston Salem on our way home and wanted to say hello!”

It turned out to be the best thing ever because I use the Optical Department at Sam’s club – was going to need to go there anyway to fix the glasses, and very close by and right off the interstate for lunch is a Chilis I like.  We made plans to meet at 11:30 at Chilis for lunch.

And I got to love on their cute 1 year old boxer mix dog, Maggie…what a cutie pie!

It was really good to catch up, enjoy soup and salad for lunch topped off with a big bowl of chips and roasted corn guacamole ---MMmmmMMMMM!

After we said our goodbyes I ran over to get my glasses fixed.  These are rimless ---and there is a bracket that connects through two holes in the lens, and that is what had come undone.  The tech was able to fix it –I hope it holds until after my next eye exam!  I don’t want new frames now when I’m going to have to change my prescription later – gotta be able to thread those needles, you know?

Before leaving for lunch, I packed Shamu up with everything I needed for my visit to Wilkesboro – Where we met for lunch was 1/2 hour drive closer to Wilkesboro than home---and since it made no sense to go back home only to have to double back again a couple hours later ---a plan emerged.  OH yes it did!!

I don’t have to tell you where I went, do I?  The picture at the top of this post will tell you!

I haven’t done a lot of wandering up in this area, even though it is only about an hour from my home.  But I did a quick search on my phone for antique malls in the area and I wasn’t disappointed.  It’s a great way to take up a couple extra hour’s worth of time!

I didn’t find many quilts --- just this one:

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Circa 1930s!

I love the orange and blue and yellow together.  It’s been used and loved hard ---parts were shredded along the border.  I wonder who slept warm and cozy under this one??

And I had to laugh at a couple items that I would lable “ONLY IN NORTH CAROLINA!!”

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Andy Griffith!

Only in North Carolina would you find a framed picture of the Great Andy Griffith in an antique mall.  He is quite the hero in this area.  But it still brings to mind the question – who had this hanging in their home in the first place and why?!  May he rest in peace --

And this one had me rolling in the aisles:

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Rev BillyJo Truelove?!

Bring yore own serpent, 6pm Sundy Night!

Prayer Warriors are always on duty and standing by $4.00/hr!

Notice and Caution:
The preacher and congregation are not responsible for anyone that gets bit.  If you get bit, the church will stand by you and pray for you.

Also, the same goes for drinking the poison.


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Sweet chair love!

I would have loved to see what quilt this seat was recovered with ---love the mourning grey prints against that solid red!  I didn't take anything home with me from this stop but my giggles and photos.

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Next Stop!  Elkin Antiques!

I almost drove past this one without seeing it.  It’s in a converted old gas station!

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This little iron came home with me!!

I’d been looking for a small vintage iron that gets hot-stays hot for a while…and I wanted one with a rubber cord, I don’t quite trust the ones that are thread wrapped – and this one is in great shape and works.  It says UNIVERSAL on the side.  Price?  $11.00

And that was ALL I was going to leave with until I asked the guy about sewing machines.  I felt safe about asking because I didn’t see any! And then he dropped the bomb – there are 3 in the garage bay outside. 

What could it hurt to take a look??

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Guess what else came home?!? :cD

It’s a singer 500A also known as the “Rocketeer”.  And it does look like a space ship, doesn’t it?  It is in AMAZING condition, as is the table ---Good grief.  It’s still in the van ---- I haven’t told anyone yet.  How am I going to explain this one?! $60.00 in the cabinet.  I may keep the cabinet, I may sell it – it all depends on if I can find a place for it, or swap out another cabinet that I don’t like as well.  Machine heads are easy to store…cabinets?  NOT SO MUCH!  ((Not as easy to hide either!))

I haven’t checked the serial number to date this one yet---I’m thinking early 1960s.  I’m a 1962 baby, and I would love a machine that was born the same year I was.  Have I found it?!

Look for me on Quilt-Cam tonight at 9pm Eastern.  Maybe I’ll have this one in and up and running by then :cD


Debra said...

What a gorgeous machine and cabinet. I hope you can find somewhere for it to fit. Very hard to hide it though. Fabric is a lot easier to smuggle in. I'm very envious of your lovely collection of machines. It would be great to have a machine born the same year as you. I'm a 1963 baby, 60's were a good vintage.


Irene Onderweegs said...

Bonnie, this machine is not a fattening hamburger, nor a big bowl with turtle ice cream, it will not stick to your hips. It's a beauty, it's working and it sits in a table that custom made will cost about ten times the money you spent on it. I know because my husband is this carpenter that could make it.
Just don't feel guilty about buying something you'll enjoy, from the money you did earn and not steal, and be happy to contribute to somebody's livelihood.
Laughing out louder and louder from Amsterdam,
love, Irene

Unknown said...

would love to win a book...I love your blog. feel like I know you personally. you are an inspiration. I am doing you mystery quilt. first ever for me. i am ready for the next step! thanks for your amazing job. judy from Nashville

Nann said...

You haven't told anyone about it yet?
Well, only the 6,000 people who read your blog....

Sweet Woodruff said...

Love the orange/yellow/blue with blush soft pinks. I would never think to put them together. Really prett. And that Rocketeer is fabulous. If you ever come to Dade City, Florida, there is a quilt store on a corner, and my antique booth is on the next block. It's PERFECT for you. :) Come see us.

gmp said...

I guess your secret is out now, Bonnie! This machine and cabinet look to be in excellent condition, and for $60, how could you pass it up!! Don't worry, we got your back, Bonnie! LOL!!!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

I am so envious! I have been looking for a 500A which is in decent condition and does not cost an arm and a leg for months now. You are very fortunate.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

For $60 I would have been ALL over that machine ... it was MEANT to be yours!! Linda

kfr14819 said...

I have a rocking chair like that from my childhood. Need to refinish/re-cover it. Thanks for the reminder!

~Joan said...

What I like about the cabinet is the lid. I like that when it opens, you have some extra space on the right as opposed to all on the left like usual.

Ellen said...

Thanks Bonnie! I lived in this area for 7 years now and didn't know about these antique shops. I will definitely go by and see what they have!

Nanette said...

Love love love the Rocketeer, what a great looking machine, I she sews for ya without having to be repaired. I guess I am going to have to find a good antique mall, you find some of the coolest stuff and funniest, lol.

Hope to see ya on quilt cam tonight!

Nancy said...

You really summed up a lot of the "quaintness" of NC in your travels yesterday! Love it! And that sewing machine and cabinet...what a find! The cabinet is in great shape....I love the ones with the right hand extension in addition to the left hand one. Your day turned out very well after a shaky start!

Nancy said...

You really summed up a lot of the "quaintness" of NC in your travels yesterday! Love it! And that sewing machine and cabinet...what a find! The cabinet is in great shape....I love the ones with the right hand extension in addition to the left hand one. Your day turned out very well after a shaky start!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

The rocketeer looks awesome! And the quilt was interesting. Nice way to kill some time!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

The rocketeer looks awesome! And the quilt was interesting. Nice way to kill some time!

Liz in KY said...

Don't worry, we'll keep your purchase a secret... ;-)


ALICIA said...

JAJAJA !Yo la puedo esconder aquí¡, luego te la mando. y la silla? a mi me ha gustado mucho

Unknown said...

THAT sign in the antique store...I'm 64 y.o. and I wet my pants laughing this morning.Seriously. Have you made any comments about when the next Easy Street clue is coming out?

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Wowzers! You really did have a lemon to lemonade kind of day! You go girl! Love hearing about all your adventures.

Debbie Lou said...

Boy, that machine and cabinet look awesome! I can't wait to see it in action. Good Find!

Unknown said...

wonderful find. I am looking for a blue brother machine. Love the look. I have looked on ebay but really want to find one in my area..oh the hunt is on. lol Hope to see you tonight. love quiltcam and your posts.

One Minnesota Quilter said...

Are you going to need $4 an hour prayer warriors standing by if you keep buying sewing machines and hiding them in your van??? tee-hee ;)

Enjoyed your finds at the antique mall, Bonnie. Have a great day!


Karen (Misiz C) said...

Lol..... you don't need to look on CraigsList. They find their way to you anyway. It makes me wonder how many others are out there waiting to be "found". *grin* I'm anxious to see what you think of her. Hope to catch you on QuiltCam tonight.

Janet O. said...

Thanks for the giggles this morning--the sign and photo, AND the new machine still in hiding! : )

Linda said...

Bonnie did you know that it is only legal to handle serpents in WV. There was a documentary on TV about it.
And also there was a so called preacher in WV got bit by a snake and passed away. His name was Mark Wolford from Jolo, WV.

Aliceart said...

I do so love living vicariously through you as you collect those fabulous sewing machines. Since my goal is to move to a smaller place as soon as is practical (probably ten years due to hubby's job and other factors), I have to stand pat where I am. There are always machines I long to collect, and it's such fun to watch you do it. They are such treasures.

Valerie said...

My first thought when I saw the pic was, OMG, she cannot leave that beautiful cabinet behind--not the mention the cute Rocketeer! Glad it was a good price.

Mary said...

What a beautiful cabinet and machine, they were meant to be loved not stashed away in a garage.

Hedda B. said...

Hi Bonnie,
I have a question sort of unrelated to this post (did enjoy your antiquing day though). This morning I was reading about your Incredible Scrappy Bargello quilt and i just cannot wrap my mind around the part of the instructions about sewing the "tubes" - i just cannot visualize sewing tubes instead of the long strips. I know there is a reason why it may be done that way. Can you shed more light on this for me? I love that scrappy quilt.
Thank you so much.

gail.designs said...

Wonderful find. Love the cabinet too. Keep on collecting and using those babies. You inspire me. I had agreed to stop adopting vintage machines and cabinets for now. Don't quite know how to tell DH that I'm giving myself a Featherweight cabinet for Christmas. I've looked for one for 8 years and when I found it, I jumped at the chance to own it. It is so cute and looks like a little oval top side/end table when machine is stored and I plan to put in it in the living room. I will pick it up before Christmas and post a picture then.
Gail in Verona

Amy said...

What a beautiful machine and cabinet! How could you not bring it home for that price? :)

Kim Andrews said...

Lucky you! At least someone got a machine yesterday. I was going to bid on an Elna Lotus, and completely forgot about it until 10 minutes after the bidding ended. Errrr!

Anonymous said...

Wow, my mouth fell open when I saw the 500A. That machine is on my wish list. And the cabinet is to die for. What a great buy. Nice find.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Congratulations on the Singer 500A! I learned to sew on one of those when I was a kid. My mom still has it and still sews on it. It's a great machine and it looks really cool!


Diane said...

A few months back I found a Windsor Never Lift iron in an antique mall. I think I paid $15 and absolutely love it. It has a metal rod that pops up and down mechanically so you don't have to set it up on the end and worry it falls over. Think Oliso only mechanical. It has settings all the way to Wool, Cotton and Extra Hot and believe me Extra Hot is very hot! This is the first iron ever that I have to dial it down as it gets too hot.

Sandra Henderson said...

Glad you are okay. COOL stuff! So happy you are on tonight, I NEED a Quiltcam fix~! What did we ever do without you?!?!!

Lane said...

There's one last machine on my bucket list...yes, it's the Rocketeer! I love it. Wish I could find one for anything near that price. For this one, I've decided I'm plenty patient and willing to wait until I find it, opposite of my featherweight, which I paid a full price for because I just HAD to have it. Live and learn. Glad they fixed your glasses. Lane

Beth in MN said...

Oh Bonnie, I am so glad to find someone else that has a problem explaining away more sewing machine purchases. Last time, I managed to get it set up in the studio and it was a couple of months before hubby noticed the new purchase!! LOL
Love the iron. I always forget to look for them but I never miss a sewing machine, just never find much in my price range.

Lisa said...

Beautiful sewing table! Great finds.

Kathleen said...

I love the serpent sign! Fabulous. Your blog is always interesting, Bonnie!

Jan said...

LOL and shaking my head. Only you would buy another machine and then wonder where you were going to put it. You are so funny.

Kat said...

This quilt looks modern. What's old is new again!

YankeeQuilter said...

That serpent sign cracked me up! Love the new sewing machine...you can just say you bought a new end table....

sandra said...

That sign is HILARIOUS!!! I would love to post the photo on my facebook page but I guess that is breaking all the rules. oh well. Maybe i could put a link to this page???

Nancy said...

You need a 12 step program girl.....

Shirley said...

I wonder about the two that didn't get to come home with her. They must have been dogs. Or am I wanting to go and just see if they need a home.

janequiltsslowly said...

Love your sweet new Jane Rocketeer.

quiltyVal said...

Wow, $60 for that beautiful machine? A bargain, I believe!

Jevne said...

This is a test because my previous comment doesn't show.

Jevne said...

ok, guess it was because I didn't sign in to google, duh!

Allison in Plano said...

The herd is growing! Hurray for saving the machine from that cold, cold garage bay!!

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