
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Blurry vision!!

This is a view of my world right now!

I have had a small accident with my glasses – or maybe it's a big one!

After my shower this morning I sat down on the bed only to find that I had sat on my glasses!

Don't ask me what they were doing on the bed in the first place instead of on the nightstand – all I could tell was that one temple piece was broken off and everything else was bent to heck!

I'm at Sam's Club right now sitting here at the optical section hoping that someone can help me fix these because I have a program in Wilkesboro North Carolina tonight--

And I am blind as a bat without them!

Worst case scenario? Looks like Santa will be getting me new glasses for Christmas! :-)


Mary Ellen said...

If all else fails, duct tape may be needed. That's the bad news. Good news is that duct tape now comes in many colors and designs, to include animal prints. Can't go wrong with leopard print duct tape on your glasses.

Kathy Biggs said...

Oh my gosh! This blog format SO NEEDS a LIKE button! I can just see Bonnie with her glasses taped up in a scrappy quilt version of duct tape! Great idea for her. LOL

Pattyjoe said...

i can feel your pain. I had to dig to find some olds one until I could get a replacement pair.

Anonymous said...

I am lucky I have contact lenses I can use in case that happens! I normally wear my glasses and cannot see a THING without them. Unless it is like a foot from my face.

Tonya in Wisconsin

Kathy said...

We have a black laborador "teenager" who loves to eat sunglasses and eyeglasses, so I understand right where you are now. Once, when we were traveling; she chewed up my eyeglasses so badly we had to drive 175 miles one way to get a new pair. She's 2 yrs old now, so we're wondering if she'll ever outgrow this fondness.
Good Luck!

Auntie Em said...

Hope you didn't drive yourself to Sam's Club. LOL!

Judy said...

My DH knocked mine off the computer on a business trip and stepped on them about 2 months ago and I bent them back into shape and then off to the optician to get them readjusted. I am trying to get another couple months out of them but the bifocal line in the right lens is not where it needs to be and about drives me nuts so it might be new glasses for my Christmas as well. Good thing I can rely on reading classes from the local dollar store. :)

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I was thinking the same thing, Auntie Em ... plus how will she drive to her meeting tonight! It could have been worse ... she could have been up here in Michigan and had it happen ... YIKES! I have an extra pair of glasses ... always take advantage of those buy one, get one offers whenever I get a new prescription.

Irene Onderweegs said...

Just an advise from an accident prone survivor of the dangling glasses:
In stead of a spare ( just to mention a few things...) car, sewing machine, iPod, television set, needlecase, or even bobbin for the long arm, invest in a pair of Very Light Weight Glasses with Titanium Legs 8^}
The legs will bend back and forth with no problem, and in my case even survived a canfull with paint dropping on top of them.
If the frame of my "frameless" glasses would bend too much, I just get some band aids and tape them directly on my face. Still didn't happen..... even not after all those years.
Best is that they don't go out of fashion, as you don't feel nor see them as a rule.
"hubbs will read the comments"
Seeing nothing outside, from a dark Amsterdam,
Be well,

Jaayimee said...

Labs tend to "grow up" at around 5 years of age so you have a ways to go yet.

Judy said...

I must be "blinder" than you. I always (ALWAYS) have a spare pair of glasses with me in my purse. Sue hope you get new glasses soon!

Jaayimee said...

Labs tend to "grow up" at around 5 years of age so you have a ways to go yet.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

I sat on my husband's once - same thing - they were on the bed. Fortunatel his frames were VERY strong and sturdy - so no problem!

Sandra Henderson said...

Oh my gosh. Maybe a spare pair is a good idea anyways. Keep in your glove box. Since you travel so much alone. Then you'd have them just in case. I have to go get glasses. I am still using dollar store 1.75's. Best wishes

Terri in Texas said...

Being a -9 , I feel your pain! Good luck today...

Michelle said...

Oh, no! :-( I definitely feel your pain, since I can't do a thing without my glasses. And I don't have one of those prescriptions they can do "in about an hour."

The ones with flexible ear pieces are really impressive. We got a pair of those for my middle son and they've even surved being stepped on by an adult, not that I'm going to confess who did it...

Karen said...

Well it could be worse....you could be at the doctors getting the lens removed from areas down south. :-> LOL

sandra said...

Hahahaha!!!!!!! the mind boggles!!!!! Ouch!!!!!

Mary Ellen said...

Karen, that is just too funny. I got a very strong visual on that comment!

Loretta said...

I hope you have an old pair that you kept as a "spare" for times like these.

Terri in BC said...

I can so relate! I used to be a -10, and had a tendency to put my glasses down anywhere there was a flat surface, and many a time I would sit on them. I had laser surgery about 8 years ago, and now I'm a -1.25 plus now I need readers for closework, but I'll take that any day of the week!

HelenMarie said...

Been there, done that!
Unfortunately my spare glasses are very different from my current ones and I had a difficult time until they could be replaced! Hope yours get replaced quickly!

Ellen said...

It was a great program in Wilkesboro tonite! Thank you for coming! You have inspired me!

Sheila said...

I agree with Ellen! It was so nice to meet you, see your quilts in person and hear you talk about your blog and making scrap quilts. I learned so much. Thank you, Bonnie : )

Maree in NC ☺ said...

thanks for that info, Jaayimee! five lab puppies found our family this summer. they're even chewing the boards off of the back of our barn. lol :-o

Linda said...

Oh--I have done that----no fun- and I lost a pair of glasses a couple years ago--the first time I did that...I still hope they turn up someday..... do we mention falling asleep with glasses on and the shape the frames are in after that???

I hope you were able to get your glasses repaired....and that all ended well for you.

kwkaiser2 said...

After having done that twice, I finally learned not to put my glasses on the bed tho' I sometimes forget where I put them. My worst accident was getting them run over. I'd changed to sun glasses & put them in their case. I didn't notice they fell out of the car when I got out. I found them hours later after they'd been run over a few times. The titanium frames were amazing. They were completely wonky, but the optician was able to return them almost to their original form.

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