
Friday, November 30, 2012

Quiltmaker Magazine, Jan/Feb 2013!

There is a new issue hitting your news stands and your mail boxes right about now!

I was very excited for this issue because there are so many great quilts in it.  And as always – it’s like Christmas for me when the magazine shows up in my own mail box because I have NO CLUE which of the scrappy blocks I had sent in for my Addicted to Scraps column are going to show up in any particular issue – I batch send them for the year, and then the creative staff at Quiltmaker decide which one will best fit each issue.

I turned to the page of my column to find that they had chosen a block I’ve nicknamed Ceiling Fan!

quiltmaker 043

Aren’t these cute?!?

Along with our discussion earlier this week on playing with color on color, or playing with light/dark values – here’s one that is a combination of  BOTH.  Two shades of the same color family play in each block…..what a fun way to dig through the scraps! 


I envisioned blocks made with common color families in light and dark values:  Red paired with pink, medium blue paired with navy, and medium brown paired with dark brown and so forth…..go on and do a lighter green with a darker green, a lighter purple with a dark purple, etc…These little blocks don’t take a lot of fabric – and I bet you can’t make just one!

The creative staff at Quiltmaker came up with this idea for a layout:


They’d be great set on point with a plain alternate block as well --- or sashed – so many things you can do with these!

Hopefully you already have a subscription to Quiltmaker.  If not – get one!  Or find this issue at your nearest news stand.  Remember the issue that had Moth in a Window in it – that issue sold out and is no longer available and I am not posting these Addicted to Scraps column blocks on the blog as a free pattern.  You have to have the magazine to get them!

They may end up in a full quilt design for a future book – but being as book releases take a long time to come about, you’ll be waiting a long time ;c)  If you subscribe you'll never miss an issue!

I’ve been sewing away on a book project that I am using a past block from a past issue today –-  I won’t be showing that one until it is published!

I WILL be sewing more Moth in a Window blocks this evening on Quilt-Cam, so join me at 9pm Eastern and bring something to stitch.

See you then!


HelenMarie said...

I am not so patiently waiting for my subscription to arrive! I see the 100 blocks 6th issue in the stores, but not in my mailbox yet :( Hopefully both will arrive soon!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

great layout for that block, it is set in colors ways similar to my Joseph's Coat layout

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I always grab that off the shelf when it is published. They sell out quickly and I missed one edition once ... had a heck of a time finding a copy ... now I just purchase it when I see it ... usually use my 40% off coupon at JoAnn's to capture it ;-) Great issue this time!! Linda

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

The Moth in the Window pattern is on Quiltmaker's website:

Barbara said...

I love Quiltmaker magazine. It's may favorite one. And I really love your block this month.

Mary said...

I subscribed so I have the issue for the Moth in the Window Blocks, YEA! I think my Postal person holds my issue hostage though. My quilting buddy always gets hers a few days before me. :( I like the rainbow blocks in this pattern. Working on Easy Street today so I can go to Colorado!

Jocelyn said...

My Quiltmaker magazine landed in my mail box today. I've not had a chance to look through it yet, but it does look great!

Unknown said...

Got my Quiltmaker magazine yesterday! You're the main reason I keep my subscription!! I always look to see what you have in there first :)

Pati said...

Quiltmaker is the only quilt magazine that I pick up anymore. The others have just gotten to much of the same ol' same ol'. I will admit to browsing through the others at the store and if I see something that sparks me, I'll pick it up, but QM is the only one that I buy every issue. I was just sitting here finishing up another project before I start on Step #2 and was wondering...."what's Bonnie up to?" so I just had to sign on and see! LOL

preludetoaseam said...

Those are so cute! Can't wait to get my copy!

cityquilter grace said...

got mine already!

beaquilter said...

just got mine today and thought of playing EQ with the blocks too, nice to see your layout!

Anonymous said...

I like 'em! Bonnie, do yo see an optical illusion of 3 dimensions in the staff's 'quilt"? I do - love optical illusion quilts.

Looking over Quiltmaker, and any other quilt magazine, have you noticed how everyone is trying to COPY YOU! Seems that your idea of totally scrappy has really caught on ...hehehe!!!

But there is only one Bonnie ;)


AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Love the blocks! Have to get my copy soon. I think I beginning to like scraps. So little pieces with a big impact. C ya 2nite.


Tami C said...

Ceiling Fans are great!!! I love the two different shades of the same color. They work together so well. Great job Bonnie! More and more people are going scrappy and I think we all know why!

Bonnie said...

Awesome as always!

Mary said...

Your just so awesome! Where do you find all the energy to do all that you do? Mind boggling!

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

YAY!! My issue came in the mail today! Quiltmaker is the only magagzine I subscribe to...only because of you, Bonnie! :)

SpotMurphy said...

As always you are so right about subscribing to Quiltmaker! I found the copy of Quiltmaker at Amazon so I can make Moth in the Window, someday. Then I subscribed for the first time and digitally. I hope this way I can at least find my issues. I subscribed for your column, but have fallen in love with all of the magazine. I finally got the recent issue. I have been looking for it for the last two weeks. They can't come often enough. Thanks for all the inspiration. Got to go find QuiltCam. Sincerely, Pat Murphy

tncottagequilter said...

I got mine today! Such a cute little block.It is the best part of the entire magazine and the part I always turn to first. Can't wait to make some of these little cuties..Quiltmaker magazine better really appreciate you... as you are definitely their best selling point. I dropped all of my quilting magazine subscriptions except this one. I really didn't need them because between your freebies on Quiltville and your books, I have a lifetime of quilts I want to make :) Cathy in TN

tncottagequilter said...

Oh, and P.S. I only wish they would use "Bonnie style" instructions. I am so accustomed to her methods with the Easy and Companion Angle ruler that work with precut strips that I am spoiled. Don't want to do it the other way :) Cathy in TN

Nann said...

My copy came on Thursday. I've been busy with Easy Street geese! Meanwhile, Ceiling Fan is fun...easy...and will look SO good with scraps.

Bonnie, how do you come up with the Addicted to Scraps blocks? Just noodling around, or do you have a plan? Do you make up a whole bunch of any one block to see how they'll look before you send the sample? Do they send the sample back to you?

The Calico Quilter said...

Right after I read this post I walked out to the mailbox and there was my copy of Quiltmaker. I'm making a sampler of two of all your Addicted to Scraps blocks in red/white/blue, so of course I had to jump in and do my two new blocks before dinner. I am swapping off the color placement in the two blocks of each pattern so in this case I put the blue corners on the red/white pinwheel and the red corners on the blue/white one. It looks pretty good that way too - just an idea that the blocks wouldn't have to be monochromatic. This sort of "color sharing" links the blocks together and would make a nice four patch at the intersecting corners. Thanks for the column - I have enjoyed making all these different blocks. When I have decided I have enough and assemble the quilt I will be sure to send a link to my blog post with its picture.

Saska said...

this reminds me of the windtowers in our area.

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