
Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov 30th Quilt-Cam Time!

I've really enjoyed the photos of your quilt-helper pets in my inbox!  It's very fun to share them with their stories....This top photo here is Raisen, and here is his story!

Cathy writes:

I was looking thru a drawer of pink fabrics and left it open.
There is only one comfy chair in the sewing room, the first dog in usually takes it and the rest get the floor.

Or, in Raisen's (not misspelled, someone wanted him to be 'special') case, they get creative...
Obviously, Raisen prefers pink!!  And we know they will take over any comfy spot for a bed -- including a drawer full of fabric.  What a sweetie!

I also have to send a huge shout out to Jim and Laurie in Ottowa -- I received a huge gift box today full of Canadian yummies!

Some things ARE yummy and can be eaten!  Maple Cream cookies I remember from our Caribbean cruise adventure last year!  Maple Syrup!  YUMMY!  

Some things smell yummy but can't be eaten --- the whole package smelled like this spiced apple candle...I'm burning it down here in the studio tonight and it smells heavenly!

Some things look yummy but are neither of the above -- I love the pumpkin pincushion -- the button in the center looks vintage, SO CUTE!!  And the two little clothespin ornaments are adorable as well.

Thank you friends for thinking of me!  Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you both!

I'm raring to sew some more tonight ---I hope you'll join me!

What am I STILL working on??

Yes, MORE Moth in the Window blocks!

I need to keep working on these -- I've got a couple other projects going, but I am not going to let this one become a long time UFO -- I'm pushing it through!  Will I finish the top in December? I hope so!

I'm going to hang around an hour or so. Want to join me? Grab a project and come sew!

You can leave a comment in the comment section below, or leave one in the guest book by clicking the blue guest book button in the left hand side bar, While I can't answer them all ---I do pick randomly and try to answer questions as I sew!


Tamara Peer aka Damsels Creations said...

Those flying geese are going to take me longer than I thought.. lol.

Hello Bonnie and everyone.. Gonna work on some more of those flying geese.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon from Queensland Bonnie! I'm eating some fruit and yogurt for lunch as you sew. What are cams? Also I found some fabrics that would be perfect for Orca Bay, so I'm cutting out Orca in between Easy Street ;-)

gmp said...

Is there a problem with quilt cam tonight? I am not getting anything. It just sys still loading.

gmp said...

Just got it - thanks, Bonnie.

debhaupt said...

Maple Syrup in a Can??? How unique...

Tami C said...

I don't remember that little quilt on the wall above you. Is that a new one?

Margaret said...

Great to join you this evening. It's only my second foray into "Quilt Cam". Liked it so much the first time I'm back. Yes, I am working on "Easy Street" but tonight -- hand stitching to add texture to my Final Assessment piece for the City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in Creative Techniques: Quilting. My tutor for the past 3 years has been Linda Kemshall -- wonderful.

I enjoy both the traditional and the contemporary/artistic, and appreciate very much what you do!

Unknown said...

Hello from Alberta Canada Bonnie! I'm in the sewing room and working on a quilt.....love joining you!

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Good evening. What containers do you store your scraps in? Do you rotary cut or Accu cut your 2" strips?

Laurie said...

I'm so happy you received the package safe and sound. I knew you were due for some more maple syrup. The pincushion and clothespin magnets are homemade (by me) :) The Hot Apple Pie candle.. I'm a distributor - among my other jobs.. LOL

Sewing tonight right along with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for quilt cam tonight! I'm sewing away on last week's clue for Easy Street because I didn't get a chance to make any four patches yet.

I have a question - with using men's shirts, is it bad to use cotton/poly blends? I have a few blends that were given to me, and I'm not sure if it makes a difference to use them with all of my plain cottons. Thanks!


Andee said...

Kathy and I are sewing (well cutting at the moment) along with you..we are working on clue two for Easy Street. I might sneak in some moth in the window blocks too!

Unknown said...

Its great that you stay true to what you teach...a nice change. BTW, I'm really into wonky scrap quilts (thanks to you) and I've been working on a moth in the window version. It's such a treat to let loose once in a while!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Hi from an HGTV quilter! :)

Michelle said...

Hey Bonnie...not sure if this is the time for this question, but I noticed you are on Google+ on your profile now. Did switching from the blogger profile help with picture storage? I've heard it solves the issue with reaching your maximum storage space for pictures on blogger. Working on the flying geese!

Unknown said...

Hi from Australia. Sitting here finger pressing foursies for the mystery. I have to reverse sew a few because of my super enthusiastic sewing but I will sit here with you and do that! Cheers Maree

Laurie said...

The button in the pincushion is vintage.. I have my grandmother's old sewing box which must have had at least a couple hundred old buttons, various sizes, shapes, colours. I've been using a few of them lately to make finger pincushions for those of us who do handwork, like Inklingo.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I have cut several 2" strips from my fabrics for the mystery quilt and may have cut more than I need from each of the fabrics. Will most of the quilt be made from 2" strips? Or should I plan to cut different widths?
Thanks for keeping me company while I stitch!

Margaret said...

John Denver, eh? Love your background music!

brookemarie19 said...

I hear you talk about using shirts for your quilts all the time and would love to try that myself. Is there anywhere that I could see what the proper way to cut the shirts to get the most out of it?

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Love your "Ceiling Fan" blocks.....I will be searching for that Quiltmaker issue tomorrow.


Terry Johnson said...

Hi, sewing with you tonight. I am finishing the final 28 four patches then will move on to todays clue. Bought some more white and black fabrics today to have enough to complete the units. Loving the mystery as the colors are out of the box for me.

Mary said...

Hurray, made it for quiltcam! Busy working on my Easy Street, and loving it so far! How fun!

Diane said...

I love the sound of your new 501. That is the machine I learned to sew on. I have my Mom's but it isn't running. I think with making everthing 4 girls wear, wore that poor machine out! But I still love it and look at it fondly when I come in the room.

Anonymous said...

Grrr.... :)...I have just finished thread basting my first log cabin quilt but I am discouraged about quilting it...don't know what to do so I have been scourering the internet for design possibilities...do you have any suggestions? :) Peg from Quebec, Canada...who passed on your quiltcam link to others in my area :).

Carmela said...

Hi Bonnie - just got a few minutes to join in quilt cam. Did you give everyone a tour of your new quilting area? if you did, I'm sorry I missed it. I'm started doing some of Easy Street - but need to get more black on white fabric - so will be behind everyone else - but I'm gonna try to do it!! Carmela in PA

Nancy-Rose said...

Also - to prevent muscle fatigue, switch between sitting to standing. Sew for 20-30 minutes, and then stand up and press your blocks!

Joining you from Guelph Ontario, where we got our first real snow today (and I'm still dying of HOT FLASHES!

Jennie said...

Hi Bonnie...
I am working on my step 2 ...what size on the easy angle ruler are we cutting the white/black strips? 2" or 2 1/2"?

Ptquilter said...

Bonnie, there are 4 of us "retreating" in Gulf Shores, AL sewing with you. I'm sewing on Orca Bay using the twosies to make my four patches for Easy Street as leaders/Enders. Judy S

Christy said...

Bonnie -- can you post a link for the First Saturday Sale?

Anonymous said...

bonnie...does upstream not work on ki dle...janice is watchig on computer but it wo t load on kindle...ed chamness

Heather said...

Hi Bonnie! Love watching you live as I work on Easy Street! Fun! Just wondering if you'll let us know as we go along when we are finished cutting each color as you did with the grey. I like to use the leftover cuts for a leaders/enders project as I go along instead of putting them away and pulling different fabrics from the scrap bin. Thanks for sharing your wonderful patterns! I love that we can sew along with you to others projects like the moth, bowtie, and spool blocks when you are not hosting a mystery! Kinda like a virtual bee!

sawsan said...

I made 33 2.5 inches of paper piecing like u did but i used a4 copy paper am i wrong is it too difficult to remove the paper i know u work over telephongide


Vicki said...

Hi Bonnie, Greetings from Devonport in Tasmania ( Australia). Just finihsed doing all of the flying geese but have yet to do the 4 patches as I have been waiting on fabric. I have also been given a Featherweight 222K that my late Dad had bought and it is in excellent condition so I am learning to use that as well. I have a question, do you need specific needles for these machine or can you use the normal ones we use in modern machines.

Carmela said...

And I wish you had a rewind button - I'm trying to make dinner and listen to Quilt Cam and miss something you said, and think I can rewind! LOL Wish we could tape Quilt Cam. LOL LOL

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie, Mary in Canada here, almost didn't make it tonight as my power went out at 9:09. The laptop kept going but lost the internet. Luckily it came back quickly

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Hi Bonnie, I have just started working on Step 2 of Easy Street. I teach quilting classes at a LQS using the AccuQuilt Go! and thought you might have some followers who would like to know that you can make the flying geese using die #55396 - 3" finished quarter square triangle and die #55319 - 1.5" finished half square triangle. Just thought someone might like to know. Thanks for being you!

I am also working on sewing Moth in the Window blocks!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Hi Bonnie...Florida reporting in but by the time you see this, I'll be gone...Lovin'Easy Street and have recruited at least 4 locals (maybe more) to play along! Thanks so much...now it's time to finish making supper....(I put it on hold for just a few minutes - told hubbs I HAD to take a quick peek in on Bonnie...LOL)

Christy said...

Tomorrow is the first Saturday -- December 1st. My mother will be 95 tomorrow!!!

jackie said...

Video seems to have really slowed down. Audio is fine. Thanks

Carolyn Edwards said...

Hi Bonnie,
I am cutting out pieces for Easy Street as I watch you on Quilt Cam. Is Jane an all metal machine?

Margaret said...

I can't speak...but it's Guelph as in "Gwelf" :-)

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Using solid (moda snow) instead of B/W fabric. Hopefully this will work.

Bev said...

When you pull up the area on Quiltmaker for the "Addicted to Scraps" they show a mock up of a quilt top done in the "moth in the window" block-but not the instructions. Someone earlier had posted that it is available at Quiltmaker site. Just a FYI for anyone looking there for the pattern.

Judy said...

I almost forgot tonight was quilt cam. I have spent the evening cutting out my 'Easy Street' step 2 flying geese and now I am pressing my 4 patches from step 1. Love your music Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie

Just heard you talking about the yard sale Saturday... if it's the first Saturday of the month, that's tomorrow!! Hard to believe December's here already!!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season!

Thearica said...

Just finished creating a Christmas banner for my blog and thought I would come and peek in. We have been gone for 3 weeks and are so glad to be home. I am pulling up a chair and just hanging out and enjoying the company. Hubby turned in early. he must be feeling his age tonight. lol

Sandi Colwell said...

Hi Bonnie!
I just ordered a dry iron and I can't wait to try it out. It looks similar to the one you are using. Do you get good results with it?
This is the first time I've seen Quilt cam- it's nice to hear your voice

Buttonflower said...

You made me laugh tonight! My video & sound aren't synchronized so that while your still matching your seams I hear your machine take off. It doesn't take much to amuse me or else it's the wine.

Louise said...

Doing Easy Street now, using black prints instead of purple, and one of them is a Millenium print!

rivercity said...

Hi Bonnie, were you on the quilt board on Prodigy a long time ago?

Vicky K said...

hi Bonnie
quick question: how do you tell when it's time to change the needle? I usually follow the rule, new needle per project?
Vicky K from Edmonton, Canada

Vicky K said...

hi Bonnie
quick question: how do you tell when it's time to change the needle? I usually follow the rule, new needle per project?
Vicky K from Edmonton, Canada

Vicky K said...

hi Bonnie
quick question: how do you tell when it's time to change the needle? I usually follow the rule, new needle per project?
Vicky K from Edmonton, Canada

Karyn said...

I have a question on my fabrics for Easy Street. My colors are gray/yellow/pink with a turquoise as my constant. I'm curious if my backgrounds should be turquoise on white only (mimicking your black on white) or if mixing in g/y/p/t on white would be more interesting? Thank you! I'm getting ready to cut and catch up!

Katie Ringo said...

Hey Bonnie! Here's a fun question for you:

If you could meet any person alive or dead who would you want to meet?

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, did UStream just lose your feed. while you were reading messages I lost you both on my computer and on ROKU. Ugh! Sometimes I really hate technology.

Becky G said...

Reception stopped abruptly. I went out & came back. It's 10:04. It maybe just me. I'll check back in 5-10. Working on easy street here in NC (Winston). B

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I recently had to go to physical therapy for my back and the doorway stretch that you described is one that I had to do at each visit. It is one that I find that I do very frequently. They did have me hold the stretch for a full 30 seconds for 3 good stretches in a row. I love this stretch.
~June in AZ

Lil Red Wagon said...

Hi There Bonnie
Can you let us know which month and year your moth in the window pattern was published for those of us who might like to put it on our bucket list.
Patti in popsicle cold Calgary,Canada

Nancy said...

Seams pressed open, seams pressed to the side.... To the side for ease or is there another reason? Not pressed open because...?

Stephanie Newman said...

Hi Bonnie, Thanks for the video on mirror imaging the wings for the geese on Easy Street,very helpful.
Am cutting step 2 in roaring summer heat here in Australia, and enjoying your mystery quilt. It is my once a year treat to participate, so thanks so much!!!

Mary said...

LOL...The different colored thread in your quilt tops can be your signature! If it doesn't have multiple thread colors...it can't be an Original Bonnie Hunter!!! Tee Hee Hee!

janequiltsslowly said...

Hi Bonnie. I'm cooking dinner in Liberty Lake Washington but I will be sewing on step two of easy street after dinner. In my first quilting class the teacher said to change your needle with every new bobbin! I never did that of course. Lost the feed here. I'll try back after dinner. Thanks for taking the time to do quilt cam.

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie, we met in Wellsboro, PA when you taught your 'My Blue Heaven' workshop. Im sitting here finishing up the grey and black on white 4-patches with my left pointer finger held up in the air. Lol While rotary cutting these pieces I experienced my very first oopsie in 20 years when I tried to cut 1/4" of the tip of my finger off along with the grey fabric. Im sure I look hilarious sewing up a storm with my finger in the air. It takes more than a little pain to keep me from doing Easy Street along with everyone else. Thanks so much for all you do!

Judy said...

Bonnie, I recently found a pieced top in the bottom of a box that my husband's grandmother gave me before she passed away 8 years ago. I believe it was made by his great grandmother. I need to repair a few mouse holes in it and launder it then I will hand quilt it. she had pieced it all by hand. My question is how do I launder it safely. The fabric does have a loose weave and I am concerned that it will fall apart.

Thearica said...

hmmmm.. I certainly don't do overkill.. I change my needle when it breaks. lol

Andee said...

Not only do I have that bobbin ring, I even have the same blue color! I think it is great you use what you have and if we see some thread in the top here or there, that gives the quilt character!

Hydrangeas to Hollyhocks said...

Can you discuss your feeling about quilt pattern copyrights. I see on your web page you give permission for the free ones.

Tamara Peer aka Damsels Creations said...

When I get mine done, I will more than likely stitch in the ditch. And if I get adventurous, may do something in the "logs" or strips. But that would depend on how wide your strips are also.

Bev said...

BTW, when you go to reboot, all we can see is a black screen and it says "off air"-but the idea of a sign is good!:)

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Hi, Guelph rhymes with swell
So glad my fellow Ontarians are keeping you stocked with maple syrup, it is an essential pantry item.
Doing some hand sewing tonight but back to Easy Street tomorrow. I'm in the Flickr group but I don't have a blog to link.

Cassie said...

I'm with you on both counts...mismatched feed AND easily amused!!

Bev said...

Judy, be VERY careful laundering it! I washed a quilt top my mom made from feedsacks and the outer edges frayed quite badly! If you can stand to work with it, do a basting stitch around the edge first. You will be glad you did!! :)

Sharyn Hutchinson said...

Do you only use 100% cotton thread?

Sharyn in NJ

Carol B said...

Thanks for the videos this morning!! Not a blogger, so how do I locate the flicker group?
Almost done with Part 1, cutting my flying geese for Part 2.
Thanks for all you do for us.
Carol Kent WA

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Hi Bonnie, Helen in Brisbane Australia - still hot hot hot here, nearly finished a quilt I'm making for a Christmas present - yes, I know.... go figure! You have your hubby watching reality..... it's CRICKET, CRICKET AND MORE CRICKET over here! Thank heavens my sewing room is way at the other end of the house - away from the tv!

scrapsgalore said...

Hi Bonnie and all - I, too, am glad to be home and back to sewing after a one week trip to Illinois (hubby's sister was very ill and she passed away at midnight Thanksgiving) We got back Wed night, and I'm trying to catch up on everything, like lots of emails. Sure glad to see your smiling face on quilt cam tonight! I did manage to get all the 4 patches done today, will start the next step tomorrow, I hope!

Tanya said...

Hi Bonnie! The tiny gooseneck light you are using is that New? Looks Awesome!

susan said...

Bonnie the feet on your sew steady look so different from mine. Did you change yours to stand taller or did it just come that way?

judy crumpler said...

Hi Bonnie enjoying you on Quilt can tonite....Try quilt heaven to condition thread .....

Unknown said...

Just finished pressing four patches for mystery! Now on to step 2! Thanks for Quiltcam! It's been fun sewing with you this afternoon!
Cheers Maree

Sherri said...

Hi Bonnie,I have missed quilt cam for th past few weeks,but I have noticed that you have been working on your moth in the window blocks on several machines, I have only been quilting for 5 years.but have been warned by other quilters to stick to one machine for working on blocks for a projectbecause they are all a little bit off fro each other. I am assumng that if you KNOW where your 1/4inch is on each machine it doesn't matter? Thanks!

Nancy said...

Thanks for answering, Bonnie. Thanks, too, for quilt cam and your video earlier today. It was very helpful.

Quilter Kathy said...

Gosh I love QuiltCam! Missed most of it while picking up my daughter from her job, but caught the tail end...so fun! Thanks for sharing with us all Bonnie!

Andrea said...

Hello Bonnie!!
What a beautiful boxer! We have one too. Come visit us times on my blog. There you'll find pictures of him.

Greetings from Germany

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Hi Bonnie, Helen in Brisbane,,,,,, again. I heard on QuiltCam that someone was asking about the pattern for your Moth in the Window block. I was able to purchase a DIGITAL back issue of the magazine so perhaps you might like to mention this on your next QuiltCam. Mind you, I would have the magazine "somewhere" in one of my boxes, files and drawers but it was so much easier to just buy the whole magazine again and get the pattern that way. I'm keen to sew along with you on these blocks, they look like lots of fun. I also have a pile of Hot Cross Bun blocks sewn up using my Civil War fabric scraps, I need to get back to working on those too! Love QuiltCam Bonnie!

Janet O. said...

Missed quiltcam tonight--right during date time with DH. But I have to say I am very jealous about those cookies. Brought a box home with us after a family reunion in Canada last year. My mouth waters just thinking about them. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

It's on the Quiltmaker site as Nov/Dec 2011.

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