
Friday, November 02, 2012

Off to West Virginia!

I so did NOT want to wake up this morning.  I set my alarm for 7am, which does not sound like too early of an hour, but it was past midnight before I went to bed ----just so much to do, and hopefully I didn’t forget anything! 

Projects packed:

Moth in the Window blocks . ((Only as many as I could get kitted up, not enough to keep me busy the whole time))

Wild and Goosey blocks with baggies of crumbs for paper piecing.

Cheddar bow-ties to bind in case I want to sit somewhere cozy and hand sew.

I was wondering if this is enough, and then I remembered --- oh yeah---I don’t get to sew the WHOLE TIME ---just in the evenings after class!  ((And maybe sneak in a little during lunch time?!))  I’ve probably over packed as it is.  But I’m ready no matter what happens!

I want to thank those who took pics at Quilt Market to give me a glimpse of my quilts hanging in the Kansas City Star booth!


Roll Roll, Cotton Boll is next to Talkin Turkey --- and you can’t hardly see them because they blend in, but rolled up on the bottom is Orca Bay and Santa Fe String Star.  I sure would have loved to have been there!  But I’m also glad I chose to stay home and work on the house over the past 2 weeks.  Boy did time fly!

As I leave this morning, I’m remembering to pack up a goodie that came in the mail to me yesterday from Stella in Richmond, VA!

studio 057

Any guesses what this is??  Besides the fact that it looks like a giant flip flop?

studio 056

it’s a “STAY PUT” for a machine foot pedal!

Stella, I don’t have your email address and you didn’t include it in your note – so I hope this will suffice!  I LOVE IT!  I am always fighting with my foot pedal going sliding across the floor –this is going to be great!  I love the non-skid fabric on the bottom, the kind that you put on little kid’s “footie” pjs.  It’s SO CUTE!  Thank You!

PS – Stella said she found the tutorial for this on pinterest, but I haven’t had a chance to go looking for it so I could link it for you.  I think it would make a great Christmas gift for sewers in your circle of friends!

We will be at Pipestem State Park, WV.  I don’t know what the internet connection possibilities will be there.  I have my phone, I can do wifi from my phone if I can get a phone connection , but who knows if there IS a phone connection --- so if you don’t hear from me until Sunday night, you’ll know why.  I didn’t have time to write posts ahead ----I was too busy folding fabric!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh I hope you can find the link to the tute on the foot stop! I use a piece of carpeting, that has a non skid back added. like you put under a chair pad. it is NOT ENOUGH it still moves around, just a little slower!

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Bonnie, go and have fun and enjoy being unplugged...if that is the case. We will all be here when you get back. If you have wifi, then we will love hearing from you! :) Either way, hope you have a GREAT time!!!

Trina Schellhammer said...

Hope you don't run into too much snow where you're going! I wonder when you're planning on quilting your hexie quilt. I miss seeing pictures of it, especially when you're out and about. :)

birdie said...

Be careful in West Virginia. There's still a lot of storm damage there.

Lynmar said...

Have a great weekend. Fiber Art Show at Chicago Botanic Gardens this weekend, lots of Quilts etc. Found a link for the pedal pattern http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/sewing/home-decor/big-foot---pedal-rest-pattern/1393. Hope this helps. Lynda from Chicago

Unknown said...

The Stay Put is so cute. great idea. Hope you have a wonderful relaxed time. you need it after all the work you have been doing. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...


Here's the instructions

Debra said...

lol, you get the coolest mail ;-) Safe journey.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Drive carefully, lots of damage and lots of SNOW too!!

Unknown said...

What a gift. I need one of those. Will have to go searching. Enjoy your weekend

Deb Marshall said...

Hey Bonnie. Enjoy the weekend and relax. Quick question, is "Wild and Goosey" published in one of your current books or coming out in a future book? I love the idea of the little triangle crumbs being used as something more than just the garland I make with them now... would love to buy the pattern!!!! Just purchsed Leaders and Enders and am kitting and sewing my spool blocks...

Deb Marshall said...

Did a quick search on your site... must be a forth coming project. I cannot wait for big reveal!!!!

Sandra Henderson said...

Your quilts are so beautiful! I know they grabbed the eyes of so many. Glad you let us know how the little flip flop worked. I'll have to make some. yes, great gifts!~
EJOY yourself!~

Bev said...

Thank you so much! It is such a cute idea!

Bev said...

You were talking the other night about feeling inferior because your scrap quilts were next to one made from a dedicated fabric line. When I look at the picture I see your quilts and the other one is so pale by comparison! I noticed that this week as I was going through my magazines that the "planned" quilts were so bland compared to the scrap ones! Guess I will stick with my scraps.
Have a great weekend and see you next week.

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so glad you got it! When I saw it on Pinterest I knew I wanted to make one, then I saw you chasing your pedal on the floor so I made 2. I hope it works!! I am going to be testing mine out this weekend! If not I won't mind seeing the fabrics in a quilt one day.. haha. Have a safe trip!

Julia said...

Hey I just found your Blog! It is adorable! Greetings from Germany! http://ask-julia.blogspot.de/

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