
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

A Stop for Antique Mall Hopping!

If you are looking for the Quiltmaker Magazines 100 blocks, vol 6 Giveaway, CLICK HERE!

On Sunday afternoon, on my way home from West Virginia – I stopped where I had always wanted to ---a stretch of highway with 3 antique malls in a row ---

The last time I was past there, I was in a car full of other quilters from Floyd, VA on our way to/from Wytheville to visit Batiks,Etc.  No time to stop then!

On my way UP to West Virginia, I didn’t have time to stop, but told myself if they were open on Sunday on my way home that I just might take time for a leg stretching and wander around!

I mean, come on --- how could anyone resist a name like SNOOPERS?!?

And Snoop I did!

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Oh Boy!  My fave star block!

I loved the black, pink and cream color way, even though there is not one single scrappy thing going on with this quilt. It’s only 3 fabrics --- and NONE of the blocks have ANYTHING turned wrong anywhere. Hey.  I know quilters like this…you might be one of them! LOL!
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Seriously, it was a BEAUTIFUL quilt – a bit pricey ---and all that cross hatching, GORGEOUS!  3 fabrics, and cross hatching with no other designs ----just shoot me now.. but I LOVE IT!  And it’s fun to post this today because I’m teaching my Cathedral Stars class both in Tallahassee, FL and in Albany, GA this week – same block!  CLASSIC!

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Carpenters star!

Speaking of Classic --- I get such a warm peaceful feeling  ((No one start humming “Peaceful, Easy Feeling by the Eagles, please!)) when I see classic quilts with traditional blocks and well known names that look like they’ve lived a good hard life of keeping people warm and comfy through the night.  This is definitely one of those! 

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It’s a perfect combination of “masculine” fabrics and “feminine” fabrics – which means it really did come from the scrap bag of household sewing.  Big floral used in the 4 corners, a double pink print set with plaids and stripes that go every which direction.  PERFECT combo for me!

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Blue and green plaids and a shirting stripe!

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Indigoes, greens and another shirting plaid.

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And the piece de resistance ---HALF BLOCKS!

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A barrel of spools and spindles!

Nothing came home with me on this trip, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy looking and touching and wondering about the life these items have had before they ended up here.

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This treadle had been converted to Electric – they’d even taken the foot pedal off of the irons and the electric foot control is there on the top of the machine.  It’s in the same tiffany pattern as my treadle head --

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1950s 185J!

Someone at the retreat the other day was wishing she had one of these and I should have gotten her phone number or email address – because no sooner had she said that, did I find one here --- this is at SNOOPERS and the machine in the cabinet is only $40.00 so I hope someone goes back for it!  I already have one ---but I love how sleek and so 50s these machines are!  It’s a 3/4 size machine, like the Singer 99k.

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A lovely classic Lone Star!

This one made me smile…it has things that I love to see --- for instance, the blues are not all the same as they go around the star.  Can you see that some of the blue diamonds are a different fabric?  Again – making do.  They just have more personality to me than something that is dead perfect.

I’m hoping for more time to wander on my way to Tallahassee this morning!  Be watching for more posts from the road ;c)

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!


quiltyVal said...

Oh how I wish I was closer - I would love that green Singer!

LindaBee said...

Funny how you should mention no humming because every time I see the name of the mystery quilt, Easy Street, I start singing Lonely Street. Was that by Tony Bennett or Andy Williams? My Mom listened to LPs all day long.

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Of course, as soon as I read "No one start humming 'Peaceful, Easy Feeling' by the Eagles" that is the song that will be in my head for the rest of the day!

Love the Singer 185J. I think it would be worth a trip to get it, especially at that price. Convincing DH of that would be the trick!!

And, OMGoodness, those quilts!! I already have way too many WIPS (works in progress) but now I want to make a Carpenter's Star with all my thrift store shirts!


Carolyn Sullivan said...

I loved that carpenters star! I don't really like the shirting plaids (OMG AM I ON QUILTLEVILLE AND SAYING THAT!) but I didn't like scrappy till I tried it. It was a real reach for me.

As will the Mystery quilt.BC those are not my usual fabric choices. It's a reach for me. AND I'm not c/o, it's w any change comes some uncomfortable feelings. I'm growing w your posts, I love the Carpenters square, and I can't see it in my mind as anything but scrab bag shirts now.

I recognised your fav star block too, and thought, it's so almost monotone! too consistent.... OMG what's happening to me???? LOL

The Old Crow and Little Bird said...

Wow.. I looove the Cathedral Star quilt... I am swooning over the color combination. I MUSSST have it.. haha. If I had time I'd jump in the car right now and buy that lovely green Singer but I wouldn't make it back in time to hide it from the hubby lol. You find some of the most amazing things!

NeverBored said...

Well, guess what song will be running through my head for the rest of the day! At least it replaces the one we sang in choir Sunday. Love the green Singer! If I only had room I think I'd be tempted to take a road trip--a long road trip as I live in NW Wisconsin! I'm betting it gets snapped up quickly by a Quiltville follower after your post.

Loretta said...

I doubt the quiltmaker had the Tri-Recs ruler for that pink/black/cream quilt! How much easier it would have been for her if she had! :)

And that green sewing machine...just shoot me now...I think it would have had to come home with me...sans the table. :) You are a STRONG person to have walked away from that one!

Kim said...

Too fun!
Like a little museum tour for quilts....were any of them signed or labeled?
I always look forward to your antique stops :0)

Happy sewing and safe travels

Quilting Nonnie said...

Fantastic! Those quilts were awesome, I can't believe you didn't buy one of those precious quilts. It just makes me want to keep doing scrappy...

I'd jump at the chance to buy that Singer. I bet some "onnie Hunter reader in West Virginia is going to fly over there and get it!

Kay said...

I'm glad that I don't follow you around. I get into enough trouble on my own. This morning I found another machine on craigslist, a two-tone 301A in a table for $40. I've got it bad.
I just love that carpenters star!! I just know I'm going to have to make at least one.

Janet O. said...

Oh, those quilts! The Carpenter's Star is definitely my favorite, for sure. Now I need to go play with my thrift store shirts!
Great resistance on the machine, Bonnie.
I'll just go about my day now trying to get that song out of my head!!

Leah said...

LOVE the sashing fabric on that Carpenter's Star. I could use about a half bolt of that.

Also LOVE the vintage Singer. That 1950's light aqua is my very favorite color, so I think that little machine is adorable. I'm about 8 states away, though. Hope it finds a good home soon!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I know ... thanks for the "ear worm", Bonnie!!! Linda

Tami C said...

Thank you Bonnie! You are really saving my knees because you are doing all the walking through the antique stores and finding all the wonderful things to look at.

YankeeQuilter said...

I'd say circa 1900 on the Carpenter's Star...nice.

thepiececorps said...

I love perusing your "finds" and ooh how I live that green Singer! Safe travels! B-)

thepiececorps said...

*love, not live!

SueB said...

Bonnie, I was in Snoopers on Sunday. I live down the street from them. I took photos of those same two quilts.

Small world.

Unknown said...

We love Snoopers Antique Mall. Haven't been in a while, but we have found some nice things there. Love the quilts.

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