
Friday, September 07, 2012

Pieced Hexies Preview! ((& Give-Away!))

***NOTE!! The Drawing is now CLOSED!!***

I’ve been blessed to have many talented quilters cross my path ---and my life has been enhanced and enriched by all I have learned from them. I am re-charged by their energy, I am re-fueled by their sense of humor, or their wisdom and understanding. Some I have taught with on various occassions, but no one has crossed my path in more ways than my friend Mickey Depre!

If you’ve been lucky enough to take any of her workshops or hear her lecture, or own one of her other books, you know exactly what I mean!

We met at the Gulf States Quilting Association a couple years ago. A month later we found ourselves meeting up again and teaching for the Virginia Consortium of Quilters. From there we found we were next-door-roomies at the Road to California quilt show in 2011!

I was lucky enough to have her drop in on me this past spring when I came to Illinois – and I got to meet her other hilarious half, her hubby Paul!

And now I get to be honored to give you the heads up on Mickey’s fabulous new book!

You know how *I* Love hexies --- well Mickey’s spin on it leaves me in the dust in so many ways. As her Pieced Hexies facebook page header states: A blank hexie is just a wannabe pieced hexie!

She has taken English paper piecing and set it on it’s ear!

It’s modern,

It’s fresh,

It’s fun,

It’s addictive,

It’s fabulous!

The possibilities are endless!

In Pieced Hexies you will discover the 7 basics.

And from there discover ways to change those and watch them evolve into completely new designs.

Once the possibilities emerge, the ideas do not stop coming!

And in Mickey’s own words….


“A Hexie Quilt does not have to be entirely made of Hexies!

Use your Pieced Hexie motifs as Applique!”

I had a little fun making hexie collages of my favorite of Mickeys designs:

mickey 035


mickey 036

Don’t you love these?!

mickey 037

The techniques are unbelievably easy ---with fantastic results!

Pieced Hexies is due out any day now and Mickey is taking pre-orders on her website.

To celebrate Mickey’s release of Pieced Hexies with Kansas City Star, we are having a GIVE-AWAY!!

Drop me a comment below and I will draw a winner upon my return from South Carolina – I’m driving back home on Sunday and should be home in the evening ---if I’m too dead tired, maybe we’ll make it Monday Morning! LOL!

If your email address is not linked to your blogger account, or if you are signing in as ANONYMOUS you must leave your name and email address so we can contact you. If there is no email address on the person we draw, we will draw someone else!

I’ll be choosing one winner to win an autographed copy of Pieced Hexies direct from Mickey Depre!

I can’t wait to see the quilts you are going to make after seeing this book!

Good luck, Everyone!

***PS*** If you have already pre-ordered Pieced Hexies and WIN, Mickey will refund and cancel your first order so you won't end up with two copies unless you want them!


1 – 200 of 748   Newer›   Newest»
Debra said...

Hexies look great. Would love to play around with some of those designs, Thanks for chance to win the book.


cindyann said...

Never thought to piece a hexie!! Those babies are really cute!

Anonymous said...

Those hexies are beautiful! Cheryl

Deb A said...

Ohhh. Wonderful hexies. I've yet to make one but they are on my 'to do' list!

Julie said...

Love the pieced hexies! They are amazing and look very complicated. I would love to win the book and take my hexies to the next level.


Unknown said...

This book looks absolutely fantastic! Something I can really sink my teeth, I mean needle, into! Thanks, Mickey for a great book and Bonnie for the chance to win!

Karen M said...

These look like great fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

stitchinpenny said...

Love what she did. The question is - what would I be inspired to do?

Anonymous said...

doing hexies for the first time and I´m hooked and those hexies look fantastic

Elinborg D. Lár.

Rhonda said...

What a beautiful spin on a traditional block. I see so many possibilities.

debbie said...

hexies are still on my to do list but these...they are gorgeous! I would love to win a copy of this book, thanks for the chance. By the way, I love your quilt cam. I feel like I am sewing with a friend!

Mayleen said...

I really like those hexies! A whole new look and I can hardly wait to see the projects you can make with them. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to learn this = especially after seeing how much you love hexies.........what a great way to learn !!


Sally said...

I'm starting to think about a hexagon quilt. This might just be the kick start I need.

Sally said...

I'm starting to think about a hexagon quilt. This might just be the kick start I need.

Dena Danielson said...

I have yet to try hexies! Loved the pieced looks! Something new to start!!

Sandy D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacqueline Mills said...

I love it. Her hexies with your piecing technique......perfect together.

Stoney said...

Oh my! Is this crazy? Or is it brilliant? I need to take a closer look!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow those are really pretty. Thanks for the chance to win her book!

Carol nana2@me.com

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to use up MORE scraps!!!! Have a wonderful trip.
Christine, Greensboro

Sandy D said...

I have been seeing a lot of Hexies lately and Have been thinking of giving them a try.This book sure would help.Thanks for a chance to win.

B. Martin said...

These are fabulous. Are you sure that they are easy to piece?

Anita said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! I get so inspired to start with hexies after reading about it so many places on blogland.

horsegal88 said...

Thanks to you, I have come to love making hexies. Since i love to piece too, this book would be awesome to have!! Thanks for the chance to expand my horizons! Cindy in SC

Dianne said...

I would love to try this. Those hexies are wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway. dpickens13@bellsouth.net

Unknown said...

Pieced hexies! Wow what an idea. I just made a quilt and I appliqued hexies on as flowers. Love the way it came out! Hexies and batiks what a concept. Faith

Robin said...

Wow, that book looks awesome! What a great modern spin on an old favorite!!!

Beulah said...

Beautiful! They look like jewels from a royal treasury in some exotic faraway land. Breathtaking! Wow! Awesome! I want to try some, alone, out of sight with hours and hours of practice! But you said this book simplifies everything! Wouldn't these be grand using the rich colors and various tones of fall?

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I have fussy cut hexies. But hadn't thought to actually piece a hexie. Talk about a labor of love. Rosemary

Tina Craig said...

Oh how fun! I need this book! If I don't win one. I'll definitely be buying one.

scrappy101 said...

These hexies look Hex-licious. Thanks for the chance to win.

Janet said...

I have been working on a hexie quilt for years. Maybe I need to work a bit harder? This book looks great! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Jeanne said...

What a great book to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

CarolF said...

I would love to win this book and learn how to piece hexies. Have not tried hexies yet, and this would be a fun way to learn as Mickey's technique surely jazzes them up! Thank you both for.this give-away!


Mary Jane said...

Love the "new" hexie designs. They are beautiful and look fun to make.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I would love to do the pieced hexies and use them as flowers in an applique border. I think that would be just stunning!!! Congratulations on the book Mickey!

Harmany Quilting said...

What do I do when life gives me scraps? I make hexagons. Thank you for the opportunity Bonnie.
Nicola in West Australia

Anonymous said...

Seeing another level of Hexie Addiction on the horizon! Please add my name to the wannabe winner list.

Thanks also for sharing your friend's book info with us all. If I donot win the book, I surely will buy one. How many thousands of years will it take to make every quilt we want to make? ;)

Have a good one

Michele said...

I've been waiting for her book. Sure does look like a fun new approach.

Linda Bee said...

Hexies are on my bucket list. I would love a book to stimulate creativity.

Julie in GA said...

I am just finishing up my first hexie project. I love the look of Mickey's designs.

momto1 said...

Good grief - you only posted this 41 minutes ago, and there are already 37 comments - now 38!!

Love those hexies! Looks like a great book!

Laura said...

Wow! Those sure are cute and might even tempt me to try paper piecing again!!

diegoagogo said...

I have been hedging around the edges of the hexie phenomenon & have yet to jump on the wagon.
This book could make me dive right in!! I love the different approach.
Count me in for the chance to win please.
Many thanks

Beth Q said...

Just started making hexies a couple of months ago. I am totally hooked. This looks like a great book. Lots of possibilities and inspiration for sure!

Maggie Szafranski said...

Love Mickey's stuff!!!

nami11 said...

love the look of pieced hexie's and would be delighted to win a copy of Mickey's new book.

Unknown said...

Her Hexies are beautiful! I tried English Paper Piecing once and unfortunately I failed horribly ;) I would love to try this one out! Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing all this with us! You're a great inspiration (and so are your friends ;) )

Pat Converse said...

Love the look of the pieced hexies. Thanks for the opportunity.

Meg E. said...

Wow! Pieced Hexies! How much fun is that going to be! :)

Andrea said...

I love this idea - as a big fan of hexies I just know I really need this book. Thanks for bringing this to our attention xxx

Annette said...

Would luv to try these new hexies....I've only been addicted for a very short time, but just luv them. Good luck with the new book Mickey.

Shifra G. said...

Awesome and amazing.I'd love to win a copy. Thank you for the opportunity. I love following your blog too. I've learned alot.(mandmgold@yahoo.com)

Ptquilter said...

I'm game to try another technique. Cute!!

Mrs MomMegan Craftsalot said...

I love to travel with a hexie kit. I can't wait to get my hands on this book.

judyjj said...

"Pieced Hexies" are GENIUS.

Chris said...

From one hex-agonist to another....

Pleas add me to the book draw

diane said...

What a neat idea with hexies. Yes always something new in the quilting world isn't there.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this twist on hexies! Can't wait to try them.

PS - WRT your lament on the boring bow-tie assembly - why not assemble them as leaders / enders? I did an entire queen-sized quilt that way after reading your book. Even included the borders (which might be considered a stretch :) )

Katie Teague - kemteague@comcast.net

Tina in NJ said...

Ooh,don't those look like fun! Even if I don't win, Christmas is coming...

Lesauri said...

Count me in, they look very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I discovered Mickey Depre when I did a sampler quilt featured on the Fairfield World website and one block was her design. I fell in love with her work! Very innovative. I'm definitely intrigued by these hexies and would certainly enjoy winning her new book!
Elaine in MA

Unknown said...

I am totally addicted to hexies--can not wait to see the new book-I don't leave home with our my little project case to work on while road tripping!

Coloradolady said...

These are great! I really have decided I want to learn to make Hexies! Thanks for the chance.

sewkalico said...

Oh my golly-goodness-me!! What an amazing looking book. What an inspiration!! I love my hexies and my pieced hexies too, but these take the cake - They are awesome!! I'd love to win this book as it's the only way I'd get it 'legally' in the house! My husband is NOT my hilarious other half and has banned me from buying any books until I get my sewing stuff under control!

Dot Moore said...

Love these. What a great book.

Anonymous said...

Oh this looks soooooo exciting! I just saw a fantastic hexie demo at my most recent guild meeting, which made me want to go home and start making some immediately! Now I see this and I'm totally blown away, lol. This is so cool, I definitely need to own this book whether I win it or I buy it. Thanks Bonnie! Cheri cuffmail@aol.com

Deb said...

I still haven't gotten up the nerve to try English paper-piecing, but maybe if I had the book I'd be inspired! Thanks

gmp said...

This book is amazing! I never thought of piecing a hexi - what a fantastic idea! Would love to try her technique.

Jane said...

Some people are so creative! Looks like fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

Marj said...

I am wowed by how the pieced hexies look and amazed that it was not thought of before. I would love to have an autographed book.

cheryl randleman said...

This book looks very interesting!! I have a hexie project in the works and many more in the "planning" stages -- I could add to my list!! cherylrandleman4@gmail.com

Kay said...

I have hexie love and EPP love, being English that is probably a good thing. Thank you for a great giveaway this looks such a perfect book to have.

Linda LaRose said...

This book seals the deal! I've admired a hexie quilt my best frriend did - now I'm sure I will do one. What amazing possibilities!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Laura said...

I love the idea of using hexies as accents on a quilt.

kt said...

I have not yet tried hexies, but have been wanting to. Now I really need to try it--this book looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

Terry said...

Now I know what to do with my tiny, tiny scraps!!

Shelley said...

Would love to win this book! I'm totally addicted to hexies. Thanks for a chance to win.....

Sherry said...

Possibilities are endless with this new cocept to an old and respected technique. Kudos to her and the rest of you wonderful quilters that bring us new fresh ideas and techniques!!

Hilachas said...

I would SO love to own that book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Sue K said...

Oh my gosh would I love to have this book. I've been piecing a GFG, and am almost done. I'll need something else for hand work, and these variations would be awesome.

Gwen said...

Who would have thought that piecing the individual hexies would lead
to such fantastic designs. Guess that is why you are the experts
at what you do. This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing this with us,
and the chance to win.

bertiequilts said...

I have been watching on fb as Mickey has been showing her hexies during the summer and I am hooked on what she is doing... I am working on 2 Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts but she is definitely taking the process to a new level... would love to win her book

Judy said...

Looks like a great book.

Dee Roth said...

Wow--what an innovative idea! I've been doing just plain, regular hexies for about a year--I use them as handwork to do if I'm on vacation or waiting for my mother at the doctor's. Not sure I'm ready for this level of complexity yet, but I'd like to try.

beaquilter said...

awesome. looks fun

Sue K said...

OMG...what could be better...scrappy hexies?!?!?! I love love love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What an interesting look of the hexie flowers. I love those ideas. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of her book.

Diana said...

I love Mickey's designs and love yours as well... perfect combo!

Colleen said...

It's one of those ingenius ideas that makes you think - why didn't someone think of this before? My friend and fellow quild member has been doing hexes for a while now and if I won I would give the book to her (I know she would share it with me).

Unknown said...

All sorts of possibilities are flying through my head! I can't wait to try it!

~Kris~ said...

I love this technique. My one and only hexagon project used pieced hexagons and it gives so much more dimension to the design. Count me in.

Sandi Colwell said...

Love love love!!! So inspiring! Would love to win the book!

Frog Quilter said...

Would love cot get my hands on this book. Very interesting.....

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't know hexies could look so cool.
Jan T

Anonymous said...

A whole other world! Would love to win a copy!!


Krista said...

What a lovely idea. The quilts look great, and I'd love to have a copy of this book.

Glady said...

I'm going to get this book for my daughter. She is just learning the English paper piecing and will love it. Then, like Colleen said, she can share it with me.

Anonymous said...

What a great new and fun idea for hexagons! I have the hexie quilt my mother-in-law made when she was a teenager...she called it Diamond Mine...it was well loved (as in tatters now). I believe this is the only quilt she every made. Unlike my MIL I make quilts all the time and am constantly trying new thing and ideas...this book looks something I should try!cmjbbja@aol.com

kerrylynn said...

This book looks absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win!

teachpany said...

I would love to try this. It looks fun!

Karen said...

Never would have thought you could do so much with hexies!!

teachpany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kerrylynn said...


kerrylynn said...


Terri said...

I would love to try this technique. She sounds like an AMAZING and creative quilter. Someday I hope to take a class from, but reading the book is a must. Thanks for the chance.

Ruth said...

I love hexies and English Paper Piecing, and I'd love to own this book. Talk about hexie heaven.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how fun! This sure does change them dramatically.

kmen3035 (at) hotmail.com

regan said...

Holy cow!....those look like fun!

Unknown said...

You are always so generous with sharing information of other great quilters. I am always learning from your blog and web cam. Your Hexie pics really inspired me. I would love to win this book.
Thanks Bonnie for all you do for us quilters.

Chris Jensen
Austin, MN

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that looks like fun. I had seen several quilts recently that used hexies as applique on quilts and thought I might be more likely to use them for that then doing a whole quilt. Would love a win.

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is inspiring. Talk about not being able to throw away any slivers and scraps because they can be used in these wonderful hexies! Thanks Bonnie for bringing this to our attention. Looking forward to winning or purchasing the book.
Ardis in TX

MTgranny said...

Looks like a great book and resource for creativity. I am working on a couple of hexi projects in my "spare time". Have a great trip to SC. Thanks for the wonderful blog.

Missoula, MT

Helen said...

Ohmygosh, Bonnie...this would be supercalifragilisticexpealidocious to WIN this fabulous book!!!

There are a couple of hexie quilts in my NEAR future and the inspiration from this book would just be fantastic!

***fingers crossed, eyes crossed, legs crossed***

MaryBeth said...

My goodness! These are fabulous! thanks for the chance to win.

Suzy said...

Oooohhhh, me, me. Yet another way to have fun with hexies! I need something to do on my bus trip to Houston for the quilt festival. Yes, 16+ hours just on the bus, not including stops. Not quite as bad as your Bali jaunt, but still crazy. Lol! This would be a fun alternative! :o)

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Yes those are fabulous Hexies! and they look like a lot of work. still I think I would like to have that book.

osuzanna said...

Love Hexies! The new book looks very interesting---love to have it!


Candy Jung said...

How cool! Great hand projects to do while the grandkids sleep and I babysit!!!! I hope to win! :-)

Kathy S. said...

I'd love to be more creative with hexagons. Thanks for the chance to win.

Pauline said...

You just taught us hexies--now this! The shading/coloring possibilities are beautiful! I love color!

MRZ said...

I like hexies -

MelissaSue said...

Oh boy, those hexies look so fun! I think I just heard a bunch of projects get dropped into the UFO bin so we could all try our hand at these new hexie ideas!

Cowtown Quilts said...

Mickey is one of the sweetest quilters I know. I love her whimsical style and her fun personality. You are lucky to have her as a friend.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this book. . .I might even share it with my mom!

Anonymous said...

Wow! These hexies are fabulous! Hope I win this one!

Brenda Evans

Jan said...

It was our guild in Illinois that Mickey and her husband stopped in at! I love hexies and have several projects in the works. This book looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Wow would I love to win that book I have so many ideas running around in my head and they are all in batik of cause. Thanks for the chance to win.
Lesley Australia

suz said...

Hexies are a great grab and sew project and very relaxing...this would take them to a whole other level. The book looks great and has been added to the Christmas list! Thank you both for offering the opportunity to win it!

ledamewood said...

Your endorsement is all I needed, but the concept looks really fascinating. Opens a lot of new possibilities. Please include me in the drawing, I'd love to read her book and give this a try.

Louise in Iowa said...

Those hexies look like fun, fun, fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

S. Kay said...

Looks interesting, can't wait to try hexies!!

Kristy said...

Wow! Those are gorgeous, imagination, and down right fun! I'd love to win a copy of Mickey's book!


Sharon P said...

I would love to win this book - what a great way to take hexies and make more of them! :D Thanks for the giveaway!

Kristy said...

Imagination=imaginative ... stupid auto-correct on my phone. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a just the inspiration I need to continue working on my own hexie. I have been stuck trying to figure out how to proced. This has given me new ideas! gbrotman@comcast.net

quiltyVal said...

I have never done hexies before, but I have been wanting to learn. Her book would come in handy!

Lolastitchida said...

Wow so gorgeous! I would love to win this book! Thanks so much for the opportunity. Love hexies!

Barbara on the Eastern Shore said...

Hexies are a fantastic project to do in the car.
I commute to work over 100 miles a day. Fortunately, my husband drives. Thank you for the giveaway. Good luck everyone!

Mtntop Quilter said...

Wow what a fresh new look for hexies. Now I really want to get started. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

Teresa in Music City said...

Yes! A fresh new look at hexies!!! I'd love to win the book and play around with some of her ideas. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I have done hexies but never saw pieced hexies before. Amazing! They sparkle!
Jean Dodrill jeandod67@yahoo.com

piggy1004 said...

I love to do hexies as they are so portable. Work on mine whenever am at Dr office or on vacation. My granddaughter (4)loves to play with them. Please put me in the drawing.

Carla J said...

Wow, those hexies look fabulous, and might be come a bit addicting.

Debbie Quilts said...

What a cool idea! Love love love them!

Unknown said...

Don't know if my e-mail address is showing or not: julietta.delarco@gmail.com

Kathryn said...

I'm a hexie lover, but never thought they could be so beautiful!! I'd love to try out her ideas. Thanks.

Sandy said...

Always wanted to make one of these, but never knew how. I think this would be great fun! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Sandy Hubbard

Anonymous said...

This is such an interesting idea! I love seeing books with new ideas and techniques.

Ava K said...

Pieced hexies! Now why didn't I think of that? Would love to try it... Thanks Bonnie for introducing us to a new obsession! Ava in PA avajkeeler at gmail dot com

piggy1004 said...

I love to do hexies as they are so portable. Work on mine whenever am at Dr office or on vacation. My granddaughter (4)loves to play with them. Please put me in the drawing.

piggy1004 said...

I love to do hexies as they are so portable. Work on mine whenever am at Dr office or on vacation. My granddaughter (4)loves to play with them. Please put me in the drawing.

Nedra said...

What a fabulous book! Count me in!

Jackie said...

Love hexies - and am learning to use them on everything! This sounds like an amazing book - thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous, fun hexies--talk about thinking "outside of the box"! Thank you for the chance to win and for all you do for all of us quilters in such a giving way.

Kasey said...

Wow, that makes plain hexies seem so tame! I'd love to win (as would we all). It would be a good project to keep me occupied as I recover from my first marathon, which I'll be running in 8 days. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I just started doing Hexies. I love them and do them while reading my mail in the morning. I would love to recieve this book. it looks so interesting.


Missy Shay said...

I would love to win this book! I am sewing my first hexie quilt right now, but it is traditional sewing, I would love (? more like scared) to learn English paper piecing.!

Anonymous said...

I love the look of these hexies. Can't wait to try them.


Anonymous said...

I love hexies and these are fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Would love to learn to make hexies the modern way!


CheleLew said...

Oh I would so love to win this new hexie book. I haven't gotten on the hexie wagon yet, but you all inspire me to start this never ending project. :)

Gill said...

This looks a great book! I would love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to start a hexi quilt. It's my travel and hospital project. I would love the challenge this type of book would give me it's a whole other way to look at the little hexi Thanks for being a giver of your time and talents that inspire us all

Candace said...

I agree, these hexies are fantastic. So fun. I would love to see the rest of the book. Also love following your blog. Thanks for all you do.

Dana said...

What an awesome idea! I am working on the Insanity quilt now and have become totally addicted to hexies (a good thing, since there are about 11,000 of them in the project). I would have never thought to piece hexies - looks like a great book!

Jennie said...

Those are just the most awesome hexies I have ever seen! Can't wait to see how they are done. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book Bonnie!!

Ellie said...

These look like lots of fun! Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a fabulous concept! I love making hexies. I call them hexie chips - they are like potato chips, you just can't make one! Would love to win this book so I can learn another wonderful technique and another way to use my scraps.
Take care,
Karen W.

Trina Schellhammer said...

Really gotta get on the hexie bandwagon. I LOVE to hear you talk about making the most of your "wasted time" while working on them - everywhere. :)

Gra said...

Unbelievable work!! Count me in, please!!

Anonymous said...

Unlike most of the posters, I've had no desire to make a hexagon quilt. Until now. What a great twist on a classic. Thank you and Mickey for a chance at winning this book.

Mieneke P.

Anonymous said...

I'm always interested in learning new ways of making traditional patterns. Sounds so exciting although I have loved making my hexies by hand, sort of a hand piecing technique that my beloved grandmother taught me years ago. Wishing your friend the best with her new book.


Anonymous said...

Our guild had a luncheon several years ago and Mickey was our guest speaker. Her work is fantastic and I love these hexies!!! Never would have imagined them like this! Good thing quilters like you and Mickey think outside the box for the rest of us!!! Have a safe trip! Laura Valdez ninepatch@hotmail.com

Judy Snider said...

What a wonderful book, full of great ideas!! Would love to site and dream over this book.

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I have really wanted to try hexies after seeing you with yours, but this really wants to make me learn how to do them....I can see it already.....pieced hexies with green hexie stems and leaves.....wou, my mind is really working overtime on this.

Cathi said...

I would love to learn how to make Hexies.

sue said...

Wow! what a great twist on our old traditional hexies! She has done for hexies what you have done for our scraps! These are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that looks great. I would love to try this challenge . It truly gives the little hexes a whole new look. I am working a small project of them now. It's my travel project for hospital. I seem to spend a lot of time there. Thanks Bonnie for giving of your time and talents. You are a true giver and inspire me to step out of my comfort zone to try new things .
Donna Gauch

Mary Ellen said...

I would love, love, love to win this book. What a fresh new idea!

Sherry Walker, schoolnu76@gmail.com said...

What a neat idea, it makes my hexes look so plain. Have a safe trip, Bonnie!

Mary said...

Wow! These are amazing! And beautiful! I can't imagine all the tiny pieces, but sure would like to learn more about it. Thanks for a chance to win.

Deb said...

I started a hexie box a few months ago - and love the ideas that you have posted and are in the book.

Cathy Tomm said...

I just started a second Hexagon project and would love a copy of this new book, thanks for a chance to win it.

Cathy T said...

I love hexies and would love this book.

Elizabeth said...

Bonnie, I am usually proud of my blind hem stitch; but when I recently tried joining some hexies, I did not like how my stitches showed. I need some tips or to take a class. Maybe if my hexies were as creative as Mickey's, I would not mind seeing my stitches joining them. I would love to win a copy of her new book. Thank you for all your inspiration for design possibilities, sewing and quilting.

Louisa said...

Exciting idea! I'd love to win.

Sherry said...

I haven't gotten that far into hexies yet. . . .but I think it will be a great portable project (after I finish some of my UFO's).

Barbara Black said...

Fantastic, contemporary twist on ancient designs! And I think your hexie project is, at least in part, responsibile for the hexagon revival in our world. You've taken this around the world for 10 years and thousands have seen it. Bravo!

Debbie said...

I love making and collecting anything with hexagons! These pieced hexagons are such a great idea. Have a good trip, Bonnie!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

What a terrific idea! I'm still just a hexie beginner, but I'm having a great time with my plain ol' one-color ones! I'd love to win this book!

Anonymous said...

I really like the creative pieced hexagons in Mickey's new book. Your hexagon project has been an inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity. I thoroughly enjoy your blog.
Karen Pryce prycek@mymts.net

Patti said...

Hexies are all the rage right now and these pieced hexies are just fabulous! What a great book! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sheila said...

I have been playing with "candied hexies" over the past few months , and love all the varieties that can be achieved. This book takes it to a whole n'other level , and by hook or by crook this book will find it's way to my library

Charlotte said...

Hey Bonnie, count me in. Those look like fun to make. Have a great time in SC. I hope to see you Sun.

Marilyn W said...

Hi Bonnie! I would LOVE to win this book. I've been wanting to do a hexie quilt for a while now. The pics are SO inspiring. I can't wait to get my book in the mail!

Thanks for doing the give a way!!! Hope you had a good time in Bali. The posts sure indicated that. :)

Marilyn in MS

Mrs T said...

What a great book! I am working on a hexie project as I travel since I started following you on the web. The first project will probably be a people size quilt. This book would be great to see how to implement fabric design into the hexies. Anne

Mary Burn said...

Love, love hexies. This book would be a great inspiration to try something new with hexies. Thanks for including me in this great opportunity.

Brigitte said...

puh, # 199 - little chance, but I have to try to win this fantastic book. Otherwise I have to buy it ;-)

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