
Saturday, September 01, 2012

12 Days of Show & Share! Day 12! ((FINALLY!!))

It’s the last day of 12 days of Show & Share! you know that if you change the accent on the word FINALLY you have FINALE, right? :cD

I spent days combing the email archives finding the photos that I thought would motivate and inspire you to either pull out a long neglected UFO, or encourage you to dig into your scraps and try something new! I am always motivated by the colors and fabrics I see other people using ---and love how different each quilt can look when things are switched around!

Today we have some really exciting color combos for you! I hope you enjoy them.

I showcased Lorraine B from Australia several posts back. I didn’t recognize her email address until I was uploading these photos. The woman is a BUSY QUILTER!

She writes:

Hi Bonnie,

Thought you might like to see that I won first prize with my double delight quilt in my local CWA Mornington Peninsula Group Craft Exhibition which was held last weekend.

Kind regards,

Lorraine B

Frankston South, Victoria, Australia.


Lorraine’s Double Delight!


And here is a close up of the card attached:


She won First PRIZE!!!

((Not sure I could resist touching it, could you?!))

Lorraine, your quilt is LOVELY! I’m so happy you shared it with us!

The next quilts are so special, as is the story that goes with them. I needed tissues for this email.


Nifty Thrifty Quilt given to Cole, Oct 1, 2010 made from his dad's shirts.

Quilt pattern is featured in Scraps & Shirttails.

Linda writes:

Hi Bonnie, my name is Linda R and right now I cannot get downstairs to my quilt books because of surgery on my leg, however, I would love to show you a quilt I made from one of your patterns in "Scraps and Shirttails". I love how it turned out.

A young man 38 years old passed away and his wife gave me his oxford cloth shirts to make a quilt from. There were 83 in all.

I took the logos for the block centers and worked from there. Attached is a pic of the quilt the day I gave it to his son and a couple of close ups.


Close up of Cole’s Nifty Thrifty Quilt

This pattern could not have worked out better for what I wanted to do. It is so GQ for a guy, don't you think.

Thank you for your wonderful patterns.


Linda R


ps. I also threw in a pic of the quilt I made for his daughter from his shirts. Not one of your patterns but thought you would like to see!!

Of COURSE I would like to see! 83 shirts. Wow. I wonder how many memory quilts could be made from 83 shirts. That’s a lot of fabric! Thank you for taking the time to do this for these precious kids. Fabric has memory, and knowing the quilts are made from the shirts their dad wore will keep his memory close at hand as they grow!

And our LAST Show & Share!

Come on down, Margaret C!

Pineapple Blossoms

Margaret’s Pineapple Blossom Quilt!

Margaret writes:

Hi Bonnie,

I just love your system for organizing scraps – it really appealed to my sense of order, so I totally went for it and continue to use it, although I must confess that sometimes the scraps take on an alter-life and it is a challenge within itself to keep them tame!

Well, since my bins quickly began to overflow I hunted for the perfect project and turned to your wonderful site and decided on “Pineapple Blossom.” I went with 2.5” strips as that bin was overflowing, plus the nice collection of bricks in the same width…. Picked out a neutral & off I went. I started off innocently enough. 2 -4 blocks between projects, was feeling pretty good about myself and had managed to complete 16 – 12” blocks in less than a year, but the scrap bin had gone insane. Lo, and behold, along came the “Scrap Quilt Challenge” on Facebook and it was just the ticket! I pulled out my blocks & by bins of precuts & off I went! So, in just 2 months I have now completed my scrap quilt.

Oh, the bins grew so fast that I also decided to add a French Braid to the border. All in all, it is all from my stash & scraps and I believe it turned out just stunning – and it is HUGE! It finished at 94” x 94”. I opted for 36 blocks as I wanted the layout to be as it turned out.

Thank you for such a wonderful idea!


There you go folks! When the scraps threaten to overflow – GET SEWING!! I just love her attitude, don’t you?

As this posts, I’m hopefully slumbering deeply at my hotel near LAX! My flight home is at 1:20pm so I better not sleep too late – gotta get BACK to the airport ((UGH!)) and get this weary girl home!

Next post? FROM THE HOME FRONT! ((Maybe with Iphone-o-grams on layovers along the way))

My red ruby slippers have been clicking from Bali to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to LAX – and they won’t have any rubies left to click by the time I reach Washington/Dulles! By the time I reach Greensboro I’ll likely be barefoot ;c)


Anonymous said...

Just love the quilts, and the stories that go with each make them even more special. Thus it goes with truly handmade things. Each has it's own pre-life! We quilters will always make a quilt when there is a family need. And also take on challenges that spark our minds, heart and what talent each quilter has.

Glad to see someone else's scrap bin going at night! Therei s no way I have cut THAT many pieces either LOL

From Bali to NC is not only a long trip --- it is a cultural trip. Isn't it great to see how others do things? I love traveling. That said, "There is no place like home ToTo!"

Smiles and warm hugs

Anonymous said...

Dear friend Bonnie, while I type this I hope you are sleeping comfortably, albeit maybe not in your own bed. I have so enjoyed the lovely quilts from your 12 days of show and share. What magnificent products from small bits of fabric. All fantastic quilts from fabulous people.
Hope the jetlag doesn't keep you down long.
Love ya...
Faye in Maine

beaquilter said...

lovely eye candy

susan said...

Margaret -- your version of pineapple blossom is stunning! I love the design, layout, and border. Its beautiful!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of these amazing quilts while you were soaking up the essence of Bali! The quilts and stories are truly inspiring! Wishing you safe travels on the last leg of your journey and time to recharge before your scoot back out on the road! I just finished a Many Scrappy Trips quilt using your tutorial and I'll share it with you soon! Thanks again and welcome home!

cityquilter grace said...

welcome home to good old USA....

Gisele Bourdon said...

Loraine B.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, thank you for taking the time to create all these 12 days of share and show. I have so enjoyed them. But ... and there always is a but, isn't there ... I need more hours in the days and more days in the weeks, etc. to make all the quilts that you have inspired me to make. Yes, my bins are overflowing and my sewing machine is working overtime, but there just isn't enough time! While you were in Bali, I have completed my Blue Ridge Beauty (in reds) top to be given away as a QOV and have made 2/3 of another top. But there is still so much more I want to do. All I can say is ... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all you do and share with us. It is so appreciated.

Janet O. said...

What a wonderful story about the quilts from the Dad's shirts. Very tender.
Welcome back. Bonnie. I've enjoyed Bali--especially the sunrises. I must also say, I love Batiks, but now I respect them, too.

Kelsey said...

I am in love with Margaret's Pineapple Blossom! It is amazing what a difference the thinner sashing strips make. Wonderful job! Thank you, Bonnie, for your continuous support (and resources) for all quilters.

Karen in Kentucky said...

These are just gorgeous! I have loved each and every quilt you have shared while on this trip! I've even printed several of the patterns to put on my bucket list!! These pictures are so inspirational to us.

Linda, having lost my husband in 1997, I wish more than anything I had kept his shirts back then. I was not a quilter and it never occurred to me to make something from his things.
I cannot imagine how much this quilt means and will always mean to these children and their mother. Bless you for making these quilts for them.

Karen in Kentucky said...

p.s. Bonnie, the picture that begins this page is just spectacular. The contrast of colors between sky and earth are wondrous. I hope this is one of the sights you experienced on this trip.
If I had this picture, I would have it blown up to poster size and hang it in my quilting studio to remind me of the wonderful time I had. Soooooo happy for you!!!

janequiltsslowly said...

I've loved every one of these Show & Tell posts. Lovely quilts. Love the quilts for the children who lost their dad. How wonderful!

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