
Friday, June 08, 2012

They’re At It Again!

I got so busy with other things I forgot to mention what I found when I went IN to the Chiropractor’s office yesterday --

See, they are closed from noon til 2pm – and if I am there early, which I often am, I enjoy sitting on the bench on the wrap around porch while I wait for them to come back from lunch.

The office is in a converted house from the early 1900s ---that’s where the pictures of the cone flowers and other garden beds came from in yesterday’s post.

So I had hit SEND on that post from the comfy relaxing bench on the porch – and then they opened the front door to start letting clients in.

I go to the desk to sign in and what do I see?

YAY!! It’s another “GUESS THE NUMBER OF :::Fill in the blank::” for Father’s Day!

((No donuts this time – good thing, I don’t need them!))


Hmmmm..that jar doesn’t look like it could hold THAT many, does it? But nails can be tricky because they are long and narrow. Anyone want to venture a guess? I guessed something like 472 but we’ll have to wait until the contest is over to find out. I think I over guessed.

And no, the winner doesn’t just win a jar full of NAILS…

It’s a BBQ extravaganza!

necchi 012

Okay, so I really liked my winnings from Easter with the garden tote full of goodies AND the super humongo jar of jelly beans --- but this is some cool stuff too.

Let the guessing begin!


Jaci Emerson said...

212. That's my guess!

Rina Mason said...

I think you're right and you over guessed on this one. Nails can be tricky. They look like finish nails so I'll venture a guess of 253. Do we get a prize if we're right? :)

mmmegan38 said...

My guess is 215. Let me know if I am correct! I am off to sew on my yellow sisters choice that I started two years ago. Dang it I am going to get it done!

Elaine M said...

385 is stuck on my brain!

Barbara said...

I'm afraid I think you overguessed as well. I would have to guess 262. Hope I'm wrong though and you win!

Vicki B said...

My guess is 295.

Anonymous said...

578 is my guess

Anonymous said...

231 is my guess and now I've something fun to do with quilt group--off to hubby's workshop for the nails!

oh crumbs...don't have a profile that is listed so email is quiltmom@scrtc.com if you wanna bite me for taking your idea!

Cathy at PotterJotter said...

Ha! A long time since I did this sort of thing ... but I reckon about 485. Knew I'd love your blog as soon as I saw the header pictures. Am gonna take a while now just exploring all the links here. xCathy

Cathy at PotterJotter said...

Ha! A long time since I did this sort of thing ... but I reckon about 485. Knew I'd love your blog as soon as I saw the header pictures. Am gonna take a while now just exploring all the links here. xCathy

Misha said...

I'll go with 277!

lesthook said...

156 JUMPED IN MY HEAD. pROBABLY TOO LOW. Caps! Now I need to go make a ninjago? costume for my grandson!

birdie said...

my guess is 249. Be sure and let us know how many there are.

birdie said...

I guess 249. Be sure and let us know how many there are.

Becky Clay said...

I say 257.

Mickey Depre said...


Debi R said...

I'd say about 600. Do we win an invite to your place for the BBQ? :)

farmhousequilter8 said...

313. Paula in KY

Christy said...

A good way of estimating the number is how much do you think the nails weighed and just how long are they. 1.5" finish nails are 530 per pound and 2" finish nails are 260 per pound. Retail, they're usually sold in 1 or 5 lb boxes, so...

joanne said...

I'll guess at an even 400 . I Also bought a table fr sewing mates thank you Bonnie for providing me with thier info.

mcary900 said...

I'll give a rally good guess of 192. How's that for not knowing about nails ggg!

Anonymous said...


Marla said...


happyknitter said...

Oh Bonnie ;-), you just find things to suck me in...... OK, here goes, 498 is my guess.
Am reconstructing my Quilting Studio and have just spent a day folding as much fabric
as I could over Comic Book Boards and separating the worms/strings/whatevers into
widths and larger pieces into fat quarters and half yards. Then I come in to relax and
have to try my brain on Nails..... I just love visiting you each evening, Thanks for being
here at the end of my day. Anne

happyknitter said...

Oh Bonnie ;-), you just find things to suck me in...... OK, here goes, 498 is my guess.
Am reconstructing my Quilting Studio and have just spent a day folding as much fabric
as I could over Comic Book Boards and separating the worms/strings/whatevers into
widths and larger pieces into fat quarters and half yards. Then I come in to relax and
have to try my brain on Nails..... I just love visiting you each evening, Thanks for being
here at the end of my day. Anne

Beatrice. said...

just feeling cheeky ... as the glass is not closed, I'd surreptitiously add a few nails to it on my next visit!

Unknown said...

173 angchappell@yahoo.com

dettonlisas@gmail.com said...

My Guess is 246 nails. I am not a good judge, but there you go.

Anonymous said...

I like your sense of humor, Beatrice. Suzanne from Maine

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