
Monday, June 18, 2012

My B&B World ---

I’ve loved staying in B&B’s since the very first time I ever experienced one.

It was the early 1990s and I was heading to Spring Quilt Market ---this was the season of my life when my doll patterns were being featured in the large Butterick pattern catalogues, and everything was SO exciting.

I believe the town was St. Louis that year ----and I had traveled all the way from Idaho by myself ---flying in, picking up a rental car, finding my way to where I needed to go without the use of GPS ---goodness, those were the years just BEFORE I got internet access which didn't happen in my house until 1995. How did we ever do all this WITHOUT the internet?! Crazy to think of those years.

Because I was traveling on my own, I thought I’d like the comfort of a B&B and had contacted the chamber of commerce to help direct me to where I needed to go. I remember making a phone call to the proprietor who sent me brochures in the mail. And then I called back and made my reservation. THAT was how it was done, folks! There were no websites to check -- no google, no trip advisor, no nothing.

And I loved it --- from the very first night.

Even if I had to share a bathroom with people down the hall, I was hooked.

Hooked by the furnishings, the family atmosphere of breakfast in the morning, by the tangible history before me as I learned who built the house, who lived here, what interesting things happened within those walls ---- I think it is the romantic in me, thinking of the lives, the loves, the births, the deaths, the joys and the sorrows of those who had gone before. I was sleeping where they slept, eating where they ate.

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The photographs down the hall of generations were intriguing. I loved the snack time in the evenings, the fridges stocked with cokes. The book cases full of novels to read ((There were no angry birds, facebook, or even laptops at this time!)) board games, and common areas used by other visitors ----I loved how guests chatted to each other much more readily and openly in a B&B setting than they would if they were staying in the anonymity of a Holiday Inn.

I got on so well with my fellow guests, that several times we all met in the evening to go to dinner together – even though THEY were not there for Quilt Market, only I was ---and thus started a long time love affair with making myself at home in the homes of others.

And here I am at the Grape Arbor B&B in North East, Pennsylvania!

There are actually two houses next door to each other that are ran as one property. I’m staying in the main house, in the first picture above. The second house is the one with the columns – both of them built in the 1830s.

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There are two common areas on the ground floor – this one on the right as you enter the front door --

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And this lovely area on the left ---

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The dining room is ready to welcome guests to a scrumptious breakfast! There is one other group table in the dining room that didn’t fit in this photo --- and there is more intimate seating for couples out on the sun porch if you wish to dine alone, just the two of you.

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There are touches of Amish made quilts hanging on the walls --- I loved the graphic nature of this tumbling blocks!

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Follow me up the gorgeous winding staircase to my upstairs respite!

((Yes, I made about 4 trips getting all my STUFF up stairs!))

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My room is large, light and airy! Doesn’t that large 4 poster bed invite?!

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Load by load, I hauled in all the necessities and set them down in the sitting area.

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Can you see these details? It’s the original door and handle!

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My fingers, catching the hasp to latch the door. How many generations of fingers have done the same since 1830-something?

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How I love seeing original floorboards --- worn spots, and stencils and all ---

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And I’ve made it my own, sewing away on little precious pieces in between my lecture, the walk along the Lake Erie Peninsula, backyard BBQs with the guild ladies, making this little haven my home away from home for just a few nights.

Thank you, North East Crazy Quilters for taking such good care of me and treating me to this wonderful gem!

Oh --- and you should SEE the breakfast. It sure beats my usual yogurt and banana!


Leeanne said...

What a beautiful place, I would be afraid to stay there....I'm not want to go home!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

beautiful!! what did we do before GPS & Internet!!!

Kathaleeny said...

Does anyone else remember hollering "Hurry! It's long distance."

Thank you so much for taking us along on your travels. Many of us would never get to see all corners of the country like this.

sandra said...

My husband and I love B&B's and have stayed in many all over eastern and southern states. We always try to stay in B&B's even In Hawaii on three different islands. We have met so many wonderful and interesting people. I love that you take all the beautiful pictures on your trips, they are so enjoyed. Blessings Sandra

Marj said...

That sure is a beautiful house. Thanks for sharing pictures from your travels.

Nann said...

I was curious about the name of the town, so I looked it up. Wikipedia says, "North East is a borough in northwestern Pennsylvania's Erie County. The name North East seems to be a misnomer since the borough is located in extreme northwestern Pennsylvania, but it is so named for its northeastern-most location within Erie County, Pennsylvania." It is the most northeast town in PA--which is obvious if you look at a map.

Thanks for the opportunity for the geography lesson, Bonnie! And the B&B looks grand.

Jane in ABQ said...

I too love B&Bs, (even if you share a bathroom)
If you love the historical aspects, come back to Albuquerque and stay here:
http://www.albuquerquebedandbreakfasts.com/spy-house-history.htm (They are also on facebook)
(I hope it is ok to post the link - I have nothing to do with them except having had a fabulous time here. Please delete if it upsets you. - I won't do it again)
It was in this house that secrets were exchanged which ultimately resulted in the execution of the Rosenbergs during the cold war. We had a "stay-cation" here that also included a murder mystery dinner party. Beautiful house, grounds, and hosts.

sandra said...

hi Bonnie,
That B&B looks lovely!! One day when I get to the US I'm going to check out some of the places you've stayed in. And maybe attend a class.

Jocelyn said...

Wow how pretty. Makes me want to try a B&B sometime.

Anonymous said...

This looks wonderful. Enjoy. You deserve every bit of this.

Joy V said...

Ah, what we did before mobile phones and the internet!! We actually spoke to people face to face; and we walked around the shopping centre 'window shopping' instead of surfing the net. Best of all, we met up with friends instead of sending a message! Love this B&B. I also love to stay in them when travelling, but unfortunately here in Aust they are a lot more expensive than your usual hotel or motel accommodation.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! you made dolls,too? Where might we find such patterned treasures?

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