
Monday, June 18, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! Star Struck Group #1!

The machines were revving up bright and early! Star Struck Group #1 hit the strips running at 8am sharp!!

We have 25 crazy quilters this morning, and the class will change over to 24 more for the afternoon session---how fun!

The reason behind offering the same class twice? More people get the opportunity to participate!

Check out Cheryl's green machine! She found it at the Salvation Army for $25! We've named it "Sally Ann"

I of course, had to take a turn and used her for my demo!


Pati said...

I have one of these sweet little machines too! I love it. I think I paid around $25.00 for it.

Julie said...

Looks like lots of fun for ALL!! Jealous!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a very pretty little machine. I NEVER find anything that cheap here. If I did, I'd sure buy it. ;)

Anonymous said...

My pink machine from the dump is eyeballing the pink eye candy of a machine. You go girl!. Suzanne from Maine

Anonymous said...

I meant green eye candy.. Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Bonnie thanks for sharing. Love that green machine....what was the name on it? Any further details? How was the feel of the demo?

Anonymous said...

Bonnie--What a great group of gals. All the ladies have wonderful smiles. Quilters are the best and the talent goes with them. Thanks for sharing the pictures and blogs. Send some cheeries to Iowa. Joyce

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