
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meet Me at White Turkey!

Every once in a while there has, just HAS to be a foodie post. That is one of the really fun things about traveling the highways and byways –finding very fun places that I can NOT get at home!

After yesterday’s workshop in Ashtabula, I was following the PA contingency home to North East, and they put their noggins together and decided on a very unique place for me --- The White Turkey in Conneaut, Ohio!

The White Turkey has been doing steady seasonal business for 60 years --- and it is such a fun throw back in time – think of your typical 1950s drive-in – only better! Their specialty is pulled turkey sandwiches, so tender they melt in your mouth.

We pulled up and the place was packed --- of course it was a beautiful June evening, and everyone was out to enjoy some good ole American fare and enjoy the surroundings.

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The evening light was setling in, so pardon my washed out photos --- the sun was just at “THAT” angle ---and heading into my favorite time of day in the summer –mid evening.

This is where you are going to have to imagine the soundtrack floating on the air too --- cue up Frankie Valli and “Shhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrrrryy Bay ay Bee! -----Sherry Baby!” Our toes were tapping and we were humming along and singing as we waited in line to place our orders.

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“what’ll it be, Ma’am?” and I step right up to place my order. I’ve studied the menu board. I’ve asked what they are famous for --- and tonight? I’m having a Large Marge pulled turkey sandwich, fries --- and oh my heck – some guy just walked off with a rootbeer float, and I MUST have one of those too!

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I watch the other gals place their orders and we enjoy the music, the atmosphere, and each other while we sit on benches and wait. There is a picnic area out back with tables and umbrellas – a park like setting – we’ll carry our treats back and enjoy our meal “al fresco!”

It’s a hot spot for caravanning motorcycle riders too --- what a great place to stop, stretch your legs, enjoy some good grub before getting back on that ribbon of highway.

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I quickly decided that the rootbeer float was first to be devoured…that ice cream was melting fast! The pulled turkey sandwich was delicious --- and of course, fries are the perfect vehicle for ketchup, and lots of it – just the way I like them!

I’m so glad we got to experience this little bit of “high end dining” on our way between Ohio and Pennsylvania ---THIS is what summer is about, isn’t it?

White Turkey even has a website --- check it out, and make a plan to stop the next time you drive through Conneaut ---they are open seasonally, so keep that into consideration, and DO get the root beer float!


regan said...

That float looks amazing! Yum!

Phyllis said...

Oh, you pick the best places to eat! I LOVE these places! Thanks to you we 'found' Rudy's in Houston last year, one of our fav's now when we are there, nothing like these places where I come from (The Netherlands).
Phyllis ( pamdejw@live.nl)

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Your post and pics makes me want to climb on our Harley and head towards the White Turkey for a Root Beer float! :)

Carolyn Sullivan said...


Anonymous said...

Wow that Root Beer float looked so good to me right about now and I just enjoy Maine lobster for the first time this summer. Enjoy.

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

We found that place last year when we visited Niagra Falls. We camped not too far from the White Turkey place. It was a fun place to eat!

Linda Cameron said...

Hey Bonnie, The White Turkey is in my backyard. I as at the workshop in Ashtabula, the one with the noisey machine!

Linda Cameron said...

My email is lindasue@suite224.net

Carly said...

Bringing back lots of good memories...I've enjoyed reading all of your recent posts. My parents are both from Ashtabula and I spent the last 33 years of my life visiting my grandparents there. My uncle took me took the White Turkey as a kid. Yum! So fun!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

My husband and I occasionally will take our boat out on Lake Conneaut (during the week when it isn't so crowded). We'll have to check The White Turkey out ... boating works up a powerful hunger! Wish I was going to be at your workshop ... working on my guild trying to book us onto your calendar!

Lynda said...

This one of the things I too like about travelling - eating different things, especially real food rather than mass produced stuff. It looked great!

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