
Sunday, June 17, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! A Lake Erie Morning!

Jill and I had a lovely walk along the Peninsula! People were out in droves---bikers, hikers, rollerbladers, runners and walkers were out enjoying the Lake Erie shoreline.

We passed breakfast picnics complete with the overwhelmingly mouthwatering aroma of bacon ala Coleman stove. Mmmmm! Is there any better hunger inducing smell than bacon cooked outdoors?? It was a happy fathers day breakfast in full regalia.

We kept walking--get away from the bacon!!!

Such a beautiful area, ending our tour at the lighthouse.


Oh My, Jan! said...

Oh, yes...the WONDERFUL smell of bacon frying in the out-of-doors! Just one of the good memories of our 23 years of owning/operating a campground! You've had a beautiful morning! Thanks, again, for sharing your pictures!

Randy D. said...

Looks beautiful! You get to see such amazing places!!

HelenMarie said...

I love the smell of bacon! Don't keep it in the house because I would have to eat all of it! LOL

Missy Shay said...

I lived in Erie for 7 yrs and loved going to the Peninsula!

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Erie. The Peninsula is a fantastic place! Also, my family had a cottage on Lake Erie in North East too! Alice in PA

Nancy said...

welcome to our little piece of heaven, between the Peninsula and route 5 to northeast is just beautiful. have a great time and come back in the fall,the smell o grape is almost as good as bacon
welcome nancy potter

Nancy said...

welcome to our little piece of heaven, between the Peninsula and route 5 to northeast is just beautiful. have a great time and come back in the fall,the smell o grape is almost as good as bacon
welcome nancy potter

Cat Herder said...

Oh, this is what I miss about Erie. We lived there for 9 years, and the peninsula was our favorite place. I see the lighthouse behind you!! Loved that so much I found a miniature version.

Vickie in Cleveland

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