
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

“Focus On The Center” Blog Tour!

I’m really excited that Pat Sloan asked me to be part of her blog tour! Blog tours are such a great way to discover new people, new ideas, and get a glimpse into other people’s heads! This one should be fun….because she is asking US to be creative!

If you are new here because you followed the links on another participant’s blog ---WECOME! I hope you enjoy your visit, and I hope you’ll be back!

Pat is also writing about us on HER BLOG so if you are one of my regular readers, you need to go over there – maybe you’ll learn something about me that you didn’t already know!

And because I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl – I had my shot at asking PAT a question on something out-of-the-ordinary, because, you see – I think we really could have been great teenage buds in our younger years, and I’m always interested in other people’s growing-up-years!

Pat’s dad was military, so she spent many of her growing up years living over seas!

I asked about her first “REAL” job – thinking that it might be Mc Donalds, or working the movie theater, you know, TEEN JOBS?! This is what she had to say:

I lived in Brussels Belgium and we only had so many jobs at the school and bases for teenager to work at. So you put your name in for a job and I got selected to work at the "motor pool".

That meant it was just ME as the phone answering girl.. and the guy that ran the motor pool. He did a LOT of jobs... like being sure the teenage boys were mowing the school grass in the summer .. and I SO wanted to go out on that check ride!

He also did all the grounds keeping at the general's homes that our government rented. The funniest story was when a 'wife' was calling and was being.. mmm.. well.. I guess a tad annoying with her requests. So my 'manager' taught me how to make a crackly noise then hang up the phone on her... LOL! This is a TRUE story!

LOL! So she was doing crackly noises like…”ooops? Bad signal? CLICK!?” I suppose that is an acquired skill, and one that could come in handy at the right moment.. Hehehe!

My high school jobs? I worked at an HSalt Fish n Chips -- and I did house cleaning. Not quite as glamorous as being a phone girl to the motor pool guy!

So let’s get on to the book:

You know my love for antique quilts RUNS DEEP. I am a very traditional quilter, even if my fabric choices are not --- and I love the timelessness of time honored blocks and designs, and I love “different” ways to showcase things instead of always making a handful of blocks, plopping them down with either alternate blocks and sashings. I also like working with different sizes of blocks and units, and one way that really gives you a place to PLAY is to set things in a medallion setting.

Even the COVER of the book screamed out at me…OOOOOOHHH!

Pat asked us to pick one of the quilts that WE would like to make and to show what fabrics we would use with it…

Oh GOODNESS! This is a NO BRAINER! I bet you would have picked THIS ONE for me too:


Arabella’s Courtyard

Finished Quilt Size: 89” X 89”

Don’t you think this looks like something I would do? I love stars! This has a carpenter’s star center ((ALL HALF SQUARE TRIS – NO INSET “WHY?!” Seams!)) Lots of checkerboards, hourglass units…and oooooOOOOOOoooooH! Yellow!

Can you see a peek of what I’d like to see it made with from MY stash?

PatSloan 002

CONFESSION: I am writing this post the day before leaving for New York, after just getting back from VCQ in Virginia the night before with one day in between…..I’m grabbing PILES of fabric for this post…..as just a sampling!

PatSloan 001


I wanna change that gold to cheddar ((Another NO SURPRISE)) --- and use all the shirt plaids in it ((Like you couldn’t guess that EITHER!?))--- still keeping the colors consistent – so I’d use scrappy red where the reds are, scrappy greens where the greens are, etc --- as for that wide floral outer border? I’m thinking stringy piano keys from the bin of shirt strings!

I just love how those “Clays Choice” blocks dance in that wide yellow border outside the checkerboards, don’t you? And a 90” Square quilt? Yup…..those ALWAYS fit the bill for me!

Here is a sampling of what else you can find in the book, whether you want to use yardage of just a few fabrics, or dig into your scrap stash – they are all fabulous:


All Roads Leave Home 49” X 49”


Antique Mist

57” X 57”


Blue Lagoon 73” X 73”


Lucky Charms 61” X 61”

((Love those diagonal bricks framing the center…AWESOME!))

So would YOU like to win a copy of Focus On The Center? I’m going to draw for 2 winners on Monday Evening, May 7th. You can also visit Pat’s Blog and register to win there EVERY DAY during the tour, and visit the links of the other participants – go leave a comment on their blogs too!

Tuesday May 1

Wednesday May 2

Thursday May 3

Friday May 4

Saturday May 5

And don’t forget to check out the Leisure Arts Blog as well!

Hey, if I can win the Jelly Bean Contest --- you can win a copy of this book!

Please remember to leave me your name and email address if you are commenting as anonymous or if you don’t have your email address visible in your blogger settings. Comments without names and addresses won’t work, and I’ll be forced to draw again!

Good Luck Everyone!


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Jane said...

Looks like a great book!

Pauline said...

Early in my quilting life I made a quilt from the "center." It was fun, I'd like to do another now that I have more experience. Would love the book, and YES, Arabella's Courtyard looks right for you! Go Girl!

Anonymous said...

Hello Bonnie, I'm not sure that overseas followers can enter for your giveaways but it does look like a lovely book, and your ideas for Arabella's Courtyard sound grand; your enthusiasm is so uplifting! Thanks as always for your blog,

Carol F. said...

I love the story about the crackling sounds!!!!!! :)

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

Becky Clay said...

I like the Antique Mist and Lucky Charms qults..maybe I will get lucky and win!

Teresa F. said...

I like All Roads and Lucky Charms.Thanks for the chance.

Dale M said...

I would love to see your scrappy version of this quilt, if you were to actually make it. I bet it would look really good. Plus, thanks for the chance at winning Pat's book.

Margi said...

Excited to see your scrappy version of this quilt and an early welcome to MI! I'm a MI girl and Mackinac Island is awesomeness, I hope I get to see you there! As with all of Pat's patterns and designs I have a hard time choosing a favorite but Antique Mist really calls to me!

kt said...

Looks like a great book--thanks for sharing and the chance to win!!

KarenC said...

Bonnie, I picked out the same one that you would like to make. These patterns are really great. Have now added one to my bucket list!

Anonymous said...

Love all the quilt ideas, they could be fun. Agree, your choices could produce a 'Bonnie' quilt with this one. I love all the different blocks used. Thanks for the chance to win a book.
Safe journey...
Faye in Maine (you got my e-mail)

Leo said...

The patterns look great - though I don't always like the colours but that's the good thing about being able to sew you can take any pattern you like and do it in your favourite colours.
Thanks for introducing the book and the chance to win it.

Lisa England said...

I'm crazy over quilt books and this looks like a good one! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...


The Lucky Charms quilt has a great Christmas feel that calls to me! I think it's the colorway - reminds me of your Hexagon Medallion that I've started - first hand piecing project EVER!

Would love to win the book and add Lucky Charms to my to-do list!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

I love that ANTIQUE MIST...in any color!

JoyceLM said...

I've loved every quilt I've seen from this book. The one on the cover is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Melissa Williamson said...

Love those quilts!! The book looks great!
Melissa Williamson

ql said...

I love the Carpenter's Wheel. I made one once with two wheels in Christmasy type fabrics. It's one of my faves.

Anonymous said...

I want to try a carpenter's star :) thanks for a chance to win - Laurie

llsbaskets at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Another new book! Pat is very talented. Wish me luck!

Joan and Kevin said...

The book looks wonderful!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Teri said...

I can see possibilities in several of these quilts. Thanks for the review.

Unknown said...

So glad we are on the tour together. Do you know that my favorite movie is the same as yours?

Brenda said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Ruth said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! All the patterns are great, but I think I like the Lucky Charms and All Roads Lead Home quilts best.

Rosa Robichaud said...

Yes... I would LOVE to win this book!!!

And Bonnie - I know people tell you all the time but thanks for doing what you do.... ALL of it .... and for being "you".... and most of all, thanks for sharing all of "this"!!!


LOVE reading your blogs!!!


Sandy D said...

I love the Lucky Charm quilt. Love your colors you pulled for your quilt but I love green so I would leave the border green.

Shirley in Canada said...

I made Lucky Charms and totally love it! With the border Pat has now added I can see where this would make a stunning scrap quilt! Thanks for the giveaway

Nann said...

Arabella and Lucky Charms are the two I'd be most likely to make. Of course I will need the book to guide me (hint, hint).

Terry said...

Love a medallian quilt!! I love the first one!!

horsegal88 said...

I would love to win the book. Then I would make Antique Mist. Love all those pinks!! Pat has some great designs!!

Gail said...

All Roads Leave Home--would be the perfect match for me--blues and reds are my favorite colors!

Anonymous said...


From the quilts you showed from Pat's new book, I'd pick "Lucky Charms" to do. I love medalion type quilts. I also like the one you picked especially when you said the carpenter star center was done without those pesky "y" seams. This is a book being added to my wish list.
Upstate NY

suz said...

You are so right, that quilt is you! I've sent a suggetion to my son to get this book for Christmas. I have a hoard of Louisa fabric (Moda) that I think would be perfect for Lucky Charms.

Diane Wild said...

Fabulous ideas in this book. I'd love to win it. Thanks.

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Love the book ! and love your color choices Bonnie !
Thanks for sharing.


Wendy said...

All Roads and Antique Mist speak to me. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marlene said...

The first quilt I would make from the book is All Roads Leave Home. Thanks for the giveaway.


Angie said...

Love medallion style quilts - in fact, I'm working on one right now. The samples you showed from Pat's book really sparked my creative interest!

Mary Ann said...

I love medallion quilts - Thank you for the chance to win - I love the cover quilt and can imagine playing checkers in the park on a sun ny day with that one!

Lori said...

Thanks for showing us this great book! I love it! I do appreciate the time you put into your blog and all the fun And learning it brings! Lori

trillium said...

Oh, I do want this book. It will keep me going on my quilting journey for a long time. If I don't win, I'm going to buy it.

trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com

Michele said...

Looks lie an interesting book. I like the one with the applique center, Lucky Charms

Mary said...

So many of these designs are calling my name. Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

gmp said...

I bought this book a few days ago, and the quilts are one prettier than the other. I really like the pink one.

Pat Sloan said...

WOW I love that crazy pile of fabric ... i have not used cheddar yellow yet and NEED to!! Thank you for being on my book tour!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks like a really good book.

Anna said...

I am a star freak also and love the checker board border! Thank you for the fun!

Sue K said...

I am joining a round robin group this summer, so this book would really help me get my middle section started. I also just made a Carpenter's Star, so that photo on Anabella's Courtyard hit ome for sure. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win Pat's book.

Linda said...

Love the all roads leave home quilt!
Thanks for the great give away!

Charity said...

These do look beautiful, and could be just what I need to get out of my quilting rut. Thanks for providing inspiration!

Tricia Benes said...

This book looks like a winner! Love Medallion quilts and you could soooo scrap up these. Thanks for the chance to win!

Missy Shay said...

I really like the All roads lead home quilt!

Vicki said...

Wow, it looks like a really great book! and I LOVE that cheddar with the plaids! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I made the Lucky Charms along with Pat when it was a mystery on her blog. Love how she made it bigger. Just love her blog and patterns. Would love to win her book so I could make something before your new book comes out, because then it will be a Bonnie quilt for sure. You can reach me at jge.l@nf.sympatico.ca

Angela said...

The pink quilt made me smile...three Grandaughters would love that on their bed

Anonymous said...

I'd like to make the one with the house in the middle, in super bright scraps!!

Karen Lieberman

Birdie said...

I love your blog and read it every day, and now I know for sure that I'm going to be adding a couple more to my reading lust! (That word was a typo, but since it seems to apply, I'm leaving it that way. Lol) Hope I win he the book, it looks wonderful, and I'm already scheming fabrics from my stash.

smiledarlin said...

I can see this pattern idea working for so many different centers. Would love to have this book.

Laura said...

Thanks for showing us some of the quilts in the book. Of course you would pick scrappy!

Carol C said...

From reading your blog everyday I knew the yellow had to change to cheddar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Margie said...

Thanks for showing some photos from the book - I'm looking for a new quilt to start and there are one are two that are now in the running.

JuliaP said...

What a great way to start my very rainy, gloomy day! Loved the way you turned the tables on Pat. Thanks for a very entertaining post and giveaway.

Jennie said...

I would love to win that book!! Love medallion quilts.

Anonymous said...

Love the new book and the Blog Tour but none can compare with your Blog ever !!!


Julierose said...

loving that "All Roads Leave Home" medallion--how true....thanks for the chance...Julierose

Betty said...

I can see why you picked that quilt and how it would look with the Bonnie scrap treatment.

Anya said...

Looks like a great book!

Shelley said...

Totally You! Thank for including us.

Anonymous said...

Love anything Bonnie made.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Marj said...

I would be shocked if i won a copy of the book. I have just recently started thinking of making a medallion quilt.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Looks like a terrific book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a great addition to my quilting books and I would love to win this. It's fun to visit all the blogs and see what other folks are doing.
Happy Wednesday and safe trip.

Teri Ploski said...

Love your blog and books. Just got my oldest son (33) started on quilting, and we often frequent your site for inspiration!

Unknown said...

Looks like some great patterns in that book! Thanks for the chance to win1

Anonymous said...

wow sure would love to win this book...love the patterns....thanks bonnie

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great looking book.

Nancy said...

Definitely, an inspirational book for the library!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I too read your blog daily and get your email reminding me of your posts so I don't forget. If I win the book, I'll gift it to a friend b/c I already bought it. It's a great book.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Bonnie- Love the colors that you picked out for the pattern you guys are starting! Its the same color I would pick out too! LOL
The book is fabulous! I would do the antique mist, lucky charms, and of course the one you guys are doing. That is a great givaway! THanks!
Have a fabu time on your trip! Be safe!

LeAnne said...

Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. This looks like a really great book.

jean said...

Pat's new book looks awesome. Yes, Bonnie, that is the quilt I would definitely picked as one you would make, colors and all.
That book looks like a must have.

Barb66 said...

Love all the quilts i've seen from the book but my favorite is Lucky Charm.

Carolyn said...

Love the quilts and your blog. Your book will be an awesome addition to the quilting world.

Best of luck to all of you. Be safe and have fun.

Unknown said...

I love the one with that star too, although I had never heard the name. My first quilts were mostly star blocks : ^) Time to do another star, I think. Looks like a great book!

Cloudmom said...

My favorite so far is All Road Lead Home...I am looking forward to making a new quilt!

Phyllis said...

What a beautiful book. I would make All Roads Leave Home first. I love the idea of starting with the center. Safe trip! Thanks you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Jackie said...

Looks like a great book! I think Blue Lagoon will be on my list..

Rosa said...

The book looks fun and with beautiful quilt.Looks great.Thanks

Recording the trip said...

Ahh, just read Pat's blog and I rushed back to Quiltville smiling. you two are a hoot. I'm a regular here so posting isn't new to me. I even checked in while in the Czech Republic! Love your blog!!

Claudia said...

Can't wait to see the new book !! LOOKS GREAT.

Becky G said...

Great showcase of the book, i would be thrilled to receive a copy; thanks for a chance. Love your stash fabrics for the quilt pattern you selected. Plus your thoughts on quilt design has helped me. Thanks for everything!

Barbara Black said...

I love medallion-style quilts--thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love the madellian centers of the quilts. Sometimes you need to think out of the box as for as setting regular blocks together. Love the inspiration for different rows of small blocks around the center. I need to break out of the box myself. Am looking forward to the history tour in New York. Not to mention the antique shopping
Be safe
Donna Gauch.

Marianne said...

Oh man that Antique Mist is so pretty and I know just the fabric I'd like to use but unfortunately it's not in my stash but at the quilt store, lol!

Sewcando said...

Wow. Book looks great. Love the scrapy goodness of it.

Cathy said...

I love all of Pat's quilts. I just started working on a Medallion quilt so this book is great for me. Hugs

cynthia said...

I need to leave now and go to the Salvation Army store up on the corner!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Hope to win this new book!! Thanks ;-)

Carolyn Sullivan said...

What a great title! it is all about the center! My fav is "Antique Mist'. Although I could see it in pale blues. Sullivancj@fuse.net

Anonymous said...

What a fun book. I have always wanted to make a medallion center quilt. Susan


Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me! I would love to have the book. Medallion quilts are awesome!!!!

cityquilter grace said...

oohh, me too, me too, i want one...these teaser photos have me absolutely drooling!

Azkadelia Swan said...

I can see you choosing that quilt. It's definitely up your alley! =) I love the All Roads Leave Home quilt and may have to make that one only on a much larger scale. Thanks for sharing the different quilts from the book. This is definitely one I would make multiple quilts from, and use up some of my stash in the process!

tudorc said...

I love all these quilts - still drooling over the pink one. And I have so much plaid, I anxious to see how your plaids turn out! Oh, I'd live a copy of the book... Charlene

Heather said...

Oh wow! I love Lucky Charms and Arabella's Courtyard! I can totally see you doing the scrappy version!

Lady of the Cloth said...

that's the inspiration I need, something different and yet not difficult or daunting like a million appliquéd flowers. I'd love to win. Count me in.

Debbie Lou said...

Bonnie, I love your choice! I think it's perfect for you. There are some lovelies in that book. Oh, the possibilities! Thanks for the offer.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sew with friends this morning and I want to start one of those quilts right now! They are so amazing! Thanks Pat and Bonnie for endless inspiration!!

Sharon said...

Oh,I love that quilt and I love your choices. I love the one with the little cabin too. I have been wanting to do a Carpenter's Star and this would be a nice project. Would love to win the book. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love centered quilts... Pick me
Debbie Collins!!!!

paulette said...

Good morning, Bonnie!!
This book looks like it is right up my scrappy alley!! I would SEW love to win it! Thanks for the chance!!
I hope you are home for a few days...after NYC!! I am exhausted just thinking about all your travelling!
Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea for her new book. I especially love the Lucky Charms pattern - I love working charms and this would be perfect for any occasion! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Blessings, Donna P stargatefan54@comcast.net

Carrie P. said...

Yes, I am very interested in winning Pat's book. I really like medallion quilts and I love anything that Pat does. thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your cheddar and shirt version of this medallion quilt. How wonderful! I need more time for sewing and reading blogs?!! LOL Seems like I'm slower by the day.


Kristin said...

Thanks for the chance to win this book. Looks like alot of fun.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, it would be so fun to win this book!
Thanks for the chance.....


Jo C. said...

I love these traditional quilts, especially the one with the house as a focal point. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lori L said...

Looks like some gorgeous quilts with relatively easy patterns. Would love to win a copy as I have never made a Pat Sloan quilt befoe.

Me and My Stitches said...

This looks like a great book and I LOVE the quilt you chose as your favorite. I was not at all surprised at your fabric choices! Thanks for the chance to win!

AmandaA said...

I've never won a giveaway though I keep trying - gotta happen someday,right?!

Anonymous said...

I'm chuckling about your winning the jelly bean contest and saying if you could win that....
I'm still trying to win the lottery!!! LOL
Okay...so I HAVE to put my name in the hat for this one because by far it is her best book in my own opinion! Love the idea of this...like a round robin of friends adding on borders only the thinking is done for me! Thanks for the chance!!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds so intriguing and I love the pictures you showed. Count me in for the drawing. ddswimmer@yahoo.com.

Loretta said...

Sign me up for that book drawing! :)

Cheryl said...

I love Antique Mist, and I really love the idea of winning the book and making the quilt. I enjoy reading your blog pretty much daily and today was a nice surprise....I can almost picture those plaids in Arabella's Courtyard...but I can picture my collection of Kansas Troubles there, too!

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

I have to agree with everyone else.. I love the Arabella & Lucky Charms quilts... that Carpenter's star is an all time favourite, and I love the Christmassy feel of the Lucky Charms!

Lee Ann L. said...

Lucky Charms looks like it'd be a wonderful challenge. Thank you for showcasing some of the quilts!

Jennifer said...

I absolutely love medallion style quilts as well as anything Pat Sloan! Cannot wait to get my hands on the book and start on one! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a Chance to Win the Focus on the Center Book! I have always wanted to do a Medallion Quilt. I Love your Questions/Answers because you can find interesting info about each other. I am doing a Quilt now out of my Dad's shirts and ties. I would do the House Quilt and use Fabrics from my Mom's house...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a Chance to Win the Focus on the Center Book! I have always wanted to do a Medallion Quilt. I Love your Questions/Answers because you can find interesting info about each other. I am doing a Quilt now out of my Dad's shirts and ties. I would do the House Quilt and use Fabrics from my Mom's house...

Kristy said...

I think I like all the quilts you showed! Must mean I should have the book! :-) No surprises on your fabric choices, but that's okay! You choose well. Thanks for the giveaway- K-

sewnsew said...

I like all roads lead TO home, being a grandmother. Also the lucky charms caught my eye. Ramona from Maine

Diane said...

Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very interesting book. Add my name to the growing list to please. Love the fact you are gonna try plaids in that quilt...will look great!
Deanna email .. teddeakel@sympatico.com

zork said...

I teach beginning quilt classes broken into two 6 week session, second session I designed a quilt starting with a center and building out to teach various skills. Pat's book look great. I just finished her Ma Ma's garden.

Kristy said...

What a FUN book! I'll be getting my very own sewing room soon, and OOH I am so excited to be able to have room to sew fun things again. I don't have a very big collection yet, so I could definitely use a new book to go with my new room. :)

Cyndy said...

Bonnie, this quilt is definitely you. But I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like the best. Pat's outdone herself with this book, so many great designs!

Amy said...

Love your quilts! Pats book looks great! Would love to win the book!

Kristy said...

What a FUN book! I'll be getting my very own sewing room soon, and OOH I am so excited to be able to have room to sew fun things again. I don't have a very big collection yet, so I could definitely use a new book to go with my new room. :)

Kristy said...

What a FUN book! I'll be getting my very own sewing room soon, and OOH I am so excited to be able to have room to sew fun things again. I don't have a very big collection yet, so I could definitely use a new book to go with my new room. :)

Kristy said...

What a FUN book! I'll be getting my very own sewing room soon, and OOH I am so excited to be able to have room to sew fun things again. I don't have a very big collection yet, so I could definitely use a new book to go with my new room. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a book I would really enjoy. I'm not usually a winner, but it would sure be fun! Myrtlesgirl - berglindada@loretel.net

Anonymous said...

I love medallion quilts and can see that these quilts could easily use of some of my stash. Scrappy would be awesome in any of them. Barb...email: cmjbbja@aol.com

Cindy Myers said...

I see myself making alot of the quilts in that book and all of them scrappy, especially the Christmas one. Love it!!

Cindy Myers

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

This book looks like a "must have". Such interesting quilts. I can see using up lots and lots of my stash making these. - sue@asdfwordpro.com

Anonymous said...

I love medallion quilts on a bed. I love the interest that a medallion center plays against the sides. Great ideas in the book, very piece-able (especially for someone like me that uses Inklingo templates). Love seeing your fabric ideas.
~Jillian in North Dakota

Marian B said...

Hi Bonnie, I would have picked the Lucky Charms for you - only BIGGER! ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Antique Mist is my favorite "today" lol! I'm really liking soft colors and roses right now.
I would love to win this book!

Anonymous said...

I really like All Roads. Thanks for the chance to win.


Bjwalsh101 said...

I would really love a copy of this book. I have never made a medallion quilt and this might jus tbe the inspiration and instructions I need.. thanks for the chance to win and I am jealous of your jelly bean win. I was drooling over that tote bag!

Donna Joy said...

Yeah a book on Medallion quilts,i want to make one. thanks for sharing the story about Pat.

B Greene said...

I have never tried a medallion quilt, but now I feel like I must!!! Thanks for the preview and the chance to win!

VickyM said...

This is a book for me! Can't wait to get a copy

Anonymous said...

I love the Arabella's Courtyard Quilt.


Sally said...

I'd love a copy of the ook--I think I'd pick the same one you did, at least for the first one!

The Gad-A-Bout Gal said...

Can't wait to see your version of the quilt. Looks like there are some nice quilts in the book. I liked all the ones you showed.

Patty said...

Love all the quilts you showed. Not surprised you would change the gold to cheddar! Have fun in NY!

Heartsdesire said...

Another great book by Pat. She always has something different. Al Roads is a favourite, also like your choice of fabrics, especially the cheddar.

patricia said...

Aren't these great? I've got my eye on the house one.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I agree with your choice for you-its screeming Bonnie Loves Me! lol, And thanks for sharing pics of the quilts in the book! I am so in love with All Roads Home and Antique Mist! Can't wait to get this book-pick me pick me!!! pleeeeeesse. Thanks!

Deb A said...

What a great book! I am just starting to 'think outside the box' and this would help a lot. Thanks for the chance to win.

Redfinch said...

Love that "Antique Mist"! I've been wanting to make a scrappy king-size quilt with corals and aquas--this would be a great starting point.

Nana's Quilts said...

Fascinating. And the two of you? Quite the pair. Keep up the great work.

Sallie said...

I love Antique Mist! Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed all the quilts, a nice variety and thank you for the chance to win a great book. Just little ol me.

Anonymous said...

Have never tried a medallion quilt. Would love to attempt one. Bonnie have you ever thought of what your going to do when you run out of your cheddar fabric? Diana nuttinbutpostal@yahoo.com

Cat Lady said...

I am getting to like medallion type quilts more and more. This looks like an excellent book to make those as well as use some scraps. Hope I win.

Jacqueline said...

Woohoo I would love to win this book. Thanks for a chance.

You sound like a world traveler..

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

Thanks for your take on the quilts in the book. I so enjoy seeing everyone's different tastes.

ekquilter said...

so are those all just all mens shirts, or is it yardage,or homespuns. Looks cute, I like antique mist, but maybe blues &Greens.

Penny from S.C. said...

Looks like a great book. I'd love to win. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I hope to see you this week end in Somers. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book.
Linda in CT

Terry Johnson said...

This looks like yummy lap quilts to snuggle under. 19 days until retirement and I will be able to sew full time. Cathy and I are looking forward to making lots of quilts and finishing up UFO's. Quiltctazie@MSN.com

Delores said...

I really hear 'Lucky Charms" calling my name - love the applique centre.
Would love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for the chance.

Aileen said...

I love All Roads Leave Home, and Lucky Charms. I have been wanting to make a quilt with houses. Awesome book!

mascanlon said...

I have kind of moved away in the last couple of years from more traditional quilts but these medallion quilts are drawing me back in! Thanks for such an interesting glimpse into the book Bonnie.

PBee said...

Blog Hops are almost as much fun as being there!

Michele T said...

The book looks amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, so many comments, the odds here of winning won't be very good.LOL. I just finished a 78x78 quilt with a medallion in the center. I had purchased a kit early in my quilting career and never got around to using it. So I finally decided to work it up and it turned out to be only 29 inches and I wanted a lap size so I had to draft the rest. Turned out cute and I'm giving it to my son for his birthday.

Stella in So. Cal
allets105 at verizon.net

Sandi1100 said...

What a great book. I love all the quilts, especially Lucky Charm. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. P.S. I'm not surprised of what you picked to make the quilt.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I guessed that would be the quilt you would choose! I would love to win a copy of the book.
Ardis in Texas

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

They are all wonderful, but Antique Mist is calling me. Great book!!

Karen said...

Oh, I would love to win this book. I have several larger size blocks that would work great in a medallion setting. Thanks for the chance to win.

Wendy said...

Now when did Pat have time to publish a book I am wondering? I know she is one busy woman (as you are as well!). This book looks like another winner. Would love to have a copy - thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. Blue Lagoon is calling my name and I have lots of blue "de-boned" shirts that would be just right. Thanks for another opportunity to win.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book!

Ariane said...

I love it already. This is my kind of book. Lots of scrappy quilts to make. Your fabric choices are great!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Gloria said...

Wow. This book looks very inspiring and I love your choices of fabric.

Mary said...

Yep, No surprise what fabrics you would use in your quilt. I like medallion Quilts. A pattern distributor told me that square quilt patterns don't sell as well- this book proves that wrong! Thanks for sharing all you do. You and Pat are busy Quilters and Bloggers! I get tired just reading about all that you two get done!

Kathy MacKie said...

Would love to win a copy, thanks!

LizA. said...

I love medallion quilts. My friend and I are doing birthday medallion quilts. Our birthdays are 6 months apart so we keep adding orders and sending them back to each other on our birthdays. I've currently got them and I'm trying to figure out what to do next....

Sarah Martin said...

Oooo, 'fraid so!! That's a great quilt to make! I love all those stars!!!

Terrie said...

I am loving every single look at this book !!!! Just lovely all of them :)

Anonymous said...

What a great book to have! The quilt you chose is so you. I'd like to win this book; but if I don't I'm already a winner! I'm taking classes with you and Pat Sloan in June at the Vermont Quilt Festival. Woohoo!
Holly hpbell@verizon.net

Marcia W. said...

Now, how did I know that you would want the color of cheddar in the quilt? Antique Mist and Lagoon are two of Pat's designs that I really really like. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of her book.

Janet said...

I love the look of the book "Focus on the Center". I definitely would make one the medallion quilts in it.

Kay said...

Would love to win a copy of this book. My small quilt group is doing progressive quilts now & this would be so helpful for adding borders.

Becky S. said...

Beautiful quilts! I would love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Deb Paris said...

oh.... such pretty quilts. I am sitting here mentally going through my stash. Would love to win a copy of the book for my next quilt or round robin. Thanks!

Ebony said...

The quilt you chose is so YOU, you could have designed it. Thanks for the chance to win.

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