
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

“Focus On The Center” Blog Tour!

I’m really excited that Pat Sloan asked me to be part of her blog tour! Blog tours are such a great way to discover new people, new ideas, and get a glimpse into other people’s heads! This one should be fun….because she is asking US to be creative!

If you are new here because you followed the links on another participant’s blog ---WECOME! I hope you enjoy your visit, and I hope you’ll be back!

Pat is also writing about us on HER BLOG so if you are one of my regular readers, you need to go over there – maybe you’ll learn something about me that you didn’t already know!

And because I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl – I had my shot at asking PAT a question on something out-of-the-ordinary, because, you see – I think we really could have been great teenage buds in our younger years, and I’m always interested in other people’s growing-up-years!

Pat’s dad was military, so she spent many of her growing up years living over seas!

I asked about her first “REAL” job – thinking that it might be Mc Donalds, or working the movie theater, you know, TEEN JOBS?! This is what she had to say:

I lived in Brussels Belgium and we only had so many jobs at the school and bases for teenager to work at. So you put your name in for a job and I got selected to work at the "motor pool".

That meant it was just ME as the phone answering girl.. and the guy that ran the motor pool. He did a LOT of jobs... like being sure the teenage boys were mowing the school grass in the summer .. and I SO wanted to go out on that check ride!

He also did all the grounds keeping at the general's homes that our government rented. The funniest story was when a 'wife' was calling and was being.. mmm.. well.. I guess a tad annoying with her requests. So my 'manager' taught me how to make a crackly noise then hang up the phone on her... LOL! This is a TRUE story!

LOL! So she was doing crackly noises like…”ooops? Bad signal? CLICK!?” I suppose that is an acquired skill, and one that could come in handy at the right moment.. Hehehe!

My high school jobs? I worked at an HSalt Fish n Chips -- and I did house cleaning. Not quite as glamorous as being a phone girl to the motor pool guy!

So let’s get on to the book:

You know my love for antique quilts RUNS DEEP. I am a very traditional quilter, even if my fabric choices are not --- and I love the timelessness of time honored blocks and designs, and I love “different” ways to showcase things instead of always making a handful of blocks, plopping them down with either alternate blocks and sashings. I also like working with different sizes of blocks and units, and one way that really gives you a place to PLAY is to set things in a medallion setting.

Even the COVER of the book screamed out at me…OOOOOOHHH!

Pat asked us to pick one of the quilts that WE would like to make and to show what fabrics we would use with it…

Oh GOODNESS! This is a NO BRAINER! I bet you would have picked THIS ONE for me too:


Arabella’s Courtyard

Finished Quilt Size: 89” X 89”

Don’t you think this looks like something I would do? I love stars! This has a carpenter’s star center ((ALL HALF SQUARE TRIS – NO INSET “WHY?!” Seams!)) Lots of checkerboards, hourglass units…and oooooOOOOOOoooooH! Yellow!

Can you see a peek of what I’d like to see it made with from MY stash?

PatSloan 002

CONFESSION: I am writing this post the day before leaving for New York, after just getting back from VCQ in Virginia the night before with one day in between…..I’m grabbing PILES of fabric for this post…..as just a sampling!

PatSloan 001


I wanna change that gold to cheddar ((Another NO SURPRISE)) --- and use all the shirt plaids in it ((Like you couldn’t guess that EITHER!?))--- still keeping the colors consistent – so I’d use scrappy red where the reds are, scrappy greens where the greens are, etc --- as for that wide floral outer border? I’m thinking stringy piano keys from the bin of shirt strings!

I just love how those “Clays Choice” blocks dance in that wide yellow border outside the checkerboards, don’t you? And a 90” Square quilt? Yup…..those ALWAYS fit the bill for me!

Here is a sampling of what else you can find in the book, whether you want to use yardage of just a few fabrics, or dig into your scrap stash – they are all fabulous:


All Roads Leave Home 49” X 49”


Antique Mist

57” X 57”


Blue Lagoon 73” X 73”


Lucky Charms 61” X 61”

((Love those diagonal bricks framing the center…AWESOME!))

So would YOU like to win a copy of Focus On The Center? I’m going to draw for 2 winners on Monday Evening, May 7th. You can also visit Pat’s Blog and register to win there EVERY DAY during the tour, and visit the links of the other participants – go leave a comment on their blogs too!

Tuesday May 1

Wednesday May 2

Thursday May 3

Friday May 4

Saturday May 5

And don’t forget to check out the Leisure Arts Blog as well!

Hey, if I can win the Jelly Bean Contest --- you can win a copy of this book!

Please remember to leave me your name and email address if you are commenting as anonymous or if you don’t have your email address visible in your blogger settings. Comments without names and addresses won’t work, and I’ll be forced to draw again!

Good Luck Everyone!


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Anonymous said...

I would love to win the book and, yes, the quilt you liked definitely looks like you, Bonnie!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I loved the story about Pat's first job. A very good chuckle!! All the quilts are lovely and the fun thing is to see how different they look when other quilters make them in their own color and fabric choices! Thanks for the chance to win the book so one of us can make a quilt or two! :-)

Anonymous said...

The patterns you showed of Pat's quilts all looked so yummy. Would love to win her book.
bgk 44 @msn.com

Claudia said...

Lots of comments already but I'm going to try anyway. Yes, I can see you making the quilt you chose. It is so you. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Yep--I love all the quilts you've given us a sneak peek from the book. I'm really drawn to the "Lucky Charms" quilt so I'd love to win the book and make it--as well as several of the other quilts. Thank you. nena@bnads.com

Potpourri said...

Those are great quilts and I love the one that you selected. Good Job.

Michelle said...

Those are great quilts -- and anything that's got YOU plunging in with that much enthusiasm definitely has me interested!

Anonymous said...

My heart is beating fast just looking at the wonderful quilts. The carpenter's star is calling to me -- 'make me, make me'. I absolutely must have that book!

Thanks for continuing to entertain us every day with your joyous outlook on life!
Mary A
amesalv 'at' yahoo.com

Wilma Lee said...

I would LOVE to win that book.

kwiltnkats said...

I wasn't at all surprised to hear that you'd use cheddar and all recycled cottons. I'm always pleasantly surprised at how they turn out. All those plaids in a pile sure don't look like they'll work, but experience with your creativity tells me they will. I look forward to seeing it sometime in the not too distant future. Like the picture on Pat's blog...wonder who the photographer was??? Sandi

Deb said...

Would love to win a copy of the book. Thanks!

Kaye M. tkmattson@hotmail.com said...

I'm with you Bonnie, I like Arabella's Courtyard best too. It has easy components which is great when you're piecing a large quilt like this. I can't wait to see Pat's new book!

Anonymous said...

Love your choice of "Arabella's Courtyard," The Carpenter's Square is a great center block for the rest of the quilt. Would love to own Pat's book.
Thanks for all you do for quilters' worldwide.
Rose - dlhsewqlt@hotmail.com

Machelle said...

I just love this! And thanks to you I have my stash organized into a much more usable form! I have a quilt retreat this weekend with some of my best quilt buds.There is a quilt I started 2 years ago for my daughter then got frustrated and didn't finish.well I think this book s ideas for a medallion are just what I needed to inspire me finish ...completely differently than it started out. Will let you knew how it turns out:)

Jans said...

Love to win a book.
I love your weblog and all the beautifull quilts you make.
The books you describe and the travels you make.
Mmmm I go with you in my thoughts.
Greetings from Holland Janny Schoneveld

Cathy B said...

Bueatiful quilts. Pat's new book looks great, I would LOVE to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

Love your choice! I want to make them all!!!

Cathy B said...

I just love Pat's new book. I would love to win a copy of it!

bets said...

What a great quilting book to win....hope I am lucky!

Loris said...

Yep, those quilts look right up your alley...and mine too!
Thanks for hosting the tour :-)

Anonymous said...

Would like to win this book. Looks very interesting.

Binks said...

OMGosh! I love the Blue Lagoon and All Roads Leave Home quilts. SO gorgeous.

Pippa Parsons said...

this looks such a good book, thanks for the chance to win

Jennifer said...

I am really drawn to the Lucky Charms quilt on the bottom of the pics. Looks like great fun to put so many greens together with a pop color in there. Thanks for sharing.

Anne said...

Wonderful patterns. Love each one.

Patti said...

Love quilts with *special centers* ... great idea for patterns. Thanks for a chance to win.

lizardcreekquilter said...

great book to try reduce the fabric stash!!!

Tina said...

Wonderful colors, beautifuls quilts! Thanks for the chance to win

Linda in PA said...

These quilts are beautiful. I'd love to do them scrappy, too. I sure hope that I win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

Jody said...

Awesome book! Love the quilts---hmmm....(thinking going on here!)

Kathaleeny said...

I would love to get more comfortable with pulling cohesive colors of scraps. The Pink Mist quilt really rings my bell.

Linda said...

I love your spin on traditional settings! This would be a great book to have. I hope I'm the lucky one.

Rita said...

I really like Lucky Charms. I need to put that on my to-do list. Thanks for the chance to win.

DebrafromMD said...

I love medallion style quilts. I would love to add the book to my collection.

Lisa said...

Looks like a fabulous book! Thanks!

kfr14819 said...

Looks like a great opportunity to get creative yet still have some pre-determined boundaries.

audrey said...

this would be a great book! thanks for the giveaway.

Carol said...

Very impressive - I think I NEED this book!

sue said...

Would love to see that quilt made up with shirtings!

Diann said...

I would make the Blue Lagoon quilt in the same colors,but brighter, more intense versions. We all have our go-to's.

Julie S said...

My first job was...a paper route in small town Minnesota. I truly did tromp through rain and extreme heat and very deep snow to get the papers delivered! It kept me in good shape, but today I am happy to get a workout folding new fabrics, struggling to open and close the drawers that contain all that fabric, crawling on hard floors to pin baste quilts, and pushing and pulling quilts through my Juki as I machine quilt them. The only thing missing is the fresh Minnesota farm-smell air!

Genie said...

What a gorgeous book! Be sure and pick my name, Bonnie!
Wanda Gene

ThreadCatcher said...

Arabella's Courtyard is perfect for you! I really like it too. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

Sewing Sue said...

I the look of medallion quiltes, I guess one of these will have to be my next project! Winning the book sure would be a great way to start.


Melissa Markham said...

I love the all roads leave home quilt. Of course, those are my favorite colors...

Kathryn said...

I like your choice of Arabella also. Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

These quilt patterns are beautiful. This would be a great book to have in your library.

Estie said...

Wow...looks like a great book with wonderful patterns. I'd love to see how your fabrics will look with the pattern you picked. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Melissa Markham said...

I love the all roads leave home quilt, especially the colors!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Love the quilt you picked out. I love them all!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Take care,

Jocelyn said...

This book looks SO awesome! My first job in High School was working in the ROTC office. I'm afraid some of the Sargents were a little (uh-hum) fresh with the girls working in the office, but I needed the job because I wanted to buy a car. It didn't last too long, and then I worked in the school office. Much better environment ;-D

Jay said...

I think it's time for me to make a pink quilt just for me!

Debra G said...

I can see all that cheddar just as clearly as if it were already finished. :) Thanks for the chance to win; you're always thinking of us. :)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Enter me, please. With 252 other entries (just today, so far), I still might have a chance. I did win something on Monday. Now to go thru my fabrics to see what I'm using for your class May 18th. Hmmm...... darn, I don't have any cheddar! (lots of old shirts, tho).

Jeanne Gwin said...

Well heck! I loved Antique Mist and then you had to go throw 3 more beauties into the pot of peeks! Now I have to have one of each. I would like the Antique Mist in blues and yellow but now I can't do that because that is what Blue Lagoon is and I won't change those colors. That's okay, I will make AM with the soft pinks, the BL with blues and yellow, and I wouldn't change the colors of the other either. Now I have promised Mr.Curve that I would not buy any more fabric unless it was really really necessary. Silly man didn't define "really really necessary" but I know these fit the need! Thanks for a chance to win Pat's new book, I hope I win one of them, it looks great.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie the quilt you picked really looks like something you would design! It looks like a fun quilt to make and it would be really fun scrappy! Looks like a great book!
Sue Sullivan

LintLady said...

Hello Bonnie, even if the chance is small with all those comments here , thank you for the chance *g*
Doris :o))

Nana Jo said...

I think I'd pick yellows and blues for this quilt. Would love to win this book. Great quilts!

Vickie said...

Love the plaids too, looks like a beautiful book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary said...

I love that book! The quilts are so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!

/sewprimitive said...

I love your idea for using the shirting plaids! And cheddar - oh my goodness! Might have to start collecting shirts.

Becky said...

Love your fabric choices for Arabella's Courtyard. Thanks for giving us a peek into Pat's new book.

cpup40 said...

I would definitely love to win this book of Pat's. I love the work both you and Pat do. Both of you gals are so creative. Thank you for the chance to win it.

Jeanne Gwin said...

Alright you guy's. I really want to have one of Pat's books so I keep jumping to your places to see you and enter. I have seen 5 different quilts and they are all beautiful. How can I possibly convince Steve that i must make them all? Thanks for a chance to win a book and for giving me a reason to visit your blog one more time. :)

Gloria said...

Those quilts are so pretty. I would love to win a copy of the book.

Ptquilter said...

Yes, I would like a chance to win this book. Very interesting looking quilts and I definitely see you making that quilt. Thanks for the opportunity.

Marsha said...

I'm loving ideas for scrappy quilts. Would love to do one from this book!

Anonymous said...

Would love to make the quilt and also would love to win the book.Thanks Bonnie for all you do.

Margaret said...

I love this book. It looks like it was designed just for you.

Anonymous said...

Great quilts! Saw several that I would love to add to my "to do" list!

Janet said...

This book looks awesome! I would so love to win it. I love Pat Sloan. Thanks for the chance

teachpany said...

Great review, and I could see me doing the one you picked, too. Thanks!

sandra said...

Pat's new book looks awesome and I sure hope I win a copy of it. I have several of her books but this one looks different

Karrie said...

Thanks for the chance to win :) Ksmith8@emich.edu

regan said...

Thanks for the chance, Bonnie! And yeah, that quilt is totally you!

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I would love to do All Roads Leave Home in batiks. I love the house as the center block.

Sandy in TN

Janet said...

I love the Antique Mist quilt and the colours Pat used. Thanks for a chance to win.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu adorei este post e essas colchas...Eu quero tentar com esse livro,obrigada .amo vocês.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

The quilt is so you and no surprise that it would be scrappy. Thanks for the chance to win. brendalt@bellsouth.net

GG said...

How pretty the 'Antique Mist' quilt looks! I'd love to win A copy of Pat's book, Focus on the Center.

Anonymous said...

Love the quilts! Would love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for offering a chance. Laura lbquilts@newwavecomm.net

Kathy in GA said...

Oh, would so love to win this quilt Bonnie, great ways to use some of my waste HST that seem to be reproducing! Thanks in advance, tee hee

KatieQ said...

This looks like a great book. You're right, I'm sure every one of your regular readers would have guessed that you would pick that quilt pattern from the book.

qltmom9 said...

Your scraps are so cute. I'd like to win.

Lucy (in IN)

Sewgirl said...

Pat's book looks like a real winner! And I enjoy your blog...lots of details!

quiltgrammy said...

Would LOVE to win this book, so many great looking quilts, the one you picked is so you, hope to see it all made up in your wonderful fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

barbara woods said...

love those quilts in that book thanks for the chance to win

nicolesender said...

I like the Arabella’s Courtyard quilt and so love scrappy quilts. I bet your version will be great!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lucky Charms!! I NEED to make Lucky Charms!
Susan in CT
svv419 at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

What an awesome book, medallion quilts have always been a favorite of mine. I would love to win this book.
Thanks for the opportunity,
N. Smith

quiltmom anna said...

I do love medallion quilts or quilts that create and overall pattern rather that blocky designs that repeat. This new book of Pat's looks like a terrific one to win. Thanks for participating in the blog hop and for the chance to win such a lovely new book.
Regards from Western Canada,

skye said...

Ohhhhhhhh yes! All of those quilts completely appeal to my traditional quilter self. What a great book! Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary said...

This looks like a fun book to use. I've always loved medallion quilts. Thanks for a chance to win.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I agree, it looks like a great book to teach how to build a quil t design, I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this book. The quilts shown are so pretty.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Dorothy Matheson said...

Oh another book for my wish list.

Anonymous said...

I love all the quilts you chose from the book! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

Jaci Emerson

Anonymous said...

Very interesting book! Thanks for the chance to win one. I do see why you choose the one you did. ohsirius7@hotmail.com

Anita said...

I love the pattern you chose, it is so you! Would love to win the book, thanks for the chance :)

Anonymous said...

I usually don't make medallion quilts, but Lucky Charms and All Roads Leave Home really appeal to me. I'd love to have a copy of her book.

Cindy said...

Those quilts are so beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Carole said...

Those are beautiful quilts. I would love to win this book, it might encourage me to finish a medallion quilt that I started years ago.

Karen, aka Yaya said...

The quilts in this book are so pretty especially "Antique Mist". I'd love to win this book!!

christineschoon said...

Since you won the jellybeancontest....I'll give this one a try..LOL
Congratulations! Thanks for giving us a chance to win!

christineschoon said...

Thank you for giving us a chance to win this wonderful book!

jofridsquilt said...

Beautiful quilts. I have never made medallion quilts. Mabe it's time. Hugs Jofrid

janequiltsslowly said...

Great book! My small quilt group did a medallion quilt where we drew numbers and that was the "round" that you got. I think we had 7 or 8 of us participate. It was really a fun project. A book like this would be full of tons of ideas if we do it again.

Judy1522 said...

The quilts are all beautiful would love to win a copy of the book.

Blogless me said...

Your choice of cheddar makes me want to make a quilt with cheddar as well. I shall HAVE TO visit my LQS asap. What a bother ;-)

tncottagequilter said...

I would love to win a copy of this book, Bonnie. It goes without saying that if you love it, I will love it also. Thank you for offering the chance. Cathy

Mary Ann said...

Would love to have a copy of Pat's new book. The quilts are beautiful. Have many of Pat's older books and learned to applique from her directions. Thank you for this offering.

Kathy Little said...

Scraps & Shirttails I & II just came in the mail. Love them. Would love a copy of the Pat Sloan Book. Love her work too. Bonnie tou are so cool with your "Going Green" theme. This is going to be a whole new and refreshing adventure. Thank you so much.
Kathy in Rhode Island

Kathy Little said...

Scraps & Shirttails just arrived. I am onto a new and refreshing adventure. I love your :Going Green" theme. Thrift shops here I come. Would love a copy of Pat Sloan's new book. I am also a fan of her. Thanks so much for what you do.
Kathy in Rhode Island

Anonymous said...

I love these quilts. I have found that medallion style quilts
are much easier to quilt on my home machine--actually quilt them
round by round adding backing & batting as I quilt each round.

Cecilia said...

I enjoyed learning more about Pat and I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love the quilts that have been shown from this book. They are calling to me to pull fabrics and get started. I definitely can see why you selected Arabella's Courtyard as your favorite. I will look forward to seeing it made.


Anonymous said...

Pick me, Pick me.
Scraps and Shirttails just arrived. New and refreshing adventure I am on with "Going Green".
Thrift shops here I come.

Anonymous said...

looking forward to having Pat Sloan at our Spring Seminar here in TN in June 2013! Diane

Cheryl Randleman said...

Those plaids are going to look great! Thanks for the ideas. cherylrandleman4@gmail.com

joyce M. said...

Bonnie Thanks for a chance to win the book. A Medallion quilt would be a new challenge learning this pattern and fun. Quilting is never exciting but with many emotions and satifaction. I read your blog daily and love it. Joyce mrachek@omnitelcom.com

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome book. I love the fabrics you chose for yours too!


Anonymous said...

This looks like a fabulous book...I would choose "Antique Mist" for my project. Thanks for this chance to win the book!


Susan D said...

I love All Roads Leave Home, and Antique Mist. So different, but both are very interesting. I like these medallion style quilts! We're starting a round robin, all quilts for donation to the chemo unit, and this book would be so full of ideas.

Anonymous said...

Wow that looks like a neat book. jillfroelich@yahoo.com

Shirley said...

Interesting read. Be safe traveling.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I read your description of the kinds of quilting you like to do - and it could have been written by me! I haven't spent much time at your site, but I'll be going back to thoroughly peruse it after I post this. I have promised to make my 2nd DD a quilt for her and her hubby. All she's really said is that she'd like a medallion type quilt in earth tones. I particularly like "Antique Mist" and can easily see it in those colors. Plus, since I will need to make it queen size, that gives me plenty of room to play at the edges! Thank you for what you do! Becka Meyers @ Beckasue2@yahoo.com. (I have no idea what my blog settings are!)

birdie said...

I love medallion style quilts!

Sheila said...

I would love to win this book , those quilts are awesome , thanks so much for the chance.

Cathy Stoddard said...

A girl never knows when skills like "making crackling noises and hang-up clacks" will come in handy in life!! Love "All Roads Leave Home" - love all of them actually, but that one is my favorite.


Marilyn W said...

I would LOVE to have this book. Thanks for the chance to win it!!!

Marilyn in MS

Ele said...

I love medallion quilts, and I love Pat Sloan patterns!! How can I lose??

Anonymous said...

More UFO's? WHY NOT??? :) I would love to add another Pat Sloan book to my collection! nellsheartstrings@yahoo.com

claire said...

Oh that book would be a great one for my library! Thanks for the chance to win

swakins said...

I knew you would pick that quilt, the yellow was just screaming... Make me cheddar!

Katie said...

Love your "pile" of fabrics. What a wonderful quilt to make from shirts! :-)

nodakflick said...

What fun quilts! I can't wait to see the book in person because I already know, whether I win a free copy or go to the shop to buy it, I am going to own it! Thanks for the preview!

Peggy M said...

Looks like a great book.

Anonymous said...

That looks like such fun! (And very suitable for my scraps!)

S. B. Helm said...

These are all great quilts. I have to put this book on my wish list. They are all lovely. I think the hard thing for me would be deciding on which to start first.

Cindy Nielsen said...

I love all the quilts you design. I have made all the mystery ones and many of your other ones. This book looks great. I don't have a blog.
Cindy N. clniels@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

i would love to have a copy of pat sloan's book, focus on the center. Looks wonderful.

Aggiequilter said...

Looks like another fun book from Pat! Her energy and creativity is amazing ... just like yours, Bonnie! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

That is a book I would love to win as I do like Pat's design and I see ;ots of possibilities in there . Also would ;ove to see yor version with the plaids

Anonymous said...

I hope upstate NY is experiencing better weather than Manhattan. These quilts are a marvel! Like looking thru a kaleidoscope.

Anonymous said...

I just love medallion quilts. Looks like this will be a great book!

happyknitter said...

Oh Bonnie, you are so right... this is screaming for Cheddar. As this is my Birthday, I am going to buy a new quilting book for me, but Pat's is going to have to wait because I promised myself that I would get your "Scraps & Shirttails II" next. I am so excited that I will get to see you this weekend at Somers, alas,
I didn't know that you were going to be there or I would have driven up myself and taken a class instead of going on the bus with my Quilting Society. So save a copy of your book for me and then I will have all of yours and can get Pat's on my next occasion ;-). Thanks for always giving me a smile thru your posts, blog, patterns, books and the ever pleasant insights into your quilting life. Anne

Anonymous said...

I hope the weather is better upstate than in Manhattan. These quilts are amazing- like looking thru a kaleidoscope.

Angie in SoCal said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. Always have liked medallions.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another give away. I love the book and like to win it.
Greetings froms the Netherlands, Dini

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the wonderful quilts and ideas you share with us. I have learned alot by looking at your blogspot.
I personally love the English Garden style colors. Pinks and Purples are my very favorite. Especially PURPLE!!! I am making a Card Tricks quilt in different purples.
Have a Great Day!
Carol Ann Singleton

mazie jane said...

Since it is my Birthday and I took off for a long weekend but I have to go back to work on Monday, I really need you to pick me to make the transition easier.

And Dear Bonnie, what IS that flower you have on?

jp in tx

quilter diva said...

Wow It took me forever to get to the bottom of your page. Your have a fabulous book there. And I would love to win it. so here is my entry. Have a wesome day.

Elly Collins

christy said...

Love that cover quilt. Hope it's on my to do list soon!

Ida from Central PA said...

I love medallion quilts (quilts that focus on the center). Looks like a great book!

4dreamsr said...

Would love to win a copy of Pat's book! That quilt is you!

Barb in MI said...

The quilts in Pat's book are favorites of mine, since they adapt so well to scrappy quilting. Pleeeeze draw my name to receive a copy! ;-)

Jill said...

Looks like a great book, the "Lucky Charms" is calling my name because I love applique and Christmas and that quilt has both!

Denise J. said...

Would love to win the book. Thanks for the chance. And I agree that the quilt you chose looks like one you'd make.


Lyn said...

I would love to have that beautiful book. Thanks for the chance.

QuilterLaura said...

that looks wonderful! count me in!

Suslee said...

I hadn't thought about my first job in years. I made spreadsheets and did short form tax returns in my father's office. I had to stay hidden in the back room so no one would know a 13-year old was doing their books. LOL! I always knew my love of numbers would come in handy. Nowadays, I use my math skills for the geometry of pieced quilts. Way more fun than spreadsheets. Trust me.

charity-crafter said...

Yeah another contest. One day I'll win something, if I'm just patient. What fun patterns!

Anonymous said...

I can't choose which one I would want to do first. I love the Pink Mist, and I don't have a pink quilt. Every pink quilt I've made has gone to a little girl. Arabella's Courtyard has so many possibilities for scraps, so I would love to do it, also. The book looks awesome. Dian

Cherold said...

My favorite people!! Bonnie and Pat...lol. I love the new book and Bonnie's take on the medallion quilt is super!

lfrihart said...

Bonnie, your energy level leaves me gasping for breath. So glad your energy keeps us all involved with quilting and even learning more about the USA through your travels.

Maybe you and Pat Sloan should team teach and let us find more similarities that would convince all you are sisters.

lfrihart said...

Bonnie, failed to say I would love to win a copy of Pat's book. Thanks for letting us know about her blog and tours.

Stephanie said...

I really like "All Roads Leave Home" and the "Blue Lagoon". Thanks for showing us all the beautiful quilts! Have a fun time in NY!

Anonymous said...

I especially love the star quilt that Bonnie chose, that's the one for me!! Actually love them all!!!

Sue SA said...

I have never made a medallion quilt, but your snippet of projects from the book are certainly inspiring me to to add this to my wish list....just hope one uses lots of 2.5" strips, because the box is full!

Gail Randall said...

New twist on fabulous quilts..great fabrics today to play
with and a talented innovator book writer and quilter!
"Make new quilts but keep the old some are silver and
others gold!!

Unknown said...

Love the book! Looks great...thank you for the giveaway!


Amy said...

Hmmm, the one you like is the one that I do... course, I have all your books too! Lucky charms is also catching my eye. Such fun quilts!

Teresa in Ojai said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the quilts! My first job out of high school was... sewing! In an Olga bra factory, assembly line style. I decided I was NOT doing that for a career. :)

Gail said...

So fun to see a 'local' gal in print! I'd like to see this in beachy or shbby-shiek pastels.

BeachQuilter said...

This looks like a great book, I would love to make one of these quilts!

KMSC said...

I love medallion quilts, so I would love to win this book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kathy ~~~ said...

Cool! I'd love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for the chance.

Cyndi said...

I love your fabric choices for the quilt you chose.

Deb said...

Pat's amazing! Yes, I'd love to win a copy of her book. I love the Antique Mist pink one and would probably do that one first...but with lots of purples!

Alice said...

The book looks fantastic and it will be hard to choose which project to do first.
Safe travels!

pajtr said...

Hi, Bonnie!
Good morning!
Wonderful post!!... Great question, about teen jobs!... (LOL about the motor pool job and phone tactics!!)... I'm going to hurry over to Pat's place, to see what she reveals about you!! :-D
Oh, Bonnie!... Your choice of pattern and fabrics (cheddar and shirtings!!!) are SO EXACTLY what I see you working on!!! That pattern seems to have been designed just for you!!
As for me, I can see four of those patterns in my near future! I think the Antique Mist is first, with some fabrics that have been "ripening" in my stash for just about long enough! (no fabric used before its time???! LOL!)
Thank you, for the opportunity to get this great book, Bonnie!
Have a great trip!
Pat T.
in Michigan

Marty Mason said...

Yes, Bonnie....I do love your choice of scraps.......so you! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Pat's book. The greatest...both of you!

Sharon K. Jack said...

I would really love to win this book. I just took a class from Pat at Paducah it was great. it was her kiss me goodbye with scraps and orphon blocks. hope I win.

Ruth Ann said...

Wow! Can't wait to see what you do with that top quilt pattern. It screams Bonnie! Thanks for the chance to enter the drawing.

thegoose said...

Yes yes yes! I would love to win a copy of this book!!

Wanda Williams said...

I just love this book, and I definitely love your choice of fabrics for Arabella's Courtyard. After all cheddar is better! After you visited my guild I became a true believer in scrap quilts. I have made, (or am in the process of making) your mystery quilts.:) Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Pat's new book.

Cathy B said...

lvoe all the quilts, so lovely and i want to make them all! thanks for the chance to win!

Pat said...

Thanks for a chance to win Pat's book. Like your choice of fabrics....I like stars a lot also.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a book I'd love and yes Arabella's courtyard is you!!!!

Kathy H said...

Beautiful quilts. Another great book from Pat.

Anonymous said...

My ultimate favorite is the pink antique mist. I love the colors and would love to do it in the same colors.



RSHudson said...

Thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

Janet said...

Thanks tons for sharing some of the patterns. For some of the patterns, I would probably use some Primitive Gatherings as well as Jo Morton fabrics, and for Antique Mist I think Moda's California Girl by Fig Tree would be lucious. Thanks for the chance to win Pat's latest book Focus on the Center. It looks super!

Carolyn said...

i would really like Pat's book, focus on center.

Kathie said...

I love the Blur Lagoon. What a great book to win!

Guilitta said...

I like to win one copy, because i like the quilts in it.

Greeting Guilitta

Van Hire London said...

All the blocks, designs are nice & ideas are well practical. Thanks for this sharing.

Verity said...

I just love Pat Sloan and this new book looks outstanding. Yes, I can see you making the quilt you selected. Hope I am the lucky person who wins.

Bonnie said...

Beautiful! The book looks great too!

QuiltinGram said...

Thanks for the chance to win. So far, I have seen 3 quilts I would love to make.
CathyC in Alberta

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