
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Aurifil in the Inbox!

I came home to a whole pile of mail after being gone 10 days.

Some of it good, some of it bad ((BILLS!)) and some of it -----I had no clue what it was until I opened the box!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Pat Sloan had asked me to send her the number of the color of Aurifil thread that I’ve been using on my hexi quilt. I guess she saw that the volume was WAY DOWN on my spool – in fact I was close to running out!

Imagine my surprise when I opened up the box this MORNING ((Yes, I was double bad and left all mail for AFTER the long holiday weekend!)) and found a 6 pack of my favorite thread!

((It's # 2902 -- a grey/green))

Thank you Pat! And thanks too to Alex Vironelli and Aurifil for making this quilter very happy on a random Tuesday after a long holiday weekend!

How’s your Tuesday going?

I’ve got a chiropractor appt in about an hour – I’ve got to run to the post office yet again, and then I hope to sew this afternoon. There are oodles of blocks to catch up on from Randy’s Sow Along!


Jen said...

Oooohhhh.. I need Pat to be my friend, too! And soon! Lucky lady!

Kay said...

What a nice surprise! Out of curiosity what is the color of the thread?

Saska said...

You have THE BEST friends!

You have a reason to be behind on the sow-along...but I'm CAUGHT-UP! whoooohoooo

Sue K said...

do you use that same thread regardless of the color of the hexi you are doing, or just with the neutrals? thanks Sue K

Debbie Lou said...

Oh, how nice! Just what you needed! Quilty friends are the best!

4dreamsr said...

Love sewing with grays, they work on bout any color. Isn't Pat a sweetie to think of this!

Clare said...

Ohhhh. Lucky lucky you. It's so expensive over here. Nearly €9.00 for a reel, plus postage.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love auriful thread!


Emilia said...

Do you use this thread color for machine piecing? Do you find that this works for most fabrics? I recently started piecing with grey and loves how it goes with lots of fabric.

Carol said...

That is a GREAT way to start the week after a holiday weekend!

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

bunbear said...

what a great gift! my tuesday is plugging along at work - i'm ready for the end of the day when i can go home and play on the longarm i just got a few weeks ago!

Sandie said...

<3 Aurifil threads! Gave all of my other threads away after finding it @ 6 years ago. Pat and Alex are awesome friends to have, sending a little "No reason, just 'cause you're special present" like that!

janequiltsslowly said...

Lovely Tuesday. Two squishy packages in the mail. One fabric I ordered and one a package of yellow scraps from a fellow quilter. I had filled in dusty blue scraps for her stash about a week ago.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

what a lovely surprise!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thread also. That was nice of Pat. You go girl.

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