
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Afternoon Edition: Free Kindle Book!

I know, I should be sewing --- but I had some computer time to deal with, and TADA!! We have FINISHED all the edits for the next book!


It’s been a huge long process since I started writing the manuscript last year, got it mostly written during the month of December and have been working on it back and forth for MONTHS. Now we are just waiting on a cover, and I hope to have that in the next couple of weeks. When we have that, I’ll start pre-orders!

It was that approving of the final edition of the resources page, the very last thing in the book that had me sitting at the computer.

I’m late for things that revolved around Memorial Day – I had a busy weekend with family and friends and that is right where I needed to be.

That doesn’t mean that I didn’t keep the reason for this holiday at the forefront of my heart. My grandfather on my dad’s side spent WWII shipboard as a navy man. I have an uncle that served in Viet Nam, and two brothers who were also Navy.

So as I browsed and came upon this freebie – It drew me right in:

Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?, by Carrie Nyman, is free in the Kindle store, courtesy of publisher Sunbury Press.

Book Description
A young couple, Camille "Honey" Shaughnessy and Don Shepard fall in love on the eve of World War II. As America enters the war, and Don is pressured into the service by his father, the two newlyweds struggle to maintain contact. Don becomes a hero, saving the lives of his comrades, but will he make it home alive?

"Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?" is a novel based on the actual love letters exchanged between the author's grandparents.

It was still free when I downloaded it, but double check before clicking that it still is for you as prices can change without notice.

Now --- off to those sampler blocks that have been waiting!


Quiet Quilter said...

Yep...have that one already..it drew me in.

Yea! for your accomplishment...

Now, do you have another book in mind????

Anonymous said...

Give the woman a break!!!

Amy Laura said...

Congrats on finishing the final edits! That must feel so totally awesome! You need to celebrate. Maybe you kind of did over the weekend? Still, do something nice just for Bonnie :-)

Anonymous said...

Bonnie--Your new book is going to be so exciting for us quilters. Can you imagine the smiles and creative minds spinning around in the country. Congrates on the new book. Love all of the other interests you put in the blogs. Joyce from Iowa

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