
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Star Struck April Morning!

Yesterday’s workshop was just such great fun!

I am such a teaser, and sometimes when I tease the ladies, I forget that they don’t know me --- or that I don’t know them --- and I’m always afraid they are going to take my joking a bit the wrong way ---

But these ladies are troopers. Let me telt you, Rhode Islanders can dish it back as well as take it and leave you laughing til your eyes are watering!

And that goes for those who crossed two bridges to come over from the Massachusetts side too! We had great fun!

Watching these ladies sew and sew and sew strip sets together, and listening in on converstations and getting to know everyone is the best part of teaching.

Laughing at things that come out of people's mouths is as unifying to a group of women as the sewing of the class project itself!

One of the things we laughed so hard about?

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It’s so wonderfully thoughtful how a certain cola company is custom coloring their cans to match this pfaff machine!! Usually we joke about who is dressed to match their sewing project, and there is always some of that – it’s a subliminal thing, showing you are ONE with the QUILT as you sew it…but this can matched that machine so perfectly it could have been an ad in itself, directed specifically for quilters!

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As far as machines and colors go --- I was over the moon for this tan featherweight beauty! $100 at a flea market! Can you believe it? What a lucky owner she is!

I posted photos of our group by iphone-o-gram in yesterday’s post – and also a cute pic of the church where we met. That’s one of the other things I Love about New England….all the cute & adorable little buildings , all with history to them. I would have taken pics of every one if I could …..and wandered their little old cemeteries to read every name and date on every stone. I love doing that. There just hasn’t been time!

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Upon asking students what their favorite tip of the day was –many said “Triangle Buddies” to get those bonus triangles in a useable size without having to square everything down. I’m so glad! I love the bonus triangles and having them measure 2” from the get-go makes using them in future projects SO EASY! Click HERE for more info!

Take a look through our photo tour below ---I hope you wil feel like you were part of our day yesterday!

I’m packing it up this morning ---heading out of the hotel at 10am for a bit more sight seeing --- and then we are off to Providence to ship me and all my STUFF home!

My many thanks go to the Ninigret Quilters and the Quilters by the Sea for showing me such a great time, Rhode Island style! And it looks like I’ll be back in 2016 ----


KeyQuilter said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all! Wish I could join you sometime. I looked at your calendar- my GOSH you are a busy woman! Keep up the sewing- love it all.

Kim said...

And what of your books? did they ever show up?

Safe travels and Happy Sewing

Pauline said...

I love the secondary pattern showing up. When I see these slide shows, the thought always is--I should do a quilt like that! Great inspiration!

Leah said...

Nice blocks, ladies!

I started using Triangle Buddies as soon as you first posted about them, Bonnie. They're brilliant! What a time saver!

Becky G said...

What a fun time! Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures & btw, i followed your triangle buddies/ bonus link & am THRILLED! I always felt those flying geese corners looked mighty useful, and you gave me an elegant solution. Thanks again. Becky G in NC

Janet O. said...

I was going through the photos loving the different color combinations, and then that last one popped up. Wow! Love those stars with the yellow/orange backgrounds. I had noticed the single one in the earlier photo, but as a group they had such an impact! Stunning!

Vic in NH said...

Thank you so much for posting the slide shows! After every one of them, I always say, "I wanna do that quilt, too!" Seeing all the different color combinations also teaches me more about what I like and what inspires me. Glad to know that you are safely home now!

janequiltsslowly said...

Bonus triangles is one of my favorite "Bonnie" techniques as well as making half square triangles with the e-z angle ruler. Brilliant. Of course my favorite is Leaders & Enders. I shall be eternally grateful for that one :D

Pam said...

I just went back to your triangle buddies tute, so neat. my favourite shapes to work with are geese and HST so a double whammy. I feel a new quilt coming into my life.

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