
Monday, January 16, 2012

Bargello In Paradise!

Is there anything more beautiful than a sunset on the ocean? We don't get this in NC....we are on the wrong END of the country ---we get sunrises, which are beautiful in their own right, but ther is something about the light quality that lingers after sunset --- the light reflects UP from the water and even in 5 minutes passing of time -- everything can look so different.

This is one of my fave photos I took on Saturday evening --- see the silhouette of the little birds? The birds were so fun to watch -- the surf would come in and they would run run run to get away from the edge of the water.  Then the surf would go out, and they'd wander around, digging for bugs or whatever it was they were looking for in the sand, until the next wave would come, and they'd run run run run just keeping their little feet out of the water, running ahead of the waves by inches. So funny to watch, it was almost comical!

Saturday was our Scrappy Bargello workshop with the Beach Cities Quilt Guild in Mission Viejo --- it was held at The Sewing Party in Laguna Hills.

It was fun having some of the students for a second day of scrappy happiness ---they were crazy enough to start two UFOs in a row, having also taken the Texas Braid workshop from the day before! This gave me more time with them to get to know them better ---and it made class so nice to have some familiar faces to break the ice.

Other students were some I remembered from last year’s Road to California workshops! SO happy to see these ladies again, and I think I convinced them to come see me again in March when I’m teaching at the Glendale Quilt Show in March!

During the class I love seeing what other people are sewing with!

“Who has the oldest fabric in the room?”

“Who has the UGLIEST fabric in the room?”

“Who has the most interesting memory attached to their scrap strip?”

One story pulls us into another and into another, and lots of laughter follows.

One quilter caused a  huge bout of laughter ----- you see….there is this phenomenon that happens when people prepare and kit up fabrics and come to sew ---when you look at a whole room full of students sewing, there will be a certain number that dress to match their projects unknowingly.

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We all laughed when I pointed out that this gal’s whole panel matched her striped sweater!!  It was too funny!  She was holding up the panel, showing us the wrong side…..we couldn’t stop laughing--- and she was such a good sport!

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Here she is, smiling brightly, holding up her first uphill panel ---- doesn’t it look great?

This quilt goes so fast because the strip set is the length of the quilt center.  EVERYTHING goes…and what is “ugly” just isn’t anymore by the time you are done!

One of our gals decided to use amish solids and 1.5” strips ---- be sure to look for her panels in the slide show below….it’s awesome!

So here’s a peek at the mess we made and loved it:

I want to thank everyone for the comments to my post on rhymes and reasons from yesterday.  I was busy teaching a My Blue Heaven workshop, and it wasn’t until we got done with the class, and back from dinner that I had a chance to log into my laptop and I was blown away.

Sometimes  I just need a time when I can vent.  And yes, getting it all out DID make me feel better. It was just time for me to simplify, and that is that.

There was one comment that said it the way I hoped would be the reaction….that if you are looking for new blogs to follow – try clicking the names of the commenters in the comment section!  There are many people who leave comments who have great blogs themselves, and you just might find some people to follow that you never would have met otherwise that way.

I also loved the old “Don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff” LOL! True. And still --- it’s good for the soul to vent to those who understand.

This morning? A group of us are headed out on fabric exposition to M & L fabrics in Anaheim -- I'm told it's definitely a "DO NOT MISS" experience!  Tonight? A trunkshow with the Friendship Square Quilt Guild of La Habra!  My time in California is winding down, but I've got a good couple of days left yet.  We're going to fill it full!

Quilt on, everyone! Quilt on!


Stacey said...

OHHHH M&L is wonderful. I am originally from Orange County, CA. I go every chance I get when I travel back to California. You will absolutely love it there. Can't wait to hear your thoughts about the place and what you get. There is also Jenny's Fabric too!!! These places are Way better than Mary Jos' that we have here in NC. Have fun!!

Janet said...

I've never even HEARD of M & L Fabrics - I know 3 other LQS's in Anaheim, tho. I'll have to check it out (can't have too many fabric stores!). Next time you're here in So. Cal., I'll plan my schedule better so I can take one of your workshops. Hope you're having fun!

Anonymous said...

I am liking this bargello look more every time I see it, I just may have to put it on my to-do list; yeah the one that is longer than my arm....Enjoy the fine weather, Bonnie, Maine is 3 degrees this morning at 8 a.m. Looking forward to heading South soon.
Faye in Maine

Angela Smith said...

I love seeing the photos of each persons progress. Thanks for sharing. Oh and they are all beautiful!!!!!!!!

Kerri said...

Thank again for the two workshops. I learned so much more about the process of putting a quilt together, not just pattern. It's what makes your teaching techniques so unique. And, you absolutely make piecing a quilt fun, fun, fun, holding it out boldly as a great use of our time! Thanks for doing such a demanding job so that we can all learn and enjoy. I hope the wonderful sand beneath your feet and beauty of the ocean colors and smells sort of soothed the hurt from the insensitive complaints, yikes! I wish they would follow the old adage- don't look a gift horse in the mouth! and be grateful for your gifts, oh well. Remember, there's a great Ruby's 40's diner at the end of the Oceanside pier when you come this way again!

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Great pictures, I always like seeing what students are doing! I have some "non-pretties" I've been culling from my stash, I think a bargello or trip around the world would be the perfect candidate because they're all squares. And ... if I'm feeling brave ... I could cut them in 1-inch strips? Nahhhhhh!

Louise SS said...

I got to go to M&L Fabrics two years ago on my visit to CA. It was great....a lot came home with me to Sweden. Wonderful place, it's on my list for the next trip!
I enjoy seeing everybody's projects. So many pretty quilts in the making!
Louise in Sweden

trish said...

I agree with you about the special beauty and the differences between sunrises and sunsets over the ocean. On Cape Cod here in Massachusetts we are lucky enough to have BOTH!!! Sunrise over Nantucket Sound and sunset over Cape Cod Bay. Enjoy California!!

Shirlee said...

I was so overwhelmed at M&L Fabrics that I walked out with almost nothing. I really needed a plan before going there. Someone should have warned me.

Pokey said...

You will love M & L! Glad you are enjoying California, Bonnie ~

Janet O. said...

That is an incredible sunset photo, Bonnie. Love it!
The slide show pics are always fun to browse. I especially loved the batik one and the one in blue and brown. I could see that one in progress using stripes and plaids--wondered if they were from recycled shirts. The idea intrigued me, since the two quilts fighting for space on my design wall right now are a couple of your patterns and I am doing them both in thrift store shirts. : )

Carolyn said...

Oh Bonnie.....wish I could see your face when you walk into M&L. The $1.89 flat folds hold treasures if you know what you are looking for in terms of quality.....I've found small pieces of some of my favorite designers and crazy fabrics you won't find anywhere else because they are end lots from garment manufacturers...and then the quilting fabrics on the bolts..both current lines and ones from seasons past.... I live less then 2 miles from there so I know it well...
Your Bargello workshop was so fun! I have my 4 panels almost ready to sew together I came home and sewed like a crazed quilter. Love Betsy's photo I think I'll print it and give it too her in a frame so glad we could come and sew with you.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I've never been to M&L because I'm such a driving wimp. But I've heard of it. I'm sure you'll have fun.

You're teaching at the Glendale Quilt Show? Hmmmm, could I brave the freeway to get to one of your classes? (I'm still bummed that I didn't know about your classes at Road to California until they were already filled. Ontario is in my backyard.)


regan said...

Yep....love the Amish style one, and the one with all the plaids in it! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

If I could do what those birds were doing I wouldn't be 40 pounds overweight!

Anonymous said...

If I could eat like those birds I wouldn't be 40 pounds overweight!

Nann said...

I concur with all the comments about M&L. I went there for the first time in 2009 -- and whoopee! ALA will be in Anaheim again this year and you can bet I'll include an M&L side trip.

Anonymous said...

This year at Road the Nite Owls Quilt Guild has the quilts that are on the display as you walk down the main entrance. I thought you would like to know one of the quilts hanging is RRCB. It looks great.

Karen J.
Corona Ca

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I want to sincerely apologize if I appeared to be critical of your website. I did not mean it that way. You younger folks are more computer savvy than persons my age. It is much harder for me to surf. I will gladly take your suggestion to read comments left and check the blog links that way.

Becky in upstate SC

Betsy said...

Bonnie, I had such a fun time in the Scrappy Bargello class! I really felt like I accomplished something that day! I am a pretty slow sewer, but this project enabled me to complete a whole, big section of the quilt top in just a short while! I felt successful! I sure hope I am able to take another workshop from you one of these days.

Glad I chose that stripey sweater to keep me warm that morning! It was so funny to be matching my project!

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