
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Juggling Time!

Let's face it --- Life is a JUGGLING ACT!

Some things just FORCE me to switch gears. One of these things was an email from a group that I had agreed to donate a small quilt to for their quilt auction as a fund raiser. I *TOTALLY* spaced it until this email showed up.

“No problem, it’s not due until August” the email reads.

Which still puts me in panic mode, because between now and August I will have been to Oregon for a week in July, Quickly throwing together a last minute project for a German Magazine by the end of July, a trip to Iowa for the Iowa State Quilter’s Guild thing in Storm Lake in July, An 8 day long trip to Alaska in August, and a Carribean Cruise in August. And all my Quiltmaker articles for 2011 are also due in August.

“No problem, it’s not due until AUGUST” Does NOT put my mind at ease!

So this is what I dug out:

sewday 012

Remember LAST July how I pieced and pieced and pieced piano key border, and Lori and Randy said….No….that’s not enough ---- KEEP PIECING?! And I ended up with enough piano key border for 4 or 5 quilts? ((I’m not kidding! I used it on the mini baskets, I used it on the Tumalo Trail quilt in Scraps & Shirttails II --- I “THINK” I’ve used it elsewhere also…))

sewday 013

I added a black polka dot inner border around this “devil’s claw” orphan block….and added a border of piano keys! It now measures about 27” square! Good enough!

Sometimes having “Spare Parts” just laying around is a definitely good thing!

I’ll get it quilted over the next day or so --- Get that binding on there, and I should be able to hand stitch the binding and sleeve down on the plane on my way to Oregon on Thursday.

Definitely no rest for the Quilty!

**Note** Must think things through better before agreeing to make quilts for organizations in the future without checking the calendar REALISTICALLY first!


My Life In Quilts said...

I like that. "No rest for the quilty." So true!! Very pretty block too.

MJinMichigan said...

Your schedule seems to be never ending! I had to take look at your calendar to see where you're going in Alaska. Our daughter lived in Fairbanks for a year and I visited five times and saw quite a bit of the state. I bet you'll love it and sure wish I could join you.

Anonymous said...

And after checking the calendar.... put it ON the calendar..... big grin..... but I am a big believer in spare parts! Texas

Quiet Quilter said...

That'll do! See, your subconscious mind was at work last July....

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

In this case the sum is worth much more than the parts by themselves... well done; oh, wise and juggly woman!

Marj said...

Is the devil's claw block in one of your books. It is a beautiful block. I love what you do with spare parts, so many good ideas. Thanks for sharing.

skye said...

What a great save, Bonnie!! A great little quilt; they will be thrilled.

Vicki said...

Where do we find that devil's claw block? It's great! And looks wonderful with all those piano keys. Thanks so much for your inspiration!

Me and My Stitches said...

You are one busy girl! Love the quilt you put together on such short notice. I always have my little purse calendar with me, but writing things in it is a whole different story!!

YankeeQuilter said...

That turned out great...having baskets of spare parts can turn out really useful!

Lori said...

It turned out really cute Bonnie!!

Kristin said...

I'm only about an hour from Storm Lake, IA ... can guests attend your meeting with them, or only guild memebers? I would love to come! Where can I to to find out??
By the way, lovely last-minute quilt. :-)

Loretta said...

Love the colors in the small quilt...and the piano key border. Keep saying I'm gonna try the piano key border but haven't yet.

"Spare parts" saved me this weekend. Whipped up a quilt in 2 days (that's fast for me! LOL) using crumb blocks that I had made a year or so ago.

Cathy said...

Your mini is beautiful. Now aren't you glad Lori and Randy had you make too much. lol. Hugs

susiequilter@hotmail.com said...


After reading your post about painting and home improvements I was wondering if you have Angie's list out there. It would give you the names of respectable contractors to get the drywall finished in the sunroom. Also a good place to start would be with your local firestation. Lots of firefighters moonlight doing contruction and are honest and trustworthy. About paint- my son sold paint for many years and always recommended the satin finish as you can scrub it. Just a couple of suggestions.

Marsha B said...

For a little quilt put together from spare parts, that is gorgeous! Nothing like a due date to motivate!

Beth said...

your little quilt came out nso cute! love the 'spare parts'

sewkalico said...

Well done! It's very cute and it's done now so one less thing to worry about!

Janet O. said...

Great synergy, Bonnie! (The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.) What a magical save out of random bits. I can't believe your schedule--had to catch my breath after reading it!

Louise said...

Bonnie: The little quilt is great! I hope the folks bidding know that you are a "celebrity", so they know what a treasure each of your quilts are!
Thank you for keeping up on your blog posts, despite your heavy schedule. I always look forward to reading them & they often make me smile!

Leeanne said...

I love the Devil Claw block, not such a nice name, but it looks great!

Karen Newman Fridy said...


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