
Monday, July 04, 2011

….And The Winner Is:

I’ve loved reading the comments as they came in for the Mini Windmill pattern and template!! I am so glad to be sending it to someone who wants it.

And I am amazed how so many said they would use YELLOW with it! You don’t have to, you know? You could use ANYTHING…but the yellow really does make those scraps shine, doesn’t it?

I’m also one of those who can’t “WEAR” yellow. I don’t wear orange well for that matter either, but it doesn’t stop me from putting them in my quilts. I think we have this idea that if colors aren’t good ON us, that they therefore aren’t good AROUND us either! And that’s just hogwash.

I mean, look at nature! I remember being told that pink and orange don’t go well together, but just look at the colors in the garden! Do we NOT plant certain colors because we can’t wear them? Well, I hope not!

So here we go with the winner of the Mini Windmill Pattern ---

Sarah Stephens aka SoSarahSew!

Sarah wrote:

I have 20 Florabunda blocks made already. I started as soon as I saw your original post and knew I had some 2" yellow strips from another top I was just finishing. I'm searching for more yellows to make more blocks, since 20 just doesn't do it. Thanks for the give-away chance... and all your neat patterns!

I’ve emailed Sarah, she had her email address visible in her profile settings so I “COULD” get a hold of her. Sarah, as soon as you email me back with your snail mail address, this little cute pattern will be on it’s way to you!

And I think you are rockin for having 20 blocks made already --- I’ve still got….FOUR. I’m laggin way behind, but I hope to catch up --- at some point! Congrats!

And as I look around me…..there is SO MUCH STUFF in this studio that needs to find a new home, we may be doing more giveaway’s occassionally! Of course, DH is like “You mean you are paying for postage to get rid of things??” Why sure! It doesn’t make sense to him, but it does to me!


quiltmom anna said...

Congratulations to Sarah- I am sure she will have fun with the pattern and the template. I love yellow in quilts Bonnie- so cheery- just like sunflowers.
Have fun discovering treasures in your stash.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations to Sarah - how exciting.

Barb H said...

So glad Sarah won the giveaway, and I know she'll put the pattern to good use. Yellow--my favorite color in quilts but never on the body!

pcflamingo said...

Congratulations to Sarah! On an unrelated note - I took my 3 Bonnie Hunter books with me this weekend to a gathering at the family beach cabin with my sister and 2 cousins. They were very interested in the books! I may have helped create a couple more converts to the Bonnie Hunter Way.

Janet O. said...

I've been on vacation and am trying to catch up on blog reading. Just have to say I laughed at what your DH said about paying postage on giveaways. I'm married to a man who would say that in a heartbeat, but I would still do it! : )

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