
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When Quilters Gather….

There is a dessert table!!!

And not just a dessert table….but a great buffet lunch table too. Let’s just admit it. We love our food as much as we love our fabric….

And it is going to take many more walk/jogs to burn off what I consumed yesterday!

There was NO shortage on CHOCOLATE, that is for sure! There were FOUR different kinds of brownies! And look at the chocolate cake with the white drizzle icing! There was a coconut pound cake that was so moist and delicious, and some other yummies, like peanut butter chocolate rice crispy treat bars....oh my! What is it they say about life being short, and eating dessert first?!

I think the one thing that took the cake CHEESECAKE were these:

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DO YOU SEE THESE?!?? Oh My….these are Oreo Cookie Cheesecake Bars! And they were to die for. Seriously.

I posted the picture yesterday on the Quiltville Facebook page, and got many requests for the recipes, so here you go!

Oreo Cheesecake Bars!

What You Need

36 OREO Cookies, divided

1/2 cup butter or margarine, divided

4 pkg. (8 oz. each) Cream Cheese, softened

1 cup sugar

1 cup Sour Cream

1 tsp. vanilla

4 eggs

4 squares BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate

((I am assuming you can use the “light” version of both the cream cheese, and the sour cream…if you REALLY want to!))

Make It

HEAT oven to 325°F.

LINE 13x9-inch baking pan with foil, with ends extending over sides. Finely crush 24 cookies. Melt 1/4 cup butter; mix with crumbs. Press onto bottom of prepared pan.

BEAT cream cheese and sugar with mixer until blended. Add sour cream and vanilla; mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating after each just until blended. Chop remaining cookies. Gently stir into batter; pour over crust.

BAKE 45 min. or until center is almost set. Cool. Meanwhile, microwave chocolate and remaining butter in microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1 min.; stir until smooth. Cool slightly; spread over top of cheesecake. Refrigerate 4 hours. Use foil handles to lift cheesecake from pan before cutting to serve.


How to Make Mess-Free Cookie Crumbs

Crushing cookies into crumbs can be a messy task. To keep the mess to a minimum, place the whole cookies in a zip-lock type plastic bag. Flatten bag to remove excess air, then seal bag. Crush the cookies into crumbs by rolling a rolling pin across the bag until the crumbs are as fine as you need.

How to Neatly Cut Dessert Bars

When cutting creamy-textured desserts, such as cheesecake, carefully wipe off the knife blade between cuts with a clean damp towel. This prevents the creamy filling from building up on the blade, ensuring clean cuts that leave the edges intact.

Not only did we eat, but we had a great time with the class! And this student won the prize for SEWING with Millenium Y2k fabric! It’s a classic!

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I know, I know, you saw some of these yesterday. This is what happens when I teach the class two days in a row in two separate towns, but it was sure fun…

I’m headed off to Winchester TN this morning – but before I do I need to spend some time packing up my room! I’ve been a sewing fool! And I really hit the mother lode on this one. I think THIS room makes up for the tiny-ness of that first room a week ago….just LOOK at this space!!

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Wooowhoo!! Plenty of room for setting up my sew ezi table….I’ve tried sewing at these desks before, but the problem is that the desk chair never goes high enough, and I feel like an 8 year old trying to sew up above my shoulders….that’s why I brought the table this time.

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Look at that counter!!! CUTTING TABLE HEIGHT! YAY!!!! Funny how little things can make a traveling itinerant quilter GIDDY!

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Big TV…lots of NCIS, Law & Order and CSI have been enjoyed during my evenings here!

But the best is yet to come! I’m to be the guest of Miss Diane of Treadle-fame! She’s got my new baby hand crank all ready to roll for me, and we get to play for a couple days before I give a lecture to the Material Girls Guild in Winchester on Friday, and a Virginia Bound Workshop on Saturday! I’ve got some string piecing blocks with me, and I think that will be a perfect thing to learn to control the hand crank with. And she promised me some treadle lessons too! I’ve got a few treadle machines, but honestly? I’ve not sewn on ANY Of them. I wish there was someone in my area who could help me get them up to par, because I’d love to use them.

So….off I go to pack up the bomb that has exploded in my little haven of a room here….and the journey continues!


Janet O. said...

Did you have to post that recipe? Shucks, I've been trying so hard to be good.

Ila K. said...

I really think treadle sewing should count as exercise. ;o)

Pat Z said...

Bonnie, you must be on a sugar high after all that dessert. Chocolate is a bean though, so you are eating healthy! I'm always exhauster after reading Q&S and have to take a nap. You need to bottle that energy and distribute it. I sure enjoy the blog!

regan said...

Just last night I fiddled with the height of my sewing table....cuz I had my shoulders around my ears trying to sew! Sheesh! Now it's the perfect height, can still use my knee lever, and no more back and shoulder pain! Yippee!

LOVE all the pineapple blossom blocks....I NEED to do that pattern! I love it! And it looks awesome in the red/white/blue mode....which I never do, but have tons of fabric for. lol

Thanks for the recipe.....YUM! Can't wait to make it for our next potluck!

~ Erin said...

Oh Man do those Cheesecake Brownies ever look amazing!

I however am drooling more over the Pineapple blossom blocks! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the pattern how do I get it? I NEED to make some ;)

Dori said...

Love the slide shows you post from your classes.

Beth in TN said...

Erin, the pattern is over at Quiltville.com, Bonnie's web site. Patterns on the right-hand side of the page.

Charity said...

I think this whole post is down right addicting. I now want brownies. The pinneapple quilts were to die for, especially loved the red, white, and blue one. My husband was in the service for 10 years.
So many good things to love.

Betty said...

The class yesterday was great! Sorry the A/C wasn't up to par, but at least we had power to keep on sewing! Chocolate must be second in line behind fabric on a quilter's necessity list!
Wishing you fun and safe travels on the next leg of your journey and hoping you can visit with us again sometime!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Man, I could just move into that room and LIVE there!! All they'd have to do is let me move in my fabric cabinets and drawers and maybe a hot plate and I'd be in heaven.

Karol-Ann said...

What a wonderful spread - reminds me of a certain trip to Germany ;-)
And I love Pineapple Blossom, it was my first Quiltville quilt! It's a great pattern!!!

Chris H said...

I think I love fabric more than food now!

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